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Shable - much faster Ansible equivalent, written in pure 'Sh' shell script.


POSIX compliant system with /bin/sh at least compatible with BSD-4x version from 1989.

Following are required on the target systems

  • rsync
  • bc
  • dig

SKIP_ENV_VALIDATION=1 can be added when running the task to avoid failures caused by them missing on the target host.


  • Pure Sh implementation using standard base system utils found on any modern POSIX-compliant OS.
  • No external requirements but standard base system utilities.
  • Support for Pass vault utility (requires GPG2).
  • Support for local temporary fact caching (to prevent "GPG2 password prompt flood" issue for parallel/concurrent tasks).
  • Support for Ansible inventory input format, including groups, plus global values via "_" special. (More about groups in examples below)
  • Support for Ansible templates - {{ something }} is supported, but without any logic whatsoever (it's not Php to write logic on template side!).
  • Facts, Environment and Inventory values validation (explicit and done before task is invoked on remote host - since it should never leave remote in "unknown-in-middle-of" state).
  • Clear, easy, eyes-friendly, colored debugging (just define DEBUG in env and enjoy).
  • Faster than anything else (has to be).
  • Both synchronous and asynchronous (parallel) task processing support. (Provided helpers for both modes: ./call-reign-sync and ./call-reign-async).
  • Support for tasks overloading added with v0.8 since Shable repo contains some shared/common base system files for FreeBSD and Linux.

Environment variables and optional arguments that can be passed via bin/reign:

  • RUN_AS - remote reign task will be invoked with given user privileges.
  • ARGUMENTS - special arguments (for scripts usage).
  • DEBUG - if set - debug mode is enabled.
  • SKIP_ENV_VALIDATION - if set - skip binaries availability validation (useful for host setup tasks).

Environment variables set by bin/reign while running:

  • REMOTE - contains remote host name.

Terms and glossary used:

  1. Fact - stored as *.facts - shell script format file containing facts. Example fact: feature=dtrace
  2. Task - stored as *.task - shell script format file containing functions. Example function: test_inventory_reader()

General facts/tasks loading priorities.

How include() actually loads stuff in Shable (It's assuming usage of sibling repository - with Shable as submodule with same name):

  1. Try loading Shable/facts/SYSTEM_NAME.facts (read from Shable main repo first…)
  2. Try loading facts/SYSTEM_NAME.facts (… then from sibling repo)
  3. Try loading Shable/facts/base.facts (read base facts from Shable main repo first…)
  4. Try loading facts/base.facts (… then read base facts from sibling repo)
  5. Try loading Shable/facts/given_groupname.facts (read specific facts from Shable main repo first…)
  6. Try loading facts/given_groupname.facts (… then from sibling repo)
  7. Try loading facts/cached/local.facts (if exists)
  8. Try loading cached facts from facts/cached/*.facts (if any)
  9. Load inventory facts (global, then host specific)

If there would be facts (or task functions or group) with same name, they will be overriden following this order.

How facts/tasks loading works:

Tasks are loaded after all facts with similar order - Shable tasks first, sibling tasks as last.

  1. Load all facts (…)
  2. Try loading Shable/tasks/given_groupname/*.task
  3. Try loading tasks/given_groupname/*.task

This way we can override any Shable function (or fact) on demand on any level, but also be sure that our functions will always be loaded and available under reign task.

"Reign tasks" - explanation:

The reign task is just and ordinary task put under reigns/ (or Shable/reigns/) directory. Each reign task definition file has to have main() function - one that will be invoked when reign task will be called. Only reign tasks can be "called" from "the outside" (using script or terminal). These are the only differences between "regular tasks" and "reign tasks".

Each reign task can be invoked directly this way:

  1. bin/shable inventory-test test-reign - invokes reigns/test-reign.task on local host.
  2. bin/reign inventory-test test-reign my_remote_host - syncs repository and invokes reigns/test-reign.task on remote host: "my_remote_host".

Few words about inventory files:

Shable supports idea of "global inventory variables" via special: _ like this:

_ pi=3.14159
_ phi=1.618033988749894848204586834

myhost2 supports=dtrace

For any host you'd like to read values for, each will also get values of "pi" and "phi" injected.

Shable functions a.k.a. "Shable API":

  • include(): Usage example: include "base". Read details here

  • template(): Usage example: template src="base/myfile" dest="/tmp/there" mode=0775 owner=www. Read details here

  • validate(): Usage example: validate name="${my_variable}" other="${variable}". Read details here

  • lineinfile(): Usage example: lineinfile src="/some/file" line="'flamenco classico'". Read details here

  • cronjob(): Usage example: cronjob name="audit_start" type="cron" job="/usr/local/bin/start_new_log_hourly" user="root" minute="*/10". Read details here

  • only_for(): Usage example: only_for Darwin FreeBSD NetBSD OpenBSD. Read details here

  • only_as(): Usage example: only_as "root". Read details here

  • inventory_read(): Usage example: inventory_read inventory:group host. Read details here

  • inventory_hosts(): Usage example: inventory_hosts inventory:somegroup. Read details here

  • facts_write(): Usage example: facts_write mykey=somevalue. Read details here

  • only_bits(): Usage example: only_bits "64". Read details here

Usage examples:

Execute reign task on local system.

"bin/shable" is invoked by "bin/reign" on remote hosts this way.

bin/shable inventory-test test-reign

Execute tasks defined under "reigns/test-reign.task" on host "kenny" for "default" inventory group:

Host params are loaded from Ansible-compliant "inventory" file.

bin/reign inventory-test test-reign kenny

Execute synchronous (one by one), for each remote defined in inventory file.

Shable helper script is called here. Consider such script a "helper".

./call-reign-sync test-reign

Execute asynchronously (all at once), for each remote defined in inventory file.

Asynchronous helper is bit more complicated. It spawns everything and watches log file for each process result. If process fails it will attempts to retry multiple times or return an error(s) in report. In some cases this script will never finish and have to be interrupted.

./call-reign-async test-reign

Calling Reigns and inventory groups:

Shable is using Ansible inventory format, groups are no different. The only difference is with group calling. Shable is using unix-like notation, for example: inventory:group

Invoke Shable reign locally: "test-reign" on local host: bin/shable inventory-test test-reign

Invoke reign: "test-reign" on host: "myhost" of group: "mygroup" from inventory file: "inventory", with DEBUG details:

DEBUG=1 bin/reign inventory:mygroup test-reign myhost


Shable is using ANSI coloring for output by default. If you don't like it, try disabling TTY feature of your terminal.

DEBUG=1 bin/reign …

Debugging per Shable function:

Here we're loading shable functions and calling inner functions "inventory_hosts()" and "inventory_read()" directly:

Example 1:

${SHELL}        # load new shell since in case of error
                # whole environment will be closed by error()
. lib/shable    # load Shable functions

# load hosts of group: "anything" from inventory file: "inventory-test" with debugging information:
DEBUG=1 inventory_hosts inventory-test:anything

Example 2:

${SHELL}        # load new shell since in case of error
                # whole environment will be closed by error()
. lib/shable    # load Shable functions

# load and inject values of user: "demo2" of group: "anything" from inventory file: "inventory-test"
inventory_read inventory-test:anything demo2

echo "${test3value}" # value from params of host "demo2" from inventory file
# => 888

Testing Shable core functionality:

DEBUG=1 bin/test

Doing private Sibling repo for Shable?

git clone --recursive Shable.YourCompany

Then just define your facts, tasks, templates and stuff.. and have fun :)


MIT/BSD/IDGAS license.


Ansible replacement, written in pure Sh






No packages published

Contributors 4

