Android framework for iBeacon technology usage. Min SDK version required: 18
SmartBeacon's SDK simplifies the use of iBeacon technology with SmartBeacon's hardware. In only few steps, you will be able to communicate with beacons.
- Platform support. You can now use your SmartBeacon user account (using your api key) to track your users usage
- New listeners added (for platform use): SBPlatformListener and SBPlatformActivityListener
- Fix multiple dex files bug (
- Javadocs updated
- SBLocationManager.getInstance() need Context object as argument
- Proximities management (IMMEDIATE, NEAR and FAR)
- Frequency.LOW is 5 seconds
- New method added in SBLocationManagerListener: onUpdatedProximity(SBBeacon beacon, Proximity fromProximity, Proximity toProximity)
- New SBCalibrator class: you can customize your range of proximities
In few step, you can integrate our SDK, quick an easy. Follow steps described below to start SmartBeacon SDK implementation:
Copy smartbeaconsdk.jar and json-simple ( into lib directory (in your Android project).
Edit your AndroidManifest.xml file by adding following permissions and feature (directly in manifest node):
<!-- Bluetooth Low Energy permissions --->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.bluetooth_le" android:required="false" />
<!-- Network permissions --->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<!-- Task permission -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_TASKS" />
- Create an activity, DemoActivity for example:
// SmartBeacon imports
import eu.smartbeacon.sdk.core.SBBeacon;
import eu.smartbeacon.sdk.core.SBLocationManager;
import eu.smartbeacon.sdk.core.SBLocationManagerListener;
import eu.smartbeacon.sdk.core.SBRegion;
import eu.smartbeacon.sdk.core.SBScanDeviceListener;
import eu.smartbeacon.sdk.core.SBLocationManager.Frequency;
import eu.smartbeacon.sdk.utils.SBLogger;
// other imports
import android.os.Bundle;
public class DemoActivity extends Activity implements SBLocationManagerListener
protected void onPostCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
// enable logging message
// get shared instance of SBLocationManager
SBLocationManager sbManager = SBLocationManager.getInstance(this);
// add SmartBeacon region
// register for beacon location update
// you can also change update frequency (update between each update)
// available values: Frequency.HIGH (eq. 1 sec), Frequency.DEFAULT (eq. 3 sec) and Frequency.LOW (eq. 5 sec)
// by default, value is Frequency.DEFAULT
// sbManager.setUpdateFrequency(Frequency.DEFAULT);
// start monitoring and ranging beacons
protected void onDestroy()
// stop monitoring and ranging beacons
// these three methods will be called after waiting delay defined by frequency value.
// called when app enters in range of beacons list
public void onEnteredBeacons(List<SBBeacon> beacons)
SBLogger.d("we enter into " + beacons.size() + " beacons!");
// called when app exits in range of beacons list
public void onExitedBeacons(List<SBBeacon> beacons)
SBLogger.d("we leave " + beacons.size() + " beacons!");
// called when app is in range of beacons list
public void onDiscoveredBeacons(List<SBBeacon> beacons)
SBLogger.d("we discover " + beacons.size() + " beacons!");
public void onUpdatedProximity(SBBeacon beacon, Proximity fromProximity, Proximity toProximity)
// notification of proximity change for specific beacon
- To link your SmartBeacon user account to your Android app, please complete the followings instructions:
// in your activity class, for example
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
// get shared instance using Context instance
SBPlatform platformInstance = SBPlatform.getInstance(this);
// use your own api key
// (go to to get it)
// use this listener to customize the behavior of the app when you are catching data/message
// use this listener to visualize your data/message (simple interface)
// if your want to display the dedicated detail activity, please add the declaration of activity in your manifest file
// inside application tag: <activity android:name="eu.smartbeacon.sdk.platform.SBBeaconActivity"></activity>
// start listening
// method to implement when you do: platformInstance.setPlatformListener(...)
public void onBeaconTriggerInformation(JSONObject info)
// here, you can get 'attached beacon datas' according your SmartBeacon configuration
// info.get(SBPlatform.DataKey.TITLE); to get message title
// info.get(SBPlatform.DataKey.DESCRIPTION); to get message description
// method to implement when you do: platformInstance.setPlatformActivityListener(...)
public void onBeaconTriggerActivityIntent(Intent intent)
// here, you can visualize 'attached beacon datas' according your SmartBeacon configuration
// startActivity(intent);
// you can also test if activity is already displayed:
// get SmartBeacon detail activity full class name:
// String sbFullClassName = intent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()).flattenToString();
// if (ContextManagerUtils.getDisplayedPackageName(context).equals(sbFullClassName))
// {
// don't show activity
// }
// else
// {
// show activity
// startActivity(intent);
// }
// don't forget to stop listening
protected void onDestroy()
// get shared instance using Context instance and stop listening