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Speiger edited this page Sep 2, 2024 · 7 revisions

This page is the documentation for all the commands.

Providing you with all the command documentation with examples.
A few things right out of the gate:

  • A few Commands have the [TaskId] as a parameter.
    The [TaskId] is the unique name you have to type into gen/deletion command.
    This might not make sense right now, just keep it in mind.
  • Chunk Pregenerator works with Chunk Values. A Chunk is 16 Blocks big.
    Simply diving everything by 16 turns a Block Radius to a Chunk Radius.
$\underline{\text{Essential Commands}}$

These Commands are your basic controls you might always need.


The stop command stops all the active tasks that are running.
If you want to stop a specific task then the Task Id can be provided too.


Command Action
/pregen stop Stops all Tasks
/pregen stop [TaskId] Stops a Specific Task
/pregen stop [TaskId] [true/false] Stops and deletes a Specific Task


The Clear Command is for deleting specific tasks if you don't want them to continue.
If the task you want to delete is actively running then it will be stopped too.


Command Action
/pregen clear Deletes all Tasks
/pregen clear [TaskId] Deletes a Specific Task


If you have stopped a Task but want to continue it or want to continue on a specific task instead of processing it in the insertion order.
The Continue Command is your best friend!


Command Action
/pregen continue Continues the first task in the queue
/pregen continue [TaskId] Continues the selected task


This Command pauses a task.
This doesn't mean it will instantly stop doing what it has been doing.
It will finish the current batch it has started and then not continue on the next batch.


Command Action
/pregen pause Pauses all tasks
/pregen pause [TaskId] Pauses a specific Task


The Resume task continues a Paused Task.
Note this can not continue stopped Tasks.
Only Paused tasks are valid Targets.


Command Action
/pregen resume Resumes all tasks
/pregen resume [TaskId] Resumes a specific Task


The Task List Command shows you the Tasks that are pending to be processed.
On top of that it allows to delete tasks if wanted.


Command Action
/pregen tasklist gen Shows the TaskList of Generation Tasks
/pregen tasklist deletion Shows the TaskList of Deletion Tasks

${\underline{\text{Generation Commands}}}$

This is the Generation commands Section.
This Section provides you will all the info you need to generate your world effectively!

${\underline{\text{Generation Types}}}$

Chunk Pregenerator provides a bunch of Generation Types.
These provide specific utilties that may or may not be needed.
Valid Values:

Generation Type Value Information
Normal Gen NORMAL_GEN Generates the world like normal.
Scans every single chunk to figure out if it was fully generated or not
Fast Gen FAST_CHECK_GEN Generates the world like normal.
Uses a Approximation Scan to figure out if a Chunk was fully generated.
Which reduces the accuracy in edge cases a bit, but is 10000x faster.
Post Gen POST_GEN Scans and fixes existing Chunks to figure out if they were fully generated.
Doesn't generate new chunks
Terrain Only TERRAIN_ONLY Only Generates the Terrain not ores/trees/structures.
When players explore these will generate.
Good for a Fog Of War Map. Doesn't provide Performance Boost.
Terrain Only Mode BLOCK_POST Only Generates the Terrain and then finishes the Chunk so it is saved as fully generated chunk.
Chunk Pregen can't post gen these chunks either!
Retrogen RETROGEN Turns the Pregen task into a Retrogen task where Selected Generators are applied on to the chunks.
Doesn't generate new chunks.
Check out the Retrogen Section which is under the Utility Commands!


The Radius command is your most basic Pregeneration command.
You define a center and a radius and it generates everything from the inside out.

Command Structure:

/pregen start gen radius TaskId Shape CenterX CenterZ Radius Dimension GenerationType
Argument Required Valid Value Default Information
TaskId Yes Any Name The Identifier of the Task
Shape Yes SQUARE/CIRCLE The Shape of the Generation
CenterX / CenterZ Yes Any Number
(in Chunks)
The Center Position of the Pregeneration.
Supports Relative values to (~).
if Advanced Arguments enabled also Spawn location (^)
Radius Yes Any Number
(in Chunks)
How big the Pregeneration should be
Dimension No Any Valid DimensionId The Dimension you are in.
Server Console defaults to overworld.
Decides which dimension the pregeneration should be in
Generation Type No Any Valid Type FAST_CHECK_GEN Please check out the Generation type Section


Command Action
/pregen start gen radius GenExample SQUARE 0 0 100 Starts a 100 Radius Square Pregeneration task.
In the Dimension you are in with the TaskId "GenExample"
/pregen start gen radius GenExample CIRCLE 0 0 250 minecraft:the_nether Starts a 250 Radius Circle Pregeneration task.
In the Nether with the TaskId "GenExample"
/pregen start gen radius GenExample SQUARE 0 0 100 minecraft:overworld RETROGEN Starts a 100 Radius Square Retrogeneration task.
In the Overworld with the TaskId "GenExample"
/pregen start gen radius GenExample SQUARE ~ ~ 100 Starts a 100 Radius Square Pregeneration task around you.
In the Dimension you are in with the TaskId "GenExample"
/pregen start gen radius GenExample SQUARE ^ ^ 100 Starts a 100 Radius Square Pregeneration task around you.
In the Dimension you are in with the TaskId "GenExample"
Requires Adv Arguments enabled in the config


The Expansion command is when you already have pregenerated your world but want to expand said world without redoing existing work.
While that is a non issue due to how chunk pregen works.
It still has it's uses when you want to exclude a minimum area.

Command Structure:

/pregen start gen expansion TaskId Shape CenterX CenterZ MinRadius MaxRadius Dimension GenerationType
Argument Required Valid Value Default Information
TaskId Yes Any Name The Identifier of the Task
Shape Yes SQUARE/CIRCLE The Shape of the Generation
CenterX / CenterZ Yes Any Number
(in Chunks)
The Center Position of the Pregeneration.
Supports Relative values to (~).
if Advanced Arguments enabled also Spawn location (^)
MinRadius Yes Any Number
(in Chunks)
The Minimum Radius the Pregeneration should start
MaxRadius Yes Any Number
(in Chunks)
The Maximum Radius the Pregeneration should stop
Dimension No Any Valid DimensionId The Dimension you are in.
Server Console defaults to overworld.
Decides which dimension the pregeneration should be in
Generation Type No Any Valid Type FAST_CHECK_GEN Please check out the Generation type Section


Command Action
/pregen start gen expansion GenExample SQUARE 0 0 100 300 Starts a Square Expansion task from 100 to 300 chunk Radius.
In the Dimension you are in with the TaskId "GenExample"
/pregen start gen expansion GenExample SQUARE ~ ~ 100 300 minecraft:the_nether Starts a Square Expansion task around you from 100 to 300 chunk Radius.
In the Nether with the TaskId "GenExample"


The WorldBorder command is a simplification Command.
It will simply create a task that generates within the Confines of the Worldborder. Simplifying the entire process. Note: Custom Worldborder shapes are not supported!

Command Structure:

/pregen start gen worldborder TaskId Dimension GenerationType
Argument Required Valid Value Default Information
TaskId Yes Any Name The Identifier of the Task
Dimension No Any Valid DimensionId The Dimension you are in.
Server Console defaults to overworld.
Decides which dimension the pregeneration should be in
Generation Type No Any Valid Type FAST_CHECK_GEN Please check out the Generation type Section


Command Action
/pregen start gen worldborder GenExample Starts a Pregen Task of the size of the Worldborder.
In the dimension you are in with the TaskId "GenExample"


The Benchmark commands are there to allow you to test performance of the worldgen mods.

Command Structure:

/pregen start benchmark start taskSize SendAnlytics
Argument Required Valid Value Default Information
taskSize false Adv Arguments:
SMALL_TASK/true The Size of the Benchmark.
SmallTask: 40k Chunks
LargeTask: 250k Chunks
SendAnlytics false true/false false Sends the Result to a collection Server to allow the dev to see benchmarks

Small Note: Enabling analytics sends your UUID + Session UUID + Hardware info to the analytics server.
It is disabled by default though.

There is ofcourse a few other commands so lets list them here too with a benchmark example:

Command Action
/pregen start benchmark start Starts a Small Benchmark Task in every single dimension.
Doesn't send analytics
/pregen start benchmark start LARGE_TASK Starts a Large Benchmark Task in every single dimension.
Doesn't send analytics
/pregen start benchmark SMALL_TASK true Starts a Small Benchmark Task in every single dimension.
Sends analytics
/pregen start benchmark info Provides information about how benchmarks work and how the results are processed
/pregen start benchmark submit-cache Sends the Result Cache of all benchmarks done to the Analytics Server

${\underline{\text{Deletion Commands}}}$

Sometimes you have generated to much or need to prune chunks that are only temporary.
Or you want to straight up get rid of terrain.
Usually you use Third Party Tools like MCEdit or others to achieve that.
Though this isn't really needed since Chunk Pregen can do such a Task on the fly.
Also amazingly fast too. Depending on your hardware it can delete tens of thousands of chunks per second.
And it will not delete Loaded Chunks.


The Radius Deletion Command is your most basic Task out there.
It will delete everything up to the defined radius.

Command Strucutre:

/pregen start delete radius TaskId Shape CenterX CenterZ Radius Dimension
Argument Required Valid Value Default Information
TaskId Yes Any Name The Identifier of the Task
Shape Yes SQUARE/CIRCLE The Shape of the Generation
CenterX / CenterZ Yes Any Number
(in Chunks)
The Center Position of the Deletion.
Supports Relative values to (~).
if Advanced Arguments enabled also Spawn location (^)
Radius Yes Any Number
(in Chunks)
How big the Deletion Task should be
Dimension No Any Valid DimensionId The Dimension you are in.
Server Console defaults to overworld.
Decides which dimension the Delection Task should be in


Command Action
/pregen start delete radius DeletionExample SQUARE 0 0 100 Starts a 100 Radius Square Deletion task.
In the Dimension you are in with the TaskId "DeletionExample"
/pregen start delete radius DeletionExample CIRCLE 0 0 250 minecraft:the_nether Starts a 250 Radius Circle Deletion task.
In the Nether with the TaskId "DeletionExample"
/pregen start delete radius DeletionExample SQUARE ~ ~ 100 Starts a 100 Radius Square Deletion task around you.
In the Dimension you are in with the TaskId "DeletionExample"
/pregen start delete radius DeletionExample SQUARE ^ ^ 100 Starts a 100 Radius Square Deletion task around you.
In the Dimension you are in with the TaskId "DeletionExample"
Requires Adv Arguments enabled in the config


The Expansion Command is your first way to deal with Temporary chunks you want to prune over time.
It provides a Minimum save Radius and a Maximum Radius it will go.

Command Strucutre:

/pregen start delete expansion TaskId Shape CenterX CenterZ MinRadius MaxRadius Dimension
Argument Required Valid Value Default Information
TaskId Yes Any Name The Identifier of the Task
Shape Yes SQUARE/CIRCLE The Shape of the Generation
CenterX / CenterZ Yes Any Number
(in Chunks)
The Center Position of the Deletion.
Supports Relative values to (~).
if Advanced Arguments enabled also Spawn location (^)
MinRadius Yes Any Number
(in Chunks)
At which Radius the Deletion should begin
MaxRadius Yes Any Number
(in Chunks)
At which Radius the Deletion should stop
Dimension No Any Valid DimensionId The Dimension you are in.
Server Console defaults to overworld.
Decides which dimension the Delection Task should be in


Command Action
/pregen start delete expansion DeletionExample SQUARE 0 0 100 300 Starts a Deletion Task that deletes everything between a 100 to 300 chunk Radius.
In the Dimension you are in with the TaskId "DeletionExample"
/pregen start delete expansion DeletionExample SQUARE ~ ~ 100 300 minecraft:the_nether Starts a Deletion Task around you that deletes everything between a 100 to 300 chunk Radius.
In the Nether with the TaskId "DeletionExample"


The Trim Command is your Inverse Radius command that allows deletion a bit more controlled!
Instead of Deleting Inside out it deletes Outside in.
Where you provide a Minimum Safe radius instead of a Maximum Deletion Radius.

Command Structure:

/pregen start delete trim TaskId MinRadius Dimension
Argument Required Valid Value Default Information
TaskId Yes Any Name The Identifier of the Task
CenterX / CenterZ Yes Any Number
(in Chunks)
The Center Position of the Trim.
Supports Relative values to (~).
if Advanced Arguments enabled also Spawn location (^)
MinRadius Yes Any Number
(in Chunks)
How big the Safe area should be
Dimension No Any Valid DimensionId The Dimension you are in.
Server Console defaults to overworld.
Decides which dimension the Delection Task should be in


Command Action
/pregen start delete trim DeletionExample 0 0 100 minecraft:the_end Deletes any chunk Further out then 100 chunks from the center of the world.
In the End Dimension with the TaskId "DeletionExample"

${\underline{\text{Timed Trim}}}$

The Timed Trim task is a much more advanced Deletion Task.
It can read how long a Chunk has been Occupied by a player and uses that information to filter chunks that have been not occupied long enough.

Command Structure:

/pregen start delete timedtrim TaskId MinRadius MinTime Dimension
Argument Required Valid Value Default Information
TaskId Yes Any Name The Identifier of the Task
CenterX / CenterZ Yes Any Number
(in Chunks)
The Center Position of the TimedTrim.
Supports Relative values to (~).
if Advanced Arguments enabled also Spawn location (^)
MinRadius Yes Any Number
(in Chunks)
How big the Safe area should be
MinTime Yes Any Number
(Minecraft Time)
Decides how long a Chunk has to be occupied.
Otherwise it will get deleted.
Dimension No Any Valid DimensionId The Dimension you are in.
Server Console defaults to overworld.
Decides which dimension the Delection Task should be in

Examples: Examples:

Command Action
/pregen start delete timedtrim DeletionExample 0 0 100 1d minecraft:the_end Deletes any Chunk that is further out then 100 chunks from the center
and was not loaded longer then 1 minecraft day by a player.
In the End with the TaskId "DeletionExample"

${\underline{\text{Utility Commands}}}$

This section is the Utilities Section where all the Helpful commands can be that you might need.

${\underline{\text{Info Commands}}}$

Chunk Pregenerator is a Information heavy Mod.
During Pregeneration it can spam your chat with a lot.
But it has a special UI that might not require you to have such a chat spam.

It can be simply turned on/off with the following commands:

Command Action
/pregen info listen Makes you listen to any active Task running.
/pregen info unlisten Makes you stop listening to active Tasks.

Now sometimes you want to define if you automatically listen or not listen to tasks so you don't have to write these things again and again.
Well the following commands make this also quite possible!

Command Action
/pregen info autolisten enable Makes you automatically listen to any task started by any player
/pregen info autolisten disable Makes you automatically ignore all tasks started, including yours
/pregen info autolisten reset Sets you back to the default, only automatically listening to tasks you started

${\underline{\text{Dimension Commands (1.16+)}}}$

Since 1.16 minecraft enforces that all dimensions have to be loaded all the time.
Chunk Pregenerator provides a implementation that you can turn of unused dimensions so they won't take up extra performance!
Note: You can't go into these dimensions when they are disabled!!!

Here is the list of commands:

Command Action
/pregen utils dimension enable dimensionId Enables the Selected dimension
/pregen utils dimension disable dimensionId Disables the Selected dimension
/pregen utils dimension info Describes what the feature does

${\underline{\text{Profiler Commands (Requires Expansion)}}}$

Chunk Pregenerator also adds a few Profiling Tools.
Which require the expansion to be used.

Command Action
/pregen utils profiler enable Enables the Profiling UI
/pregen utils profiler disable Disables the Profiling UI
/pregen utils gc Runs Javas Garbage Collection.
On Dedicated servers if that takes to long this can crash the server!

The Profiling UI provides you with live stats such as:

  • Server TPS/Usage
  • Server Ram Usage
  • Live Stats about: Entities/TileEntities/Packets/BlockUpdates/etc
  • In general how the server is doing Note that the UI is not free to use. It requires to be a supporter!

${\underline{\text{Performance Commands (1.12.2 or Older)}}}$

--- The Performance commands are there so you can control how much performance the mod uses on worldgeneration vs gameplay.

Command Action Default
/pregen utils priorty PREGENERATOR
/pregen utils priorty GAME
Toggles the CPU priority of the pregenerator.
PREGNERATOR: The pregenerator gets priority.
GAME: The Game Gets the Priority
/pregen utils timePerTick 250 Sets the maximum time in Milliseconds of how long the pregenerator should work on chunk generation per tick
Above 50 will lag the game. Above 250 will crash servers

${\underline{\text{Structure Commands (1.12.2 or Older)}}}$


Structure Commands allow you control over Structure listing/removal/prevention of generating.



Lists all the Structures in the world

Command Structure:

/pregen structure list Dimension StructureType
Argument Required Valid Value Default Information
Dimension No Any Valid DimensionId The Dimension you are in.
Server Console defaults to overworld.
Defines which dimension the structures information should be pulled from
StructureType No Any Valid StructureId
or "All"
"All" Defines the Type Of Structure that should be listed


Command Action
/pregen structure list 0 Mineshaft Lists all the structures in the overworld of the type "Mineshaft"



Command Structure:

/pregen structure delete Dimension StructureType StructurePosition RemoveFromWorld
Argument Required Valid Value Default Information
Dimension Yes Any Valid DimensionId The Dimension the structure should be deleted in.
StructureType Yes Any Valid StructureId
or "All"
Defines which type of structure should be deleted
StructurePosition Yes X & Z Coordinates Defines the location of the Structure
RemoveFromWorld No True/False false Defines if the structure should be deleted from the world
Or if just the reference should be deleted


Command Action
/pregen structure delete 0 Mineshaft 78 80 true Deletes a Village in the Overworld at location 78 80 and deletes it from the world.

TODO finish me!

${\underline{\text{Retrogen Commands}}}$

Chunk Pregenerator also comes with a Retrogenerator included.
Instead of Having Players run around to cause retrogeneration.
The Pregenerator just loads every single chunk and retrogenerates everything for you.
NOTE: The Retrogenerator can not force a worldgenerator to act. It only suggests it to said worldgenerator.
But the World Generator the final say

Command Action
/pregen retrogen show Shows you all active Retrogenerators
/pregen retrogen add [WorldGeneratorId] Adds a selected WorldGenerator to the Active Retrogeneration List.
/pregen retrogen remove [WorldGeneratorId] Removes a selected WorldGenerator from the Active Retrogeneration List.


Command Action
/pregen retrogen add minecraft:basalt_pillar Adds Birch Trees to the Active Retrogen Lists
/pregen retrogen remove minecraft:basalt_pillar Removes Birch Trees from the Active Retrogen Lists

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