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This is a project that provides bash util script(s) related to Tasker App package.




  • Android users should install Termux App.
  • Windows users should install cygwin and use cygwin shell to run scripts.
  • GNU variant of sed should be installed in your system.
    • Termux (non-root shell): apt install sed
    • Linux distros: sudo apt install sed
    • Windows: It should ideally be installed by default with cygwin. If not, then run cygwin installer and search package and install.


Install Instructions For Termux In Android

The tasker_package_utils file should be placed in termux bin directory /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin and it should have termux uid:gid ownership and have executable 700 permission before it can be run in the termux terminal without specifying its path.

  1. Copy the file to termux bin directory: Either cd to the download/extraction directory and run following commands
cat tasker_package_utils > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/tasker_package_utils

Or use a file browser like root explorer to copy the file to the termux bin directory.

  1. Set correct ownership and permission: Either run following commands to set them automatically, requires su binary to be in $PATH.
export termux_bin_path="/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin"; export owner="$(stat -c "%u" "$termux_bin_path")"; for f in tasker_package_utils; do if [ -f "$termux_bin_path/$f" ]; then su -c "chown $owner:$owner \"$termux_bin_path/$f\" && chmod 700 \"$termux_bin_path/$f\""; fi; done;

Or manually set them with your file browser. You can find termux uid and gid by running the command id -u in a non root shell in termux or by checking the properties of the termux bin directory from your file browser.

tasker_package_utils Script Usage

You may optionally run the script placed in the current directory without setting the ownership and permission by running the command bash tasker_package_utils. If you are not running the script in termux, set the shebang of the script correctly (the first line of the script).

  • tasker_package_utils
  tasker_package_utils [ -h | --help ]
  tasker_package_utils [ --version ]
  tasker_package_utils command [command_options]

Available commands:
  convert_system_priv     convert tasker user app to system privileged app
  convert_user            convert tasker system privileged app to user app
  uninstall               uninstall tasker
  perms                   manage tasker permissions

Use \"tasker_package_utils command [ -h | --help ]\" for more help about a command.

  • tasker_package_utils convert_system_priv

tasker_package_utils convert_system_priv command is used to convert tasker user app to system privileged app.

tasker_package_utils convert_system_priv command is used to convert tasker user app to system privileged app.

  tasker_package_utils convert_system_priv [command_options] -d|n

Available command_options:
  [ -h | --help ]    display this help screen
  [ -v | -vv ]       set verbose level to 1 or 2
  [ -n ]             normal conversion mode
  [ -d ]             dirty conversion mode

If the 'n' option is passed, then normal conversion mode will be used and during conversion tasker will \
be uninstalled and you will loose all tasker data and desktop shortcuts.

If the 'd' option is passed, then dirty conversion mode will be used and during conversion tasker will \
not be uninstalled and you will not loose any tasker data or desktop shortcuts but this can leave the \
packages info of android system in an inconsistent state and you might have trouble uninstalling tasker \

set verbose level to 1 or 2 to get more info when running tasker_package_utils names command.
#Convert tasker user app to system privileged app in normal mode
#this will uninstall tasker and you will loose all tasker data and desktop shortcuts
bash tasker_package_utils convert_system_priv -n

#Convert tasker user app to system privileged app in dirty mode
#this will not uninstall tasker and you will not loose any tasker data or desktop shortcuts
#but this can leave the packages info of android system in an inconsistent state and you might have trouble uninstalling tasker
#you may need to manually remove tasker apk to uninstall and remove "" tags from "/data/system/packages.xml"
bash tasker_package_utils convert_system_priv -d

  • tasker_package_utils convert_user

tasker_package_utils convert_user command is used to convert tasker system privileged app to user app.

This is currently unsupported and will be implemented later.

tasker_package_utils convert_user command is used to convert tasker system privileged app to user app.

  tasker_package_utils convert_user [command_options] -d|n

Available command_options:
  [ -h | --help ]    display this help screen
  [ -v | -vv ]       set verbose level to 1 or 2
  [ -n ]             normal conversion mode
  [ -d ]             dirty conversion mode

The '-d' or the '-n' option must be passed to set the conversion_mode.

set verbose level to 1 or 2 to get more info when running tasker_package_utils names command.
#Convert tasker system privileged app to user app in normal mode
bash tasker_package_utils convert_user

  • tasker_package_utils uninstall

tasker_package_utils uninstall command is used to to uninstall tasker. The tasker system privileged apk will also be removed provided that tasker_package_utils convert_system_priv command was used to install it as a system privileged app.

tasker_package_utils uninstall command is used to uninstall tasker.
  tasker_package_utils uninstall [command_options] tasker_config

Available command_options:
  [ -h | --help ]    display this help screen
  [ -v | -vv ]       set verbose level to 1 or 2

set verbose level to 1 or 2 to get more info when running tasker_package_utils uninstall command.
#Uninstall tasker
bash tasker_package_utils uninstall

  • tasker_package_utils perms

tasker_package_utils perms command is used to manage tasker package permissions. This command supports the script to be run directly on the device itself in a root shell like in termux or to be run over adb.

tasker_package_utils perms command is used manage tasker package permissions.
  tasker_package_utils perms [command_options] grant|revoke|list
  tasker_package_utils perms [command_options] grant|revoke permission_1 permission_2 ...

Available command_options:
  [ -h | --help ]    display this help screen
  [ -v | -vv ]       set verbose level to 1 or 2
  [ -a ]             run_mode adb
  [ -d ]             run_mode dev [default]
  [ -r ]             run_mode adb_root

The first argument passed sets the perms_mode of the perms command and must be equal to 'grant', \
'revoke' or 'list'.
- 'grant' mode grants permissions to the tasker package
- 'revoke' mode grants permissions to the tasker package
- 'list' mode lists all permissions granted to the tasker package

If no additional permission arguments are passed and perms_mode is 'grant' or 'revoke', then \
all uncommented permissions in the permissions_array at the start of this script are granted \
or revoked.

If any permission that is processed does not contain a dot '.', then 'android.permission.' is \
automatically prefixed to it.

The options '-a', '-d' and '-r' set the run_mode of the perms command.
- 'dev' if script is directly running on an android device like in termux
- 'adb' if script is running on a computer and you want to run commands over adb
- 'adb_root' if script is running on a computer and you want to run commands over adb with root

The 'adb_root' run_mode might be needed in case you are getting permission denied errors while using \
'adb' run_mode. The default run_mode is 'dev'.

set verbose level to 1 or 2 to get more info when running tasker_package_utils perms command.
#Grant all uncommented permissions in the permissions_list array in tasker_package_utils script to tasker

#run in a root shell in your android device like in termux
bash tasker_package_utils perms grant

#or run over adb
bash tasker_package_utils perms -a grant

#Grant specific permission to tasker

#run in a root shell in your android device like in termux
bash tasker_package_utils perms grant "android.permission.READ_LOGS"

#or run over adb
bash tasker_package_utils perms -a grant "android.permission.READ_LOGS"

#if the permission passed does not contain a dot ".", then "android.permission." is automatically prefixed to it
bash tasker_package_utils perms grant "READ_LOGS"

#Revoke all uncommented permissions in the permissions_list array in tasker_package_utils script to tasker

#run in a root shell in your android device like in termux
bash tasker_package_utils perms revoke

#or run over adb
bash tasker_package_utils perms -a revoke

#Revoke specific permission from tasker

#run in a root shell in your android device like in termux
bash tasker_package_utils perms revoke "android.permission.READ_LOGS"

#or run over adb
bash tasker_package_utils perms -a revoke "android.permission.READ_LOGS"

#if the permission passed does not contain a dot ".", then "android.permission." is automatically prefixed to it
bash tasker_package_utils perms -a revoke "READ_LOGS"

#List all permissions granted to tasker. Wait a few seconds after permission is granted or revoked and tasker app is restarted for updates to take effect.

#run in a root shell in your android device like in termux
bash tasker_package_utils perms list

#or run over adb
bash tasker_package_utils perms -a list

#or run over adb with root if permission denied errors are received
bash tasker_package_utils perms -r list

#check if specific permission is granted to tasker
bash tasker_package_utils perms list | grep READ_LOGS

Current Features

  • Convert Tasker user app to system privileged app.
  • Uninstall Tasker
  • Grant/Revoke/List Tasker package permissions.
  • Run Commands in a root shell on the device or over adb with or without root.

Planned Features

  • Convert Tasker system privileged app to user app.



Worthy Of Note



Check file for the Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) and Frequently Unasked Questions(FUQs).


Check file for the Changelog.

