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In this project , I have created a basic CRUD API in Golang.

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In this project , I have created a basic CRUD API in Golang for a movie serving site.

Let's get started , first I will create a folder and name it as Golang-Movies-CRUD-API after this open Powershell in that folder and run a command go mod init go-movies-crud-api , this command will create a .mod file in this directory which will store our required dependencies . Next run go get -u , this will add Gorilla to your go.mod file which will be used later in the project .

Why are we using mux ?
Package /mux implements a request router and dispatcher for matching incoming requests to their respective handler.Basically we are using mux to handle our routes .

We will create a main.go file next , packages which we will be importing is :

package main

import (

// is a Golang HTTP router

Usage of these packages will be covered later in this project.

Creating a simple struct of name Director which will have two variables of type string , name of first variable is Firstname and second one is Lastname .

type Director struct {
	Firstname string `json : "firstname"`
	Lastname  string `json : "lastname"`

Next create a struct named as Movie which will have Id of type string it will be used to provide unique id's to our collection of movies, Isbn type string , Title of type string this will be title of our movie.Atlast we will have variable Director of type Director this will contain name of our movie director, with all of these variable we will also write there json name as well , this json name will be name of these variable in our json object .

type Movie struct {
	Id       string    `json :"id"`
	Isbn     string    `json:"isbn"`
	Title    string    `json:"title"`
	Director *Director `json : "director"`

We will declare a slice named as movies with type Movie , this will help us to store our struct of different movies.

var movies []Movie

let's write our main function .

For this we will start with a print statement which will be printing Your server is connected on port 8000 , I have choosed 8000 you can choose according to yourself . fmt.Println("Your server is connected on port 8000")

fmt package is used to print statements or values of variables on terminal or web page.

Next we will be adding 3 movies to our moveis slice . Like this :

movies = append(movies, Movie{Id: "1", Isbn: "5000", Title: "Movie One", Director: &Director{Firstname: "John", Lastname: "Doe"}})

movies = append(movies, Movie{Id: "2", Isbn: "5010", Title: "Movie Two", Director: &Director{Firstname: "Rahul", Lastname: "Kumar Jha"}})

movies = append(movies, Movie{Id: "3", Isbn: "5020", Title: "Movie Three", Director: &Director{Firstname: "Rahul", Lastname: "Kumar"}})

We will use mux.NewRouter() to create a new router . Which will be used to handle our end points .

r := mux.NewRouter()

After this we will assign our end points there handler function using HandleFunc . We have 5 end points :

	r.HandleFunc("/movies", getMovies).Methods("GET")
	r.HandleFunc("/movies/{id}", getMovie).Methods("GET")
	r.HandleFunc("/movies", createMovie).Methods("POST")
	r.HandleFunc("/movies/{id}", updateMovie).Methods("PUT")
	r.HandleFunc("/movies/{id}", deleteMovie).Methods("DELETE")

Our end points :

//This end point will be used to display our collection of movies .
//This end point will be used to display a particular movie with matching id to provided id at the time of hitting of end point.
//This end point will be used to create new movies by passing value .
//This end point will be used to update current movies.
//This end point will be used to delete movies with a particular id .

Then to handle 5 end points we also have 5 functions :

  1. getMovies which have method Get , Get method means it will be only taking data from the server & will not make any changes to the data on the server .This method will be fetching data of all the movies form the server .
  2. getMovie which also have method Get. It will only be fetching data from the server with a id .
  3. createMovie which have method POST . It will be used to add data to the server that is also explaing the use of POST method .
  4. updateMovie which have method PUT . It will be used to update data in our server , but instead of updating the data in our movies struct we will be creating a new struct of same id .
  5. deleteMovie which have method DELETE . It will be used to delete a struct of given id .

Atlast we will be printing starting your port at 8000 & using log package to log any error occuring in connecting with the server . To implement the connection with our port we will be using ListenAndServe method from http package .

fmt.Print("Starting your port at 8000\n")
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000" , r))

After this we will be creating all of our functions which will be used when we will hit our end points.

getMovies function

In this function we will be taking two arguments ,first will be our w http.ResponseWriter(A ResponseWriter interface is used by an HTTP handler to construct an HTTP response.) and second *r http.Request(A Request represents an HTTP request received by a server or to be sent by a client).After that we will set it's header by this w.Header().Set("Content-type" , "application/json") , then we will use our json.NewEncoder()(NewEncoder returns a new encoder that writes to w.) from our encoding/json package . json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(movies).

func getMovies(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

our getMovies function is completed. Moving on to deleteMovie.

deleteMovie function

We will be covering deleteMovie function before other middle functions because it's easy to understand.

In deleteMovie we will be taking same arguments like getMovies , setting its header to content-type as application/json.

Gorilla mux provides a nice way to extract parameters from a request’s path, using mux.Vars which is a map[string]string. We will be extracting parameters from our request using mux.Vars and assigning it to params for future use .

params := mux.Vars(r)

After this we will be using for loop to range our movies slice and to match requested id with movies slice's id's . If id matches we will be deleting element of that id from our slice. To implement deleting we will be usign this syntax : append(movies[:index} , movies[index+1:]...) after this we will break out of the loop.Then we will encode it using our NewCoder function . Our function will look something like this.

func deleteMovie(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
  params := mux.Vars(r)
  for index, item := range movies {
  	if item.Id == params["id"] {
  		movies = append(movies[:index], movies[index+1:]...)

getMovie function :

This funciton will be used to fetch a movie from the server according to provided id .

In getMovie same two arguments , then we will set header with same method . Then we will extract variable data from our request using mux.Vars and assign it to params .

Then we will range over movies and match our params id with available movies id's , if we find a match then we will serve it .

func getMovie(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  w.Header().Set("Contetn-Type", "application/json")
  params := mux.Vars(r)
  for _, item := range movies {
  	if item.Id == params["id"] {

createMovie function

I'm declaring a variable var movie Movie .

This function will be used to create new movies by gettig data through response body . We will be using NewDecoder to decode this value _ = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&movie) .

To make id random we will use rand.Intn to generate a random id then we will convert it to string using strconv.Itoa and assign it to .

Next we will be adding our movie variable to movies slice using append . alast encoding it .

Our code will look like this:

func createMovie(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	var movie Movie
	_ = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&movie)
	movie.Id = strconv.Itoa(rand.Intn(1000000))
	movies = append(movies, movie)


updateMovie function

In this we will update our movies but we won't be altering there data we will be creating new movies element with same id and updating it's data and then deleting the old one .

func updateMovie(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	w.Header().Set("Content_Type", "application/json")
	params := mux.Vars(r)

	for index, item := range movies {
		if item.Id == params["id"] {
			movies = append(movies[:index], movies[index+1:]...)
			var movie Movie
			_ = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&movie)
			movie.Id = params["id"]
			movies = append(movies, movie)

We will be assigning provided id to params and then range over movies to match if we get it then we will delete it using same method alike our deleteMovie function , then doing the same steps like createMovie . This will update our movies element which we want to update .

func updateMovie(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	w.Header().Set("Content_Type", "application/json")
	params := mux.Vars(r)

	for index, item := range movies {
		if item.Id == params["id"] {
			movies = append(movies[:index], movies[index+1:]...)
			var movie Movie
			_ = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&movie)
			movie.Id = params["id"]
			movies = append(movies, movie)

Our program is completed let test it using Postman . To learn more about Postman checkout this video.

For our getMovies :

Hitting end points for getMovies function

For our getMovie ;

Getting response for id = 2

For our createMovie :

go to Body > raw > json : paste this :

       "isbn": "5070",
       "title": "Movie Six",
       "Director": {
           "Firstname": "Lex",
           "Lastname": "Lee"

getting response

For our updateMovie :

This will return updated movie

Updated movie

For our deleteMovie :

It will return remaing element of movies slice

remaing movies after deletion

Our fucntion work completely fine . Thank u for reading this . Feel free to fork and use code of this repo.

This project is made form youtube video


In this project , I have created a basic CRUD API in Golang.






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