This is the companion repository to:
"One-loop Gravitational Bremsstrahlung and Waveforms from a Heavy-Mass Effective Field Theory" -2303.06111 Authors: Andreas Brandhuber, Graham R. Brown, Gang Chen, Stefano De Angelis, Joshua Gowdy and Gabriele Travaglini.
The contents are:
tree_level_5_point.m -File containing the tree-level 5 point HEFT amplitude with 4 scalars and 1 outgoing gravitons, tree_level_6_point.m -File containing the tree-level 6 point HEFT amplitude with 4 scalars and 2 outgoing gravitons, one_loop_5_point.wl -File containing the 1-loop 5 point HEFT amplitude with 4 scalars and 1 outgoing graviton, loading_results.nb -Notebook where all the amplitudes can be loaded and the notation is explained. 1_loop_5_points_ex.nb -Explanatory notebook for the 5 point 1-loop amplitude.
- What we denote in one_loop_5_point.wl as lw1 is different from the main text in eq. (7.1) and it is simply the coefficient of log (1/\mu_IR^2).
- The definitions of the integrals I1 and I2 in one_loop_5_point.wl differ from those in the main text in eq. (6.4) by a factor of (1/2). The coefficients c1 and c2 also change by a factor of 2 so that complete expression for the amplitude is the same here and in the paper.