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Releases: PlasmaControl/DESC


08 Oct 13:30
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What's Changed

  • Add jac_chunk_size keyword argument to ObjectiveFunction to reduce memory usage of forward mode Jacobian calculation , see docs for more details
  • Add objective using for Ideal-Ballooning Stability, see related paper for more details.
  • Make naming of grids kwargs among free boundary objectives more uniform
  • Add kwarg options to plot 3d without any axis visible
  • Pin jax version temporarily to avoid JAX-related bug

Bug Fixes

  • Fix error that can occur when get_NAE_constraints is called for only fixing the axis
  • bug fix for most_rational with negative arguments
  • fix bug. in FixOmniBMax

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.12.2...v0.12.3


20 Sep 19:02
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What's Changed

  • Add Vector Potential Calculation to Coil classes and Most MagneticField Classes
  • Add automatic intersection checking to CoilSet objects, and a method is_self_intersecting which check if the coils in the CoilSet intersect one another.
  • Add flip_theta compatibility function to switch the zero-point of the poloidal angle between the inboard/outboard side of the plasma.
  • Change field line integration to use diffrax package instead of the deprecated jax.experimental.odeint function, allowing for specifying the integration method, the step-size used, and more. See the documentation of field_line_integrate and diffrax for more details.
  • Add use_signed_distance keyword to PlasmaVesselDistance objective to allow for specifying the desired relative position of the plasma and surface.
  • Vectorize Boozer transform over multiple surfaces, to allow for calculation of Boozer-related quantities on grids that contain multiple radial surfaces.
  • Optimizer now automatically scales linearly-constrained optimization parameters to be of roughly the same magnitude, to improve optimization when parameter values range many orders of magnitude
  • Add HermiteSplineProfile class, which allows for profile derivative information to be specified along with profile value information.
  • Add installation instructions for RAVEN cluster at IPP to the docs
  • Change optimizer printed output to be easier to read
  • Add HeatingPower and FusionPower objectives
  • Reduce QuadratureGrid number of radial points to match its intended functionality
  • Fix some plotting issues that arose when NFP differs from 1 for objects, or when passed-in phi exceeds 2pi/nfp
  • Update VMECIO to allow specification of Nyquist spectrum and fix some bugs with asymmetric wout files
  • The code no longer mods non-periodic angles (such as the field line label $\alpha$) by $2\pi$, as in field-line-following contexts, functions may not be periodic in these angles.

Full Changelog: v0.12.1...v0.12.2


29 Jul 13:16
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What's Changed

  • Optimizers now default to use QR factorization for least squares which is much faster
    especially on GPU.
  • Fix bug when reading VMEC input ZAXIS as ZAXIS_CS
  • Some fixes/improvements for computing quantities along a fieldline.
  • Adds compute quantities for PEST coordinate system basis vectors
  • Many init methods now default to running on CPU, even when GPU is enabled, as CPU was found
    to be much faster for these cases.
  • New objectives desc.objectives.FixNearAxis{R,Z,Lambda} for fixing near axis behavior.
  • Adds from_values method that was present in FourierRZCurve but missing in FourierRZCoil
  • Adds new from_values method for FourierPlanarCurve and FourierPlanarCoil

Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.12.1


18 Jul 03:11
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New Features

  • Coil optimization is now possible in DESC using various filamentary coils. This includes
    a number of new objectives:
    • desc.objectives.QuadraticFlux
    • desc.objectives.ToroidalFlux
    • desc.objectives.CoilLength
    • desc.objectives.CoilCurvature
    • desc.objectives.CoilTorsion
    • desc.objectives.CoilCurrentLength
    • desc.objectives.CoilSetMinDistance
    • desc.objectives.PlasmaCoilSetMinDistance
    • desc.objectives.FixCoilCurrent
    • desc.objectives.FixSumCoilCurrent
  • Add Normal Field Error "B*n" as a plot quantity to desc.plotting.{plot_2d, plot_3d}.
  • New function desc.plotting.poincare_plot for creating Poincare plots by tracing
    field lines from coils or other external fields.
  • New profile type desc.profiles.TwoPowerProfile.
  • Add desc.geometry.FourierRZCurve.from_values method to fit curve with data.
  • Add desc.geometry.FourierRZToroidalSurface.from_shape_parameters method for generating a surface
    with specified elongation, triangularity, squareness, etc.
  • New class desc.magnetic_fields.MagneticFieldFromUser for user defined B(R,phi,Z).
  • All vector variables are now computed in toroidal (R,phi,Z) coordinates by default.
    Cartesian (X,Y,Z) coordinates can be requested with the compute keyword basis='xyz'.
  • Add method desc.coils.CoilSet.is_self_intersecting, which checks if any coils
    intersect each other in the coilset.

Minor changes

  • Improved heuristic initial guess for Equilibrium.map_coordinates.
  • Add documentation for default grid and target/bounds for objectives.
  • Add documentation for compute function keyword arguments.
  • Loading a coilset from a MAKEGRID file will now return a nested MixedCoilSet if there
    are coil groups present in the MAKEGRID file.
  • Users must now pass in spacing/weights to custom Grids (the previous defaults were
    often wrong, leading to incorrect results)
  • The normal and center parameters of a FourierPlanarCurve can now be specified
    in either cartesian or cylindrical coordinates, as determined by the basis parameter.
  • Misc small changes to reduce compile time and memory consumption (more coming soon!)
  • Linear constraint factorization has been refactored to improve efficiency and reduce
    floating point error.
  • desc.objectives.{GenericObjective, ObjectiveFromUser} can now work with other objects
    besides an Equilibrium (such as surfaces, curves, etc.)
  • Improve warning for missing attributes when loading desc objects.

Bug Fixes

  • Several small fixes to ensure things that should be ints are ints
  • Fix incorrect toroidal components of surface basis vectors.
  • Fix a regression in performance in evaluating Zernike polynomials.
  • Fix errors in Equilibrium.map_coordinates for prescribed current equilibria.
  • Fix definition of b0 in VMEC output.
  • Fix a bug where calling Equilibrium.compute(..., data=data) would lead to excessive
    recalculation and potentially wrong results.
  • Fixes a bug causing NaN in reverse mode AD for Omnigenity objective.
  • Fix a bug where "A(z)" would be zero if the grid doesn't contain nodes at rho=1.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.11.1...v0.12.0


29 Mar 14:55
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What's Changed

  • Change default symmetry to "sin" for current potential fields created with the from_surface method when the surface is stellarator symmetric
  • Add objectives for coil length, curvature and torsion
  • Improve Dommaschk potential magnetic field fitting by adding NFP option to only use potentials with the desired periodicity
  • Fix incorrect Jacobian when bounds constraints are used by adding explicit Jacobian of compute_scaled_error
  • Fix bug in Dommaschk potentials that arose when evaluating the potential at Z=0
  • Fix bug in Dommaschk potential fitting when symmetry is set to true
  • Bump black version from 22.10.0 to 24.3.0

Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.11.1


20 Mar 23:01
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New Features

  • Adds functionality to optimize for omnigenity. This includes the OmnigenousField
    magnetic field class, the Omnigenity objective function, and an accompanying tutorial.
  • Adds new objectives for free boundary equilibria: BoundaryError and
    VacuumBoundaryError, along with a new tutorial notebook demonstrating their usage.
  • Objectives Volume, AspectRatio, Elongation now work for
    FourierRZToroidalSurface objects as well as Equilibrium.
  • MagneticField objects now have a method save_mgrid for saving field data
    in the MAKEGRID format for use with other codes.
  • SplineMagneticField.from_mgrid now defaults to using extcur from the mgrid file.
  • When converting a near axis solution from QSC/QIC to a desc Equilibrium, the
    least squares fit is now weighted inversely with the distance from the axis to improve
    the accuracy for low aspect ratio.
  • Adds a bounding box to the field_line_integrate defined by bounds_R and bounds_Z
    keyword arguments, which form a hollow cylindrical bounding box. If the field line
    trajectory exits these bounds, the RHS will be multiplied by an exponentially decaying
    function of the distance to the box to stop the trajectory and prevent tracing the field
    line out to infinity, which is both costly and unnecessary when making a Poincare plot,
    the principle purpose of the function.
  • Adds a new class DommaschkPotentialField which allows creation of magnetic fields based
    off of the vacuum potentials detailed in Representations for Vacuum Potentials in Stellarators

Speed Improvements

  • CoilSet is now more efficient when stellarator or field period symmetry is used.
  • Improves the efficiency of proximal optimizers by reducing the number of objective
    derivative evaluations. Optimization steps should now be 2-5x faster.
  • Improved performance of Zernike polynomial evaluation.
  • Adds a bounding box to the field_line_integrate defined by bounds_R and bounds_Z
    keyword arguments, which form a hollow cylindrical bounding box. If the field line
    trajectory exits these bounds, the RHS will be multiplied by an exponentially decaying
    function of the distance to the box to stop the trajectory and prevent tracing the
    field line out to infinity, which is both costly and unnecessary when making a Poincare
    plot, the principle purpose of the function.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug causing NaN in ForceBalance objective when the grid contained nodes at
    the magnetic axis.
  • When saving VMEC output, buco and bvco are now correctly saved on the half
    mesh. Previously they were saved on the full mesh.
  • Fixed a bug where hdf5 files were not properly closed after reading.
  • Fixed bugs relating to Curve objects not being optimizable.
  • Fixed incorrect rotation matrix for FourierPlanarCurve.
  • Fixed bug where plot_boundaries with a single phi value would return an
    empty plot.

Breaking Changes

  • Renames the method for comparing equivalence between DESC objects from eq to equiv
    to avoid confusion with the common shorthand for Equilibrium.
  • Minimum Python version is now 3.9

Github Commits


02 Feb 21:05
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  • Equilibrium.map_coordinates is now differentiable.
  • Removes method Equilibrium.compute_flux_coordinates as it is now redundant with the
    more general Equilibrium.map_coordinates.
  • Allows certain objectives to target FourierRZToroidalSurface objects as well as
    Equilibrium objects, such as MeanCurvature, PrincipalCurvature, and Volume.
  • Allow optimizations where the only object being optimized is not an Equilibrium
    object e.g. optimizing only a FourierRZToroidalSurface object to have a certain
  • Many functions from desc.plotting now also work for plotting quantities from
    Curve and Surface classes.
  • Adds method FourierRZToroidalSurface.constant_offset_surface which creates
    a surface with a specified constant offset from the base surface.
  • Adds method FourierRZToroidalSurface.from_values to create a surface by fitting
    (R,phi,Z) points, along with a user-defined poloidal angle theta which sets the poloidal
    angle for the created surface
  • Adds new objective LinearObjectiveFromUser for custom linear constraints.
  • elongation is now computed as a function of zeta rather than a single global scalar.
  • Adds beta_vol and betaxis to VMEC output.
  • Reorder steps in solve_continuation_automatic to avoid finite pressure tokamak with
    zero current.
  • Fix error in lambda o(rho) constraint for near axis behavior.
  • Fix bug when optimizing with only a single constraint.
  • Fix some bugs causing NaN in reverse mode AD for some objectives.
  • Fix incompatible array shapes when user supplies initial guess for lagrange multipliers
    for augmented lagrangian optimizers.
  • Fix a bug caused when optimizing multiple objects at the same time and the order of
    the objects gets mixed up.

Full Changelog: v0.10.3...v0.10.4


04 Dec 11:10
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What's Changed

  • Adds deriv_mode keyword argument to all Objectives for specifying whether to
    use forward or reverse mode automatic differentiation.
  • Adds desc.compat.rescale for rescaling equilibria to a specified size and field
  • Adds new keyword surface_fixed to PlasmaVesselDistance objective which says
    whether or not the surface comparing the distance from the plasma to is fixed or not.
    If True, then the surface coordinates can be precomputed, saving on computation during
    optimization. Set to False by default.
  • Adds objective function desc.objectives.GoodCoordinates for finding "good" (ie,
    non-singular, non-degenerate) coordinate mappings for initial guesses. This is applied
    automatically when creating a new Equilibrium if the default initial guess of scaling
    the boundary surface produces self-intersecting surfaces. This can be disabled by
    passing ensure_nested=False when constructing the Equilibrum.
  • Adds loss_function argument to all Objectives for applying one of min/max/mean
    to objective function values (for targeting the average value of a profile, etc).
  • Equilibrium.get_profile now allows user to choose a profile type (power series, spline, etc)
  • Fixes a bug preventing linear objectives like FixPressure from being used as bounds.
  • Updates to tutorials and example scripts
  • desc.interpolate module has been deprecated in favor of the interpax package.
  • Utility functions like desc.objectives.get_fixed_boundary_constraints now no longer
    require the user to specify which profiles the equilibrium has, they will instead be
    inferred from the equilibrium argument.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.10.2...v0.10.3


27 Oct 23:06
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What's Changed

  • Updates desc.examples:
    • NCSX now has a fixed current profile. Previously it used a fixed iota based on a
      fit, but this was somewhat inaccurate.
    • QAS has been removed as it is now redundant with NCSX.
    • ARIES-CS has been scaled to the correct size and field strength.
    • WISTELL-A is now a true vacuum solution, previously it approximated the vacuum
      solution with fixed rotational transform.
    • Flips sign of iota for W7-X and ATF to account for positive jacobian.
    • new example for HSX.
  • Adds new compute quantities "iota current" and "iota vacuum" to compute the
    rotational transform contributions from the toroidal current and background field.
  • Adds ability to compute equilibria with anisotropic pressure. This includes a new
    profile, Equilibrium.anisotropy, new compute quantity F_anisotropic, and a new
    objective ForceBalanceAnisotropic.
  • plot_3d and plot_coils have been updated to use Plotly as a backend instead of
    Matplotlib, since Matplotlib isn't great for 3d plots, especially ones with multiple
    overlapping objects in the scene. Main API differences:
    • Plotly doesn't have "axes" like Matplotlib does, just figures. So the ax
      argument has been replaced by fig for plot_3d and plot_coils, and they no
      longer return ax.
    • Names of colormaps, line patterns, etc are different, so use caution when
      specifying those using kwargs. Thankfully the error messages Plotly generates are
      usually pretty informative and list the available options.
  • Adds zeroth and first order NAE constraints on the poloidal stream function lambda,
    accessible by passing in fix_lambda=True to the get_NAE_constraint getter function.
  • Implements CurrentPotentialField and FourierCurrentPotentialField classes,
    which allow for computation of the magnetic field from a surface current density
    given by K = n x grad(Phi) where Phi is a surface current potential.
    • CurrentPotentialField allows for an arbitrary current potential function Phi
    • FourierCurrentPotentialField assumes the current potential function to
      be of the form of a periodic potential (represented by a DoubleFourierSeries)
      and two secular terms, one each linear in the poloidal and in the toroidal angle.
  • Small fixes to make VMEC IO stuff more robust against different profile types, input file formatting etc.
  • Improve Biot-Savart discretization, add new methods for converting between coil types

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.10.1...v0.10.2


29 Sep 13:41
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  • Adds second derivatives of contravariant basis vectors to the list of quantities we can compute.
  • Refactors most of the optimizer subproblems to use JAX control flow, allowing them
    to run more efficiently on the GPU.
  • Adds 'shear' as a compute quantity and Shear as an objective function.
  • Adds a new objective Pressure to target a pressure profile as a function of rho instead
    of spectral coefficients like FixPressure. Can also be used when optimizing kinetic equilibria.
  • Allows all profile objectives to have callable bounds and targets.
  • All objective function values should now be approximately independent of the grid
    resolution. Previously this was only true when objectives had normalize=True
  • Objective.print_value Now prints max/min/avg for most objectives, and it should be
    clear whether it is printing the actual value of the quantity or the error between
    the objective and its target.
  • Adds new options to plot_boozer_modes to plot only symmetry breaking modes (when
    helicity is supplied) or only the pointwise maximum of the symmetry breaking modes.
  • Changes default Grid sorting to False, to avoid unintentional sorting of
    passed-in nodes. Must explicitly specify sort=True to Grid object to sort now.

Breaking Changes

  • Removes grid attribute from Profile classes, grid should now be passed
    in when calling Profile.compute.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug where running DESC through the command line interface with the -g flag
    failed to properly utilize the GPU

Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.10.1