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[NeurIPS'24] Diffusion Rewards Adversarial Imitation Learning (DRAIL)

The Official PyTorch implementation of Diffusion Rewards Adversarial Imitation Learning (NeurIPS'24).

Chun-Mao Lai*1, Hsiang-Chun Wang*1, Ping-Chun Hsieh2, Yu-Chiang Frank Wang1,3, Min-Hung Chen3, Shao-Hua Sun1
1NTU RobotLearning Lab, 2National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, 3NVIDIA Research Taiwan
(*Equal contribution)

[Paper] [Website] [BibTeX] [ICLRW'24 Poster]

This work proposes Diffusion-Reward Adversarial Imitation Learning (DRAIL), which integrates a diffusion model into GAIL, aiming to yield more precise and smoother rewards for policy learning. Specifically, we propose a diffusion discriminative classifier to construct an enhanced discriminator; then, we design diffusion rewards based on the classifier's output for policy learning. We conduct extensive experiments in navigation, manipulation, and locomotion, verifying DRAIL's effectiveness compared to prior imitation learning methods. Moreover, additional experimental results demonstrate the generalizability and data efficiency of DRAIL. Visualized learned reward functions of GAIL and DRAIL suggest that DRAIL can produce more precise and smoother rewards.

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Environment Setup

  1. This code base requires Python 3.8 or higher. All package requirements are in requirements.txt. To install from scratch using Anaconda, use the following commands.

    conda create -n [your_env_name] python=3.8
    conda activate [your_env_name]
  2. Setup Weights and Biases by first logging in with wandb login <YOUR_API_KEY> and then editing config.yaml with your W&B username and project name.

Expert Demonstration Setup

  1. Download expert demonstration datasets to ./expert_datasets. Most of the expert demonstration datasets we used are provided by goal_prox_il. We provide a script for downloading and post-processing the expert datasets.

  2. For the ‘Walker’ task, we provide a script to generate expert demonstrations with fewer trajectories. Please check out Walker/Expert Data to obtain it and place it under ./expert_datasets. Execute the following command to post-process the expert data:


How to reproduce experiments

To replicate the experiments conducted in our paper, follow these steps:

  1. Select Configuration Files: The wandb sweep configuration files for all tasks can be found in the configs directory. Inside each lowest-level directory (e.g., ./configs/push/1.50/2000, ./configs/walker/5traj, etc.), you'll find six common files:
    • drail.yaml
    • drail-un.yaml
    • gail.yaml
    • wail.yaml
    • bc.yaml
    • diffusion-policy.yaml
  2. Run Experiments: After selecting the desired configuration file, execute the following command:
    ./utils/ <Path_to_Configuration_File.yaml>

Below are detailed descriptions of each task:


  • Path: ./configs/maze
  • Expert Coverages: The ./configs/maze directory contains subdirectories names after different expert coverages, including 100, 75, 50, and 25. Each folder represents a specific expert coverage configuration.


  • Path: ./configs/pick
  • Noise Levels: The ./configs/pick directory contains subdirectories named after different noise levels, including 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, and 2.00. Each folder represents a specific noise level configuration.


  • Path: ./configs/push
  • Noise Levels: The ./configs/push directory contains subdirectories named after different noise levels, including 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, and 2.00. Each folder represents a specific noise level configuration.
  • Expert Transitions: Within the ./configs/push/1.50 directory, there are four additional subdirectories: 2000, 5000, 10000, and 20311. These numbers denote the number of expert transitions available for this setting. For other noise levels, the default number of expert transitions is 20311.


  • Path: ./configs/hand
  • Noise Levels: The ./configs/hand directory contains subdirectories named after different noise levels, including 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, and 2.00. Each folder represents a specific noise level configuration.


  • Path: ./configs/ant
  • Noise Levels: The ./configs/ant directory contains subdirectories named after different noise levels, including 0.00, 0.01, 0.03, and 0.05. Each folder represents a specific noise level configuration.


  • Path: ./configs/walker
  • Expert Trajectories: The ./configs/walker directory contains subdirectories named after different number of expert trajectories, including 25traj, 5traj, 3traj, 2traj, and 1traj.
  • Expert Data: To obtain the expert data, follow these steps using the provided code and configuration under the ./configs/walker/expert directory in this section:
    • Utilize the provided configuration file ppo.yaml to train a PPO model (default name: and put it into the expert_datasets directory.
    • Modify the --load-file argument in the script to point to the path of your trained model (typically located in ./data/trained_models/Walker2d-v3/...).
    • Execute the following command:
    • The expert data will be stored in ./data/traj/Walker2d-v3/....

Code Structure

  • drail: Implementation of our main method.
    • drail/ Code for our method DRAIL.
    • drail/ Code for the variant of our method DRAIL-UN.
    • drail/ddpm: Directory containing the diffusion model.
      • drail/ddpm/ Code for the diffusion model of DRAIL.
      • drail/ddpm/ Code for the diffusion model of DRAIL-UN.
      • drail/ddpm/ Code for the diffusion model of Diffusion Policy.
  • utils: Useful scripts.
    • utils/ Generate the Halfcheetah expert data with fewer trajectories.
    • utils/ Generate the Walker expert data with fewer trajectories.
    • utils/ Generate the FetchPush expert data with fewer transitions.
    • utils/ Script to automatically create and execute wandb command from a configuration file.
    • utils/ Script to install and set up the conda environment.
    • utils/ Script to download and postprocess the expert demonstrations.
  • shape_env: Customized environment code.
    • shape_env/ Code to generate the Sine function expert transitions.
  • goal_prox: Customized environment code from goal_prox_il.
    • goal_prox/envs/ AntGoal locomotion task.
    • goal_prox/envs/fetch/ FetchPick task.
    • goal_prox/envs/fetch/ FetchPush task.
    • goal_prox/envs/hand/ HandRotate task.
    • goal_prox/gym_minigrid: MiniGrid code for navigation environment from maximecb.
  • rl-toolkit: Base RL code and code for imitation learning baselines from rl-toolkit.
    • rl-toolkit/rlf/algos/on_policy/ PPO policy updater code used for RL.
    • rl-toolkit/rlf/algos/il/ Baseline Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL) code.
    • rl-toolkit/rlf/algos/il/ Baseline Wasserstein Adversarial Imitation Learning (WAIL) code.
    • rl-toolkit/rlf/algos/il/ Baseline Behavioral Cloning (BC) code.
    • rl-toolkit/rlf/algos/il/ Baseline Diffusion Policy code.
  • d4rl: Codebase from D4RL: Datasets for Deep Data-Driven Reinforcement Learning for Maze2D.



Expert Dataset

  • The expert demonstrations of the Maze, FetchPick, FetchPush, HandRotate, and AntReach tasks were obtained from goal_prox_il.


If you find DRAIL useful, please consider giving a star and citation:

  title={Diffusion-Reward Adversarial Imitation Learning},
  author={Lai, Chun-Mao and Wang, Hsiang-Chun and Hsieh, Ping-Chun and Wang, Yu-Chiang Frank and Chen, Min-Hung and Sun, Shao-Hua},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.16194},


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