Most of these resources were learnt from kupala's YouTube playlist:
X86 Assembly Wiki:
Symbol | Meaning | Use |
RAX | Accumulator | Arithemtic Operations |
RBX | Base | Pointer to Data |
RCX | Counter | Shift/Rotate Instructions or Loops |
RDX | Data | Arithemtic or I/O Operations |
RSI | Source Index | Pointer to Source in Stream Operations |
RDI | Destination Index | Pointer to Destination in Stream Operations |
RSP | Stack Pointer | Pointer to the Top of the Stack |
RBP | Stack Base Pointer | Point to the Base of the Stack |
A very useful Linux system call table:
rax | System call | rdi | rsi | rdx |
0 | sys_read | #filedescriptor | $buffer | #count |
1 | sys_write | #filedescriptor | $buffer | #count |
2 | sys_open | $filename | #flag | #mode |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
- Registers that hold data (1 bit each, true or refalse)
- Each flag is part of a larger register
Symbol | Meaning |
CF | Carry |
PF | Parity |
AF | Adjust |
ZF | Zero |
SF | Sign |
TF | Trap |
IF | Interrupt |
DF | Direction |
OF | Overflow |
... | ... |
- Like flags, are registers that hold data
- They hold the memory address of some data
Name | Meaning | Description |
rip (eip, ip) | Instruction Pointer | Points to next address to be executed in control flow |
rsp (esp, sp) | Stack Pointer | Points to the top address of the stack |
rbp (ebp, bp) | Stack Base Pointer | Points to the bottom of the stack |
List of instructions:
- Allow programs to take different paths based on certain conditions
- They are done on registers
- The format of cmp is typically
cmp register, value/register
- After a comparison, certain flags are set
cmp rax, 23
cmp rax, rbx
- After a comparison, a conditional jump can be made
- They are based on the status of the flags
Symbol (signed) | Symbol (unsigned) | Result of cmp a, b |
je | - | a = b |
jne | - | a ≠ b |
jg | ja | a > b |
jge | jae | a ≥ b |
jl | jb | a < b |
jle | jbe | a ≤ b |
jz | - | a = 0 |
jnz | - | a ≠ 0 |
jo | - | Overflow |
jno | - | Not Overflow |
js | - | Jump If Signed |
jns | - | Jump If Not Signed |
cmp rax, 23
je _doThis
cmp rax, rbx
jg _doThis
- used to mathematically manipulate registers
- The format of a math operation is typically
oper register, value/register
- The result of the operation is stored in the first register
Name (unsigned) | Name (signed) | Description |
add a, b | - | a = a + b |
sub a, b | - | a = a - b |
mul reg | imul reg | rax = rax * reg |
div reg | idiv reg | rax = rax / reg |
neg reg | - | reg = -reg |
inc reg | - | reg = reg + 1 |
dec reg | - | reg = reg - 1 |
adc a, b | - | a = a + b + CF |
sbb a, b | - | a = a - b - CF |
Operation | Effect |
push reg/value |
Pushes a value onto the stack |
pop reg |
Pops a value off the stack and stores it in 'reg' |
mov reg, [rsp] |
Stores the peek value in 'reg' |
- An instruction that expands into a predefined set of instructions to perform a particular task
%macro <name> <argc>
<macro body>
Name of macro
Number of arguments
<macro body>
Definition of macro
; a NASM macro to add two numbers and store it in rax
%macro sumTwoNumbers 2
mov rax, %1 ; move argument 1 into rax
add rax, %2 ; add rax and argument 2 and store it in rax
- We need to get the permission value (octal) first
- r = read, w = write, x = execute, sst = special attributes
section .data
filename db "myfile.txt", 0 ; null-terminated file string
text db "Here's some text." ; text to write to file
textLen equ $ - text ; length of text to write
section .text
global _start
mov rax, 2 ; argument to call 'sys_open'
mov rdi, filename ; argument for file name
mov rsi, 64+1 ; argument for create (64) and write (1) flag
mov rdx, 0644o ; argument for file permission value, suffix 'o' for octal
mov rdi, rax ; argument for file descriptor (stored in rax)
mov rax, 1 ; argument to call 'sys_write'
mov rsi, text ; argument for text to write to file
mov rdx, textLen ; argument for text length (textLen)
mov rax, 3 ; argument to call 'sys_close'
mov rax, 60 ; argument to call 'sys_exit'
mov rdi, 0 ; argument for error code (0)
Size (bits) | Operands |
8 | byte, DB, RESB |
16 | word, DW, RESW |
32 | dword, DD, RESD |
64 | qword, DQ, RESQ |
80 | tword, DT, REST |
128 | oword, DO, DDQ, RESO, RESDQ |
256 | yword, DY, RESY |
512 | zword, DZ, RESZ |
- Use
%include 'file.h'
to include other NASM files - When using
, the result is stored intrdx:rax
, where rdx is the high bits, and rax is the low bits