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Kotlin 2.0.20-Beta2

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@KotlinBuild KotlinBuild released this 10 Jul 10:00
· 162 commits to 2.0.20 since this release


Analysis. API


  • KT-65417 K2 IDE: KTOR false positive expect-actual matching error on enum class because of implicit clone() in non-JVM source sets
  • KT-68882 Analysis API: Refactor KaSymbols
  • KT-68689 LL API: support analysis from builtins module
  • KT-67775 Analysis API: expose only interfaces/abstract classes for the user surface
  • KT-68009 K2: lowering transformers of Compose compiler plugin access AbstractFir2IrLazyFunction modality, which results in null point exception
  • KT-68918 collectCallCandidates works incorrectly for parenthesis invoke
  • KT-68462 Analysis API: Integrate project-structure module into analysis-api and analysis-api-platform-interface
  • KT-69131 AA: "provideDelegate" operator is not resolved from the delegation reference in FIR implementation
  • KT-69055 Analysis API: Stabilize KaScopes
  • KT-68959 Introduce KaSeverity
  • KT-68846 Mark KaFirReference and all implementations with internal modifier
  • KT-68845 Move KaSymbolBasedReference to resolution package
  • KT-68844 Move KaTypeProjection to types package
  • KT-65849 K2: Rename 'high-level-api' family of JARs to 'analysis-api'
  • KT-62540 Remove uses of TypeInfo.fromString and TypeInfo.createTypeText from Kotlin plugin
  • KT-68155 Analysis API: Add PSI validity check to analyze
  • KT-62936 Analysis API: NativeForwardDeclarationsSymbolProvider is not supported for Kotlin/Native

Analysis. Light Classes

  • KT-68261 SLC: Constructors of sealed classes should be private
  • KT-68696 Drop DecompiledPsiDeclarationProvider-related stuff
  • KT-68404 SLC: wrong binary resolution to declaration with @JvmName

Backend. Native. Debug

  • KT-67567 Native: after updating to LLVM 16 lldb hangs when smooth stepping

Backend. Wasm

  • KT-68828 Wasm test failure. expect-actual. private constructor in expect


New Features

  • KT-58310 Consider non-functional type constraints for type variable which is an expected type for lambda argument
  • KT-57872 Improve "Public-API inline function cannot access non-public-API" check


  • KT-65546 K2. implement extended checker for unused anonymous parameter in lambda
  • KT-60445 K2/Java: investigate possible symbol clash while enhancing Java class type parameter bounds
  • KT-68358 @EnhancedNullability is missing on value parameter type after inheritance by delegation with strict JSpecify enabled
  • KT-67791 False negative "Synchronizing by Meters is forbidden" with inline value classes
  • KT-69495 k2: inconsistent output of unsigned number in string templates
  • KT-67693 Implement checkers for K1 compiler which will check the usage of K2 new features and report that they are not supported in K1 compiler
  • KT-44139 Don't report overload resolution ambiguities if arguments contain an error type
  • KT-69282 K2: equality of unsigned types with nullability works incorrectly
  • KT-69619 K2. JAVA_TYPE_MISMATCH when Kotlin out generic type used in Java
  • KT-68996 K2: "Not enough information to infer type argument" caused by typealias annotation with fixed generic argument
  • KT-69563 trying to call .source on FirPackageFragmentDescriptor results in exception
  • KT-69611 Internal annotation FlexibleArrayElementVariance is written to output jar
  • KT-69463 K2: false negative SUPER_CALL_WITH_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS with expect/actual declarations
  • KT-68556 K2: false negative PROPERTY_WITH_NO_TYPE_NO_INITIALIZER on uninitialized property without type
  • KT-68997 K2: "No accessor found" for an inline value class when query the value of a delegated class by reflection
  • KT-68724 K2: "ABSTRACT_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED" caused by open modifier on interface
  • KT-68667 K2: Compiler hangs on mapNotNull and elvis inside lambda
  • KT-68747 K2: Long compilation time because of constraint solving when using typealias in different modules
  • KT-68940 K2: "IllegalArgumentException: All variables should be fixed to something"
  • KT-69182 K2: OptIn on enum companion blocks enum constants
  • KT-69191 K2: "Unresolved reference" caused by nested data objects
  • KT-68797 K2 / Native: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: FIELD" caused by enabled caching
  • KT-69569 Wrong paths when one type has multiple annotated arguments
  • KT-63871 K2: different value of isNotDefault flag for property inherited from delegate
  • KT-63828 K2: Missing signature metadata for accessors of properties inherited from delegate
  • KT-68669 K2: Generate inherited delegated members after actualization
  • KT-69402 FirSupertypeResolverVisitor: ConcurrentModificationException
  • KT-68449 K2: "when" expression returns Unit
  • KT-67072 K2: inconsistent stability of open vals on receivers of final type
  • KT-68570 K2: "Unresolved reference" in call with lambda argument and nested lambda argument
  • KT-69476 False negative NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN on when over intersection type with expect enum/sealed class
  • KT-67069 K2: Delegated member calls interface method instead of fake override
  • KT-63864 K2: Missing abbreviated type in metadata
  • KT-69421 K2: Resolve changed from delegated function to java default function
  • KT-69392 K2: "UNSAFE_CALL": when with some variable subjects does not smartcast the variable
  • KT-69159 K2: KotlinNothingValueException in Exposed
  • KT-69053 K2: Unsupported intersection overrides for fields
  • KT-69227 K2: "Argument type mismatch" caused by generic typealias and upper bound
  • KT-31371 NOT_YET_SUPPORTED_IN_INLINE: incorrect error message for local inline function
  • KT-49473 PROTECTED_CALL_FROM_PUBLIC_INLINE_ERROR: specialize error message for 'inline' property
  • KT-49474 NON_PUBLIC_CALL_FROM_PUBLIC_INLINE: specialize error message for 'inline' property
  • KT-49503 SUPER_CALL_FROM_PUBLIC_INLINE_ERROR: specialize error message for 'inline' property
  • KT-11302 On inapplicable '@JvmStatic' annotation, highlight only the annotation, not the function signature
  • KT-59510 K2: do not render annotations in the deprecation diagnostic
  • KT-68532 "This code uses error suppression for 'INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME'. While it might compile and work, the compiler behavior is UNSPECIFIED and WON'T BE PRESERVED"
  • KT-68859 K2: unable to suppress only "JAVA_MODULE_DOES_NOT_EXPORT_PACKAGE"
  • KT-68623 K2: "Only safe or null-asserted calls are allowed" on safe call
  • KT-68364 JVM: ISE "Bad exception handler end" on a non-local break/continue inside try with finally
  • KT-68469 [K2] MISSING_DEPENDENCY_CLASS caused by redundant @file:JvmName
  • KT-68999 K2: Unify the style of FIR generator with IR and SIR tree-generators
  • KT-66061 Kotlin/Native - building shared module for iOS - Argument list too long
  • KT-67804 removeFirst and removeLast return type with Java 21
  • KT-49420 Suspicious behaviour of frontend in case of DefinitelyNotNull type overload
  • KT-59752 K2: "Conflicting overloads" if function with same signature added to different contexts
  • KT-68618 K1: Unresolved reference for qualified this in implicit type
  • KT-25341 NOT_YET_SUPPORTED_IN_INLINE reported over anonymous object border
  • KT-69044 Destructuring declaration shouldn't be possible in declaration in when
  • KT-69028 K2: FirJvmActualizingBuiltinSymbolProvider returns null on builtins declarations if common source-set is not presented
  • KT-67119 Migration warning from context receivers to context parameters
  • KT-15704 Rethink usage of term "type annotation" in error messages
  • KT-68970 K2. Argument type mismatch caused by out projection in inferred type from if - else
  • KT-68727 K2: "Null argument in ExpressionCodegen for parameter VALUE_PARAMETER" caused by an enum class with default parameter in a different module
  • KT-68626 K2: "Conflicting Overloads" for function if inherited from generic type
  • KT-68800 K2: Delete method
  • KT-59389 K2: Missing AMBIGUOUS_LABEL
  • KT-68803 K2: Smart cast fails with "Unresolved reference" when @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") used in statement
  • KT-68968 K2: Missing ILLEGAL_SUSPEND_FUNCTION_CALL diagnostic in initialization code of a local class inside suspend function
  • KT-68489 K2: WRONG_ANNOTATION_TARGET with Java and Kotlin @Target annotation positions
  • KT-68517 "IrSimpleFunctionSymbolImpl is unbound" for actual class containing non-actual functions
  • KT-59678 K2: Investigate ConeKotlinType.unCapture()
  • KT-64193 K2: No smartcast with two boolean expressions in a row
  • KT-69058 K2: Java-defined property annotations not persisted
  • KT-69027 K2: Initialize FirStdlibBuiltinSyntheticFunctionInterfaceProvider in library session
  • KT-62818 K2: improve VAR_OVERRIDDEN_BY_VAL diagnostic message
  • KT-68214 Rename TypeApproximatorConfiguration properties for clarity
  • KT-64515 K2 IDE: [NEW_INFERENCE_ERROR] in a build.gradle.kts script while applying "jvm-test-suite" plugin and then configuring targets for test suites
  • KT-68093 Implement deprecation of smartcasts on class-delegated properties
  • KT-67270 Native: report more performance metrics from the compiler
  • KT-68621 DATA_CLASS_INVISIBLE_COPY_USAGE false negative for inline fun
  • KT-68575 K2: @ParameterName annotation is not erased when inferring the type of it in lambdas
  • KT-69000 Can't render constructor of intersection type
  • KT-68401 K2: "IllegalAccessError: failed to access class" caused by package private super Java type, when inferencing a common super type of if or when branches on JVM
  • KT-68806 K/Wasm RuntimeError: unreachable on Sequence::toList
  • KT-68849 K2: "ClassCastException: cannot be cast to kotlin.jvm.functions.Function2" caused by passing lambda to SAM constructor results
  • KT-61744 Native: -Xsave-llvm-ir-after fails to check errors from LLVMPrintModuleToFile
  • KT-68874 Types with different captured types as type arguments are rendered incorrectly
  • KT-67103 Support AbbreviatedTypeAttribute for aliased types from the source code
  • KT-65038 K2: Type alias from indirect dependency causes MISSING_DEPENDENCY_CLASS error
  • KT-63921 K2: different representation of recursive type aliases
  • KT-68538 KJS/K2: using while with break inside inline lambdas leads to an endless cycle
  • KT-68679 K2: "Override has incorrect nullability in its signature compared to the overridden declaration" caused by subclass of Android HashMap
  • KT-68734 K2: enum class in KMP: Expect declaration MMKVLogLevel is incompatible with actual MMKVLogLevel because modality is different
  • KT-68820 K2: "Unresolved reference" on calling function with "contract" name
  • KT-68230 K2: FirMissingDependencyClassChecker: Not supported: ConeFlexibleType
  • KT-68531 K2: False-negative error on assignment to enum entry
  • KT-68571 K2: "IllegalStateException: Fake override should have at least one overridden descriptor" caused by exceptions and when statement
  • KT-68523 K2: FileAnalysisException when using Definitely non-nullable types
  • KT-68339 K2: "Enum entry * is uninitialized here" caused by lazy property with enum in when expression
  • KT-68678 K2: Drop using FirBuiltinSymbolProvider while compiling JVM stdlib
  • KT-68585 Implement new rules for CFA about enum entries
  • KT-68110 K2: "Java type mismatch" caused by spring.Nullable
  • KT-68613 K2: False positive CONFLICTING_PROJECTION after fixing KT-67764
  • KT-67764 K2: False negative: Projection problem is not reported in is expression
  • KT-68542 K2: Fix referecing to @ExtensionFunctionType if it's declared in source
  • KT-68188 K2: Properly support FunctionN creation for stdlib compilation
  • KT-67946 K2: Crash on red code: Instead use FirErrorTypeRef for ERROR CLASS: Cannot infer argument for type parameter T
  • KT-68617 K2: Secondary constructors in a sealed class have private visibility instead of protected in the generated IR
  • KT-63920 K2: Private secondary sealed class constructor is private in metadata, but protected in K1
  • KT-68207 K2: Investigate if losing ConeIntersectionType.upperBoundForApproximation during approximation leads to any issues
  • KT-51433 FE 1.0: implement warnings about label resolve changes

Compose compiler

New features

  • 192e556 Strong skipping is now enabled by default
  • 842a9e8 Add support for default parameters in abstract and open @Composable functions b/165812010


IR. Actualizer

  • KT-68830 Compiler crash on missing actual class
  • KT-69024 K2: Children of expect annotation with @OptionalExpectation should be actualized
  • KT-68742 Allow expect protected to Java protected actualization
  • KT-66436 K2. Actualizing modCount property with a field in AbstractMutableList
  • KT-68741 Support actualization of AbstractMutableList.modCount
  • KT-68801 Crash on access of fake override of function actualized by fake override

IR. Inlining

  • KT-68100 Run IR validation in the beginning and the end of the common prefix
  • KT-69171 Introduce a temporary -X CLI parameter that enables double-inlining
  • KT-69006 Enable IR visibility checks after IR inlining
  • KT-69183 IR inlining: properly handle defaults that depends on previous value parameters
  • KT-68558 Move InlineCallableReferenceToLambdaPhase into ir.inline module

IR. Tree

  • KT-68784 Support validating visibility of referenced declarations in IrValidator
  • KT-68174 Delete the IrMessageLogger interface
  • KT-67082 Introduce attributes on IrElement
  • KT-67695 ForLoopsLowering fails to handle a loop over an imprecise typed iterable
  • KT-68716 DeepCopyIrTreeWithSymbols.visitConst should remap const type


  • KT-66898 KJS: Reserved keywords not escaped when -Xir-generate-inline-anonymous-functions is enabled
  • KT-69400 Use correct type for references on local functions when transforming them into lambda
  • KT-68554 Legalize marker interface as parent for JSO (interface marked with @JsPlainObject)
  • KT-68891 @JsPlainObject fails to compile when encountering reserved keywords as interface properties
  • KT-69023 KJS / IR: globalThis is mandatory, breaking older browsers support
  • KT-68641 KJS: 'export was not found' with per-file mode on case-insensitive filesystem
  • KT-68632 K2: allow JS_NAME_CLASH suppression
  • KT-68620 [wasm] [js] Default param in inner class method fails if we are referring generic extension property


  • KT-66605 [KLIB] Excessive creation of BaseKotlinLibrary during resolving libs
  • KT-68824 API 4 ABI: Don't show sealed class constructors

Language Design

  • KT-68636 Incorrect private_to_this visibility for data class with a private constructor


  • KT-31880 UUID functionality to fix Java bugs as well as extend it
  • KT-60787 Cannot ignore alpha when formatting with HexFormat
  • KT-66129 Minor issues with HexFormat
  • KT-57998 implement Base64.withoutPadding
  • KT-67511 provide equals() and hashCode() implementations for kotlinx.metadata.KmType
  • KT-68240 stdlib: proper expects for internal API used in intermediate shared source sets
  • KT-68840 atomicfu-runtime: annotate some internal functions with @PublishedApi
  • KT-68839 Annotate kotlin.js.VOID property with @PublishedApi


  • KT-69206 Native: updating to LLVM 16 breaks debugging in lldb on Linux
  • KT-68640 Native: updating to LLVM 16 changes behavior of used attribute in C/C++ code
  • KT-58097 Kotlin/Native: improve the error message if Xcode is not properly configured

Native. ObjC Export

  • KT-57496 linkReleaseFrameworkIosArm64: e: Compilation failed: An operation is not implemented

Native. Runtime. Memory

  • KT-68871 Native: Unexpected barriers phase during STW: weak-processing

Native. Swift Export

  • KT-69469 Exporting object twice causing crash
  • KT-69251 Get rid of context receivers from ./native/.../lazyWithSessions.kt
  • KT-68865 Move config into test-directives

Native. Testing

  • KT-69235 Incorrect handling of friend dependencies in Native test infra
  • KT-67436 Native: support CLI tests


  • KT-69433 KotlinReflectionInternalError on non-reified type parameter in typeOf inside an inline lambda
  • KT-68675 K2: KotlinReflectionInternalError on non-reified type parameter in typeOf inside a lambda

Tools. Build Tools API

  • KT-68555 BTA test infra: top level declarations are invisible across modules

Tools. CLI

  • KT-68838 OutOfMemory when compiling in CLI
  • KT-68743 Extract common CLI arguments for all KLIB-based backends
  • KT-68450 CLI: errors related to module-info are reported even if there are no Kotlin source files

Tools. CLI. Native

  • KT-66952 Native: konanc fails when KONAN_HOME is under path with spaces

Tools. Commonizer

  • KT-68835 Command line length overflow on Linux/Windows while invoking commonizer via :commonizeDistribution

Tools. Compiler Plugins

  • KT-69401 Kotlin power assert plugin doesn't work correctly with safe cast operator
  • KT-69290 PowerAssert: implicit receivers included in power-assert generated diagram
  • KT-68511 Power Assert kotlinx.assertEquals message display problem
  • KT-68807 Power-Assert crashes the Kotlin compiler when if expression used as assertion parameter
  • KT-68557 K2. Supertypes resolution of KJK hierarchy fails in presence of allopen plugin

Tools. Compiler plugins. Serialization

  • KT-68931 JS/Native + serialization: partial linkage error
  • KT-69039 FIR: Implement IDE-only checker for kotlinx.serialization compiler plugin to report IDE-only diagnostics
  • KT-68752 Serializable annotation on Java class is not taken into account in K2 checker

Tools. Daemon

  • KT-68297 KGP 2.0 regression: JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS is not considered in Kotlin daemon creation

Tools. Fleet. ObjC Export

  • KT-68887 ObjCExport: K1 text fixture @Deprecated support
  • KT-68841 ObjCExport: @Deprecated support
  • KT-68826 ObjCExport: SerializersModuleBuilder

Tools. Gradle

New Features

  • KT-68651 Compose: provide a single place in extension to configure all compose flags

Performance Improvements

  • KT-61861 Gradle: Kotlin compilations depend on packed artifacts


  • KT-69330 KotlinCompile friendPathsSet property is racy due causing build cache invalidation
  • KT-69444 Don't warn about missing Compose Compiler Gradle plugin in some cases
  • KT-65271 Gradle: "Mutating dependency DefaultExternalModuleDependency after it has been finalized has been deprecated " with gradle 8.6-rc-3
  • KT-69026 Mark AGP 8.5.0 as compatible with KGP
  • KT-67822 Deprecate JVM history files based incremental compilation
  • KT-67771 Compatibility with Gradle 8.8 release
  • KT-65820 Compatibility with Gradle 8.7 release
  • KT-64378 Compatibility with Gradle 8.6 release
  • KT-68661 Move ExperimentalWasmDsl to kotlin-gradle-plugin-annotations
  • KT-69291 Compose Gradle plugin: Enable strong skipping by default
  • KT-65528 Migrate rest of Gradle integration tests to new Test DSL
  • KT-68306 Project isolation for FUS statistics: Cannot access project ':' from project ':app' at$ Companion.initBuildScanExtensionHolder
  • KT-67395 Add new plugins to collector kotlin gradle performance
  • KT-67766 Build against Gradle API 8.7
  • KT-67890 Compile against Gradle 8.8 API artifact
  • KT-68773 Kotlin 2.0.0 with Gradle 8.8: ConcurrentModificationException on BuildFusService configurationMetrics
  • KT-67889 Run tests against Gradle 8.8 release
  • KT-69078 Gradle: Add option to disable FUS Service
  • KT-68308 Project isolation for FUS statistics: An error is thrown at org.gradle.configurationcache.ProblemReportingCrossProjectModelAccess$ProblemReportingProject.getLayout
  • KT-58280 org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm Gradle plugin contributes build directories to the test compile classpath

Tools. Gradle. Kapt

  • KT-61928 Clarify parameter types in KaptArguments and KaptJavacOption

Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform

  • KT-69310 w: KLIB resolver: The same 'unique_name=...' found in more than one library for diamond source set structures
  • KT-66568 w: KLIB resolver: The same 'unique_name=...' found in more than one library
  • KT-69406 Deprecate combinations of KMP plugin with some Gradle Java plugins
  • KT-66209 Accessing the source sets by name is confusing
  • KT-56566 Consider pre-generating DSL accessors for source sets with names corresponding to the default target hierarchy
  • KT-69129 KGP: stdlib version alignment for JS and Wasm
  • KT-62368 Kotlin 1.9.X fails to detect kotlin.test.Test annotation reference on commonTest source set when targeting JVM+Android
  • KT-67110 Usage of BuildOperationExecutor.getCurrentOpeartion internal Gradle API
  • KT-68248 kotlin multiplatform project fail to build on Fedora with corretto

Tools. Gradle. Native

  • KT-68638 KGP 2.0 breaks native test with api dependencies and configuration cache

Tools. Kapt

  • KT-68171 K2KAPT: boxed return types in overridden methods changed to primitives
  • KT-68145 K2 KAPT: missing $annotations methods for const properties and private properties without accessors

Tools. Scripts

  • KT-69296 scripting dependency resolution does not authenticate towards maven mirrors
  • KT-68681 K2 / CLI / Script: "NullPointerException: getService(...) must not be null" caused by @DependsOn

Tools. Wasm

  • KT-69245 K/Wasm: Remove warning of working-in-progress
  • KT-69154 K/Wasm: wasmJsBrowserProductionRun flaky crash with "WebAssembly.instantiate(): Import ... function import requires a callable"
  • KT-67980 Wasm: Incorrect "Please choose a JavaScript environment to build distributions and run tests" when WASM is not configured