zkpy is a wrapper around Zookeeper's Python library, that should provide
- a more convenient access to zookeeper
- some of zookeeper recipes
from __future__ import with_statement
from zkpy.acl import Acls
from zkpy.connection import zkopen, KeeperState, EventType, NodeCreationMode
# define a watcher function
def global_watcher(type, state, path):
print 'GLOBAL: event=%s, state=%s, path=%s' % (EventType[type], KeeperState[state], path)
with zkopen('localhost:2181', 5) as conn:
# add a connection watcher for fun
# create a node
conn.create('/bar','', [Acls.Unsafe], NodeCreationMode.Ephemeral)
print conn.get_children('/')
- Better zookeeper wrapping (Exceptions, return codes)
- More recipes
- Tests
- Documentation