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A simple, embedabble CLI debugger for Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2 and LuaJIT 2.0. Licensed under the very permissable MIT license.

Have you ever been working on an embedded Lua project and found yourself in need of a debugger? (I actually have never done a project in Lua, but I'm warming up to the idea now that I have a debugger I like...) The lua-users wiki lists a number of them. While clidebugger was closest to what I wanted, I ran into several compatibility issues. The rest of them are very large libraries that require you to integrate socket libraries or other native libraries and such into your program. I just wanted something simple that would work through stdin/out. I also decided that it sounded fun to try and make my own.


  • Simple to "install". Simply copy debugger.lua into your project then load it using local dbg = require().
  • Conditional assert-style breakpoints.
  • Easy to set it up to break on assert() or error()
  • works similar to xpcall() but starts the debugger when an error occurs.
  • Works with Lua 5.2, Lua 5.1, LuaJIT 2.0 and probably other versions that I didn't bother to test.
  • The regular assortment of commands you'd expect from a debugger: continue, step, next, finish, print/eval expression, move up/down the stack, backtrace, print locals, inline help.
  • Evaluate expressions and call functions interactively in the debugger. Inspect locals, upvalues and globals. Even works with varargs ... (Lua 5.2 only).
  • Pretty printed output so you get {1 = 3, "a" = 5} instead of table: 0x10010cfa0
  • Speed. The debugger hooks are only set when running the step/next/finish commands and shouldn't otherwise affect your program's performance.
  • IO could easily be remapped to a socket or window by rewriting the dbg_write() and dbg_read() functions.

How to Use it:

First of all, there is nothing to install. Just drop debugger.lua into your project and load it using require(). It couldn't be simpler.

-- MyBuggyProgram.lua

local dbg = require("debugger")

function foo()
	-- Calling dbg() will enter the debugger on the next executable line, right before it calls print().
	-- Once in the debugger, you will be able to step around and inspect things.
	-- Maybe you only want to start the debugger on a certain condition.
	-- If you pass a value to dbg(), it works like an assert statement.
	-- The debugger only triggers if it's nil or false.
	dbg(5 == 5) -- Will be ignored


-- You can also wrap a chunk of code in a block.
-- Any error that occurs will cause the debugger to attach.
-- Then you can inspect the cause.
-- (NOTE: expects a function that takes no parameters)
	-- Put some buggy code in here:
	local err1 = "foo" + 5
	local err2 = (nil).bar

-- Lastly, you can override the standard Lua error() and assert() functions if you want:
-- These variations will enter the debugger instead of throwing an error.
-- is generally more useful though.
local assert = dbg.assert
local error = dbg.error

Debugger Commands:

If you have used other CLI debuggers, debugger.lua should present no surprises. All the commands are a single letter as writting a "real" command parser seemed like a waste of time. debugger.lua is simple, and there are only a small handful of commands anwyay.

[return] - re-run last command
c(ontinue) - contiue execution
s(tep) - step forward by one line (into functions)
n(ext) - step forward by one line (skipping over functions)
p(rint) [expression] - execute the expression and print the result
f(inish) - step forward until exiting the current function
u(p) - move up the stack by one frame
d(own) - move down the stack by one frame
t(race) - print the stack trace
l(ocals) - print the function arguments, locals and upvalues.
h(elp) - print this message

If you've never used a CLI debugger before. Start a nice warm cozy fire, run tutorial.lua and open it up in your favorite editor so you can follow along.

Known Issues:

  • Lua 5.1 and LuaJIT lack the API to access varargs. The workaround is to do something like local args = {...} and then use unpack(args) when you want to access them. In Lua 5.2, you can simply use ... in your expressions with the print command.
  • You can't add breakpoints to a running program or remove them. Currently the only way to set them is by explicitly calling the dbg() function.
  • The print command will only print out the first 256 return values of an expression. Darn!
  • Untested with Lua versions other than Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2 and LuaJIT 2.0b10.
  • Different interpreters (and versions) print out different stack trace information. They all seem to output slightly different variations of mostly the same thing.
  • Tail calls are handled silghtly differently in different interpreters. You may find that 1.) stepping into a function that does nothing but a tail call steps you into the tail called function. 2.) The interpreter gives you the wrong name of a tail called function (watch the line numbers). 3.) Stepping out of a tail called function also steps out of the function that performed the tail call. Mostly this is never a problem, but it is a little confusing if you don't know what is going on.
  • Coroutines may or may not work as expected... I haven't tested them extensively yet. (Though I certainly will on my current project)

Future Plans:

debugger.lua basically does everything I want now, although I have some ideas for enhancements.

  • Custom formatters: The built in pretty-printing works fine for most things. It would be nice to be able to register custom formatting functions though.
  • Readline support for LuaJIT: Line editing and history would be pretty nice to have. With LuaJIT it might be easy using the FFI.


A simple, embedabble CLI debugger for Lua.






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