Simple Http web server/framework implementation that has static and dynamic routing using macros/dsl.
It is capable of displaying basic Html pages with referenced CSS/JS/etc files.
Routing with dynamic paths should accomade basic API needs as well.
Routes can be configured with minimal DSL/macros:
handle_with("GET", "/hello/:id", &Server.WebApp.handle_hello_dyn/2)
handle_with("GET", "/hello/static", &Server.WebApp.handle_hello_static/2)
handle_with("GET", "/test", &Server.TestHandler.handle_request/2)
Full example/implementation can be seen here: /apps/server/lib/server/web_app.ex
Request gets parsed and passed as context to the function along side the socket:
Echo back from 'dyn' at dynamic /hello/dyn?with=query&data=b
path_vars: %{":id" => "dyn"},
request: %Http.Request{
body: "",
headers: %{"Accept" => "text/html,a...", ...},
method: "GET",
query: %{"data" => "b", "with" => "query"},
uri: "/hello/dyn?with=query&data=b",
version: "HTTP/1.1"
# Filled/updated by handler.
response: %Http.Response{
content: nil,
headers: %{},
reason_phrase: "",
status_code: "",
version: "HTTP/1.1"
def handle_hello_dyn(_socket, context) do
response =
%Response{status_code: "200", reason_phrase: "OK"}
|> Response.add_content("Echo back from '#{context.path_vars[":id"]}' at dynamic #{context.request.uri} \n" <> Kernel.inspect(context))
%{context | response: response}
Full example/implementation can be seen here (in this case file handler responsible for serving static content): /apps/server/lib/server/file_handler.ex