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A PHP client for the Friendly Captcha service. This client allows for easy integration and verification of captcha responses with the Friendly Captcha API.

Note, this is for Friendly Captcha v2 only. This version is in preview right now, for the current version see the documentation here.


Requires PHP 7.1 or later.

Install using Composer

composer require friendlycaptcha/sdk


First configure and create a SDK client

use FriendlyCaptcha\SDK\{Client, ClientConfig}

$config = new ClientConfig();
$config->setAPIKey("<YOUR API KEY>")->setSitekey("<YOUR SITEKEY (optional)>");

// You can also specify which endpoint to use, for example `"global"` or `"eu"`.
// $config->setEndpoint("eu")

$captchaClient = new Client($config)

Then use it in the endpoint you want to protect

function handleLoginRequest() {
    global $captchaClient;

    $captchaResponse = isset($_POST["frc-captcha-response"]) ? $_POST["frc-captcha-response"] : null;
    $result = $captchaClient->verifyCaptchaResponse($captchaResponse);

    if (!$result->wasAbleToVerify()) {
        if ($result->isClientError()) {
            // ALERT: your website is NOT PROTECTED because of a configuration error.
            // Send an alert to yourself, check your API key (and sitekey).
            error_log("Failed to verify captcha response because of configuration problem: " . print_r($result->getResponseError()));
        } else {
            // Something else went wrong, maybe there is a connection problem or the API is down.
            error_log("Failed to verify captcha response: " . print_r($result->getErrorCode()));

    if ($result->shouldReject()) {
        // The captcha was not OK, show an error message to the user
        echo "Captcha anti-robot check failed, please try again.";

    // The captcha is accepted, handle the request:
    loginUser($_POST["username"], $_POST["password"]);


Make sure you have PHP installed (e.g. with brew install php on a Macbook).

Install Composer

mkdir -p bin
php -r "copy('', './bin/composer-setup.php');"
# You can omit `--2.2 LTS` if you are using a more recent PHP version than 7.2
php bin/composer-setup.php --install-dir=bin --2.2 LTS

Install dependencies

bin/composer.phar install

Run the tests

First download the friendly-captcha-sdk-testserver for your operating system.

# Run the friendly-captcha-sdk-testserver
./friendly-captcha-sdk-testserver serve

Then open a new terminal, and run the following

# Generate the autoload files
./bin/composer.phar dump

You should then see output like the following

PHPUnit 7.0.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

............................                                      28 / 28 (100%)

Time: 36 ms, Memory: 4.00 MB

OK (28 tests, 110 assertions)


Install an old version of PHP (to be sure it works in that version). The oldest PHP version this SDK supports is 7.1.

brew install shivammathur/php/php@7.1
echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/[email protected]/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/[email protected]/sbin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

# open a new terminal and check the new version
php --version

Some features you can't use to be compatible with PHP 7.1

  • Typings of class member variables.
  • Union types (outside of comments).


Open source under MIT. Contributions are welcome!