This repository contains materials related to interviews at ALX, tailored for students of the ALX Software Engineering program.
Folder | Description |
0x00-pascal_triangle | Contains materials related to the Pascal's Triangle interview question. |
0x01-lockboxes | Contains materials related to the Lockboxes interview question. |
0x02-minimum_operations | Contains materials related to the Minimum Operations interview question. |
0x03-log_parsing | Contains materials related to the Log Parsing interview question. |
0x04-utf8_validation | Contains materials related to the UTF-8 Validation interview question. |
0x05-nqueens | Contains materials related to the N-Queens interview question. |
0x06-starwars_api | Contains materials related to the Star Wars API interview question. |
0x07-rotate_2d_matrix | Contains materials related to the Rotate 2D Matrix interview question. |
0x08-making_change | Implement makeChange function for coin change calculation |
0x09-island_perimeter | a function def island_perimeter(grid): that returns the perimeter of |
0x0A-primegame | Added Prime Game solution with optimal play simulation and winner determination |
To maintain the integrity of the interview questions, direct copying and pasting of the questions are not permitted. Instead, feel free to clone or download this repository to your local machine. You can use the materials provided here to supplement your interview preparation process. I encourage you to actively engage with the coding questions, review the solutions, and practice answering behavioral interview questions.
Contributions to this repository are welcome! If you have additional coding questions, solutions, or resources that you believe would benefit others preparing for interviews at ALX, please feel free to open a pull request. Likewise, if you spot any errors or have suggestions for improvements, don't hesitate to submit an issue.
Before contributing, please review our contribution guidelines.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License.