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Service registry. The universal and common way. Written in go.

About the project

SeReGo is a library software written in go that allows you to connect to and perform operations on different service registries using the same APIs and semantic regardless of the underlying provider you choose.

Use a service registry, i.e. Google Service Directory or AWS Cloud Map, with the same set of operations without learning each one's documentation and switching seamlessly between the two.

You can also use a key-value database like etcd as the provider and let SeReGo treat it as a service registry and thus have a sort of in-house service registry.

SeReGo also implements some features that may not be supported or are only partially supported by the registry allowing you to just focus on the business logic of your application, e.g. filtering services based on metadata or other data.

We currently support Google Service Directory, AWS Cloud Map and etcd. We're open to support more registries or databases and if you have suggestions please feel free to post a feature request via Issues or to discuss it by opening a discussion in the Discussions section.

To learn more about service registries and the objects that Serego will work with, please read our documentation section about service registries.


In this quick example, create a client from Google Service Directory and pass it to SeReGo to perform operations from then on.

In this case we will list all services that are inside a namespace called sales and that have at least the key-value pair maintainer: [email protected].

import (

    servicedirectory ""

func main() {

    // -----------------------------------
    // Get the client from the service registry
    // -----------------------------------

    // (there are many ways to get a client from Service Directory, this is just
    // an example)
    cl, err := servicedirectory.NewRegistrationClient(
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("could not get service directory client:", err, ". Exiting...")
    defer cl.Close()

    // -----------------------------------
    // Pass it to SeReGo
    // -----------------------------------

    // Initialize the client and the settings...
    sd, err := core.NewServiceRegistryFromServiceDirectory(
        client, wrapper.WithRegion("us-east1"), wrapper.WithProjectID("my-project-id"))
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("error while instantiating serego wrapper:", err)

    // -----------------------------------
    // Perform operations
    // -----------------------------------

    // List all services inside a namespace called "sales" and that are
    // maintained by *Alice Smith*:
    servIterator := sd.Namespace("sales").
        List(list.WithMetadataKeyValue("maintainer", "[email protected]"))

    // Loop through all found results
    for {
        service, servOp, err := servIterator.Next(context.TODO())
        if err != nil {
            if errors.IsIteratorDone(err) {
                // Finished iterating.
            } else {
                fmt.Println("could not get next service:", err)


        fmt.Printf("found service with name %s and metadata %+v\n", service.Name, service.Metadata)

        // Update its metadata by setting "status: beta"
        err := servOp.Register(context.TODO(), register.WithMetadataKeyValue("status", "beta"))
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Println("could not update service's metadata:", err)

    // Read the API documentation to learn more about operations and options.

You need to do the same for multiple service registries? Just put whatever is after the Perform operations section into a separate function, and create multiple Serego wrappers to call that function with.

For example, you can also create an AWS Cloud Map wrapper through the core.NewServiceRegistryFromCloudMap function, the syntax will just stay the same. Once again, please look at the documentation for more examples.


The objects that will be abstracted by Serego are Namespaces, Services, and Endpoints. Please read our documentation section about service registries to learn more about their use and purpose.


Serego allows you to perform the following operations on a service registry:

  • Get to retrieve a resource
  • Register to create the object or update it if it already exists
  • Deregister to remove the object
  • List to list all objects based on filters

Please refer to our SDK documentation to learn more about these operations and their options.

You should first define the object you wish to define the operation for, examples:

// Get a service called "payroll" inside namespace "hr"
srv, err := Namespace("hr").Service("payroll").Get(context.Background())

// Register an endpoint for service "profile" inside namespace "users"
err := Namespace("users").
    Register(context.Background(), register.WithAddress(""), register.WithPort(8080))

Once again please refer to our SDK documentation for more thorough descriptions and examples.

Future developments

  • Watching for changes in real-time
  • Server that acts as a full-fledged service registry that you can interact with via gRPC or REST and in any language and supporting RBAC.
  • CLI application
  • Experiment with go 1.18 generics


Interact with multiple service registries in a common and universal way.




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