- 🔭 I’m currently working on the TimeTracker, the SiteBlocker and Bookworm
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- ongoing : Bookworm : Python (server made from socket), VueJs, Tailwind ;
- ongoing : Timetracker, with statistics for a better hold on everyday activites.
- ongoing : Website Blocker : custom chrome extension (JS vanilla, CSS vanilla and HTML) ;
- 2022-2023 : Hôtel Arth : fictional hotel website with a dashboard and a mobile app (Laravel, VueJS, Tailwind, Flutter) ;
- 2022 : Podcatcher Learning project to listen and download podcasts (VueJs, Firebase) ;
- 2022 : Metadata Transfer: Python scripts to insert ebooks metadata from Calibre into a MySql database and to automatize the moving of files on external hard-drive.