Build elasticsearch index for covid-19 corpus (cosi-132a final project), data of this project are from Kaggle's COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge (CORD-19)
Below are prequisites and instructions for using this project
Java version 1.8.0
- Download project as zip file or clone this repository
- Download all dependencies in the pom.xml file by importing the pom.xml file(Intellij IDEA, etc) or install maven and run command
mvn install
- Download all data sets from kaggle website:
- Put all those data files in a folder called data in your project's root directory
- In the same root directory, create two folders index-data and processed
- Run Parser.main() to preprocess data in all json files
- Run MetadataCSVParser.main() to process the metadata.csv file
- Run IndexJsonFile.main() to start building es index. (Make sure to start the elasticsearch instance on your local environment)