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Using GitHub Issues

Using (Kanban Board)

Processing New GitHub Issues


The Trilinos Project uses the Kanban agile software development process to improve project productivity and increase visibility and transparency of activities. The primary issue tracking tool used by the Trilinos Project is GitHub Issues. In addition, provides a Kanban Board view of Trilinos Issues on GitHub. uses the same login credentials as GitHub.

In addition to GitHub Issues and, some Trilinos deliverable tracking takes place in the issue tracking tools of Trilinos customers. This tracking can be any combinations of high-level, (similar to SCRUM epics), or at a lower-level (similar to SCRUM stories or tasks) depending on specific circumstances. The process for using customer tools varies by customer.

The basic premise of Kanban is:

  1. Limit WIP:
  • By limiting the work in progress (WIP, i.e. the number of distinct project tasks that are active at any given time), productivity is improved because the overhead of swapping between distinct activities is optimized.
  • Weaknesses in the development workflow that create bottlenecks in productivity become evident when an in-progress task is taking longer than expected. Rather than permitting the team to move on to another task, the team must identify and fix the productivity bottleneck, leading to a better process in the future.
  1. Pull scheduling:
  • Developers only pull new work when their is sufficient capacity to do so.
  • Avoids a deadline-based approach. Deadlines are dealt with in a different way (e.g. deadlines on milestones with flexible scope).
  1. Just-in-time commitment: Planning and commitment is deferred until the "last responsible moment".

  2. Visualize the workflow: Provides a nice board for viewing and managing issues. The board is useful for all stakeholders, including developers, interested users, project leadership, and management.

An excellent overview of Kanban (and Scrum) is provided by Henrik Kniberg and Mattias Skarin. Another useful site for information on Kanban is Open Kanban. Also, here is a nice kick-start example for Kanban.

General Guidance for Trilinos Developers Using GitHub Issues

GitHub provides an excellent overview for using GitHub Issues. Developers should be generally familiar with the features discussed in this overview. Below we assume familiarity with these features and focus on recommended and common use of these features within the Trilinos project.

Using Labels: The Trilinos Project strongly encourages the use of labels, and requires that each issue have at least one label applied to it before it is "accepted" into the backlog. Note that users who do not have write access to the repository cannot apply labels to new or existing issues. The justification for this GitHub (not Trilinos Project) policy is that developers would not want users applying the wrong labels to issues (consider for example if there was an "urgent" label, or something of that nature). More information about applying the right labels, and further details are provided below in the next section.

Trilinos Team Names: Many Trilinos package development teams have created a team in the Trilinos organization on GitHub. By doing this, teams can be "mentioned" in the same way that users can be mentioned. The cost of having a team is simply the maintenance of appropriate team membership. Currently, it is not required that each package have a team associated with it in the Trilinos organization. This is at least partially due to the fact that some packages are orphaned and when maintenance or development needs to be performed on those packages. The Trilinos GitHub issue template firmly guides those filing issues to @ mention at least one Trilinos team or developer (the default is the framework team). The @ mentioned team or developer then can decide who to assign the issue to (if anyone) and/or communicate with the customer who created the Issue about the status of the package and the issue at hand.

Dependency Tracking Strategies: GitHub Issues do not support dependency tracking in a strong way. That is to say, you cannot say that one issue depends on another in the same way you can in a tool like Bugzilla (or Trac, or JIRA, etc.). There are two primary ways dependencies can be noted using GitHub issues. First, you can use a reference, as noted in the overview. References can denote a dependency, or simply that another issue is "related" (a designation that is lacking in Bugzilla). If you reference one issue in another, the referenced issue will have a note added to it saying it was referenced, and listing the issue it was referenced by. The nature of this dependency should be noted in the editable first comment (i.e. the description) for the Issue (see example below). The other way a dependency can be noted is to set up a GitHub Issue Milestone and add the issue to that Milestone. For example, if the customer release 1.0 depends on a GitHub issue, then you can set up a Milestone for customer release 1.0 and list that Milestone in the Issue. This way you can also track progress towards milestones. Note that GitHub milestones can also be used for general Agile Epics (i.e. without firm end dates) to organize related Issues. Also, a set of subordinate Issue tasks (if appropriate) can be listed out in the first comment (i.e. the description) for the parent Issue. And example of this and other relationships may be shown in the Issues description field (i.e first comment) like:

Fix the thing that is breaking the other thing


**Blocked by:** #111, #112

**Blocking:** #113, #114

* #123: Figure out what the thing should be doing
* #124: Develop the fix for the thing
* Test and verify that this fixes the other thing

This allows the breakdown of a larger Story Issue into smaller Task Issues as needed (but most tasks don't need to be their own Issue tickets).

General Guidance for Trilinos Developers Using

As stated above, provides a Kanban Board for Trilinos GitHub Issues, and a basic premise of Kanban is to limit work-in-progress. "Work-in-progress" relates specifically to Issue cards in the third column of the Kanban board "In Progress". Below is a brief description of each of the columns on the Kanban board.

  • Backlog: The Backlog column is where all GitHub Issues start out. The Backlog is just what it says - a backlog of work. These tickets have not necessarily been identified as valid, and are not necessarily detailed enough to being work on. All accepted issues should be given at least one label and @ reference at least one Trilinos developer or Trilinos team. Issue that are realistically never going to be worked should be closed with the justification given in a comment before it is closed. (Note: you can always find these closed issues after the fact.)

  • Ready (Optional): Once a ticket has been verified as valid, and there is enough detail to start working on the issue, and the current list of Issues in "Ready" is not too large, then it can be moved from "Backlog" to "Ready" (i.e add the label ready). Optionally, some packages may want to impose the additional requirement that the package lead has chosen the issue to be worked on in the near future. In this way, the package leader can identify the next tasks to be completed, and the rest of the team can choose from the issues selected for development. In this case, the package leader is the only one who moves work from the "Backlog" to the "Ready" column. In reality, high-priority and/or urgent issues can move very quickly from the "Backlog" to "In Progress", and may essentially skip this column (for example when a defect is uncovered in the code that needs to be addressed quickly). For larger development tasks that need to be clearly defined prior to starting work, the concept of "Ready" is critical.

  • In Progress: When work has begun on an Issue, it should be moved from "Ready" to "In Progress". Before an issue is moved to "In Progress", someone should be assigned to the issue. If multiple people are working on the issue, it is acceptable to select one to be the assignee, or to break the issue into multiple issues (i.e. task Issues as described above), each with a different assignee. Note that the assignee can be changed as different parts of the issue are worked on or work shifts from one person to another. The idea is that there is a clear contact for the work at any time. NOTE: While Kanban strives to limit work-in-progress, the Trilinos Project has not imposed formal work-in-progress limits for packages or developers. Prior to beginning work on another issue, developers are asked to look quickly at their current "In Progress" tickets (and those of colleagues who might need help moving forward on a blocked issue) to make sure that they, and the team is not already fully loaded with work. Often it is better to finish a ticket already "In Progress" first in order to avoid excessive task swapping (which has been shown to degrade productivity significantly). As progress is made on an "In Progress" issue, developers are asked to add comments to the issue to keep stakeholders informed and to log process on the ticket (for their own benefit later). Also, all commits made to a Trilinos branch should reference the GitHub Issue ID (e.g. See #123).

  • In Review (Optional): When an Issue is ready to be completed, it can be optionally be moved into "In Review" and assigned to an independent person to review the Issue. This would likely be the case if a Pull Request (PR) is created for a branch with the changes for the issue. In that case, the PR number (e.g. #123) should be listed in the comment of the ticket. Work on Larger issues should be reviewed incrementally while "In Progress" which might include a branch and a PR. In that case, the "In Review" stage would be used for a final sign off by the customer of the Issue (if appropriate).

  • Done: When work on an issue is completed (including any review), it can be moved to "Done". This is most commonly accomplished by simply closing the issue in GitHub Issues, or though a git commit message (e.g. Fixes #123 in the commit message). This represents no additional overhead to a typical developer's workflow. Developers are discouraged from simply dragging an issue from "In Progress" to Done without making some kind of comment.

Note: On the Kanban board for Trilinos, it is possible to simply drag and drop issues from one column to another. If you are working in GitHub, and prefer not to look at the Kanban board at that moment, it is possible to move issues from column to column by applying labels also. For example, if you want to move from "Backlog" to "Ready", simply add the label ready to the issue. (But don't apply more that one Kanban stage label like ready and in_progress to the same issue.)

Filtering the Kanban Board

While the default Kanban board for Trilinos provides some insight into the amount and type of work going on in the project, looking at all of the issues can quickly become overwhelming. Issues can be filtered by title or label using the "Filter Board" box in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. The drop-down next to this box allows filters to be applied based on label, assignee, milestone, as well as a couple other more advanced features. Note that filters are "and'ed", not "or'ed". In other words, if you select "Kokkos" and "Tpetra", you will get the issues with both the Kokkos and Tpetra labels, not all issues with at least one of those two labels.

Filtered searches can be bookmarked. For example, the URL to the Kanban board for MueLu issues is

Processing New GitHub Issues

(Note: a summary of this information is available on the New Issue Cheat Sheet)

Using the filtering capability mentioned above, it is possible to find all of the issues with no labels applied to them using the "Unlabeled" label filter. When issues are submitted without labels, the below steps should be taken to properly review and categorize the new issue. This can be done by a developer who was mentioned in the issue, or by a member of the team that was mentioned in the issue. (If the framework team was mentioned by default, they will mention the appropriate team/developer so that this process can be followed.) Individual packages may have a policy that the package lead should follow this process for any issue that mentions the package team. Developers are also asked to complete these steps when filing a new issue so that it is immediately properly categorized:

  1. Close the Issue if it will never be worked: If the package lead or the capability lead for the area (for an orphaned package) reads over an Issue and decides that it is not appropriate, or realistically will never be resolved, then it is appropriate to close the Issue and state the justification for why the Issue should be closed. Other interested parties should be @ referenced in the comment that closes the issue.

  2. Add Labels: As previously mentioned, the Trilinos Project has a policy of requiring at least one label per GitHub issue. The idea is that only those who have push access to the repository can apply labels, so if labels have been applied to the issue, someone has at least done a preliminary review of the issue. Once a label is applied, it will no longer show up in the "Unlabeled" view, so it is important to also complete the remaining steps below, as other developers will not know these have not been completed once a label is applied. Applying all applicable labels is also important, because filtering by label will only work to the extent that the right labels have been added. Here are some common types of labels to consider:

    • Package: Tpetra, Framework (includes CMake, TriBITS, configuration), etc.

    • Category: performance, test, build, bug, enhancement

    • Platform: linux, osx, windows, gpu, manycore

    (Also see the "help wanted" in the "Assign the Issue" item below.)

  3. Mention Associated Teams and Developers: Adding a GitHub @ mention for package teams and developers will alert the right people when a new issue is filed. It may also be appropriate to add comments to the issue when mentioning teams/developers.

  4. Assign the Issue: If there is an obvious assignee for an issue, it is best to assign the issue so that someone feels ownership of the issue. If that person cannot address the issue due to time or other constraints, they can try to identify an alternative assignee. If no developer appears to have current or future capacity to address the issue, the help wanted label should be applied to the issue. This is a clear indication of a staffing issue that is visible to all stakeholders. Issues tied to important deliverables to be completed during the current and next calendar quarter should have an assignee listed (or the help wanted label applied) to help identify staffing issues. Remember that issues that are not high priority, and for which there is no available staff to work on the issue, can be closed. Doing so prevents false expectations on the part of Trilinos customers.

  5. Associate the Issue with a Milestone (optional): There are two types of milestones commonly used in the Trilinos Project:

  • Specific deliverable milestones: These milestones are created for specific deliverables with deadlines. Milestones of this type are sometimes tracked in a customer issue tracker. It is not always necessary to use a milestone if labels and other tracking mechanisms are sufficient. The names of these milestones should be descriptive (but short), but do not need to follow any formatting guidelines.
  • Quarterly milestones: These milestones help organize issues that need to resolved by a specific date that are not tied to specific deliverable milestones. Adding issues to these milestones, and then filtering by label or assignee helps developers to see what items need to be completed within a specific time-frame. Milestones of this type are of the format "FY17Q2" (due by end of FY 2017, quarter 2).