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Pluggable Pod Security Profiles

Kubernetes supports configuration of a Security Context (SC) which can limit what the applications running on top of it are or are not allowed to do. The SC can be configured on the Pod level (Pod Security Context) or on the container level. When configured on the Pod level, it applies to all the containers in a given Pod. The security context allows you to configure different security related aspects of the containers. For example:

  • Users and group used for running the container
  • Capabilities available to the applications
  • seccomp profiles
  • SELinux options

The latest versions of Kubernetes introduced Pod Security Standards. These standards can be used to enforce the security context configuration. Pod Security Standards define three profiles to specify the security context allowed for applications:

  • Privileged for applications needing the widest possible permissions
  • Baseline which prevents some common security issues, but is minimally restrictive
  • Restricted which heavily restricts the application permissions and follows the best hardening practices

For a detailed description of the profiles, including what's allowed and disallowed with each profile, see Pod Security Standards in the Kubernetes documentation.

Together with the profiles, Kubernetes also introduced a Pod Security Admission plugin to enforce the security standards. From Kubernetes 1.23, these features moved to Beta and are enabled by default. By default, it does not enforce any of the profiles. Enforcing a specific profile can be configured either in the Kubernetes API server configuration or using namespace labels. Once enabled, Kubernetes does not allow creation of Pods which do not have the security context configured as described by the enforced profile. You can learn more about the Pod Security Admission in the Kubernetes documentation.

Current situation

Currently, Strimzi provides a minimal configuration of the security context by default. When running on Kubernetes and using persistent storage, we configure the group which should be used for the storage. That is the only automatic configuration Strimzi makes.

Users can use the .template properties in the Strimzi custom resources to configure their own security context. This allows them to customize a security context that matches their own requirements and policies. On OpenShift, the security context is automatically injected into the Pods when they are created based on OpenShift Security Context Constraints (SCC) policies. This typically involves dropping some capabilities, using some random unprivileged user ID etc. In some cases, Strimzi users might also use similar systems to inject the security context using admission controllers and similar tools.

The baseline profile basically means that you just use the default settings without requesting any additional privileges or capabilities. So without any of the additional tooling mentioned previously, Strimzi operators and the Pods created by them at present match the baseline profile. If you try to run Strimzi in a cluster where the restricted profile is enforced, it does not work out of the box.

Apart from the Kaniko builder used for the Kafka Connect build (Kaniko currently requires running as root), all our components are able to run under the restricted profile. But the operator doesn't configure the appropriate security context and the admission plugin will reject them. Users have to manually add the matching security context configuration into the .template sections of the custom resources and into the operator deployments to allow the pods to be created under the restricted profile. To match the restricted profile, users must configure the following security context:

            allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
              # The restricted allows the use of the NET_BIND_SERVICE capability.
              # But Strimzi does not require it for anything, so we do not include it here.
                - ALL
            runAsNonRoot: true
              type: RuntimeDefault

While users can configure the security context, it is not user-friendly. The Pod security context does not cover all the different options required by the restricted profile. So the security context has to be configured for every container (including init containers, sidecars etc.). So a single Kafka cluster might need configuration in 8 different places in the Kafka custom resource: ZooKeeper, Kafka broker, Kafka init-container, Topic Operator, User Operator, TLS sidecar, Kafka Exporter, and Cruise Control.


This proposal suggests adding a pluggable mechanism for users to provide their own plugins to configure the Pod and container security contexts of all Strimzi components. Out of the box, Strimzi will provide implementation supporting two profiles:

  • The baseline provider which will mirror the current behavior and can be used when running under the baseline Kubernetes profile
  • The restricted provider which will allow to run under the restricted Kubernetes profile

The baseline profile will be used by default. So users will not see any change by default. But if they decide to, they will be abe to switch to the restricted profile.

In addition, any user who will need some special configuration, will be able to provide a custom provider plugin. This will allow them to use their own configurations without having to specify them in the .template sections in all custom resources. This might be useful for users who use some custom security tooling and might have their own requirement for the security configuration. But regular users will not need to write any custom plugins.

The pluggable mechanism should also make it easy to add additional implementations to Strimzi in the future.

Plugin implementation


A new interface PodSecurityProvider will be added to the api module. All provider plugins will implement this interface. The reason for having this interface in the api module is that this module is distributed though Maven repositories. Users will be able to write their implementations by using the api module as dependency.

The interface will have methods for providing security contexts for all Pods created by Strimzi, and all containers. The methods providing the security context will get as a parameter an object of type PodSecurityProviderContext. This will be an object created by Strimzi which will encapsulate the different infromation which strimzi will provide to the Provider plugin to make its decisions when generating the Kubernetes security context. The PodSecurityProviderContext will be defines as another interface in the api module:

interface PodSecurityProviderContext {
    Storage storage();
    PodSecurityContext userSuppliedContext();

This encapsulation should make it easier to add additional information in the future without changing the signature of the provider methods but only by adding new methods to the Strimzi provided context.

The provider methods will have the default implementation which will always just return the user-specified context. For example (just few methods are listed in this example):

public interface PodSecurityProvider {
    // ...

    default PodSecurityContext kafkaPodSecurityContext(PodSecurityProviderContext context) {
        return context.userSuppliedContext();

    default SecurityContext kafkaContainerSecurityContext(PodSecurityProviderContext context) {
        return context.userSuppliedContext();

    default SecurityContext kafkaInitContainerSecurityContext(PodSecurityProviderContext context) {
        return context.userSuppliedContext();

    // ...

The interface will also have a configure method for configuring the provider. The configure method will get as a parameter an object describing the platform (Kubernetes version, features / APIs) which can be taken into account when creating the security context. This method will not have any default implementation.

public interface PodSecurityProvider {
    // ...
    void configure(PlatformFeatures platformFeatures);
    // ...

PlatformFeatures in this method is another new interface which provides some of the methods provided by the PlatformFeaturesAvailability class which is part of the operator-common module` It uses the features which might be relevant for generating the security context:

public interface PlatformFeatures {
    KubernetesVersion getKubernetesVersion();
    boolean isOpenshift();

The configure(...) method can in addition to the PlatformFeatures also for example use environment variables to configure the provider.


We will provide two implementations to support the baseline (default) and restricted profiles:

  • BaselinePodSecurityProvider
  • RestrictedPodSecurityProvider

(Strimzi does not require any privileged access, so there is no need to provide a build in profile for that. Any user running Strimzi under the privileged can use the baseline provider which will work without any issues.)

These implementations will be also part of the api module so that users can just extend them instead of implementing the provider from scratch.

The BaselinePodSecurityProvider will implement the current behaviour:

  • Return the user-supplied security context when specified
  • When the user-supplied context is null and we are on OpenShift:
    • A null will be returned (OpenShift injects its own Security Context in that case) for all Pods and containers
  • When the user-supplied context is null and we are not on OpenShift:
    • Pods with storage will get a Security Context specifying the file system group as 0
    • All other pods will get null Security Context
    • All containers will get null Security Context

In the YAML format, the generated security context will look like this:

  • No container security contexts will be set
  • No pod security contexts will be set for Pods without persistent storage
  • For Pods with persistent storage, following security context will be set:
      fsGroup: 0

The RestrictedPodSecurityProvider will implement the following behaviour:

  • Return the user-supplied security context when specified
  • When the user-supplied context is null:
    • Pods with storage will get a Security Context specifying the file system group as 0
    • All other pods will get null Security Context
    • For the Kaniko container, an exception will be thrown since Kaniko cannot run under the Restricted profile
    • All other containers will get a Security Context matching the restricted Kubernetes profile:
      • Disable privilage escalation
      • Run as non-root
      • Specify the Seccomp profile as RuntimeDefault
      • Drop all capabilities

In the YAML format, the generated security context will look like this:

  • All containers (apart from Kaniko) will have the following security context:
      allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
      runAsNonRoot: true
        type: RuntimeDefault
          - ALL
  • No pod security contexts will be set for Pods without persistent storage
  • For Pods with persistent storage, following security context will be set:
      fsGroup: 0

Loading the plugins

In the Cluster Operator, the plugins will be loaded using the Java Service Provider Interface which will be used to find the class configured by the user. A PodSecurityProviderFactory class will be part of the cluster-oprator module. It will have a static initialize method which will load the class based on the configuration, call its configure(...) method and store it in a static field for further use. It will also have static method getProvider() which will be used by the model classes to get the provider instance.


The provider which should be used will be configured using the STRIMZI_POD_SECURITY_PROVIDER_CLASS environment variable. The environment variable will not be configured by default in the installation files. And when not configured, it will use the BaselinePodSecurityProvider by default.

When a user decides to configure the class, they can specify the full class name (including the package). They can also use the following keywords:

  • baseline for BaselinePodSecurityProvider
  • restricted for RestrictedPodSecurityProvider

If the configured class is not found, an error will be thrown during the intialization and the operator will exit.

Installation files

There will be no changes to the installation files. If a user wants to use Strimzi under a restricted security profile, they can edit the installation files to specify the security context. In this way, the installation files will continue to work on current environments. This includes OpenShift, whose restricted SCC policy is not compatible with the Kubernetes restricted profile.

In the future, depending on how many users use the restricted security profile, we can consider adding it to the installation files and using RestrictedPodSecurityProvider by default.

Benefits of this proposal

This proposal will make it easier for the users to run under the different Kubernetes security profiles. It will also make it much easier to customize the security context configuration if needed by providing custom plugins.

Rejected alternatives

Using a separate module for the interface and its implementations

I considered creating a separate Java module for the plugin interface and its implementations instead of having them in the api module. But it seemed unnecessary without giving some additional advantage and it would take the builds longer to run.

Moving implementations to the Cluster Operator module

The implementations provided by Strimzi could also live in the cluster-operator module directly. But in that case, users cannot just extend them, they would need to write their providers from scratch.


The default behaviour will be exactly the same as before this change. Only users who make use of the additional providers see some change.