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FiTx: Framework for Finger Traceable Bugs in Linux


This repository contains the artifacts for USENIX ATC 2024 Paper:

Keita Suzuki, Kenta Ishiguro, Kenji Kono, "Balancing Analysis Time and Bug Detection: Daily Development-friendly Bug Detection in Linux", In 2024 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (to appear), 2024

FiTx is a framework to generate bug detection checkers for "Finger traceable bugs". It aims to explores an approach that balances the trade-off of bug detection capabilities and short analysis time by combining the computationally less-complex analysis techniques.


  • A Linux machine (Ubuntu 20.04 recommended)
  • Network access
  • A decent amount of memory and disk storage to compile Linux kernel with allyesconfig
    • RAM: Preferably 32 GB or more
    • Disk storage: At least 100GB
  • Software
    • [Optional, Strongly Recommended] Docker and docker-compose to run the experiments

Experimental Setup

Our experiments are conducted using the following setup (taken from the paper):

Setup Version
OS Ubuntu 20.04
CPU 16 Core Intel Xeon CPU E5-2620
RAM 96 GB (limited to 32 GB)
LLVM 10.0.1
Target Linux Version v5.15
Config allyesconfig

Artifact overview

The artifacts are provided as both docker image and source code. We strongly recommend using the docker image since it deals with installing all the required packages. For the rest of this document, we assume that you are using the docker container. If you would like to manually build the setup, please refer to Manual instructions. The container is based on a debian-buster image.

The Dockerfile conducts the following:

  1. Install relevant packages including LLVM version 10.0.1
  2. Build FiTx and the detectors from source
  3. Setup and mount scripts and test directories.
  4. Download the experimented Linux kernel version 5.15.

FiTx Structure

The main part of FiTx is consisted of two parts:

  1. The main FiTx framework which provides various libraries to implement bug checkers
  2. The bug checkers (detectors) implemented using the FiTx framework.

The structure of the respository and its explanation are as follows:

  ├ src - includes all the relevant source files for FiTx and the detectors
    ├ framework - Contains all code related to FiTx.
        ├ core         - Contains common libraries and util classes.
        ├ framework_ir - Contains code related to preserving non-optimized IRs.
        ├ frontend     - Contains code related to analyzing the code.
        ┗ include      - Contains header files.
    ┗ detectors - Contains the codes for example detectors using FiTx.
        ├ all_detector - Contains code for detector to find all available bugs.
        ├ df_detector  - Contains code for double free detectors.
        ├ ... (Ommiting example for other detectors)
        ┗ include      - Contains header files.
  ├ test - includes the test source code to conduct simple functional testing of FiTx
  ┗ scripts - includes experimental scripts as well as some configuration files

Getting Started Guide

Using Docker Container

Assuming that Docker and docker-compose is installed, run the following command to start the container:

docker-compose up --build -d

This will install the relevant packages, build FiTx, and download Linux kernel with the version used in the experiments within the container.

By default, docker-compose will set the container name as FiTx. If you decide to change the container name, be sure to replace container name to the one you specified throughout the examples.

Manual instructions

If you need to manually build your own enviornment to use FiTx, please conduct the following:

Install LLVM

  1. Install LLVM 10.0.1. Follow Getting Started Guilde from
  2. To use the scripts, install python3, pip3 and install packages in requirements.txt

Building FiTx

FiTx can be built using CMake.

  1. Download this repository
  2. Run cmake -S [PATH_TO_FITX]/src -B [PATH_TO_FITX]/build
  3. In build directory, run build by making make -j${nproc}

This will build FiTx library inside [PATH_TO_FITX]/build/framework, and generate the detectors in [PATH_TO_FITX]/build/detector/[BUG_TYPE]/lib[BUG_TYPE].so. For instance, the bug checker for double free will be build/detector/df_detector/

In most cases, using the all_detector should be enough, since it will run the detector for all the implemented checkers.

Running FiTx detectors

FiTx framework generates a LLVM plugin to be used with Clang compiler for each detector. To use each FiTx detector, simply run the Clang compiler (build the source) with the following arguments:

Clang [Source File] -g -O0 -Xclang -load -XClang [PATH_TO_DETECTOR]

# Example of running `all_detector` on example.c
Clang -g -Xclang -load -XClang FiTx/build/detector/all_detector/ example.c 

If the checker finds a bug, it will generate a log to stderr. Otherwise, the compilation should complete as it usually does without the checkers.

Please use the script scripts/ as it will handle adding the arguments to Clang automatically and run the all_detector. The rest of the document will assume you are using this script.

Running FiTx with toysized examples

Run the following command to run FiTx on a test source code. By default, tests are mounted to /tmp/tests within the container. Each test is seperated by the type of bug by directory. Within each bug directory, there are two directories: /src, which stores the testcase sources, and expected, which stores the expected output of each testcase.

The test can be run using the script /FiTx/scripts/ test. The script will deal with identifying the source files within each directory, running analysis on them, and printing the analysis log as output if there are any. Empty log indicates no bug was found.

# Script template. By default, container name is FiTx.
docker exec FiTx python3 /FiTx/scripts/ test PATH_TO_TEST

# Example of running double free tests
docker exec FiTx python3 /FiTx/scripts/ test /tmp/tests/double_free

To check if the log is correctly pointing to a bug (or not pointing to a bug), please refer to log files in [PATH_TO_TEST]/expected/[TEST_NAME].log which stores the expected log for each testcase (or check the testcase file and manually confirm the bug). For instance, if you are testing /tmp/tests/double_free/src/intra_procedural_df.c, the expected log will be /tmp/tests/double_free/expected/intra_procedural_df.log.

Example running a test

Example code /tmp/tests/double_free/src/inter_procedural_df.c looks like the following:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define NAME 100

void free_char(char* name) {

int main() {
  char *name = (char *) malloc(NAME);

  if (name == NULL)
    return -1;

  free(name); // BUG: DoubleFree here
  return 0;

When running the analysis on this, you should run

# OPTION1:  Run on entire directory
docker exec FiTx python3 /FiTx/scripts/ test /tmp/tests/double_free

# OPTION2: Run on single testcase
docker exec FiTx python3 /FiTx/scripts/ test /tmp/tests/double_free/src/inter_procedural_df.c

This should show you the following log:

Running test on /tmp/tests/double_free/src/inter_procedural_df.c
Found 1 tests
[Running] /tmp/tests/double_free/src/inter_procedural_df.c
[ERROR] /tmp/tests/double_free/src/inter_procedural_df.c:18:3: --- [double free] ---
[ERROR] /tmp/tests/double_free/src/inter_procedural_df.c:18:3: [framework::Value] ValueType: 55 Array Element: -2 ({Type: i8* Field: -1}, )
  [LOG] /tmp/tests/double_free/src/inter_procedural_df.c:17:3: [Transition] init to free
  [LOG] /tmp/tests/double_free/src/inter_procedural_df.c:18:3: [Transition] free to double free

If this is printed, it means that the detector is correctly working, and the bug has been identified.

Reading the log

Each log generated by FiTx will look like the following:

[ERROR] /tmp/tests/double_free/src/intra_procedural_df.c:32:3: --- [double free] ---
[ERROR] /tmp/tests/double_free/src/intra_procedural_df.c:32:3: [framework::Value] ValueType: 55 Array Element: -2 ({Type: i8* Field: -1}, )
  [LOG] /tmp/tests/double_free/src/intra_procedural_df.c:28:5: [Transition] init to free
  [LOG] /tmp/tests/double_free/src/intra_procedural_df.c:32:3: [Transition] free to double free

The first line indicates the type of bug that was identified ([double free]). The second line will indicate the type of the value (Refer to later section on details). The remaining lines with [LOG] tag indicate where the state transition occurred within each source file.

[Optional] Compiling Linux Kernel

This section is completely optional as compiling Linux kernel will be handled in later sections when running FiTx on Linux source. The same exact steps will be conducted in later section, in /FiTx/scripts/ script.

Run the following command to make sure the Linux kernel can be compiled within the container:


Running the following command will trigger a allyesconfig compilation and will take a long time to complete

docker exec FiTx make CC=clang HOSTCC=clang -j4 LLVM_IAS=0 -C [PATH_TO_LINUX: default is `/linux`]


Please make sure to run make clean inside the container after compilation.

Detailed Instruction

Running FiTx on Linux

To run FiTx on Linux, run the following command:

docker exec FiTx python3 /FiTx/scripts/ linux

This will run the analysis on the downloaded Linux kernel. Please make sure that the Linux kernel builds are clean (i.e. run make clean) before starting this script. By default, the logs will be stored inside /tmp/log/[datetime_of_analysis].log.

Reproducing the main contribution of the paper

The main results provided in the paper is as follows:

  1. Number of warnings: The number of warnings generated are small.
    • As shown in Section 6.1.2 (Table 6(b)), our analysis only generates few warnings per source file. 99.9% of the source files only generated at most 3 warnings per file.
    • In total, our analysis generated 113 warnings (Table 8).
  2. Analysis time: The analysis time is not prolonged.
    • FiTx focuses on achieving short analysis time while still finding as much bug as possible. As mentioned in Section 6.1.2 (Table 6(a)), 99%ile of the source file required less than 0.99 seconds to complete the analysis.
  3. Bug Detection Capabilities: FiTx was able to find 13 confirmed bugs.
    • Our analysis was able to find 13 confirmed bugs in Linux kernel. Table 10 in Section 6.2 shows these results.

The rest of this section will provide a method to reproduce these key results.

1. Number of warnings

To retrive the number of warnings, follow the following steps:

  1. run the analysis as shown in this section.
  2. Run /FiTx/scripts/ This script will count the warnings in the generated log file, and show the results.
  3. Alternatively, you could manually count the warning in the log file.
Data diffference paper

During Artifact Evaluation, we have found a minor memory bug in the original code of FiTx. This bug has already been fixed. After re-evaluating with the fixed version, there are following changes from the paper:

  1. The total number of warnings will change to 121, from the prior 113 in the paper
  2. The number of true positive does not change with this result
  3. The 8 newly generated warnings were false positives, making the false positive rate slightly higher to 61.2% from the original 58.4%.

The result should look as follows:

Warnings TP
Double Free 41 21
Double Lock 16 7
Double unlock 13 5
Memory leak 15 3
use after free 31 9
reference count 5 2
Total 121 47

Other than the number of warnings, no change is made to other results, and our claim in the paper is also not affected, thus will not be changed.

Please be noted that the data retrieved at the timing of writing the paper and conducted experiments in our environment is still the same as the paper.

2. Measuring analysis time of each source file

To retrive the analsys time, conduct the following:

  1. run the analysis with --measure flag. The script will generate a different log file named /tmp/log/{datatime}_time.log. This log file keeps track of all output related to elapsed time in milliseconds.
docker exec FiTx python3 /FiTx/scripts/ linux --measure
  1. Run /FiTx/scripts/ This script will collect the measured analysis time, and print the 50 Percentile value and 90 Percentile value in ms.
docker exec FiTx python3 /FiTx/scripts/ [MEASURE_LOG_FILE]
  1. Alternatively, you could manually count the analysis time in the log file.

3. Bugs detection with FiTx

Our analysis found 13 new confirmed bugs in the Linux kernel. Table 10 in Section 6.2 shows the results of this analysis. To reproduce this result with the analysis time, conduct the following:

  1. For each bug detected source file, run the analysis script with --file option. This will allow to analyze a single target in the Linux Makefile.

For example, if you want to analyze drivers/platform/chrome/chromeos_laptop.c, run the following command:

docker exec FiTx python3 /FiTx/scripts/ linux --file drivers/platform/chrome/chromeos_laptop.o

Note that the file will be the target of Makefile in Linux, and not the exact source file. Hence, in the example above, the target will be the object file (chromeos_laptop.o) and not the source file.

  1. With the generated logs, check each warning manually and determine if they point to a bug.