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A typesafed Wrapper for Solid's RPC protocol


Please read the docs here, bellow info is less accurate.


pnpm install @solid-mediakit/prpc @tanstack/solid-query @solid-mediakit/prpc-plugin

Adding The Vite Plugin

Go ahead to app.config.ts and add the following:

import { defineConfig } from '@solidjs/start/config'
import { prpcVite } from '@solid-mediakit/prpc-plugin' // ->

export default defineConfig({
  ssr: true,
  vite: {
    plugins: [prpcVite({ log: false })], // ->

Basically, what is going to happen is that the Vite plugin will make this piece of code run on the server, causing it so Zod doesn't leak to the client nor any other server-side code. What's so special about it is that it includes many useful features which aren't build in Vinxi, like Zod validation, event$ property, custom error handling and more. The transformation process is done via Babel at real time so you don't have to worry about having ugly code in your code base, you just write it and we are in charge of the 'behind the scenes' stuff.


Recommended (Builder)

Read more about the builder here

export const helloBuilder = builder$()
  .middleware$(() => {
    return {
      hello: 1,
  .middleware$((ctx) => {
    return {
      world: 2,

export const helloQuery = helloBuilder
      hello: z.string(),
  .query$(({ payload, ctx$ }) => {
    if (payload.hello === 'hello') {
      return ctx$.hello
    return ctx$.world
  }, 'myNewQuery')


// server function declaration
import { query$ } from '@solid-mediakit/prpc'
import { z } from 'zod'

const testQuery = query$({
  queryFn: async ({ payload, event$ }) => {
    const ua = event$.request.headers.get('user-agent')
    console.log({ ua })
    return `hey ${payload.hello}`
  key: 'hello',
  schema: z.object({
    hello: z.string(),

// client code:
// input should be an accessor
const hello = testQuery(() => ({
  hello: 'JDev',
}), () => ({
  deferStream: true,

Transforms Into

const __$helloQuery = cache(async ({ payload: _$$payload }) => {
  'use server'
  const _$$validatedZod = await validateZod(
      hello: z.string(),
  if (_$$validatedZod instanceof Response) return _$$validatedZod
  const _$$event = getRequestEvent()
  const ua = _$$event.request.headers.get('user-agent')
  return `hey ${_$$validatedZod.hello}`
}, 'hello')
const testQuery = query$({
  queryFn: __$helloQuery,
  key: 'hello',
  deferStream: true,


// server function declaration
import { z } from 'zod'
import { error$, mutation$ } from '@solid-mediakit/prpc'

const testMutation = mutation$({
  mutationFn: ({ payload, event$ }) => {
    const ua = event$.request.headers.get('user-agent')
    console.log({ ua })
    if (payload.hello === 'error') {
      return error$('This is an error')
    return `hey ${payload.hello}`
  key: 'hello',
  schema: z.object({
    hello: z.string(),

// client code
const Home: VoidComponent = () => {
  const [hello, setHello] = createSignal('')
  const helloMutation = testMutation(() => ({
    onError(error) {
      if (error.isZodError()) {
        console.log('zod error:', error.cause.fieldErrors)
      } else {
  return (
    <main class='flex min-h-screen flex-col items-center justify-center bg-gradient-to-b from-[#026d56] to-[#152a2c]'>
      <p class='text-2xl text-white'>
        { ?? 'No Data yet...'}
      <Show when={helloMutation.isError}>
        <p class='text-2xl text-red-500'>
          {helloMutation.error?.message ?? 'Unknown Error'}
      <div class='container flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-4 px-4 py-16'>
          class='p-4 text-2xl rounded-lg'
          onInput={(e) => setHello(e.currentTarget.value)}
          class='p-4 text-2xl bg-white rounded-lg'
          onClick={() => helloMutation.mutate({ hello: hello() })}

Transforms Into

const __$helloMutation = cache(async ({ payload: _$$payload }) => {
  'use server'
  const _$$validatedZod = await validateZod(
      hello: z.string(),
  if (_$$validatedZod instanceof Response) return _$$validatedZod
  const _$$event = getRequestEvent()
  const ua = _$$event.request.headers.get('user-agent')
  if (_$$validatedZod.hello === 'error') {
    return error$('This is an error')
  return `hey ${_$$validatedZod.hello}`
}, 'hello')
const testMutation = mutation$({
  mutationFn: __$helloMutation,
  key: 'hello',


One of pRPC's features is the ability to add middleware to your queries and mutations. This is useful for adding additional logic to your queries and mutations, such as logging, authentication, and more.

const mw1 = middleware$(({ event$ }) => {
  const ua = event$.request.headers.get('user-agent')!
  const isBot = ua.includes('bot')
  return {
const testQuery = query$({
  queryFn: async ({ payload, ctx$ }) => {
    return `hey ${payload.hello} ${ctx$.isBot ? 'bot' : 'human'}`
  key: 'hello',
  schema: z.object({
    hello: z.string(),
  middleware: [mw1],

In this example, the middleware function mw1 adds a isBot property to the context object. This property is then used in the query function to determine if the user is a bot or a human.