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The secret discovery service (SDS) simplifies certificate management and was originally created by the Envoy project to provide a flexible API to deliver secrets/certificates to the Envoy proxy.

Step SDS server implements the server-side API of SDS which pushes certificates to the client. Both mTLS and Unix Domain Sockets configuration are supported. Use the one that better suits your environment/requirements.

mTLS initialization

Using step-sds

To use mTLS between Envoy and our SDS server we need to initialize a PKI running with step-sds init. We will need the destination url and root certificate of your CA (step certificates).

$ step-sds init --ca-url --root ~/.step/certs/root.crt
✔ What would you like to name your new PKI? (e.g. SDS): SDS
✔ What do you want your PKI password to be? [leave empty and we'll generate one]:
✔ What address will your new SDS server listen at? (e.g. :443): :8443
✔ What DNS names or IP addresses would you like to add to your SDS server? (e.g.[,,etc.]):
✔ What would you like to name your SDS client certificate? (e.g.
✔ What do you want your certificates password to be? [leave empty and we'll generate one]:
✔ Key ID: jO37dtDbku-Qnabs5VR0Yw6YFFv9weA18dp3htvdEjs ([email protected])

✔ Root certificate: /home/user/.step/sds/root_ca.crt
✔ Root private key: /home/user/.step/sds/root_ca_key
✔ Intermediate certificate: /home/user/.step/sds/intermediate_ca.crt
✔ Intermediate private key: /home/user/.step/sds/intermediate_ca_key
✔ SDS certificate: /home/user/.step/sds/sds_server.crt
✔ SDS private key: /home/user/.step/sds/sds_server_key
✔ SDS client certificate: /home/user/.step/sds/sds_client.crt
✔ SDS client private key: /home/user/.step/sds/sds_client_key
✔ SDS configuration: /home/user/.step/config/sds.json

Your PKI is ready to go.
You can always generate new certificates or change passwords using step.

The init command will generate a root and intermediate certificate, with both keys encrypted using the same password. And a server certificate for the step-sds (sds_server.crt) and a client certificate (sds_client.crt) for Envoy to be used to connect to the SDS server via mTLS. The SDS server and client keys will be encrypted with own password separate from the intermediate/root keys. init will also generate an initial configuration file. All files generated will be stored in your STEPPATH (just run step path to know where).

If you want to change the passwords or create your own PKI you can leverage the corresponding subcommands available in step CLI.

Using step CLI

As we mention before we can use step CLI in lieu of the init-flow. Assuming that the SDS is running on and we name the envoy client certificate as we can just run:

# Root and intermediate
step certificate create --profile root-ca "Smallstep SDS Root CA" root.crt root.key
step certificate create --profile intermediate-ca --ca root.crt --ca-key root.key "Smallstep SDS Intermediate CA" int.crt int.key

# Step SDS
step certificate create --profile leaf --ca int.crt --ca-key int.key --no-password --insecure --not-after 87600h sds.pem sds.key
step certificate bundle sds.pem int.crt sds.crt

# Envoy
step certificate create --profile leaf --ca int.crt --ca-key int.key --no-password --insecure --not-after 87600h envoy.pem envoy.key
step certificate bundle envoy.pem int.crt envoy.crt

Running the SDS server

With the PKI and configuration file ready, we can run the SDS server:

$ bin/step-sds run ~/.step/config/sds.json
Please enter the password to decrypt the provisioner key:
Please enter the password to decrypt /Users/mariano/.step/sds/sds_server_key:
INFO[0002] Serving at tcp://[::]:8443 ...                grpc.start_time="2019-04-11T19:19:37-07:00"

By default it will ask you for the password to decrypt the provisioner key, and for the certificate key password (if encrypted). You can avoid prompts using the --password-file and --provisioner-password-file flags.

$ bin/step-sds run ~/.step/config/sds.json --password-file /run/secrets/key.password --provisioner-password-file /run/secrets/provisioner.password
INFO[0000] Serving at tcp://[::]:8443 ...                grpc.start_time="2019-04-11T19:21:59-07:00"

Alternatively, to avoid interactive prompts, you can always specify passwords in the sds.json config file:

   "network": "tcp",
   "address": ":8443",
   "root": "/home/user/.step/sds/root_ca.crt",
   "crt": "/home/user/.step/sds/sds_server.crt",
   "key": "/home/user/.step/sds/sds_server_key",
   "password": "[my-certificate-key-password]",
   "authorizedIdentity": "",
   "authorizedFingerprint": "8597a5d0b86f4a630f64fbb903b613ceb04756319a156bb6a6faed95394040ff",
   "provisioner": {
      "issuer": "[email protected]",
      "kid": "jO37dtDbku-Qnabs5VR0Yw6YFFv9weA18dp3htvdEjs",
      "ca-url": "",
      "root": "/home/user/.step/certs/root_ca.crt",
      "password": "[my-provisioner-password]"
   "logger": {
      "format": "text"

And then just:

$ bin/step-sds run ~/.step/config/sds.json
INFO[0000] Serving at tcp://[::]:8443 ...                grpc.start_time="2019-04-11T19:24:09-07:00"

SDS clients (such as Envoy) can connect to the server via UNIX domain socket. If you decide to use UNIX domain sockets the sds.json configuration file will look different as it won't be necessary to configure TLS certificates. Instead, you will only need to set the right network type (unix), address (file path for socket) and a provisioner configured in your certificates CA:

    "network": "unix",
    "address": "/tmp/sds.unix",
    "provisioner": {
       "issuer": "[email protected]",
       "kid": "oA1x2nV3yClaf2kQdPOJ_LEzTGw5ow4r2A5SWl3MfMg",
       "ca-url": "https://ca:9000",
       "root": "/home/user/.step/certs/root_ca.crt"
    "logger": {
       "format": "text"

Docker-Compose example

In examples/docker directory you'll find a docker-compose example that initializes a CA, a SDS server, and Envoy proxying request to two different servers, frontend & backend respectively. The SDS init-flow will generate certificates and send them to Envoy, the CommonName and DNS names of the certificates will be specified by the tls_certificate_sds_secret_configs name in the envoy configuration. In our example we are using for the frontend server and for the backend server. The use of a client certificate to access the backend server is mandatory. This certificate must be signed by the CA server.

Assuming a docker daemon is running you can bring up the example running following commands inside the main step-sds directory:

make docker
cd examples/docker/
docker-compose up

Once everything is running we can configure our environment to allow exploration: First, we'll need to add the following entries in our /etc/hosts file.

Now we bootstrap a step certificates environment in a temporary STEPPATH so we won't permanently pollute up our local environment:

$ export STEPPATH=/tmp
$ step ca bootstrap --ca-url --fingerprint 154fa6239ba9839f50b6a17f71addb77e4c478db116a2fbb08256faa786245f5
The root certificate has been saved in /tmp/certs/root_ca.crt.
Your configuration has been saved in /tmp/config/defaults.json.

Now we can use curl to connect. If we don't specify the root certificate we will get the following well-known error:

$ curl
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
More details here:

curl performs SSL certificate verification by default, using a "bundle"
 of Certificate Authority (CA) public keys (CA certs). If the default
 bundle file isn't adequate, you can specify an alternate file
 using the --cacert option.
If this HTTPS server uses a certificate signed by a CA represented in
 the bundle, the certificate verification probably failed due to a
 problem with the certificate (it might be expired, or the name might
 not match the domain name in the URL).
If you'd like to turn off curl's verification of the certificate, use
 the -k (or --insecure) option.
HTTPS-proxy has similar options --proxy-cacert and --proxy-insecure.

Passing the --cacert /tmp/certs/root_ca.crt flag will make it work as expected, and we'll get a response from the frontend server:

$ curl --cacert /tmp/certs/root_ca.crt
Hello TLS!

Trying the same with the backend server we will result in an error because a mutual TLS connection is required:

$ curl --cacert /tmp/certs/root_ca.crt
curl: (35) error:1401E410:SSL routines:CONNECT_CR_FINISHED:sslv3 alert handshake failure

We will need to get a client certificate from our internal CA:

$ step ca certificate client.crt client.key
✔ Key ID: oA1x2nV3yClaf2kQdPOJ_LEzTGw5ow4r2A5SWl3MfMg ([email protected])
✔ Please enter the password to decrypt the provisioner key: password
✔ CA:
✔ Certificate: client.crt
✔ Private Key: client.key

Now trying curl again with both root & client (we've just generated) certificates, we will get a successful response from the backend server:

$ curl --cacert /tmp/certs/root_ca.crt --cert client.crt --key client.key
Hello mTLS!

This docker-compose example also includes a SDS server configuration using UNIX domain sockets. Without further modifications we can run the same test sequence against a different set of ports:

$ curl --cacert /tmp/certs/root_ca.crt
Hello TLS!
$ curl --cacert /tmp/certs/root_ca.crt
curl: (35) error:1401E410:SSL routines:CONNECT_CR_FINISHED:sslv3 alert handshake failure
$ curl --cacert /tmp/certs/root_ca.crt --cert client.crt --key client.key
Hello mTLS!

Emojivoto example

The examples/emojivoto directory contains an example of using Envoy, step-sds and step certificates on a simple microservice application that allows users to vote for their favorite emoji, and tracks votes received on a leaderboard. This example uses Buoyant's emojivoto as its basis.

The application is composed of the following 3 services:

  • emojivoto-web: Web frontend and REST API
  • emojivoto-emoji-svc: gRPC API for finding and listing emoji
  • emojivoto-voting-svc: gRPC API for voting and leaderboard

Besides using gRPC, the application does not come with mutual TLS support out of the box. We will use Envoy and step-sds as a highly simplified service mesh that will handle the communications between services using mutual TLS.

In our example, all the services will be behind an ingress proxy and a TLS certificate will be available for all of them. Both gRPC services will require a client certificate from our internal Certificate Authority, so only mTLS connections will be allowed. The web service that is the one connecting to the gRPC services will use an egress proxy in Envoy with a client certificate, so it will be able to connect to it.

The emojivoto example uses kubernetes, so you will need to have access to a kubernetes cluster, if you don't minikube or docker provides you with options.

Run the following commands to set up this emojivoto example:

$ cd examples/emojivoto
$ make
kubectl apply -f ca.yaml
namespace/step created
secret/step-certificates-ca-password created
secret/step-certificates-provisioner-password created
configmap/step-certificates-config created
configmap/step-certificates-certs created
configmap/step-certificates-secrets created
service/ca created
deployment.apps/step-certificates created
sleep 2
kubectl -n step wait --for=condition=Ready -l pod
pod/step-certificates-6fc86d5689-spzvv condition met
kubectl apply -f emojivoto.yaml
namespace/emojivoto created
serviceaccount/emoji created
serviceaccount/voting created
serviceaccount/web created
secret/step-sds-secrets created
configmap/step-sds-certs created
configmap/step-sds-config created
configmap/envoy-web-config created
configmap/envoy-emoji-config created
configmap/envoy-voting-config created
deployment.apps/emoji created
service/emoji-svc created
deployment.apps/voting created
service/voting-svc created
deployment.apps/web created
service/web-svc created

This will install step certificates as a online Certificate Authority in the step namespace and the emojivoto services in the namespace with the same name. To test it locally you will need to edit your /etc/hosts file and point web-svc.emojivoto to the ClusterIP of the web-svc service, and then just go to https://web-svc.emojivoto. Here's how you retrieve the ClusterIP:

$ kubectl get service -n emojivoto web-svc
web-svc   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   1h

In case web-svc's ClusterIP is not route-able (running inside AWS or GCP) you can use kubectl port forwarding instead. Make sure to point your /etc/hosts entry for web-svc.emojivoto at and run following command:

$ kubectl port-forward -n emojivoto service/web-svc --address 7443:443

The certificate of our web app is signed by our internal CA and you will see the unsafe warning in your browser as its not included in local trust stores. If you want to avoid the warning message you can always install the root certificate into your trust store:

$ cat <<EOF > /tmp/root_ca.crt
$ step certificate install /tmp/root_ca.crt
Certificate /tmp/root_ca.crt has been installed.
X.509v3 Root CA Certificate (ECDSA P-256) [Serial: 1038...4951]
  Subject:     Smallstep Test Root CA
  Issuer:      Smallstep Test Root CA
  Valid from:  2019-07-12T22:14:14Z
          to:  2029-07-09T22:14:14Z

Remember to remove the root certificate from your local trust store after local testing as this certificate is public (as part of this repo) and anyone can use it:

$ step certificate uninstall /tmp/root_ca.crt
Certificate /tmp/root_ca.crt has been removed.
X.509v3 Root CA Certificate (ECDSA P-256) [Serial: 1038...4951]
  Subject:     Smallstep Test Root CA
  Issuer:      Smallstep Test Root CA
  Valid from:  2019-07-12T22:14:14Z
          to:  2029-07-09T22:14:14Z