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Matthias Köppe edited this page Feb 9, 2024 · 9 revisions

SageMath Development Organization Page (archived)

SageMath is free and open software that supports research and teaching in algebra, geometry, number theory, cryptography, etc. Both the SageMath development model and the technology in SageMath itself are distinguished by an extremely strong emphasis on openness, community, cooperation, and collaboration: we are building the car, not reinventing the wheel. View our Code of Conduct.

SageMath is moving to GitHub: Jan 30 to Feb 4, 2023

As announced on sage-devel:

  1. Starting Monday Jan 30, 2023 at 13:00 UTC, the Trac website and the Trac git server will be temporarily offline.

  2. By Monday Jan 30, 2023 at 23:00 UTC, the Trac website is planned to be available again, but in public read-only mode only.

    • Logins to the Trac website, whether by Trac account or by GitHub credentials, will no longer work.
    • It will no longer be possible to use SSH to access the Trac git server. In particular, it will no longer be possible to push to the Trac git server.
    • You can continue to make commits on your computer.
  3. By Saturday Feb 4, 2023 at 23:00 UTC, the migration to the SageMath organization on GitHub is planned to be completed.

The information below is outdated and is preserved for archival purposes only.

Reporting a bug (obsolete)

Please help SageMath development by reporting bugs that you encounter, no matter how trivial. If you need to open a ticket, please use the {{{ and }}} tags to add code snippets and SageMath session transcripts. For example:

Markup Displays as
sage: 1 + 2
sage: 1 + 2

You can also use backticks (`) to demarcate inline code snippets, etc. This is useful around names like DiGraph to avoid an automatic wikilink (DiGraph), like so: `DiGraph`.

SageMath makes use of many upstream projects, which have their own bug tracking pages. A selection: Cython, fflas-ffpack, GAP, GCC (instructions), Givaro, JMol, LinBox, Maxima, Numpy, PARI/GP (instructions), Python, Singular.

Following the pulse of development (obsolete)

Follow the Trac development timeline or active tickets by time, or view [other ticket reports].

Help by reviewing Tickets needing review (see checklist).

Catch up on Open tickets you've participated in or make a Custom query.

Contribute to the Release notes for the current development series by collaborative editing.

Explore the Open meta-tickets on larger tasks or topical pages on Algebra, Coding Theory, Combinatorics, Manifolds, Optimization, Polyhedral Geometry, Symbolics.

Discuss in sage-devel or one of our other development groups.

Contributing by working on tickets (obsolete)

Our FAQ on contributing to SageMath will take you to sections Working on tickets and Working with git in the Developer's Guide. Make sure you understand the review process, and the procedures for opening and closing tickets.

When opening a ticket to make a feature request or to plan a project, you may find our Feature request guidelines helpful.

After pushing a branch to a ticket, the ticket will show badges linking to results of automated tests that run on the patchbot and other tests that run on GitHub Actions.

Surveying the mathematical software landscape

Maintaining the social and technical infrastructure

Participate in or help organize Workshops and other activities, or contribute to the Sage community by answering questions.

You can also help maintain the Technical project infrastructure.

Account Names Mapped to Real Names (obsolete)

The list of over 600 account holders in Sage's Trac that was here is now merged to the contributors.xml through Github PR. The merged developers list is at SageMath developer world map.
