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Catnet Backend

We're using obelisk to get a backend up and running quickly and with minimal fuss. You can run this application by navigating to the example folder and running ob run. You'll need to have the ob command installed, of course. For instructions on how to do that, head over to the obelisk repo.

NB: As with the frontend module, this backend is just a toy example. We're specifically avoiding building in proper authentication, security, and so on. We don't have a database, just a mutable reference that'll be lost when the server is restarted. All of that stuff is outside the scope of this demonstration of the basic reflex-gadt-api functionality.

> {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
> module Backend where
> import Common.Route
> import Data.Constraint.Extras
> import Control.Monad (forever)
> import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO, MonadIO)
> import Data.Aeson as Aeson
> import Data.IORef
> import Data.List
> import Data.Some
> import qualified Data.Text as T
> import Data.Time
> import Obelisk.Backend
> import Obelisk.Route
> import Readme
> import Snap.Core
> import Network.WebSockets.Snap as WS
> import Network.WebSockets as WS
> import Reflex.Dom.GadtApi.WebSocket
> backend :: Backend BackendRoute FrontendRoute
> backend = Backend
>   { _backend_run = \serve -> do
>     dogs <- newIORef dogs0
>     serve $ \case

In our /api route handler, we grab the request body and try to decode it. It should decode to a CatApi request.

>       BackendRoute_Api :/ () -> (Aeson.decode <$> readRequestBody 16384) >>= \case
>         Nothing -> do
>           modifyResponse $ setResponseStatus 400 "Bad Request"
>           writeText "Are you sure that's what you meant?"

Because of the way aeson-gadt-th works, the parsed GADT is wrapped in the Some constructor. We can pattern match that away, and also pattern match on the actual constructors to determine which request we've received and respond appropriately.

handleCatApi produces the appropriate result type for each constructor of CatApi. For more on the handleCatApi function, see below.

Note that we have to use has from constraints-extras to inform the compiler of the existence of a ToJSON instance for the value type associated with the GADT constructor.

>         Just (Some catApi) -> do
>           response <- handleCatApi dogs catApi
>           writeLBS $ has @ToJSON catApi $ Aeson.encode response

Alternatively, if we're using websockets to connect, we handle the incoming websockets messages and respond to them over that channel. The code that actually computes the response remains the same.

>       BackendRoute_WebSocket :/ () -> runWebSocketsSnap $ \pc -> do
>         conn <- WS.acceptRequest pc
>         forever $ do
>           dm <- WS.receiveDataMessage conn
>           let m = eitherDecode $ case dm of
>                 WS.Text v _ -> v
>                 WS.Binary v -> v
>           case m of
>             Right req -> do
>               r <- mkTaggedResponse req $ handleCatApi dogs
>               case r of
>                 Left err -> error err
>                 Right rsp ->
>                   WS.sendDataMessage conn $ WS.Text (Aeson.encode rsp) Nothing
>             Left err -> error err
>           pure ()
>       BackendRoute_Missing :/ _ -> do
>         modifyResponse $ setResponseStatus 404 "Not Found"
>         writeText "404 Nothing to see here."
>   , _backend_routeEncoder = fullRouteEncoder
>   }

handleCatApi takes a CatApi a and produces the corresponding a. In other words, it returns a response of the type required by the GADT for each request type. The compiler will check that we've returned the right response type for each request.

> handleCatApi :: MonadIO m => IORef [Dog] -> CatApi a -> m a
> handleCatApi dogs = \case
>   CatApi_Identify cat -> pure $ Right $ Token $ T.reverse cat
>   CatApi_DogApi token dogApi -> do
>     liftIO $ putStrLn $ T.unpack $ T.intercalate " "
>       [ "Received a request from cat"
>       , T.reverse (unToken token)
>       , "(Token: " <> unToken token <> ")"
>       ]
>     let withDogs :: MonadIO m' => ([Dog] -> m' a) -> m' a
>         withDogs f = do
>           d <- liftIO $ readIORef dogs
>           f d
>     case dogApi of
>       DogApi_GetLastSeen -> withDogs $ \d -> pure $
>         case reverse (sortOn _dog_sighted d) of
>           (lastSeen:_) -> Just lastSeen
>           _ -> Nothing
>       DogApi_GetSuspiciousSightings -> withDogs $ \d -> pure $
>         filter _dog_suspicious d
>       DogApi_GetByDay day -> withDogs $ \d -> pure $
>         filter (\x -> day == utctDay (_dog_sighted x)) d
>       DogApi_GetByName name -> withDogs $ \d -> pure $
>         filter (\x -> name == _dog_name x) d
>       DogApi_ReportSighting name susp img -> do
>         liftIO $ do
>           t <- getCurrentTime
>           let dog = Dog name t susp img
>           atomicModifyIORef' dogs $ \ds -> (dog : ds, ())
>         pure $ Right ()
> dogs0 :: [Dog]
> dogs0 =
>   [ Dog "Ace" (read "2020-10-21 19:41:17 UTC") True (Just "")
>   , Dog "Bandit" (read "2020-10-19 12:33:01 UTC") True (Just "")
>   , Dog "Chance" (read "2020-09-19 02:30:44 UTC") True (Just "")
>   , Dog "Duke" (read "2020-10-21 00:14:00 UTC") True Nothing
>   , Dog "Elvis" (read "2020-10-19 12:33:04 UTC") False (Just "")
>   ]