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Releases: realm/SwiftLint

0.31.0: Busy Laundromat

28 Feb 23:16
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  • None.


  • Add deployment_target rule to validate that @availability attributes and
    #available conditions are not using a version that is satisfied by the
    deployment target. Since SwiftLint can't read an Xcode project, you need to
    configure this rule with these keys: iOS_deployment_target,
    macOS_deployment_target, watchOS_deployment_target and
    tvOS_deployment_target. By default, these values are configured with the
    minimum versions supported by Swift.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add weak_computed_property rule to warn against using weak in a computed
    property as it has no effect.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add SwiftVersion.five and automatically detect it when computing
    JP Simard

  • Make redundant_objc_attribute rule autocorrectable.
    Daniel Metzing

  • Add required_deinit opt-in rule to ensure that all classes have a deinit
    method. The purpose of this is to make memory leak debugging easier so all
    classes have a place to set a breakpoint to track deallocation.
    Ben Staveley-Taylor

  • nimble_operator now warns about beTrue() and beFalse().

  • Warn if a configured rule is not enabled.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add exclude_ranges option to number_separator for exclusion.
    Cihat Gündüz

Bug Fixes

  • Fix false positives on no_grouping_extension rule when using where
    Almaz Ibragimov

  • Fix explicit_type_interface when used in statements.
    Daniel Metzing

  • Fix lower_acl_than_parent when linting with Swift 5.
    JP Simard

  • Fix let_var_whitespace with #warning.

  • Fix excessive superfluous_disable_command violations being reported when
    using an invalid rule identifier in a disable command.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Fix explicit_type_interface with allow_redundancy when assigning type
    references to variables.
    Cihat Gündüz

  • Fix unused_closure_parameter when argument is named self.
    Cihat Gündüz

  • Fix first_where for some calls on Realm collection types.
    Cihat Gündüz

0.30.1: Localized Stain Remover

23 Jan 19:13
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  • Silence CodingKeys violations in unused_private_declaration since these
    should always be intentional violations.
    Kim de Vos


  • Add nslocalizedstring_key opt-in rule to validate that keys used in
    NSLocalizedString calls are static strings, so genstrings will be
    able to find them.
    Marcelo Fabri

Bug Fixes

  • Fix false positives on trailing_closure rule when using anonymous closure
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Fix false positives on array_init rule when using prefix operators.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Exclude files defined in the excluded value of SwiftLint's configuration
    when --use-script-input-files and --force-exclude are specified.
    Luis Valdés

0.30.0: A New Washer and Dryer Set

18 Jan 07:36
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  • None.


  • Add duplicate_imports rule to prevent importing the same module twice.
    Samuel Susla

  • Add unused_setter_value rule to validate that setter arguments are
    used in properties.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add only_single_muted_parameter configuration on trailing_closure rule
    to only enforce using trailing closure on functions that take one single
    muted parameter.
    Marcelo Fabri

Bug Fixes

  • Fix false positives on identical_operands rule when the right side of the
    operand has a chained optional.
    JP Simard

0.29.4: In-Unit Operands

16 Jan 22:30
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  • None.


  • Fix unused_import correction deleting unrelated ranges when there are
    multiple violations in a single file.
    JP Simard


  • Add strong_iboutlet opt-in rule to enforce that @IBOutlets are not
    declared as weak.
    Marcelo Fabri

Bug Fixes

  • Fix inaccessible custom rules in nested configurations.
    Timofey Solonin

  • Improve superfluous_disable_command to warn against disabling non-existent
    Kim de Vos

  • Fix false positives on identical_operands rule when the right side of the
    operand does not terminate.
    Xavier Lowmiller

0.29.3: Entangled Agitator

08 Jan 00:31
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  • None.


  • Skip @IBInspectable and deinit declarations in
    JP Simard


  • Allow configuring discouraged_object_literal rule to only discourage one
    kind of object literal.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Adds xct_specific_matcher opt-in rule to enforce specific matchers
    over XCTAssertEqual and XCTAssertNotEqual.
    Ornithologist Coder

  • Add last_where opt-in rule that warns against using
    .filter { /* ... */ }.last in collections, as
    .last(where: { /* ... */ }) is more efficient.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Add unused_control_flow_label rule to validate that control flow labels are
    Marcelo Fabri

Bug Fixes

  • Fix false positives on first_where rule when calling filter without a
    closure parameter (for example on a Realm collection).
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Fix false positives on sorted_first_last rule when calling sorted with
    a different argument than by: (e.g. on a Realm collection).
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Fix false positives on redundant_objc_attribute rule when using nested
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Fix false positives on vertical_whitespace_between_cases rule when a blank
    line is present but it contains trailing whitespace.
    Ben Staveley-Taylor

0.29.2: Washateria

24 Dec 04:33
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  • None.


  • Add new opt-in rule vertical_whitespace_opening_braces to warn against empty
    lines after opening braces.
    Cihat Gündüz

  • Add new opt-in rule vertical_whitespace_closing_braces to warn against empty
    lines before closing braces.
    Cihat Gündüz

  • Improve performance for unused_private_declaration and unused_import rules
    for large files.
    Niil Öhlin

  • Add new legacy_hashing rule to encourage the use of Swift 4.2's new hashing
    Kim de Vos

  • Improve private_unit_test rule to allow private classes with @objc
    Kim de Vos

  • Support glob patterns without the star.
    Maksym Grebenets

  • Make modifier_order rule autocorrectable.
    Timofey Solonin

Bug Fixes

  • Fix false positives in redundant_objc_attribute for private declarations
    under @objcMembers.
    Daniel Metzing

  • Fix an error when pulling SwiftLint as a dependency using Carthage.
    JP Simard

  • Non-string values specified in swiftlint_version now fail the lint if
    it doesn't match the version.
    JP Simard

0.29.1: There’s Always More Laundry

29 Nov 22:29
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  • None.


  • Add redundant_objc_attribute to warn against already implied @objc
    Daniel Metzing

  • Add vertical_whitespace_between_cases opt-in rule to enforce a single
    empty line between switch cases.
    Cihat Gündüz

  • Add multiline_arguments_brackets opt-in rule to warn against multiline
    function call arguments with surrounding brackets without newline.
    Cihat Gündüz

  • Add multiline_literal_brackets opt-in rule to warn against multiline
    literal arrays & dictionaries with surrounding brackets without newline.
    Cihat Gündüz

  • Add multiline_parameters_brackets opt-in rule to warn against multiline
    function definition parameters with surrounding brackets without newline.
    Cihat Gündüz

  • Ignore unspecified modifiers in modifier_order.
    Timofey Solonin

  • The lint command now exits with a code of 2 when not using pinned
    version defined as swiftlint_version in the configuration file.
    Kim de Vos

Bug Fixes

  • Fix false positive in nimble_operator rule.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Fix false positives on explicit_type_interface rule when
    configured with option allowRedundancy set to true.
    Cihat Gündüz

  • Only mark custom rules as 'enabled in your config' in the output of the
    rules command when there are one or more configured custom rules.

  • Fix wrong correction when removing testable imports with the unused_import
    JP Simard

  • Fix false positive with the unused_import rule when importing Foundation
    when there are attributes in that file requiring Foundation.
    JP Simard

0.29.0: A Laundry List of Changes

27 Nov 21:32
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  • SwiftLint now requires Swift 4.2 or higher to build.
    JP Simard


  • None.


  • Improve the performance of saving or reading cached lint results on platforms
    with CommonCrypto.
    JP Simard

  • Add markdown reporter which outputs markdown-formatted tables, ideal for
    rendering in GitLab or GitHub.
    Dani Vela

  • Add testSimulateHomebrewTest() to IntegrationTests that simulates test in
    homebrew-core/Formula/swiftlint.rb within sandbox.
    Norio Nomura

Bug Fixes

  • Fix compiler warnings when building with Swift 4.2 introduced in the last
    JP Simard

  • Fix false positive in explicit_init rule.
    Dominic Freeston

  • Fix toggle_bool false positive violation when comparing object parameter to
    an equally named variable.
    Timofey Solonin

  • Fix false positive on file_name rule with specific patterns.
    Cihat Gündüz

  • Fix crash in no_fallthrough_only and potentially other rules when linting
    files with unicode characters in certain locations.
    JP Simard

  • Fix violations with no character/column location not being reported in
    xcpretty. Now violations with no column location default to a column value
    of 1 indicating the start of the line.
    JP Simard

0.28.2: EnviroBoost Plus

24 Nov 19:31
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  • None.


  • Add SWIFTLINT_DISABLE_SOURCEKIT environment variable to allow running
    SwiftLint without connecting to SourceKit. This will run a subset of rules
    that don't require SourceKit, which is useful when running in a sandboxed
    setting such as in Homebrew's CI.
    Norio Nomura

Bug Fixes

  • None.

0.28.1: EnviroBoost

18 Nov 23:42
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This is the last release to support building with Swift 4.0 and Swift 4.1.


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  • None.


  • None.

Bug Fixes

  • Improve the performance of collecting which files to lint by up to 3.5x.
    JP Simard

  • Improve the performance of looking up cached lint results by up to 10x for
    complex configurations.
    JP Simard