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Lee AmosCrypto
Stay hungry, stay foolish


the Pooyan thepooyan
import {NEXTJS, REACT} from "javascript" import * from "git" setInterval(_=>{ alert("I LOVE CODE") }, 0)

Tehran, Iran

Yaroslav Voropaev zabojeb
Fullstack Developer; ML Researcher; @zabojeb;

@stormbraing Russia

easter.mukora eastermukora
love to code!

Berrien Springs

Most men die at 25, ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ We just don’t bury them (until they are 70) - Benjamin Franklin
Villa lucasvillarinho

Rio de Janeiro



tukeping Tukeping
love and peace

Alibaba China

Seth Wood seth-wood
LA Based. xStripe. Now tinkering on coding projects.

Los Angeles, CA

Marco Ollivier marcopollivier
Tech Lead | Staff Engineer | ex @nubank , @olxbr e @flash-tecnologia | Professor | Mentor de carreira | Palestrante | Criador de conteúdo

@lemonenergy @educacionalAda São Paulo - SP - Brasil

Weslley Fernandes Weslley-Stein
Founder of Cloudnoir Technologies

Cloudnoir Technologies Brazil, Sao Paulo

Gerard Parareda gerardparareda
Real human being

@gisce Catalunya

Krystian Wiecheć krystejj
heeyyy 🫶🏻

Warsaw, Poland

I guess I do some graphics sometimes



Nantes, France

Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Senior Software Engineer

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

Huy Vu~ sivinnguyen
The self-taught programmer who love sleeping and reading...
WeitingChen WeiTing1991
Software developer | Architect | Researcher



usa or japan

Barani Kumar S CosmicPredator
.NET Dev | Works with Asp.NET, WinUi3, UWP, Blazor WASM etc.,

United Parcel Services

Nabeel Valley nabeelvalley
Picture taker, software maker
Andrew D'Aoust andrewdaoust
Cloud Software Engineer @FacilityConneX RPI '19

FacilityConneX New Hampshire