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Andy Aragon Quantium
Programmer with 20+ years of experience, also CTO, Consultor and Entrepreneur

Traxion Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Karla Regina Esquivel Luna Regieslu
👩‍💻 Web Developer

Mxico City

Roxana Olea roxolea5

Guadalajara, Jal.

Fabian Rubio fabianrubio
I'm Frontend Engineer & Product Designer

Traxion Mexico City

Sergio A. Trejo TrejoCode
Sergio A. Trejo. Frontend/App Developer Sr. Desarrollador de corazón, geek por afición. 💻📟

TrejoCode Cancún, Quintana Roo. México

Francisco Jimenez Pamsho09
Hi I am pamsho I am a fullstack javascript developer I love web development and what I can achieve with this area of technology. cdmx