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File metadata and controls

203 lines (166 loc) · 8.35 KB

Command Interpreter

OLCUT provides a Command Interpreter that can be used for invoking or interacting with your software. It can be used as a test harness to poke and prod different parts of your code, or can be used inside a JVM that is also running other pieces of software that you'd like to monitor or in some other way interact with. It is also a great way to build simple shell-based utilities without having to make a million different main classes or command line arguments.

The CommandInterpreter has a number of built-in commands for things like shell history, status, file redirection, running a script of commands, etc. These commands are all grouped together for convenience, meaning they'll appear together when you run "help".

The gnu-readline capability in the CommandInterpreter is provided by the jline3 library. It offers native readline-style support (including history and tab completion) on the following platforms: Solaris, Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, and Windows. While OLCUT is 100% Java, JLine does require a few native bits to run the Command Interpreter properly on these platforms.

Defining commands

To add your own commands to the shell you simply define and annotate methods that take a CommandInterpreter as their first argument and supported types as any additional arguments. Any object containing commands must implement the CommandGroup interface. All commands contained within the object will be put together in the same group.

Defining a command looks like this

    public class Processor implements CommandGroup {
        protected int numProcessed = 0;
        public String getName() {
            return "Process";
        public String getDescription() {
            return "Commands for the Oracle Labs Sound Processor";
        @Command(usage="<fileName> - filter the given file")
        public String filter(CommandInterpreter ci, File file) {
            ci.out.println("Processing " + file.getName());
            return "";
        @Command(usage="Prints stats for this processor")
        public String printStats(CommandInterpreter ci) {
            return "numProcessed: " + numProcessed;

Then you can create and start a shell with that command in your main program, perhaps after having loaded any relevant configuration.

    Processor p = new Processor(pipelineInstance);
    CommandInterpreter shell = new CommandInterpreter();

Your main thread will block in a read/eval/print loop at this point. CommandInterpreter may also be run as a separate thread by invoking start().

Any number of parameters may be given to a Command. The CommandInterpreter will check the number provided and give appropriate error messages including the usage string in the @Command annotation. It will parse the arguments and convert them to the appropriate types and invoke the Command if possible. Supported argument types are:

  • String
  • Integer, int
  • Long, long
  • Double, double
  • Float, float
  • Boolean, boolean
  • File
  • Enum of any type
  • String[] (as the only parameter type)

Note that there is a one-to-one correspondence between method names and Commands. No distinctions are made for method signatures with different parameters. No guarantee is made for the behavior of a shell with multiple methods that have the same name (See Layered Command Interpreter below). The CommandInterpreter instance that is passed in will be the currently running shell. It is a best practice to use the shell's output (ci.out) for writing output so that output can be easily redirected to any output stream the shell may be embedded in.

Optional parameters

For more flexibility in your commands, you may specify that trailing method parameters be optional. Any optional parameter must have a default value assigned to it, expressed as a string that would be entered on the command line. The default value may be the text "null" if you choose, although this should only be used with object/reference types and not base types. Optional parameters are tagged with the @Optional annotation. The above filter method could take an optional parameter to specify where the output of the pipeline should go:

        @Command(usage="<inFile> [<outFile>] - run this filter on a file")
        public String filter(CommandInterpreter ci,
                             File inFile, 
                             @Optional(val="/tmp/") File outFile) {
            pipeline.filter(inFile, outFile);
            return "";

Tab Completion

Commands added to a CommandInterpreter may provide tab completion for each of their arguments. A separate method may be used to specify how each argument should be completed. The method returns an array of Completer objects (described below), one per argument, and takes no parameters. These methods may either be associated in the @Command annotation (described below), or can follow a naming convention to be paired with the method they provide completers for. The following example method would be used to find completers for the filter command:

        public Completer[] filterCompleters() {
            return new Completer[]{
                new FileNameCompleter(),
                new FileNameCompleter()

In this example, an array of completers is returned, one per argument. This could actually be simplified because the behavior of the completers is to reuse the last completer in the array for all further arguments. Simply providing a single FileNameCompleter would work the same for this method. To prevent tab-completion for a particular parameter, or to prevent the last completer from repeating, place a NullCompleter in the array in the appropriate spot.

The following types of completers are available in OLCUT. These are provided by the jline library.

  • FileNameCompleter - Completes file names starting in the PWD
  • StringsCompleter - Pass it a list of strings or a Supplier to give it the values it should complete to
  • EnumCompleter - Completes with values from a specified Enum type
  • NullCompleter - Does not complete with anything.
  • IntCompleter - Just kidding.

If you wish to reuse a method that generates completers, you can use an attribute of the @Command annotation to specify the name of the completer method to use instead of relying on the xxxCompleters convention. For example, if multiple commands take a single File parameter, you might make a method such as this one:

        public Completers[] fileCompleter() {
            return new Completer[]{
                new FileNameCompleter(),
                new NullCompleter()

Then when annotating a method that takes a File as its parameter, you would specify:

        @Command(usage="Processes a single file",

Multiple annotated commands may share the same completer method in this way.

Manual argument processing

In some cases, taking the supported types as arguments doesn't provide enough flexibility for the way you want your command to work. In this case, you can instead have your method use String[] as its second parameter (after the CommandInterpreter) and all arguments provided in the shell will be passed through verbatim to allow you to do your own argument parsing. This is particularly useful if you want to support a varargs-style syntax. You may still provide Completers even if the arguments are not otherwise specified.

Layered Command Interpreter (Mixing in more commands)

Sometimes when building a large shell, you may have multiple CommandGroups that provide commands with the same name. To avoid namespace collisions, you can add your commands to a layer, then add the layer to the top-level shell.

    CommandInterpreter shell = new CommandInterpreter();
    LayeredCommandInterpreter lci = new LayeredCommandInterpreter("pipe", "Pipeline Commands");

To avoid ambiguity, all commands defined in processor can now be referred to with a ".pipe" extension (e.g. filter.pipe), but may also be used without any extension when there is no conflict.