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Gotchas, bugs, and platform inconsistencies

In loving memory of Prof. Stan Eisenstat and his legendary course, CS 323.

This document describes the colorful variety of issues that come up when you use child processes, and the solutions that Duct chooses for them. It's intended for users who want to understand Duct's behavior better, and also for library authors who want to compare notes on their own behavior in these cases.

Duct is currently implemented in both Python and Rust, and it aims to be easily portable to other languages. Duct's behavior is generally identical across languages, but this document comments on cases where language differences affect the implementation.


Reporting errors by default

Most programming languages make error checking the default, either by crashing your program with an exception, or by emitting warnings or compiler errors for unchecked results. But the child process APIs in most standard libraries (including Python and Rust) do the opposite, ignoring non-zero exit statuses by default. That's unfortunate, because most command line utilities helpfully distinguish between success and failure in their exit status. For example, if you give the wrong path to a tar command:

> tar xf misspelled_filename.txt
tar: misspelled_filename.txt: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
> echo $?

Duct treats a non-zero exit status as an error and propagates it to the caller by default. For suppressing these errors, Duct provides the unchecked method.

Catching pipe errors when writing to standard input

When writing to a child's stdin, Duct catches and ignores broken pipe errors (EPIPE). That means it's not an error for the child to exit early without reading all of its input. Most standard libraries get this right.

Notably on Unix, this requires the process to suppress SIGPIPE. Implementations in languages that don't suppress SIGPIPE by default (C/C++?) have no choice but to set a signal handler from library code, which might conflict with application code or other libraries. There is no good solution to this problem.

Waiting on killed children by default

Many languages (Python, Rust, Go) provide a kill API that sends SIGKILL to a child process on Unix or calls TerminateProcess on Windows. The caller has to remember to wait on the child afterwards, or it turns into a zombie and leaks resources. Duct waits by default instead.

SIGKILL cannot be caught or ignored, and so waiting will almost always return quickly. One of the rare exceptions to this is if the child is stuck in an uninterruptible system call, for example a read of an unresponsive FUSE filesystem. In general, Duct's correctness priorities are:

  1. Do not leave zombie children or leak other resources.
  2. Do not block in a non-blocking API (start, reader, try_wait, or kill).
  3. Do not let errors pass silently.

In this case #1 takes priority over #2.

However, one important subtlety here is that we can only kill child processes that we spawned. We can't kill grandchild processes that our children spawned. (See the entire Killing grandchild processes? section for more on this.) Those grandchild processes might inherit any output pipes that we gave to the child. And that means that even though we do expect the child to exit promptly in non-pathological cases, we can't expect a read of the child's stdout pipe to return EOF promptly. Unkilled grandchildren might keep it open. So the automatic wait performed by kill must not wait on IO threads to finish. It must only reap zombie children.

A lucky break for us here is that, as long as we reap our own zombie children, most other cleanup is automatic. Most standard libraries take care of "zombie threads" for us. (Rust detaches threads in the std::thread::JoinHandle destructor, and Python detaches threads as soon as they're spawned.) So we can leave IO threads running until any pipe-holding grandchildren exit naturally. And the OS automatically reaps zombie grandchildren if their parent has exited. The only active step we need to take is to set the "daemon" flag on IO threads in Python, so that they don't block the parent process from exiting. (Rust threads never block exit.)

Making kill thread-safe

On Unix-like platforms there's a race condition between kill and waitpid. If a process exits right before you signal it, a waiting thread might clean it up and free its PID, and then an unrelated process might immediately reuse that PID. It's not likely, but all of that could happen just before the call to kill, and you might end up killing the unrelated process. This race condition is why the Rust standard library doesn't allow shared access to child processes.

It's possible to avoid this race using a newer POSIX API called waitid. That function has a WNOWAIT flag that leaves the child in its zombie state, so that its PID isn't freed for reuse. That gives the waiting thread a chance to set a flag to block further kills, before reaping the child. Duct uses this approach on Unix-like platforms. Windows doesn't have this problem.

A recent update here: As part of a best-effort check for this bug, Python 3.9 changed the behavior of Popen.kill to reap child processes that have already exited. This interacts poorly with code that calls os.waitid or os.waitpid directly.

Adding ./ to program names given as relative paths

When you run the command foo, it can be ambiguous whether you mean ./foo in current directory or e.g. /usr/bin/foo in the PATH. Different platforms do different things here: Unix-like platforms usually require the leading ./ for programs in the current directory, but Windows will accept a bare filename. Duct defers to the platform for interpreting program names that are given as strings, but it explicitly prepends ./ to program names that are given as explicit path types (pathlib in Python, std::path in Rust) when the path is relative.

This solves two problems:

  • It prevents "command not found" errors on Unix-like platforms for paths to programs in the current directory. This is especially important in Python, where pathlib.Path automatically strips leading dots.
  • It prevents paths to a nonexistent local file, which should result in "command not found", from instead matching a program in the %PATH% on Windows.

A recent update here: Rust 1.58 changed the behavior of std::process::Command to exclude the current directory from the search path on Windows.

Preventing dir from affecting relative program paths on Unix

Windows and Unix take different approaches to setting a child's working directory. The CreateProcess function on Windows has an explict lpCurrentDirectory argument, while most Unix platforms call chdir in between fork and exec. Unfortunately, those two approaches give different results when you have a relative path to the child executable. On Windows the path is interpreted from the parent's working directory, but on Unix it's interpreted from the child's.

The Windows behavior is preferable, because it lets you add a dir argument without breaking any existing relative program paths. Duct provides this behavior on all platforms, by canonicalizing relative program paths on Unix-like platforms when the dir method is in use.

Preventing pipe inheritance races on Windows

Spawning child processes on Windows involves duplicating pipes and making them inheritable. Unfortunately, that means that any child spawned on other threads while those pipes are alive will inherit them. One child might accidentally receive a copy of another child's stdin pipe, preventing the other child from reading EOF and leading to deadlocks. The Rust standard library has an internal mutex to prevent this race, but the Python standard library does not. In Python, Duct uses its own internal mutex to prevent this race. That doesn't prevent races with other libraries, but at least multiple Duct callers on different threads are protected.

Matching platform case-sensitivity for environment variables

Environment variable names are case-sensitive on Unix but case-insensitive on Windows, and Duct tries to respect each platform's behavior. Methods like env_remove require keeping an internal map of variables, and map keys are always case-sensitive, so Duct explicitly converts all variable names to uppercase on Windows.

Duct makes no guarantees about non-ASCII environment variable names. Their behavior is implementation-dependent, platform-dependent, programming language-dependent, and probably also human language-dependent.

Cleaning up partially started pipelines

If the left half of a pipeline starts successfully, but the right half fails to start, Duct kills and awaits the left half, and then reports the original error from the right half.

To be clear, "failed to start" doesn't mean "exited with a non-zero status". Rather, this is the situation where the right side never spawned at all. There is no exit status, because there was no child process. Most commonly that's because a command name was misspelled, a path was constructed incorrectly, or the target program isn't installed. Less commonly, the system may be under heavy load and failing to spawn new processes in general.

Killing the left side is an unfortunate compromise. It's bad behavior to kill child processes without being asked to by the caller. An unexpected kill signal might cause some programs to misbehave or corrupt data. But recall Duct's correctness priorities:

  1. Do not leave zombie children or leak other resources.
  2. Do not block in a non-blocking API (start, reader, try_wait, or kill).
  3. Do not let errors pass silently.

Leaving the left side running would violate #1. If the child failed to start because the system was under heavy load, leaking resources might exacerbate the problem and make the whole system unrecoverable. Waiting on the left side to exit on its own would violate #2. Deferring error reporting until the caller waits would violate #3.

Killing the left side isn't good, but it's the least bad option in a bad situation. A correct program will only encounter this behavior when the whole system is suffering from resource exhaustion. The Linux OOM killer might already be killing child processes randomly in that case, and the parent already needs to think about failure handling and data corruption.

Using IO threads to avoid blocking children

When input bytes are supplied or output bytes are captured, Duct's start method uses background threads to do IO, so that IO makes progress even if wait is never called. Duct's reader method doesn't use a thread for standard ouput, since that's left to the caller, but it still uses background threads to supply input bytes or to capture standard error.

Consider the following scenario. You want to spawn two child processes, which will exchange messages with each other in the background somehow, e.g. using D-Bus. You also want to capture the output of each process. Your code might look like this:

handle1 = cmd("child1").stdout_capture().start()
handle2 = cmd("child2").stdout_capture().start()
output1 = handle1.wait().stdout
output2 = handle2.wait().stdout

If Duct handled captured output without threads, e.g. using a read loop inside of wait, that code could have a deadlock once the output grew large enough. (So of course it would pass tests, but fail occasionally in production.) Suppose that the messages these two children exchanged with each other were synchronous somehow, such that blocking one child would eventually block the other. And suppose that both children had enough output that they could also block if the parent didn't clear space in their stdout pipe buffers by reading. The call to handle1.wait would block until child1 was finished. Then child2 would block writing to stdout, because the parent wouldn't be reading it yet. And then child1 would block on child2, waiting for messages. That would be a deadlock, and it would probably be difficult to reproduce and debug.

For this reason, the start method must use threads to supply input and capture output. That guarantees that the parent will never cause its children to block on output, regardless of its order of operations after start.

Killing grandchild processes?

Currently unsolved. This is something of a disaster area in Unix process management. Consider the following two scripts. Here's

import subprocess["sleep", "100"])

And here's

import subprocess
import time
p = subprocess.Popen(["python", "./"])

That is, starts a sleep child process and then waits on it. And starts, waits for a second, and then kills it. The question is, if you run, what happpens to the sleep process? If you look at something like pgrep sleep after exits, you'll see that sleep is still running. Maybe that's not entirely surprising, since we only killed and didn't explicitly kill sleep. But compare that to what happens if you start and then quickly press Ctrl-C. In that case, sleep is killed. What the hell!

What's going on is that there's a difference between signaling a process ID and signaling a process group ID. The kill function in Python (and Bash and pretty much every other language) does the former, which only kills a single process. Ctrl-C in the shell does the latter, which kills a whole tree of child processes at once. Process group signaling is a great way to cancel an "entire job" reliably, even if that job has spawned more child processes. So why do existing kill functions use the surprisingly weak sauce that is individual process signaling?

The sad truth is that process group signaling basically only works for shells. When the shell forks a child process, before it calls exec, it calls setpgid to set a new process group ID. Because child processes typically do not call setpgid themselves, the child process and all of its transitive children end up in the same process group (which typically has a group ID equal to the process ID of the original child). However, if one of those child processes does call setpgid, the relationship between it and the other children gets lost. Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Z stop working properly. The fundamental issue is that each process only has a single process group ID. Process groups do not form a tree.

What does form a tree, however, is process IDs themselves. Each process knows the ID of its parent, so it's possible to query a process's full transitive tree of children. The problem with using such a query for signaling purposes is that it's racy. In the time between when you run the query and when you send signals, any process in the tree may have spawned new children. (Even worse, some processes might've exited, and those PIDs might've been reused for processes that aren't in the tree.) We can just barely almost solve that problem by killing a child process, not reaping it yet, and querying the child processes of the zombie. But alas, that strategy only works for one level of the tree, as the OS automatically reaps any zombie whose parent is also a zombie. So close!

The modern solution for all of this on Linux is supposed to be cgroups. But as if to rub salt in our wounds, it turns out there's no way to atomically signal a cgroup. Systemd works around this problem with a kill loop that repeatedly queries the PIDs in a cgroup and tries to kill all of them individually. And it's still vulnerable to the PID reuse race. Solving those races might be possible by abusing SIGSTOP (you better hope you're the only part of the system possibly sending SIGCONT to unrelated processes) or something called "the freezer", though if Systemd doesn't attempt to use those techniques that's a pretty bad sign.

Linux is in the middle of adding new APIs like pidfd_send_signal, but none of them are aimed at improving the situation with grandchildren. Windows has a cleaner solution (job objects), but even there it sounds like some important features aren't supported on Windows 7. Realistically, there won't be good techniques for Duct to use to solve this problem for many years.