diff --git a/draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc.html b/draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc.html index 893ed8b..5619eaa 100644 --- a/draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc.html +++ b/draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc.html @@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@ Terbu, et al. -Expires 22 March 2025 +Expires 28 March 2025 [Page] @@ -1046,12 +1046,12 @@
- +
Intended Status:
Standards Track
@@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@

time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

- This Internet-Draft will expire on 22 March 2025.

+ This Internet-Draft will expire on 28 March 2025.

@@ -2089,8 +2089,8 @@

5UXdMVUs0Il0sICJpc3MiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pc3N1ZXIiLCAiaWF 0IjogMTY4MzAwMDAwMCwgImV4cCI6IDE4ODMwMDAwMDAsICJ2Y3QiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9 jcmVkZW50aWFscy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pZGVudGl0eV9jcmVkZW50aWFsIiwgIl9zZF9 -hbGciOiAic2hhLTI1NiJ9.uQ_JxSQofuBDnfqwq8W6DCQJcliyOeVzZlME-ukZH1n_25 -iaM4f3n7uS-cGn6aLo6NugWRJ5Q5tyAxezvtznIA~WyJsa2x4RjVqTVlsR1RQVW92TU5 +hbGciOiAic2hhLTI1NiJ9.ZbtjQYiIccfa3JxIvdo7erQDKDaejnv1OednV-3px7f92u +GRwSCORspRIVC0aznheQ2HT3_XrRsix2dgjBGoGQ~WyJsa2x4RjVqTVlsR1RQVW92TU5 JdkNBIiwgImlzX292ZXJfNjUiLCB0cnVlXQ~WyJRZ19PNjR6cUF4ZTQxMmExMDhpcm9B IiwgImFkZHJlc3MiLCB7InN0cmVldF9hZGRyZXNzIjogIjEyMyBNYWluIFN0IiwgImxv Y2FsaXR5IjogIkFueXRvd24iLCAicmVnaW9uIjogIkFueXN0YXRlIiwgImNvdW50cnki @@ -3452,8 +3452,8 @@

6ICJzaGEtMjU2IiwgImNuZiI6IHsiandrIjogeyJrdHkiOiAiRUMiLCAiY3J2IjogIlA tMjU2IiwgIngiOiAiVENBRVIxOVp2dTNPSEY0ajRXNHZmU1ZvSElQMUlMaWxEbHM3dkN lR2VtYyIsICJ5IjogIlp4amlXV2JaTVFHSFZXS1ZRNGhiU0lpcnNWZnVlY0NFNnQ0alQ -5RjJIWlEifX19.UytauFAwmqbMJK9b6JqCHWcVLA9VzEyGr16_f16zDQTMqI-qMJhvLQ -vGCme_i9NULHI_otdk6b39D5t_pbqBeg~WyIyR0xDNDJzS1F2ZUNmR2ZyeU5STjl3Iiw +5RjJIWlEifX19.ORbRjoUkB3W7DbkYeyKw1oOHwDbS-oJ5QYofVcxXhSF1J7ho4GUA7B +OE3GErgrX7iTqbLQRoecC0i2WqvTTBcQ~WyIyR0xDNDJzS1F2ZUNmR2ZyeU5STjl3Iiw gImdpdmVuX25hbWUiLCAiRXJpa2EiXQ~WyJlbHVWNU9nM2dTTklJOEVZbnN4QV9BIiwg ImZhbWlseV9uYW1lIiwgIk11c3Rlcm1hbm4iXQ~WyI2SWo3dE0tYTVpVlBHYm9TNXRtd lZBIiwgImJpcnRoZGF0ZSIsICIxOTYzLTA4LTEyIl0~WyJlSThaV205UW5LUHBOUGVOZ @@ -3808,14 +3808,14 @@

6ICJzaGEtMjU2IiwgImNuZiI6IHsiandrIjogeyJrdHkiOiAiRUMiLCAiY3J2IjogIlA tMjU2IiwgIngiOiAiVENBRVIxOVp2dTNPSEY0ajRXNHZmU1ZvSElQMUlMaWxEbHM3dkN lR2VtYyIsICJ5IjogIlp4amlXV2JaTVFHSFZXS1ZRNGhiU0lpcnNWZnVlY0NFNnQ0alQ -5RjJIWlEifX19.UytauFAwmqbMJK9b6JqCHWcVLA9VzEyGr16_f16zDQTMqI-qMJhvLQ -vGCme_i9NULHI_otdk6b39D5t_pbqBeg~WyJuUHVvUW5rUkZxM0JJZUFtN0FuWEZBIiw +5RjJIWlEifX19.ORbRjoUkB3W7DbkYeyKw1oOHwDbS-oJ5QYofVcxXhSF1J7ho4GUA7B +OE3GErgrX7iTqbLQRoecC0i2WqvTTBcQ~WyJuUHVvUW5rUkZxM0JJZUFtN0FuWEZBIiw gIm5hdGlvbmFsaXRpZXMiLCBbIkRFIl1d~WyJNMEpiNTd0NDF1YnJrU3V5ckRUM3hBIi wgIjE4IiwgdHJ1ZV0~eyJhbGciOiAiRVMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogImtiK2p3dCJ9.eyJub 25jZSI6ICIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwgImF1ZCI6ICJodHRwczovL2V4YW1wbGUuY29tL3Zlc -mlmaWVyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE3MjY2ODU2MzcsICJzZF9oYXNoIjogInNaYTNvclR1eXZPb -nZlbjZwXzNqSHZPSER2anBORmFYVnFuUHh1NXNWMW8ifQ.DFZWBT-jTURgIGADE_A--k -xF63F6KnPLR0xidmSAzH1v0zcDF4qJxwjAP9mGOUfit65FyOl8WI1k59LMLMB7QA +mlmaWVyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE3MjcyMDc3NjIsICJzZF9oYXNoIjogImRCYXRFaFl6Nlh1Z +ENkZWJHTTFwM1VZczY1YXZCck44YXY2eERHMGdvTjQifQ.gS-Nk4L8dv1CnbtzwhUEcM +21annQYJ6SlSHBxfLveju6ZKeH4XktyG24TgkM6Y0VXVHcEdBT7OcjofNL2W1jiQ @@ -3824,8 +3824,8 @@

   "nonce": "1234567890",
   "aud": "https://example.com/verifier",
-  "iat": 1726685637,
-  "sd_hash": "sZa3orTuyvOnven6p_3jHvOHDvjpNFaXVqnPxu5sV1o"
+  "iat": 1727207762,
+  "sd_hash": "dBatEhYz6XudCdebGM1p3UYs65avBrN8av6xDG0goN4"
diff --git a/draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc.txt b/draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc.txt index 29e8123..41e9c10 100644 --- a/draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc.txt +++ b/draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc.txt @@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ Web Authorization Protocol O. Terbu Internet-Draft MATTR Intended status: Standards Track D. Fett -Expires: 22 March 2025 Authlete Inc. +Expires: 28 March 2025 Authlete Inc. B. Campbell Ping Identity - 18 September 2024 + 24 September 2024 SD-JWT-based Verifiable Credentials (SD-JWT VC) @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Status of This Memo time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." - This Internet-Draft will expire on 22 March 2025. + This Internet-Draft will expire on 28 March 2025. Copyright Notice @@ -548,9 +548,9 @@ Table of Contents LmNvbS9pZGVudGl0eV9jcmVkZW50aWFsIiwgIl9zZF9hbGciOiAic2hhLTI1NiIsICJj bmYiOiB7Imp3ayI6IHsia3R5IjogIkVDIiwgImNydiI6ICJQLTI1NiIsICJ4IjogIlRD QUVSMTladnUzT0hGNGo0VzR2ZlNWb0hJUDFJTGlsRGxzN3ZDZUdlbWMiLCAieSI6ICJa - eGppV1diWk1RR0hWV0tWUTRoYlNJaXJzVmZ1ZWNDRTZ0NGpUOUYySFpRIn19fQ.xtZJW - UDoTszTHOSdhTnD8GJNuBgqtX-N5Yp7iSeVqa5eXQ9mCmlrpSGmh557VEKAZh1bOmgV9 - 8GhHw5L9u2Ijw~WyIyR0xDNDJzS1F2ZUNmR2ZyeU5STjl3IiwgImdpdmVuX25hbWUiLC + eGppV1diWk1RR0hWV0tWUTRoYlNJaXJzVmZ1ZWNDRTZ0NGpUOUYySFpRIn19fQ.8ms2a + ZX2vYHsIYmMWjoo3QEj4DF2ApQmA6YYGV3vQrRLVYe-JrLx8amRqJHIUiXS5zS1nHew- + aWpW9eLM2z5gA~WyIyR0xDNDJzS1F2ZUNmR2ZyeU5STjl3IiwgImdpdmVuX25hbWUiLC AiSm9obiJd~WyJlbHVWNU9nM2dTTklJOEVZbnN4QV9BIiwgImZhbWlseV9uYW1lIiwgI kRvZSJd~WyI2SWo3dE0tYTVpVlBHYm9TNXRtdlZBIiwgImVtYWlsIiwgImpvaG5kb2VA ZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iXQ~WyJlSThaV205UW5LUHBOUGVOZW5IZGhRIiwgInBob25lX251b @@ -670,17 +670,17 @@ Table of Contents LmNvbS9pZGVudGl0eV9jcmVkZW50aWFsIiwgIl9zZF9hbGciOiAic2hhLTI1NiIsICJj bmYiOiB7Imp3ayI6IHsia3R5IjogIkVDIiwgImNydiI6ICJQLTI1NiIsICJ4IjogIlRD QUVSMTladnUzT0hGNGo0VzR2ZlNWb0hJUDFJTGlsRGxzN3ZDZUdlbWMiLCAieSI6ICJa - eGppV1diWk1RR0hWV0tWUTRoYlNJaXJzVmZ1ZWNDRTZ0NGpUOUYySFpRIn19fQ.xtZJW - UDoTszTHOSdhTnD8GJNuBgqtX-N5Yp7iSeVqa5eXQ9mCmlrpSGmh557VEKAZh1bOmgV9 - 8GhHw5L9u2Ijw~WyJsa2x4RjVqTVlsR1RQVW92TU5JdkNBIiwgImlzX292ZXJfNjUiLC + eGppV1diWk1RR0hWV0tWUTRoYlNJaXJzVmZ1ZWNDRTZ0NGpUOUYySFpRIn19fQ.8ms2a + ZX2vYHsIYmMWjoo3QEj4DF2ApQmA6YYGV3vQrRLVYe-JrLx8amRqJHIUiXS5zS1nHew- + aWpW9eLM2z5gA~WyJsa2x4RjVqTVlsR1RQVW92TU5JdkNBIiwgImlzX292ZXJfNjUiLC B0cnVlXQ~WyJRZ19PNjR6cUF4ZTQxMmExMDhpcm9BIiwgImFkZHJlc3MiLCB7InN0cmV ldF9hZGRyZXNzIjogIjEyMyBNYWluIFN0IiwgImxvY2FsaXR5IjogIkFueXRvd24iLCA icmVnaW9uIjogIkFueXN0YXRlIiwgImNvdW50cnkiOiAiVVMifV0~eyJhbGciOiAiRVM yNTYiLCAidHlwIjogImtiK2p3dCJ9.eyJub25jZSI6ICIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwgImF1ZC - I6ICJodHRwczovL2V4YW1wbGUuY29tL3ZlcmlmaWVyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE3MjY2ODU2Mz - csICJzZF9oYXNoIjogImUzbEFoaXlIQU44U3E4cy1PSnVCOGdsUHVqeVFfWURlX19fMm - hON201UzgifQ.43JmsuFYZeRwLrsLNJi1s3nohbDGXD89rna3nUo0H7cmh2bL17Bgh6y - iwSHBG3by9iVVbINF0MmXRkqz797qbw + I6ICJodHRwczovL2V4YW1wbGUuY29tL3ZlcmlmaWVyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE3MjcyMDc3Nj + IsICJzZF9oYXNoIjogIlpQRmE3RXVULWx1N1d2S0dyb0ozcHhVLUlGODV5WW8xejdTQ2 + NyQ3hoZGsifQ.emJXbVbJI-N_sk57qz3sisu8xkOvGS47CTCF6QEyiqXvEUuUED_LOMN + -9ph-fO6wWVA4svjdlocOp-4hPCJUnw After validation, the Verifier will have the following processed SD- JWT payload available for further handling: @@ -722,8 +722,8 @@ Table of Contents 5UXdMVUs0Il0sICJpc3MiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pc3N1ZXIiLCAiaWF 0IjogMTY4MzAwMDAwMCwgImV4cCI6IDE4ODMwMDAwMDAsICJ2Y3QiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9 jcmVkZW50aWFscy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pZGVudGl0eV9jcmVkZW50aWFsIiwgIl9zZF9 - hbGciOiAic2hhLTI1NiJ9.uQ_JxSQofuBDnfqwq8W6DCQJcliyOeVzZlME-ukZH1n_25 - iaM4f3n7uS-cGn6aLo6NugWRJ5Q5tyAxezvtznIA~WyJsa2x4RjVqTVlsR1RQVW92TU5 + hbGciOiAic2hhLTI1NiJ9.ZbtjQYiIccfa3JxIvdo7erQDKDaejnv1OednV-3px7f92u + GRwSCORspRIVC0aznheQ2HT3_XrRsix2dgjBGoGQ~WyJsa2x4RjVqTVlsR1RQVW92TU5 JdkNBIiwgImlzX292ZXJfNjUiLCB0cnVlXQ~WyJRZ19PNjR6cUF4ZTQxMmExMDhpcm9B IiwgImFkZHJlc3MiLCB7InN0cmVldF9hZGRyZXNzIjogIjEyMyBNYWluIFN0IiwgImxv Y2FsaXR5IjogIkFueXRvd24iLCAicmVnaW9uIjogIkFueXN0YXRlIiwgImNvdW50cnki @@ -1830,8 +1830,8 @@ B.1. Example 1: Person Identification Data (PID) Credential 6ICJzaGEtMjU2IiwgImNuZiI6IHsiandrIjogeyJrdHkiOiAiRUMiLCAiY3J2IjogIlA tMjU2IiwgIngiOiAiVENBRVIxOVp2dTNPSEY0ajRXNHZmU1ZvSElQMUlMaWxEbHM3dkN lR2VtYyIsICJ5IjogIlp4amlXV2JaTVFHSFZXS1ZRNGhiU0lpcnNWZnVlY0NFNnQ0alQ - 5RjJIWlEifX19.UytauFAwmqbMJK9b6JqCHWcVLA9VzEyGr16_f16zDQTMqI-qMJhvLQ - vGCme_i9NULHI_otdk6b39D5t_pbqBeg~WyIyR0xDNDJzS1F2ZUNmR2ZyeU5STjl3Iiw + 5RjJIWlEifX19.ORbRjoUkB3W7DbkYeyKw1oOHwDbS-oJ5QYofVcxXhSF1J7ho4GUA7B + OE3GErgrX7iTqbLQRoecC0i2WqvTTBcQ~WyIyR0xDNDJzS1F2ZUNmR2ZyeU5STjl3Iiw gImdpdmVuX25hbWUiLCAiRXJpa2EiXQ~WyJlbHVWNU9nM2dTTklJOEVZbnN4QV9BIiwg ImZhbWlseV9uYW1lIiwgIk11c3Rlcm1hbm4iXQ~WyI2SWo3dE0tYTVpVlBHYm9TNXRtd lZBIiwgImJpcnRoZGF0ZSIsICIxOTYzLTA4LTEyIl0~WyJlSThaV205UW5LUHBOUGVOZ @@ -2103,22 +2103,22 @@ B.1. Example 1: Person Identification Data (PID) Credential 6ICJzaGEtMjU2IiwgImNuZiI6IHsiandrIjogeyJrdHkiOiAiRUMiLCAiY3J2IjogIlA tMjU2IiwgIngiOiAiVENBRVIxOVp2dTNPSEY0ajRXNHZmU1ZvSElQMUlMaWxEbHM3dkN lR2VtYyIsICJ5IjogIlp4amlXV2JaTVFHSFZXS1ZRNGhiU0lpcnNWZnVlY0NFNnQ0alQ - 5RjJIWlEifX19.UytauFAwmqbMJK9b6JqCHWcVLA9VzEyGr16_f16zDQTMqI-qMJhvLQ - vGCme_i9NULHI_otdk6b39D5t_pbqBeg~WyJuUHVvUW5rUkZxM0JJZUFtN0FuWEZBIiw + 5RjJIWlEifX19.ORbRjoUkB3W7DbkYeyKw1oOHwDbS-oJ5QYofVcxXhSF1J7ho4GUA7B + OE3GErgrX7iTqbLQRoecC0i2WqvTTBcQ~WyJuUHVvUW5rUkZxM0JJZUFtN0FuWEZBIiw gIm5hdGlvbmFsaXRpZXMiLCBbIkRFIl1d~WyJNMEpiNTd0NDF1YnJrU3V5ckRUM3hBIi wgIjE4IiwgdHJ1ZV0~eyJhbGciOiAiRVMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogImtiK2p3dCJ9.eyJub 25jZSI6ICIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwgImF1ZCI6ICJodHRwczovL2V4YW1wbGUuY29tL3Zlc - mlmaWVyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE3MjY2ODU2MzcsICJzZF9oYXNoIjogInNaYTNvclR1eXZPb - nZlbjZwXzNqSHZPSER2anBORmFYVnFuUHh1NXNWMW8ifQ.DFZWBT-jTURgIGADE_A--k - xF63F6KnPLR0xidmSAzH1v0zcDF4qJxwjAP9mGOUfit65FyOl8WI1k59LMLMB7QA + mlmaWVyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE3MjcyMDc3NjIsICJzZF9oYXNoIjogImRCYXRFaFl6Nlh1Z + ENkZWJHTTFwM1VZczY1YXZCck44YXY2eERHMGdvTjQifQ.gS-Nk4L8dv1CnbtzwhUEcM + 21annQYJ6SlSHBxfLveju6ZKeH4XktyG24TgkM6Y0VXVHcEdBT7OcjofNL2W1jiQ The following is the payload of a corresponding Key Binding JWT: { "nonce": "1234567890", "aud": "https://example.com/verifier", - "iat": 1726685637, - "sd_hash": "sZa3orTuyvOnven6p_3jHvOHDvjpNFaXVqnPxu5sV1o" + "iat": 1727207762, + "sd_hash": "dBatEhYz6XudCdebGM1p3UYs65avBrN8av6xDG0goN4" } After validation, the Verifier will have the following processed SD- diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 0fbdd81..7246d3c 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -24,13 +24,12 @@

Editor's drafts for main branch of danielfett


Preview for branch danielfett/fix-224-add-display-metadata

- +

Preview for branch sadness

- - - + + +
SD-JWT VCplain textdiff with mainSD-JWT VCplain textdiff with main

Preview for branch hopefully-less-future-sadness

@@ -41,22 +40,6 @@

Preview for branch hopefully-less-fu diff with main -

Preview for branch tighten-key-validation-section

- - - - - - -
SD-JWT VCplain textdiff with main

Preview for branch sadness

- - - - - - -
SD-JWT VCplain textdiff with main

Preview for branch draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc-05

@@ -73,6 +56,15 @@

Preview for branch clarify-examples-more

diff with main

Preview for branch danielfett


Preview for branch danielfett/fix-224-add-display-metadata

+ + + + + + +
SD-JWT VCplain textdiff with main
- - diff --git a/tighten-key-validation-section/draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc.txt b/tighten-key-validation-section/draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0e95856..0000000 --- a/tighten-key-validation-section/draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1885 +0,0 @@ - - - - -Web Authorization Protocol O. Terbu -Internet-Draft MATTR -Intended status: Standards Track D. Fett -Expires: 21 February 2025 Authlete Inc. - B. Campbell - Ping Identity - 20 August 2024 - - - SD-JWT-based Verifiable Credentials (SD-JWT VC) - draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc-latest - -Abstract - - This specification describes data formats as well as validation and - processing rules to express Verifiable Credentials with JSON payloads - with and without selective disclosure based on the SD-JWT - [I-D.ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt] format. - -Discussion Venues - - This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC. - - Discussion of this document takes place on the Web Authorization - Protocol Working Group mailing list (oauth@ietf.org), which is - archived at https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/oauth/. - - Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at - https://github.com/oauth-wg/oauth-sd-jwt-vc. - -Status of This Memo - - This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the - provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. - - Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering - Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute - working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet- - Drafts is at https://datatracker.ietf.org/drafts/current/. - - Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months - and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any - time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference - material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." - - This Internet-Draft will expire on 21 February 2025. - -Copyright Notice - - Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the - document authors. All rights reserved. - - This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal - Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/ - license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. - Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights - and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components - extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as - described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are - provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License. - -Table of Contents - - 1. Introduction - 1.1. Issuer-Holder-Verifier Model - 1.2. SD-JWT as a Credential Format - 1.3. Requirements Notation and Conventions - 1.4. Terms and Definitions - 2. Scope - 3. Verifiable Credentials based on SD-JWT - 3.1. Media Type - 3.2. Data Format - 3.2.1. JOSE Header - 3.2.2. JWT Claims Set - 3.3. Example - 3.4. Verification and Processing - 3.5. Issuer-signed JWT Verification Key Validation - 4. Presenting Verifiable Credentials - 4.1. Key Binding JWT - 4.2. Examples - 5. JWT VC Issuer Metadata - 5.1. JWT VC Issuer Metadata Request - 5.2. JWT VC Issuer Metadata Response - 5.3. JWT VC Issuer Metadata Validation - 6. Type Metadata - 6.1. Type Metadata Example - 6.2. Type Metadata Format - 6.3. Retrieving Type Metadata - 6.3.1. From a URL in the vct Claim - 6.3.2. From a Registry - 6.3.3. Using a Defined Retrieval Method - 6.3.4. From a Local Cache - 6.3.5. From Type Metadata Glue Documents - 6.4. Extending Type Metadata - 6.5. Schema Type Metadata - 6.5.1. Schema Definition - 6.5.2. Schema Validation - 7. Document Integrity - 8. Security Considerations - 8.1. Server-Side Request Forgery - 8.2. Ecosystem-specific Public Key Verification Methods - 8.3. Circular "extends" Dependencies of Types - 8.4. Robust Retrieval of Type Metadata - 9. Privacy Considerations - 9.1. Unlinkability - 9.2. Verifiable Credential Type Identifier - 9.3. Issuer Phone-Home - 10. Relationships to Other Documents - 10.1. Privacy-Preserving Retrieval of Type Metadata - 11. References - 11.1. Normative References - 11.2. Informative References - Appendix A. IANA Considerations - A.1. JSON Web Token Claims Registration - A.2. Media Types Registry - A.2.1. application/vc+sd-jwt - A.3. Well-Known URI Registry - A.3.1. Registry Contents - Appendix B. Examples - B.1. Example 1: Person Identification Data (PID) Credential - Appendix C. Acknowledgements - Appendix D. Document History - Authors' Addresses - -1. Introduction - -1.1. Issuer-Holder-Verifier Model - - In the so-called Issuer-Holder-Verifier Model, Issuers issue so- - called Verifiable Credentials to a Holder, who can then present the - Verifiable Credentials to Verifiers. Verifiable Credentials are - cryptographically secured statements about a Subject, typically the - Holder. - - +------------+ - | | - | Issuer | - | | - +------------+ - | - Issues Verifiable Credential - | - v - +------------+ - | | - | Holder | - | | - +------------+ - | - Presents Verifiable Credential - | - v - +-------------+ - | |+ +------------+ - | Verifiers ||+ | Status | - | |||----- optionally ------->| Provider | - +-------------+|| retrieve status of | | - +-------------+| Verifiable Credential +------------+ - +-------------+ - - Figure 1: Issuer-Holder-Verifier Model with optional Status Provider - - Verifiers can check the authenticity of the data in the Verifiable - Credentials and optionally enforce Key Binding, i.e., ask the Holder - to prove that they are the intended holder of the Verifiable - Credential, for example, by proving possession of a cryptographic key - referenced in the credential. This process is further described in - [I-D.ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt]. - - To support revocation of Verifiable Credentials, revocation - information can optionally be retrieved from a Status Provider. The - role of a Status Provider can be fulfilled by either a fourth party - or by the Issuer. - -1.2. SD-JWT as a Credential Format - - JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) [RFC7519] can in principle be used to express - Verifiable Credentials in a way that is easy to understand and - process as it builds upon established web primitives. - - Selective Disclosure JWT (SD-JWT) - [I-D.ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt] is a specification that - introduces conventions to support selective disclosure for JWTs: For - an SD-JWT document, a Holder can decide which claims to release - (within bounds defined by the Issuer). - - SD-JWT is a superset of JWT as it can also be used when there are no - selectively disclosable claims and also supports JWS JSON - serialization, which is useful for long term archiving and multi - signatures. However, SD-JWT itself does not define the claims that - must be used within the payload or their semantics. - - This specification uses SD-JWT and the well-established JWT content - rules and extensibility model as basis for representing Verifiable - Credentials with JSON payloads. These Verifiable Credentials are - called SD-JWT VCs. The use of selective disclosure in SD-JWT VCs is - OPTIONAL. - - SD-JWTs VC can contain claims that are registered in "JSON Web Token - Claims" registry as defined in [RFC7519], as well as public and - private claims. - - Note: This specification does not utilize the W3C's Verifiable - Credentials Data Model v1.0, v1.1, or v2.0. - -1.3. Requirements Notation and Conventions - - The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", - "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and - "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC - 2119 [RFC2119]. - -1.4. Terms and Definitions - - This specification uses the terms "Holder", "Issuer", "Verifier", - "Key Binding", and "Key Binding JWT" defined by - [I-D.ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt]. - - Consumer: Applications using the Type Metadata specified in - Section 6 are called Consumer. This typically includes Issuers, - Verifiers, and Wallets. - Verifiable Credential (VC): An assertion with claims about a Subject - that is cryptographically secured by an Issuer (usually by a - digital signature). - SD-JWT-based Verifiable Credential (SD-JWT VC): A Verifiable - Credential encoded using the format defined in - [I-D.ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt]. It may or may not - contain selectively disclosable claims. - Unsecured Payload of an SD-JWT VC: A JSON object containing all - selectively disclosable and non-selectively disclosable claims of - the SD-JWT VC. The Unsecured Payload acts as the input JSON - object to issue an SD-JWT VC complying to this specification. - Status Provider: An entity that provides status information (e.g. - revocation) about a Verifiable Credential. - -2. Scope - - * This specification defines - - Data model and media types for Verifiable Credentials based on - SD-JWTs. - - Validation and processing rules for Verifiers and Holders. - -3. Verifiable Credentials based on SD-JWT - - This section defines encoding, validation and processing rules for - SD-JWT VCs. - -3.1. Media Type - - SD-JWT VCs compliant with this specification MUST use the media type - application/vc+sd-jwt as defined in Appendix A.2.1. - -3.2. Data Format - - SD-JWT VCs MUST be encoded using the SD-JWT format defined in - Section 5 of [I-D.ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt]. A - presentation of an SD-JWT VC MAY contain a Key Binding JWT. - - Note that in some cases, an SD-JWT VC MAY have no selectively - disclosable claims, and therefore the encoded SD-JWT will not contain - any Disclosures. - -3.2.1. JOSE Header - - This section defines JWT header parameters for the SD-JWT component - of the SD-JWT VC. - - The typ header parameter of the SD-JWT MUST be present. The typ - value MUST use vc+sd-jwt. This indicates that the payload of the SD- - JWT contains plain JSON and follows the rules as defined in this - specification. It further indicates that the SD-JWT is a SD-JWT - component of a SD-JWT VC. - - The following is a non-normative example of a decoded SD-JWT header: - - { - "alg": "ES256", - "typ": "vc+sd-jwt" - } - -3.2.2. JWT Claims Set - - This section defines the claims that can be included in the payload - of SD-JWT VCs. - - New JWT Claims - - Verifiable Credential Type - vct Claim - - This specification defines the JWT claim vct (for verifiable - credential type). The vct value MUST be a case-sensitive StringOrURI - (see [RFC7519]) value serving as an identifier for the type of the - SD-JWT VC. The vct value MUST be a Collision-Resistant Name as - defined in Section 2 of [RFC7515]. - - A type is associated with rules defining which claims may or must - appear in the Unsecured Payload of the SD-JWT VC and whether they - may, must, or must not be selectively disclosable. This - specification does not define any vct values; instead it is expected - that ecosystems using SD-JWT VCs define such values including the - semantics of the respective claims and associated rules (e.g., - policies for issuing and validating credentials beyond what is - defined in this specification). - - The following is a non-normative example of how vct is used to - express a type: - - { - "vct": "https://credentials.example.com/identity_credential" - } - - For example, a value of https://credentials.example.com/ - identity_credential can be associated with rules that define that at - least the registered JWT claims given_name, family_name, birthdate, - and address must appear in the Unsecured Payload. Additionally, the - registered JWT claims email and phone_number, and the private claims - is_over_18, is_over_21, and is_over_65 may be used. The type might - also indicate that any of the aforementioned claims can be - selectively disclosable. - - Registered JWT Claims - - SD-JWT VCs MAY use any claim registered in the "JSON Web Token - Claims" registry as defined in [RFC7519]. - - If present, the following registered JWT claims MUST be included in - the SD-JWT and MUST NOT be included in the Disclosures, i.e. cannot - be selectively disclosed: - - * iss - - REQUIRED. The Issuer of the Verifiable Credential. The value - of iss MUST be a URI. See [RFC7519] for more information. - * nbf - - OPTIONAL. The time before which the Verifiable Credential MUST - NOT be accepted before validating. See [RFC7519] for more - information. - * exp - - OPTIONAL. The expiry time of the Verifiable Credential after - which the Verifiable Credential is no longer valid. See - [RFC7519] for more information. - * cnf - - OPTIONAL unless cryptographic Key Binding is to be supported, - in which case it is REQUIRED. Contains the confirmation method - identifying the proof of possession key as defined in - [RFC7800]. It is RECOMMENDED that this contains a JWK as - defined in Section 3.2 of [RFC7800]. For proof of - cryptographic Key Binding, the Key Binding JWT in the - presentation of the SD-JWT MUST be secured by the key - identified in this claim. - * vct - - REQUIRED. The type of the Verifiable Credential, e.g., - https://credentials.example.com/identity_credential, as defined - in Section - * status - - OPTIONAL. The information on how to read the status of the - Verifiable Credential. See [I-D.ietf-oauth-status-list] for - more information. - - The following registered JWT claims MAY be contained in the SD-JWT or - in the Disclosures and MAY be selectively disclosed: - - * sub - - OPTIONAL. The identifier of the Subject of the Verifiable - Credential. The Issuer MAY use it to provide the Subject - identifier known by the Issuer. There is no requirement for a - binding to exist between sub and cnf claims. - * iat - - OPTIONAL. The time of issuance of the Verifiable Credential. - See [RFC7519] for more information. - - Public JWT claims - - Additional public claims MAY be used in SD-JWT VCs depending on the - application. - - SD-JWT VC without Selectively Disclosable Claims - - An SD-JWT VC MAY have no selectively disclosable claims. In that - case, the SD-JWT VC MUST NOT contain the _sd claim in the JWT body. - It also MUST NOT have any Disclosures. - -3.3. Example - - The following is a non-normative example of an unsecured payload of - an SD-JWT VC. - - { - "vct": "https://credentials.example.com/identity_credential", - "given_name": "John", - "family_name": "Doe", - "email": "johndoe@example.com", - "phone_number": "+1-202-555-0101", - "address": { - "street_address": "123 Main St", - "locality": "Anytown", - "region": "Anystate", - "country": "US" - }, - "birthdate": "1940-01-01", - "is_over_18": true, - "is_over_21": true, - "is_over_65": true - } - - The following is a non-normative example of how the unsecured payload - of the SD-JWT VC above can be used in a SD-JWT where the resulting - SD-JWT VC contains only claims about the Subject that are selectively - disclosable: - - { - "_sd": [ - "09vKrJMOlyTWM0sjpu_pdOBVBQ2M1y3KhpH515nXkpY", - "2rsjGbaC0ky8mT0pJrPioWTq0_daw1sX76poUlgCwbI", - "EkO8dhW0dHEJbvUHlE_VCeuC9uRELOieLZhh7XbUTtA", - "IlDzIKeiZdDwpqpK6ZfbyphFvz5FgnWa-sN6wqQXCiw", - "JzYjH4svliH0R3PyEMfeZu6Jt69u5qehZo7F7EPYlSE", - "PorFbpKuVu6xymJagvkFsFXAbRoc2JGlAUA2BA4o7cI", - "TGf4oLbgwd5JQaHyKVQZU9UdGE0w5rtDsrZzfUaomLo", - "jdrTE8YcbY4EifugihiAe_BPekxJQZICeiUQwY9QqxI", - "jsu9yVulwQQlhFlM_3JlzMaSFzglhQG0DpfayQwLUK4" - ], - "iss": "https://example.com/issuer", - "iat": 1683000000, - "exp": 1883000000, - "vct": "https://credentials.example.com/identity_credential", - "_sd_alg": "sha-256", - "cnf": { - "jwk": { - "kty": "EC", - "crv": "P-256", - "x": "TCAER19Zvu3OHF4j4W4vfSVoHIP1ILilDls7vCeGemc", - "y": "ZxjiWWbZMQGHVWKVQ4hbSIirsVfuecCE6t4jT9F2HZQ" - } - } - } - - Note that a cnf claim has been added to the SD-JWT payload to express - the confirmation method of the Key Binding. - - The following are the Disclosures belonging to the SD-JWT payload - above: - - *Claim given_name*: - - * SHA-256 Hash: jsu9yVulwQQlhFlM_3JlzMaSFzglhQG0DpfayQwLUK4 - * Disclosure: - WyIyR0xDNDJzS1F2ZUNmR2ZyeU5STjl3IiwgImdpdmVuX25hbWUiLCAiSm9o - biJd - * Contents: ["2GLC42sKQveCfGfryNRN9w", "given_name", "John"] - - *Claim family_name*: - - * SHA-256 Hash: TGf4oLbgwd5JQaHyKVQZU9UdGE0w5rtDsrZzfUaomLo - * Disclosure: - WyJlbHVWNU9nM2dTTklJOEVZbnN4QV9BIiwgImZhbWlseV9uYW1lIiwgIkRv - ZSJd - * Contents: ["eluV5Og3gSNII8EYnsxA_A", "family_name", "Doe"] - - *Claim email*: - - * SHA-256 Hash: JzYjH4svliH0R3PyEMfeZu6Jt69u5qehZo7F7EPYlSE - * Disclosure: - WyI2SWo3dE0tYTVpVlBHYm9TNXRtdlZBIiwgImVtYWlsIiwgImpvaG5kb2VA - ZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iXQ - * Contents: ["6Ij7tM-a5iVPGboS5tmvVA", "email", - "johndoe@example.com"] - - *Claim phone_number*: - - * SHA-256 Hash: PorFbpKuVu6xymJagvkFsFXAbRoc2JGlAUA2BA4o7cI - * Disclosure: - WyJlSThaV205UW5LUHBOUGVOZW5IZGhRIiwgInBob25lX251bWJlciIsICIr - MS0yMDItNTU1LTAxMDEiXQ - * Contents: ["eI8ZWm9QnKPpNPeNenHdhQ", "phone_number", - "+1-202-555-0101"] - - *Claim address*: - - * SHA-256 Hash: IlDzIKeiZdDwpqpK6ZfbyphFvz5FgnWa-sN6wqQXCiw - * Disclosure: - WyJRZ19PNjR6cUF4ZTQxMmExMDhpcm9BIiwgImFkZHJlc3MiLCB7InN0cmVl - dF9hZGRyZXNzIjogIjEyMyBNYWluIFN0IiwgImxvY2FsaXR5IjogIkFueXRv - d24iLCAicmVnaW9uIjogIkFueXN0YXRlIiwgImNvdW50cnkiOiAiVVMifV0 - * Contents: ["Qg_O64zqAxe412a108iroA", "address", {"street_address": - "123 Main St", "locality": "Anytown", "region": "Anystate", - "country": "US"}] - - *Claim birthdate*: - - * SHA-256 Hash: jdrTE8YcbY4EifugihiAe_BPekxJQZICeiUQwY9QqxI - * Disclosure: - WyJBSngtMDk1VlBycFR0TjRRTU9xUk9BIiwgImJpcnRoZGF0ZSIsICIxOTQw - LTAxLTAxIl0 - * Contents: ["AJx-095VPrpTtN4QMOqROA", "birthdate", "1940-01-01"] - - *Claim is_over_18*: - - * SHA-256 Hash: 09vKrJMOlyTWM0sjpu_pdOBVBQ2M1y3KhpH515nXkpY - * Disclosure: - WyJQYzMzSk0yTGNoY1VfbEhnZ3ZfdWZRIiwgImlzX292ZXJfMTgiLCB0cnVl - XQ - * Contents: ["Pc33JM2LchcU_lHggv_ufQ", "is_over_18", true] - - *Claim is_over_21*: - - * SHA-256 Hash: 2rsjGbaC0ky8mT0pJrPioWTq0_daw1sX76poUlgCwbI - * Disclosure: - WyJHMDJOU3JRZmpGWFE3SW8wOXN5YWpBIiwgImlzX292ZXJfMjEiLCB0cnVl - XQ - * Contents: ["G02NSrQfjFXQ7Io09syajA", "is_over_21", true] - - *Claim is_over_65*: - - * SHA-256 Hash: EkO8dhW0dHEJbvUHlE_VCeuC9uRELOieLZhh7XbUTtA - * Disclosure: - WyJsa2x4RjVqTVlsR1RQVW92TU5JdkNBIiwgImlzX292ZXJfNjUiLCB0cnVl - XQ - * Contents: ["lklxF5jMYlGTPUovMNIvCA", "is_over_65", true] - - The SD-JWT and the Disclosures would then be serialized by the Issuer - into the following format for issuance to the Holder: - - eyJhbGciOiAiRVMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogInZjK3NkLWp3dCIsICJraWQiOiAiZG9jLXNp - Z25lci0wNS0yNS0yMDIyIn0.eyJfc2QiOiBbIjA5dktySk1PbHlUV00wc2pwdV9wZE9C - VkJRMk0xeTNLaHBINTE1blhrcFkiLCAiMnJzakdiYUMwa3k4bVQwcEpyUGlvV1RxMF9k - YXcxc1g3NnBvVWxnQ3diSSIsICJFa084ZGhXMGRIRUpidlVIbEVfVkNldUM5dVJFTE9p - ZUxaaGg3WGJVVHRBIiwgIklsRHpJS2VpWmREd3BxcEs2WmZieXBoRnZ6NUZnbldhLXNO - NndxUVhDaXciLCAiSnpZakg0c3ZsaUgwUjNQeUVNZmVadTZKdDY5dTVxZWhabzdGN0VQ - WWxTRSIsICJQb3JGYnBLdVZ1Nnh5bUphZ3ZrRnNGWEFiUm9jMkpHbEFVQTJCQTRvN2NJ - IiwgIlRHZjRvTGJnd2Q1SlFhSHlLVlFaVTlVZEdFMHc1cnREc3JaemZVYW9tTG8iLCAi - amRyVEU4WWNiWTRFaWZ1Z2loaUFlX0JQZWt4SlFaSUNlaVVRd1k5UXF4SSIsICJqc3U5 - eVZ1bHdRUWxoRmxNXzNKbHpNYVNGemdsaFFHMERwZmF5UXdMVUs0Il0sICJpc3MiOiAi - aHR0cHM6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pc3N1ZXIiLCAiaWF0IjogMTY4MzAwMDAwMCwgImV4 - cCI6IDE4ODMwMDAwMDAsICJ2Y3QiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9jcmVkZW50aWFscy5leGFtcGxl - LmNvbS9pZGVudGl0eV9jcmVkZW50aWFsIiwgIl9zZF9hbGciOiAic2hhLTI1NiIsICJj - bmYiOiB7Imp3ayI6IHsia3R5IjogIkVDIiwgImNydiI6ICJQLTI1NiIsICJ4IjogIlRD - QUVSMTladnUzT0hGNGo0VzR2ZlNWb0hJUDFJTGlsRGxzN3ZDZUdlbWMiLCAieSI6ICJa - eGppV1diWk1RR0hWV0tWUTRoYlNJaXJzVmZ1ZWNDRTZ0NGpUOUYySFpRIn19fQ.h5DLY - dCagCjIPgUDYN1Y8KxY3qRAYCBsqkNr7QrjjLbqKfbvpBPPvQoFKlp7TaJIn7PZrUpoI - 58gX8ZEGkKkiA~WyIyR0xDNDJzS1F2ZUNmR2ZyeU5STjl3IiwgImdpdmVuX25hbWUiLC - AiSm9obiJd~WyJlbHVWNU9nM2dTTklJOEVZbnN4QV9BIiwgImZhbWlseV9uYW1lIiwgI - kRvZSJd~WyI2SWo3dE0tYTVpVlBHYm9TNXRtdlZBIiwgImVtYWlsIiwgImpvaG5kb2VA - ZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iXQ~WyJlSThaV205UW5LUHBOUGVOZW5IZGhRIiwgInBob25lX251b - WJlciIsICIrMS0yMDItNTU1LTAxMDEiXQ~WyJRZ19PNjR6cUF4ZTQxMmExMDhpcm9BIi - wgImFkZHJlc3MiLCB7InN0cmVldF9hZGRyZXNzIjogIjEyMyBNYWluIFN0IiwgImxvY2 - FsaXR5IjogIkFueXRvd24iLCAicmVnaW9uIjogIkFueXN0YXRlIiwgImNvdW50cnkiOi - AiVVMifV0~WyJBSngtMDk1VlBycFR0TjRRTU9xUk9BIiwgImJpcnRoZGF0ZSIsICIxOT - QwLTAxLTAxIl0~WyJQYzMzSk0yTGNoY1VfbEhnZ3ZfdWZRIiwgImlzX292ZXJfMTgiLC - B0cnVlXQ~WyJHMDJOU3JRZmpGWFE3SW8wOXN5YWpBIiwgImlzX292ZXJfMjEiLCB0cnV - lXQ~WyJsa2x4RjVqTVlsR1RQVW92TU5JdkNBIiwgImlzX292ZXJfNjUiLCB0cnVlXQ~ - -3.4. Verification and Processing - - The recipient (Holder or Verifier) of an SD-JWT VC MUST process and - verify an SD-JWT VC as described in Section 8 of - [I-D.ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt]. - - If Key Binding is required (refer to the security considerations in - Section 11.6 of [I-D.ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt]), the - Verifier MUST verify the Key Binding JWT according to Section 8 of - [I-D.ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt]. To verify the Key Binding - JWT, the cnf claim of the SD-JWT MUST be used. - - Furthermore, the recipient of the SD-JWT VC MUST validate the public - verification key for the Issuer-signed JWT as defined in Section 3.5. - - If a schema is provided in the Type Metadata, a recipient MUST - validate the schema as defined in Section 6.5. - - If there are no selectively disclosable claims, there is no need to - process the _sd claim nor any Disclosures. - - If status is present in the verified payload of the SD-JWT, the - status SHOULD be checked. It depends on the Verifier policy to - reject or accept a presentation of a SD-JWT VC based on the status of - the Verifiable Credential. - - Any claims used that are not understood MUST be ignored. - - Additional validation rules MAY apply, but their use is out of the - scope of this specification. - -3.5. Issuer-signed JWT Verification Key Validation - - A recipient of an SD-JWT VC MUST apply the following rules to - validate that the public verification key for the Issuer-signed JWT - corresponds to the iss value: - - * JWT VC Issuer Metadata: If a recipient supports JWT VC Issuer - Metadata and if the iss value contains an HTTPS URI, the recipient - MUST obtain the public key using JWT VC Issuer Metadata as defined - in Section 5. - * X.509 Certificates: If the recipient supports X.509 Certificates - and the iss value contains an HTTPS URI, the recipient MUST - 1. obtain the public key from the end-entity certificate of the - certificates from the x5c header parameter of the Issuer- - signed JWT and validate the X.509 certificate chain - accordingly, and - 2. ensure that the iss value matches a uniformResourceIdentifier - SAN entry of the end-entity certificate or that the domain - name in the iss value matches the dNSName SAN entry of the - end-entity certificate. - - Separate specifications or ecosystem regulations MAY define rules - complementing the rules defined above, but such rules are out of - scope of this specification. See Section 8.2 for security - considerations. - - If a recipient cannot validate that the public verification key - corresponds to the iss value of the Issuer-signed JWT, the SD-JWT VC - MUST be rejected. - -4. Presenting Verifiable Credentials - - This section defines encoding, validation and processing rules for - presentations of SD-JWT VCs. - -4.1. Key Binding JWT - - If the presentation of the SD-JWT VC includes a Key Binding JWT, the - Key Binding JWT MUST adhere to the rules defined in Section 5.3 of - [I-D.ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt]. - - The Key Binding JWT MAY include additional claims which, when not - understood, MUST be ignored by the Verifier. - -4.2. Examples - - The following is a non-normative example of a presentation of the SD- - JWT shown in Section 3.3 including a Key Binding JWT. In this - presentation, the Holder provides only the Disclosure for the address - claim. Other claims are not disclosed to the Verifier. - - eyJhbGciOiAiRVMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogInZjK3NkLWp3dCIsICJraWQiOiAiZG9jLXNp - Z25lci0wNS0yNS0yMDIyIn0.eyJfc2QiOiBbIjA5dktySk1PbHlUV00wc2pwdV9wZE9C - VkJRMk0xeTNLaHBINTE1blhrcFkiLCAiMnJzakdiYUMwa3k4bVQwcEpyUGlvV1RxMF9k - YXcxc1g3NnBvVWxnQ3diSSIsICJFa084ZGhXMGRIRUpidlVIbEVfVkNldUM5dVJFTE9p - ZUxaaGg3WGJVVHRBIiwgIklsRHpJS2VpWmREd3BxcEs2WmZieXBoRnZ6NUZnbldhLXNO - NndxUVhDaXciLCAiSnpZakg0c3ZsaUgwUjNQeUVNZmVadTZKdDY5dTVxZWhabzdGN0VQ - WWxTRSIsICJQb3JGYnBLdVZ1Nnh5bUphZ3ZrRnNGWEFiUm9jMkpHbEFVQTJCQTRvN2NJ - IiwgIlRHZjRvTGJnd2Q1SlFhSHlLVlFaVTlVZEdFMHc1cnREc3JaemZVYW9tTG8iLCAi - amRyVEU4WWNiWTRFaWZ1Z2loaUFlX0JQZWt4SlFaSUNlaVVRd1k5UXF4SSIsICJqc3U5 - eVZ1bHdRUWxoRmxNXzNKbHpNYVNGemdsaFFHMERwZmF5UXdMVUs0Il0sICJpc3MiOiAi - aHR0cHM6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pc3N1ZXIiLCAiaWF0IjogMTY4MzAwMDAwMCwgImV4 - cCI6IDE4ODMwMDAwMDAsICJ2Y3QiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9jcmVkZW50aWFscy5leGFtcGxl - LmNvbS9pZGVudGl0eV9jcmVkZW50aWFsIiwgIl9zZF9hbGciOiAic2hhLTI1NiIsICJj - bmYiOiB7Imp3ayI6IHsia3R5IjogIkVDIiwgImNydiI6ICJQLTI1NiIsICJ4IjogIlRD - QUVSMTladnUzT0hGNGo0VzR2ZlNWb0hJUDFJTGlsRGxzN3ZDZUdlbWMiLCAieSI6ICJa - eGppV1diWk1RR0hWV0tWUTRoYlNJaXJzVmZ1ZWNDRTZ0NGpUOUYySFpRIn19fQ.h5DLY - dCagCjIPgUDYN1Y8KxY3qRAYCBsqkNr7QrjjLbqKfbvpBPPvQoFKlp7TaJIn7PZrUpoI - 58gX8ZEGkKkiA~WyJRZ19PNjR6cUF4ZTQxMmExMDhpcm9BIiwgImFkZHJlc3MiLCB7In - N0cmVldF9hZGRyZXNzIjogIjEyMyBNYWluIFN0IiwgImxvY2FsaXR5IjogIkFueXRvd2 - 4iLCAicmVnaW9uIjogIkFueXN0YXRlIiwgImNvdW50cnkiOiAiVVMifV0~eyJhbGciOi - AiRVMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogImtiK2p3dCJ9.eyJub25jZSI6ICIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwgI - mF1ZCI6ICJodHRwczovL2V4YW1wbGUuY29tL3ZlcmlmaWVyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE3MjQxN - zg3NDgsICJzZF9oYXNoIjogInIzYlpiNUI0a1BYUlhXTVdKQnljZGdKMThDV25iRkx4Y - 1djbktHYld4OVkifQ.dVWUjI4gHDAPCF_84-3932riVj-PpaQesHOSLJ_Oor6FZl1dID - 46gZn-g4oCcEx-pVJIhUnUHYgNNSI0GYb_Kw - - The following example shows a presentation of a (different) SD-JWT - without a Key Binding JWT: - - eyJhbGciOiAiRVMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogInZjK3NkLWp3dCJ9.eyJfc2QiOiBbIjA5dkt - ySk1PbHlUV00wc2pwdV9wZE9CVkJRMk0xeTNLaHBINTE1blhrcFkiLCAiMnJzakdiYUM - wa3k4bVQwcEpyUGlvV1RxMF9kYXcxc1g3NnBvVWxnQ3diSSIsICJFa084ZGhXMGRIRUp - idlVIbEVfVkNldUM5dVJFTE9pZUxaaGg3WGJVVHRBIiwgIklsRHpJS2VpWmREd3BxcEs - 2WmZieXBoRnZ6NUZnbldhLXNONndxUVhDaXciLCAiSnpZakg0c3ZsaUgwUjNQeUVNZmV - adTZKdDY5dTVxZWhabzdGN0VQWWxTRSIsICJQb3JGYnBLdVZ1Nnh5bUphZ3ZrRnNGWEF - iUm9jMkpHbEFVQTJCQTRvN2NJIiwgIlRHZjRvTGJnd2Q1SlFhSHlLVlFaVTlVZEdFMHc - 1cnREc3JaemZVYW9tTG8iLCAiamRyVEU4WWNiWTRFaWZ1Z2loaUFlX0JQZWt4SlFaSUN - laVVRd1k5UXF4SSIsICJqc3U5eVZ1bHdRUWxoRmxNXzNKbHpNYVNGemdsaFFHMERwZmF - 5UXdMVUs0Il0sICJpc3MiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pc3N1ZXIiLCAiaWF - 0IjogMTY4MzAwMDAwMCwgImV4cCI6IDE4ODMwMDAwMDAsICJ2Y3QiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9 - jcmVkZW50aWFscy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pZGVudGl0eV9jcmVkZW50aWFsIiwgIl9zZF9 - hbGciOiAic2hhLTI1NiJ9.mTAuCYy4Ey9ZbWhFP9ysyOvniwyOHsDGkKXSZogueUpnJA - TYNrpg8I2VrmaiSCZiprsoqBQleHYk89WT8TMAIA~WyJRZ19PNjR6cUF4ZTQxMmExMDh - pcm9BIiwgImFkZHJlc3MiLCB7InN0cmVldF9hZGRyZXNzIjogIjEyMyBNYWluIFN0Iiw - gImxvY2FsaXR5IjogIkFueXRvd24iLCAicmVnaW9uIjogIkFueXN0YXRlIiwgImNvdW5 - 0cnkiOiAiVVMifV0~ - -5. JWT VC Issuer Metadata - - This specification defines the JWT VC Issuer Metadata to retrieve the - JWT VC Issuer Metadata configuration of the Issuer of the SD-JWT VC. - The Issuer is identified by the iss claim in the JWT. Use of the JWT - VC Issuer Metadata is OPTIONAL. - - Issuers publishing JWT VC Issuer Metadata MUST make a JWT VC Issuer - Metadata configuration available at the location formed by inserting - the well-known string /.well-known/jwt-vc-issuer between the host - component and the path component (if any) of the iss claim value in - the JWT. The iss MUST be a case-sensitive URL using the HTTPS scheme - that contains scheme, host and, optionally, port number and path - components, but no query or fragment components. - -5.1. JWT VC Issuer Metadata Request - - A JWT VC Issuer Metadata configuration MUST be queried using an HTTP - GET request at the path defined in Section 5. - - The following is a non-normative example of an HTTP request for the - JWT VC Issuer Metadata configuration when iss is set to - https://example.com: - - GET /.well-known/jwt-vc-issuer HTTP/1.1 - Host: example.com - - If the iss value contains a path component, any terminating / MUST be - removed before inserting /.well-known/ and the well-known URI suffix - between the host component and the path component. - - The following is a non-normative example of a HTTP request for the - JWT VC Issuer Metadata configuration when iss is set to - https://example.com/tenant/1234: - - GET /.well-known/jwt-vc-issuer/tenant/1234 HTTP/1.1 - Host: example.com - -5.2. JWT VC Issuer Metadata Response - - A successful response MUST use the 200 OK HTTP and return the JWT VC - Issuer Metadata configuration using the application/json content - type. - - An error response uses the applicable HTTP status code value. - - This specification defines the following JWT VC Issuer Metadata - configuration parameters: - - * issuer - - REQUIRED. The Issuer identifier, which MUST be identical to - the iss value in the JWT. - * jwks_uri - - OPTIONAL. URL string referencing the Issuer's JSON Web Key - (JWK) Set [RFC7517] document which contains the Issuer's public - keys. The value of this field MUST point to a valid JWK Set - document. - * jwks - - OPTIONAL. Issuer's JSON Web Key Set [RFC7517] document value, - which contains the Issuer's public keys. The value of this - field MUST be a JSON object containing a valid JWK Set. - - JWT VC Issuer Metadata MUST include either jwks_uri or jwks in their - JWT VC Issuer Metadata, but not both. - - It is RECOMMENDED that the JWT contains a kid JWT header parameter - that can be used to look up the public key in the JWK Set included by - value or referenced in the JWT VC Issuer Metadata. - - The following is a non-normative example of a JWT VC Issuer Metadata - configuration including jwks: - - { - "issuer":"https://example.com", - "jwks":{ - "keys":[ - { - "kid":"doc-signer-05-25-2022", - "e":"AQAB", - "n":"nj3YJwsLUFl9BmpAbkOswCNVx17Eh9wMO-_AReZwBqfaWFcfG - HrZXsIV2VMCNVNU8Tpb4obUaSXcRcQ-VMsfQPJm9IzgtRdAY8NN8Xb7PEcYyk - lBjvTtuPbpzIaqyiUepzUXNDFuAOOkrIol3WmflPUUgMKULBN0EUd1fpOD70p - RM0rlp_gg_WNUKoW1V-3keYUJoXH9NztEDm_D2MQXj9eGOJJ8yPgGL8PAZMLe - 2R7jb9TxOCPDED7tY_TU4nFPlxptw59A42mldEmViXsKQt60s1SLboazxFKve - qXC_jpLUt22OC6GUG63p-REw-ZOr3r845z50wMuzifQrMI9bQ", - "kty":"RSA" - } - ] - } - } - - The following is a non-normative example of a JWT VC Issuer Metadata - configuration including jwks_uri: - - { - "issuer":"https://example.com", - "jwks_uri":"https://jwt-vc-issuer.example.org/my_public_keys.jwks" - } - - Additional JWT VC Issuer Metadata configuration parameters MAY also - be used. - -5.3. JWT VC Issuer Metadata Validation - - The issuer value returned MUST be identical to the iss value of the - JWT. If these values are not identical, the data contained in the - response MUST NOT be used. - -6. Type Metadata - - A SD-JWT VC type, i.e., the vct value, is associated with Type - Metadata defining, for example, information about the type or a - schema defining (see Section 6.5.1) which claims MAY or MUST appear - in the SD-JWT VC. - - This section defines Type Metadata that can be associated with a type - of a SD-JWT VC, as well as a method for retrieving the Type Metadata - and processing rules. This Type Metadata is intended to be used, - among other things, for the following purposes: - - * Developers of Issuers and Verifiers can use the Type Metadata to - understand the semantics of the type and the associated rules. - While in some cases, Issuers are the parties that define types, - this is not always the case. For example, a type can be defined - by a standardization body or a community. - * Verifiers can use the Type Metadata to determine whether a - credential is valid according to the rules of the type. For - example, a Verifier can check whether a credential contains all - required claims and whether the claims are selectively - disclosable. - - Type Metadata can be retrieved as described in Section 6.3. - -6.1. Type Metadata Example - - All examples in this section are non-normative. - - The following is an example of an SD-JWT VC payload, containing a vct - claim with the value https://betelgeuse.example.com/ - education_credential: - - { - "vct": "https://betelgeuse.example.com/education_credential", - "vct#integrity": "sha256-WRL5ca_xGgX3c1VLmXfh-9cLlJNXN-TsMk-PmKjZ5t0", - ... - } - - Type Metadata for the type https://betelgeuse.example.com/ - education_credential can be retrieved using various mechanisms as - described in Section 6.3. For this example, the well-known URL as - defined in Section 6.3.1 is used and the following Type Metadata - Document is retrieved from the URL - https://betelgeuse.example.com/.well-known/vct/education_credential: - - { - "vct":"https://betelgeuse.example.com/education_credential", - "name":"Betelgeuse Education Credential - Preliminary Version", - "description":"This is our development version of the education credential. Don't panic.", - "extends":"https://galaxy.example.com/galactic-education-credential-0.9", - "extends#integrity":"sha256-9cLlJNXN-TsMk-PmKjZ5t0WRL5ca_xGgX3c1VLmXfh-WRL5", - "schema_uri":"https://exampleuniversity.com/public/credential-schema-0.9", - "schema_uri#integrity":"sha256-o984vn819a48ui1llkwPmKjZ5t0WRL5ca_xGgX3c1VLmXfh" - } - - Note: The hash of the Type Metadata document shown in the second - example must be equal to the one in the vct#integrity claim in the - SD-JWT VC payload, WRL5ca_xGgX3c1VLmXfh-9cLlJNXN-TsMk-PmKjZ5t0. - -6.2. Type Metadata Format - - The Type Metadata document MUST be a JSON object. The following - properties are defined: - - * name - - OPTIONAL. A human-readable name for the type, intended for - developers reading the JSON document. - * description - - OPTIONAL. A human-readable description for the type, intended - for developers reading the JSON document. - * extends - - OPTIONAL. A URI of another type that this type extends, as - described in Section 6.4. - * schema - - OPTIONAL. An embedded JSON Schema document describing the - structure of the Verifiable Credential as described in - Section 6.5.1. schema MUST NOT be used if schema_uri is - present. - * schema_uri - - OPTIONAL. A URL pointing to a JSON Schema document describing - the structure of the Verifiable Credential as described in - Section 6.5.1. schema_uri MUST NOT be used if schema is - present. - -6.3. Retrieving Type Metadata - -6.3.1. From a URL in the vct Claim - - A URI in the vct claim can be used to express a type. If the type is - a URL using the HTTPS scheme, Type Metadata can be retrieved from the - URL https:///.well-known/vct/, i.e., by inserting - /.well-known/vct after the authority part of the URL. - - The Type Metadata is retrieved using the HTTP GET method. The - response MUST be a JSON object as defined in Section 6.2. - - If the claim vct#integrity is present in the SD-JWT VC, its value - vct#integrity MUST be an "integrity metadata" string as defined in - Section Section 7. - -6.3.2. From a Registry - - A Consumer MAY use a registry to retrieve Type Metadata for a SD-JWT - VC type, e.g., if the type is not a HTTPS URL or if the Consumer does - not have access to the URL. The registry MUST be a trusted registry, - i.e., the Consumer MUST trust the registry to provide correct Type - Metadata for the type. - - The registry MUST provide the Type Metadata in the same format as - described in Section 6.2. - -6.3.3. Using a Defined Retrieval Method - - Ecosystems MAY define additional methods for retrieving Type - Metadata. For example, a standardization body or a community MAY - define a service which has to be used to retrieve Type Metadata based - on a URN in the vct claim. - -6.3.4. From a Local Cache - - A Consumer MAY cache Type Metadata for a SD-JWT VC type. If a hash - for integrity protection is present in the Type Metadata as defined - in Section 7, the Consumer MAY assume that the Type Metadata is - static and can be cached indefinitely. Otherwise, the Consumer MUST - use the Cache-Control header of the HTTP response to determine how - long the metadata can be cached. - -6.3.5. From Type Metadata Glue Documents - - Credentials MAY encode Type Metadata directly, providing it as "glue - information" to the Consumer. - - For JSON-serialized JWS-based credentials, such Type Metadata - documents MAY be included in the unprotected header of the JWS. In - this case, the key vctm MUST be used in the unprotected header and - its value MUST be an array of base64url-encoded Type Metadata - documents as defined in this specification. Multiple documents MAY - be included for providing a whole chain of types to the Consumer (see - Section 6.4). - - A Consumer of a credential MAY use the documents in the vctm array - instead of retrieving the respective Type Metadata elsewhere as - follows: - - * When resolving a vct in a credential, the Consumer MUST ensure - that the vct claim in the credential matches the one in the Type - Metadata document, and it MUST verify the integrity of the Type - Metadata document as defined in Section 7. The Consumer MUST NOT - use the Type Metadata if no hash for integrity protection was - provided in vct#integrity. - * When resolving an extends property in a Type Metadata document, - the Consumer MUST ensure that the value of the extends property in - the Type Metadata document matches that of the vct in the Type - Metadata document, and it MUST verify the integrity of the Type - Metadata document as defined in Section 7. The Consumer MUST NOT - use the Type Metadata if no hash for integrity protection was - provided. - -6.4. Extending Type Metadata - - An SD-JWT VC type can extend another type. The extended type is - identified by the URI in the extends property. Consumers MUST - retrieve and process Type Metadata for the extended type before - processing the Type Metadata for the extending type. - - The extended type MAY itself extend another type. This can be used - to create a chain or hierarchy of types. The security considerations - described in Section 8.3 apply in order to avoid problems with - circular dependencies. - -6.5. Schema Type Metadata - -6.5.1. Schema Definition - - Schemas for Verifiable Credentials are contained in the schema or - retrieved via the schema_uri Type Metadata parameters (as defined in - Section 6.2). A schema MUST be represented by a JSON Schema document - according to draft version 2020-12 [JSON.SCHEMA.2020-12] or above. - - The schema of a Verifiable Credential MUST include all properties - that are required by this specification and MUST NOT override their - cardinality, JSON data type, or semantic intent. - - The following is a non-normative example of a JSON Schema document - for the example in Section 3.3 requiring the presence of the cnf - claim in an SD-JWT VC presentation: - - { - "$schema":"https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema", - "type":"object", - "properties":{ - "vct":{ - "type":"string" - }, - "iss":{ - "type":"string" - }, - "nbf":{ - "type":"number" - }, - "exp":{ - "type":"number" - }, - "cnf":{ - "type":"object" - }, - "status":{ - "type":"object" - }, - "given_name":{ - "type":"string" - }, - "family_name":{ - "type":"string" - }, - "email":{ - "type":"string" - }, - "phone_number":{ - "type":"string" - }, - "address":{ - "type":"object", - "properties":{ - "street_address":{ - "type":"string" - }, - "locality":{ - "type":"string" - }, - "region":{ - "type":"string" - }, - "country":{ - "type":"string" - } - } - }, - "birthdate":{ - "type":"string" - }, - "is_over_18":{ - "type":"boolean" - }, - "is_over_21":{ - "type":"boolean" - }, - "is_over_65":{ - "type":"boolean" - } - }, - "required":[ - "iss", - "vct", - "cnf" - ] - } - - Note that iss and vct are always required by this specification. - -6.5.2. Schema Validation - - If a schema or schema_uri property is present, a Consumer MUST - validate the JSON document resulting from the SD-JWT verification - algorithm (as defined in Section 8 of - [I-D.ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt]) against the JSON Schema - document provided by the schema or schema_uri property. - - If an extends property is present, the schema of the extended type - MUST also be validated in the same manner. This process includes - validating all subsequent extended types recursively until a type is - encountered that does not contain an extends property in its Type - Metadata. Each schema in this chain MUST be evaluated for a specific - Verifiable Credential. - - If the schema validation fails for any of the types in the chain, the - Consumer MUST reject the Verifiable Credential. - - The following is a non-normative example of a result JSON document - after executing the SD-JWT verification algorithm that is validated - against the JSON Schema document in the example provided in - Section 6.5.1: - - { - "vct":"https://credentials.example.com/identity_credential", - "iss":"https://example.com/issuer", - "iat":1683000000, - "exp":1883000000, - "sub":"6c5c0a49-b589-431d-bae7-219122a9ec2c", - "address":{ - "country":"DE" - }, - "cnf":{ - "jwk":{ - "kty":"EC", - "crv":"P-256", - "x":"TCAER19Zvu3OHF4j4W4vfSVoHIP1ILilDls7vCeGemc", - "y":"ZxjiWWbZMQGHVWKVQ4hbSIirsVfuecCE6t4jT9F2HZQ" - } - } - } - - Note, the example above does not contain any _sd_alg, _sd, or ... - claims. - -7. Document Integrity - - Both the vct claim in the SD-JWT VC and the various URIs in the Type - Metadata MAY be accompanied by a respective claim suffixed with - #integrity, in particular: - - * vct as defined in Section, - * extends as defined in Section 6.4 - * schema_uri as defined in Section 6.5 - - The value MUST be an "integrity metadata" string as defined in - Section 3 of [W3C.SRI]. A Consumer of the respective documents MUST - verify the integrity of the retrieved document as defined in - Section 3.3.5 of [W3C.SRI]. - -8. Security Considerations - - The Security Considerations in the SD-JWT specification - [I-D.ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt] apply to this - specification. Additionally, the following security considerations - need to be taken into account when using SD-JWT VCs: - -8.1. Server-Side Request Forgery - - The JWT VC Issuer Metadata configuration is retrieved from the JWT VC - Issuer by the Holder or Verifier. Similar to other metadata - endpoints, the URL for the retrieval MUST be considered an untrusted - value and could be a vector for Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) - attacks. - - Before making a request to the JWT VC Issuer Metadata endpoint, the - Holder or Verifier MUST validate the URL to ensure that it is a valid - HTTPS URL and that it does not point to internal resources. This - requires, in particular, ensuring that the host part of the URL does - not address an internal service (by IP address or an internal host - name) and that, if an external DNS name is used, the resolved DNS - name does not point to an internal IPv4 or IPv6 address. - - When retrieving the metadata, the Holder or Verifier MUST ensure that - the request is made in a time-bound and size-bound manner to prevent - denial of service attacks. The Holder or Verifier MUST also ensure - that the response is a valid JWT VC Issuer Metadata configuration - document before processing it. - - Additional considerations can be found in [OWASP_SSRF]. - -8.2. Ecosystem-specific Public Key Verification Methods - - When defining ecosystem-specific rules for the verification of the - public key, as outlined in Section 3.5, it is critical that those - rules maintain the integrity of the relationship between the iss - value within the Issuer-signed JWT and the public keys of the Issuer. - - It MUST be ensured that for any given iss value, an attacker cannot - influence the type of verification process used. Otherwise, an - attacker could attempt to make the Verifier use a verification - process not intended by the Issuer, allowing the attacker to - potentially manipulate the verification result to their advantage. - -8.3. Circular "extends" Dependencies of Types - - A type MUST NOT extend another type that extends (either directly or - with steps in-between) the first type. This would result in a - circular dependency that could lead to infinite recursion when - retrieving and processing the metadata. - - Consumers MUST detect such circular dependencies and reject the - credential. - -8.4. Robust Retrieval of Type Metadata - - In Section 6.3, various methods for distributing and retrieving - metadata are described. Methods relying on a network connection may - fail due to network issues or unavailability of a network connection - due to offline usage of credentials, temporary server outages, or - denial of service attacks on the metadata server. - - Consumers SHOULD therefore implement a local cache as described in - Section 6.3.4 if possible. Such a cache MAY be populated with - metadata before the credential is used. - - Issuers MAY provide glue documents as described in Section 6.3.5 to - provide metadata directly with the credential and avoid the need for - network requests. - - These measures allow the Consumers to continue to function even if - the metadata server is temporarily unavailable and avoid privacy - issues as described in Section 10.1. - -9. Privacy Considerations - - The Privacy Considerations in the SD-JWT specification - [I-D.ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt] apply to this - specification. Additionally, the following privacy considerations - need to be taken into account when using SD-JWT VCs. - -9.1. Unlinkability - - The Privacy Considerations in Section 12.5 of - [I-D.ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt] apply especially to the cnf - claim. - -9.2. Verifiable Credential Type Identifier - - Issuers and Holders have to be aware that while this specification - supports selective disclosure of claims of a given SD-JWT VC, the vct - claim is not selectively disclosable. In certain situations this - could lead to unwanted leakage of additional context information. - - In general, Issuers are advised to choose vct values following data - minimization principles. For example, government Issuers issuing an - SD-JWT VC to their citizens to enable them to prove their age, might - consider using a vct value that does not allow third-parties to infer - additional personal information about the Holder, e.g., country of - residency or citizenship. - - Additionally, Holders have to be informed that, besides the actual - requested claims, the vct information is shared with the Verifier. - -9.3. Issuer Phone-Home - - A malicious Issuer can choose the Issuer identifier of the SD-JWT VC - to enable tracking the usage behavior of the Holder if the Issuer - identifier is Holder-specific and if the resolution of the key - material to verify the Issuer-signed JWT requires the Verifier to - phone home to the Issuer. - - For example, a malicious Issuer could generate a unique value for the - Issuer identifier per Holder, e.g., https://example.com/issuer/ - holder-1234 and host the JWT VC Issuer Metadata. The Verifier would - create a HTTPS GET request to the Holder-specific well-known URI when - the SD-JWT VC is verified. This would allow the malicious Issuer to - keep track where and how often the SD-JWT VC was used. - - Verifiers are advised to establish trust in an SD-JWT VC by pinning - specific Issuer identifiers and should monitor suspicious behaviour - such as frequently rotating Issuer identifiers. If such behaviour - was detected, Verifiers are advised to reject SD-JWT VCs issued by - such Issuers. - - Holders are advised to reject SD-JWT VCs if they contain easily - correlatable information in the Issuer identifier. - -10. Relationships to Other Documents - - This specification defines validation and processing rules for - verifiable credentials using JSON payloads and secured by SD-JWT - [I-D.ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt]. Other specifications - exist that define their own verifiable credential formats; for - example, W3C Verifiable Credential Data Model (VCDM) 2.0 [W3C.VCDM] - defines a data model for verifiable credentials encoded as JSON-LD, - and ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021 [ISO.18013-5] defines a representation of - verifiable credentials in the mobile document (mdoc) format encoded - as CBOR and secured using COSE. - -10.1. Privacy-Preserving Retrieval of Type Metadata - - In Section 6.3, various methods for distributing and retrieving Type - Metadata are described. For methods which rely on a network - connection to a URL (e.g., provided by an Issuer), third parties - (like the Issuer) may be able to track the usage of a credential by - observing requests to the Type Metadata URL. - - Consumers SHOULD prefer methods for retrieving Type Metadata that do - not leak information about the usage of a credential to third - parties. The recommendations in Section 8.4 apply. - -11. References - -11.1. Normative References - - [I-D.ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt] - Fett, D., Yasuda, K., and B. Campbell, "Selective - Disclosure for JWTs (SD-JWT)", Work in Progress, Internet- - Draft, draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt-10, 8 - July 2024, . - - [I-D.ietf-oauth-status-list] - Looker, T., Bastian, P., and C. Bormann, "Token Status - List", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-oauth- - status-list-03, 8 July 2024, - . - - [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate - Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, - DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, - . - - [RFC5785] Nottingham, M. and E. Hammer-Lahav, "Defining Well-Known - Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)", RFC 5785, - DOI 10.17487/RFC5785, April 2010, - . - - [RFC7515] Jones, M., Bradley, J., and N. Sakimura, "JSON Web - Signature (JWS)", RFC 7515, DOI 10.17487/RFC7515, May - 2015, . - - [RFC7519] Jones, M., Bradley, J., and N. Sakimura, "JSON Web Token - (JWT)", RFC 7519, DOI 10.17487/RFC7519, May 2015, - . - - [RFC7800] Jones, M., Bradley, J., and H. Tschofenig, "Proof-of- - Possession Key Semantics for JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)", - RFC 7800, DOI 10.17487/RFC7800, April 2016, - . - - [W3C.SRI] Akhawe, D., Braun, F., Marier, F., and J. Weinberger, - "Subresource Integrity", 23 June 2016, - . - -11.2. Informative References - - [EUDIW.ARF] - Commission, E., "The European Digital Identity Wallet - Architecture and Reference Framework", - . - - [IANA.well-known] - IANA, "Well-Known URIs", - . - - [ISO.18013-5] - ISO/IEC, "ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021", 1 September 2024, - . - - [JSON.SCHEMA.2020-12] - Foundation, O., "JSON Schema (2020-12)", - . - - [OWASP_SSRF] - OWASP, "Server Side Request Forgery Prevention Cheat - Sheet", . - - [RFC7517] Jones, M., "JSON Web Key (JWK)", RFC 7517, - DOI 10.17487/RFC7517, May 2015, - . - - [W3C.VCDM] Sporny, M., Longley, D., Chadwick, D., and O. Steele, - "Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0", 10 February - 2024, . - -Appendix A. IANA Considerations - -A.1. JSON Web Token Claims Registration - - * Claim Name: "vct" - - * Claim Description: Verifiable credential type identifier - - * Change Controller: IETF - - * Specification Document(s): [[ Section of this of this - specification ]] - - * Claim Name: "vct#integrity" - - * Claim Description: SD-JWT VC vct claim "integrity metadata" value - - * Change Controller: IETF - - * Specification Document(s): [[ Section 7 of this of this - specification ]] - -A.2. Media Types Registry - -A.2.1. application/vc+sd-jwt - - The Internet media type for a SD-JWT VC is application/vc+sd-jwt. - - * Type name: application - * Subtype name: vc+sd-jwt - * Required parameters: n/a - * Optional parameters: n/a - * Encoding considerations: 8-bit code points; SD-JWT VC values are - encoded as a series of base64url-encoded values (some of which may - be the empty string) separated by period ('.') and tilde ('~') - characters. - * Security considerations: See Security Considerations in Section 8. - * Interoperability considerations: n/a - * Published specification: [[ this specification ]] - * Applications that use this media type: Applications that issue, - present, and verify SD-JWT-based verifiable credentials. - * Additional information: - - Magic number(s): n/a - - File extension(s): n/a - - Macintosh file type code(s): n/a - * Person & email address to contact for further information: Oliver - Terbu oliver.terbu@mattr.global (mailto:oliver.terbu@mattr.global) - * Intended usage: COMMON - * Restrictions on usage: none - * Author: Oliver Terbu oliver.terbu@mattr.global - (mailto:oliver.terbu@mattr.global) - * Change controller: IETF - -A.3. Well-Known URI Registry - - This specification requests the well-known URI defined in Section 5 - in the IANA "Well-Known URIs" registry [IANA.well-known] established - by [RFC5785]. - -A.3.1. Registry Contents - - * URI suffix: jwt-vc-issuer - * Change controller: IETF - * Specification document: [[ Section 5 of this of this specification - ]] - * Related information: (none) - -Appendix B. Examples - - Important: The following examples are not normative and provided for - illustrative purposes only. In particular, neither the structure of - the claims nor the selection of selectively disclosable claims are - normative. - - Line breaks have been added for readability. - -B.1. Example 1: Person Identification Data (PID) Credential - - This example shows how the artifacts defined in this specification - could be used to represent the concept of a Person Identification - Data (PID) [EUDIW.ARF] using the data of a German citizen. - - Key Binding is applied using the Holder's public key passed in a cnf - claim in the SD-JWT. - - The Issuer is using the following input claims set: - - { - "vct": "https://bmi.bund.example/credential/pid/1.0", - "given_name": "Erika", - "family_name": "Mustermann", - "birthdate": "1963-08-12", - "source_document_type": "id_card", - "address": { - "street_address": "Heidestraße 17", - "locality": "Köln", - "postal_code": "51147", - "country": "DE" - }, - "nationalities": [ - "DE" - ], - "gender": "female", - "birth_family_name": "Gabler", - "place_of_birth": { - "locality": "Berlin", - "country": "DE" - }, - "also_known_as": "Schwester Agnes", - "age_equal_or_over": { - "12": true, - "14": true, - "16": true, - "18": true, - "21": true, - "65": false - } - } - - The following is the issued SD-JWT: - - eyJhbGciOiAiRVMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogInZjK3NkLWp3dCJ9.eyJfc2QiOiBbIjBIWm1 - uU0lQejMzN2tTV2U3QzM0bC0tODhnekppLWVCSjJWel9ISndBVGciLCAiOVpicGxDN1R - kRVc3cWFsNkJCWmxNdHFKZG1lRU9pWGV2ZEpsb1hWSmRSUSIsICJJMDBmY0ZVb0RYQ3V - jcDV5eTJ1anFQc3NEVkdhV05pVWxpTnpfYXdEMGdjIiwgIklFQllTSkdOaFhJbHJRbzU - 4eWtYbTJaeDN5bGw5WmxUdFRvUG8xN1FRaVkiLCAiTGFpNklVNmQ3R1FhZ1hSN0F2R1R - yblhnU2xkM3o4RUlnX2Z2M2ZPWjFXZyIsICJodkRYaHdtR2NKUXNCQ0EyT3RqdUxBY3d - BTXBEc2FVMG5rb3ZjS09xV05FIiwgImlrdXVyOFE0azhxM1ZjeUE3ZEMtbU5qWkJrUmV - EVFUtQ0c0bmlURTdPVFUiLCAicXZ6TkxqMnZoOW80U0VYT2ZNaVlEdXZUeWtkc1dDTmc - wd1RkbHIwQUVJTSIsICJ3elcxNWJoQ2t2a3N4VnZ1SjhSRjN4aThpNjRsbjFqb183NkJ - DMm9hMXVnIiwgInpPZUJYaHh2SVM0WnptUWNMbHhLdUVBT0dHQnlqT3FhMXoySW9WeF9 - ZRFEiXSwgImlzcyI6ICJodHRwczovL2V4YW1wbGUuY29tL2lzc3VlciIsICJpYXQiOiA - xNjgzMDAwMDAwLCAiZXhwIjogMTg4MzAwMDAwMCwgInZjdCI6ICJodHRwczovL2JtaS5 - idW5kLmV4YW1wbGUvY3JlZGVudGlhbC9waWQvMS4wIiwgImFnZV9lcXVhbF9vcl9vdmV - yIjogeyJfc2QiOiBbIkZjOElfMDdMT2NnUHdyREpLUXlJR085N3dWc09wbE1Makh2UkM - 0UjQtV2ciLCAiWEx0TGphZFVXYzl6Tl85aE1KUm9xeTQ2VXNDS2IxSXNoWnV1cVVGS1N - DQSIsICJhb0NDenNDN3A0cWhaSUFoX2lkUkNTQ2E2NDF1eWNuYzh6UGZOV3o4bngwIiw - gImYxLVAwQTJkS1dhdnYxdUZuTVgyQTctRVh4dmhveHY1YUhodUVJTi1XNjQiLCAiazV - oeTJyMDE4dnJzSmpvLVZqZDZnNnl0N0Fhb25Lb25uaXVKOXplbDNqbyIsICJxcDdaX0t - 5MVlpcDBzWWdETzN6VnVnMk1GdVBOakh4a3NCRG5KWjRhSS1jIl19LCAiX3NkX2FsZyI - 6ICJzaGEtMjU2IiwgImNuZiI6IHsiandrIjogeyJrdHkiOiAiRUMiLCAiY3J2IjogIlA - tMjU2IiwgIngiOiAiVENBRVIxOVp2dTNPSEY0ajRXNHZmU1ZvSElQMUlMaWxEbHM3dkN - lR2VtYyIsICJ5IjogIlp4amlXV2JaTVFHSFZXS1ZRNGhiU0lpcnNWZnVlY0NFNnQ0alQ - 5RjJIWlEifX19.xy06LIKZzuqfOmqd3y-LzHSxJm4O4lNcld68QT1Ap7pjR442kkvt39 - u5YwIulA2esCJciNqWpPj5UqCX6Mi2Ug~WyIyR0xDNDJzS1F2ZUNmR2ZyeU5STjl3Iiw - gImdpdmVuX25hbWUiLCAiRXJpa2EiXQ~WyJlbHVWNU9nM2dTTklJOEVZbnN4QV9BIiwg - ImZhbWlseV9uYW1lIiwgIk11c3Rlcm1hbm4iXQ~WyI2SWo3dE0tYTVpVlBHYm9TNXRtd - lZBIiwgImJpcnRoZGF0ZSIsICIxOTYzLTA4LTEyIl0~WyJlSThaV205UW5LUHBOUGVOZ - W5IZGhRIiwgInNvdXJjZV9kb2N1bWVudF90eXBlIiwgImlkX2NhcmQiXQ~WyJRZ19PNj - R6cUF4ZTQxMmExMDhpcm9BIiwgInN0cmVldF9hZGRyZXNzIiwgIkhlaWRlc3RyYVx1MD - 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2Nod2VzdGVyIEFnbmVzIl0~WyJreDVrRjE3Vi14MEptd1V4OXZndnR3IiwgIjEyIiwgd - HJ1ZV0~WyJIM28xdXN3UDc2MEZpMnllR2RWQ0VRIiwgIjE0IiwgdHJ1ZV0~WyJPQktsV - FZsdkxnLUFkd3FZR2JQOFpBIiwgIjE2IiwgdHJ1ZV0~WyJNMEpiNTd0NDF1YnJrU3V5c - kRUM3hBIiwgIjE4IiwgdHJ1ZV0~WyJEc210S05ncFY0ZEFIcGpyY2Fvc0F3IiwgIjIxI - iwgdHJ1ZV0~WyJlSzVvNXBIZmd1cFBwbHRqMXFoQUp3IiwgIjY1IiwgZmFsc2Vd~ - - The following payload is used for the SD-JWT: - - { - "_sd": [ - "0HZmnSIPz337kSWe7C34l--88gzJi-eBJ2Vz_HJwATg", - "9ZbplC7TdEW7qal6BBZlMtqJdmeEOiXevdJloXVJdRQ", - "I00fcFUoDXCucp5yy2ujqPssDVGaWNiUliNz_awD0gc", - "IEBYSJGNhXIlrQo58ykXm2Zx3yll9ZlTtToPo17QQiY", - "Lai6IU6d7GQagXR7AvGTrnXgSld3z8EIg_fv3fOZ1Wg", - "hvDXhwmGcJQsBCA2OtjuLAcwAMpDsaU0nkovcKOqWNE", - "ikuur8Q4k8q3VcyA7dC-mNjZBkReDTU-CG4niTE7OTU", - "qvzNLj2vh9o4SEXOfMiYDuvTykdsWCNg0wTdlr0AEIM", - "wzW15bhCkvksxVvuJ8RF3xi8i64ln1jo_76BC2oa1ug", - "zOeBXhxvIS4ZzmQcLlxKuEAOGGByjOqa1z2IoVx_YDQ" - ], - "iss": "https://example.com/issuer", - "iat": 1683000000, - "exp": 1883000000, - "vct": "https://bmi.bund.example/credential/pid/1.0", - "age_equal_or_over": { - "_sd": [ - "Fc8I_07LOcgPwrDJKQyIGO97wVsOplMLjHvRC4R4-Wg", - "XLtLjadUWc9zN_9hMJRoqy46UsCKb1IshZuuqUFKSCA", - "aoCCzsC7p4qhZIAh_idRCSCa641uycnc8zPfNWz8nx0", - "f1-P0A2dKWavv1uFnMX2A7-EXxvhoxv5aHhuEIN-W64", - "k5hy2r018vrsJjo-Vjd6g6yt7AaonKonniuJ9zel3jo", - "qp7Z_Ky1Yip0sYgDO3zVug2MFuPNjHxksBDnJZ4aI-c" - ] - }, - "_sd_alg": "sha-256", - "cnf": { - "jwk": { - "kty": "EC", - "crv": "P-256", - "x": "TCAER19Zvu3OHF4j4W4vfSVoHIP1ILilDls7vCeGemc", - "y": "ZxjiWWbZMQGHVWKVQ4hbSIirsVfuecCE6t4jT9F2HZQ" - } - } - } - - The following Disclosures are created by the Issuer: - - *Claim given_name*: - - * SHA-256 Hash: 0HZmnSIPz337kSWe7C34l--88gzJi-eBJ2Vz_HJwATg - * Disclosure: - WyIyR0xDNDJzS1F2ZUNmR2ZyeU5STjl3IiwgImdpdmVuX25hbWUiLCAiRXJp - a2EiXQ - * Contents: ["2GLC42sKQveCfGfryNRN9w", "given_name", "Erika"] - - *Claim family_name*: - - * SHA-256 Hash: I00fcFUoDXCucp5yy2ujqPssDVGaWNiUliNz_awD0gc - * Disclosure: - WyJlbHVWNU9nM2dTTklJOEVZbnN4QV9BIiwgImZhbWlseV9uYW1lIiwgIk11 - c3Rlcm1hbm4iXQ - * Contents: ["eluV5Og3gSNII8EYnsxA_A", "family_name", "Mustermann"] - - *Claim birthdate*: - - * SHA-256 Hash: Lai6IU6d7GQagXR7AvGTrnXgSld3z8EIg_fv3fOZ1Wg - * Disclosure: - WyI2SWo3dE0tYTVpVlBHYm9TNXRtdlZBIiwgImJpcnRoZGF0ZSIsICIxOTYz - LTA4LTEyIl0 - * Contents: ["6Ij7tM-a5iVPGboS5tmvVA", "birthdate", "1963-08-12"] - - *Claim source_document_type*: - - * SHA-256 Hash: qvzNLj2vh9o4SEXOfMiYDuvTykdsWCNg0wTdlr0AEIM - * Disclosure: - WyJlSThaV205UW5LUHBOUGVOZW5IZGhRIiwgInNvdXJjZV9kb2N1bWVudF90 - eXBlIiwgImlkX2NhcmQiXQ - * Contents: ["eI8ZWm9QnKPpNPeNenHdhQ", "source_document_type", - "id_card"] - - *Claim street_address*: - - * SHA-256 Hash: bd1EVzgNopUk4EW3_eQ2n3_NU4iuXOHv9XbGHN3g1TE - * Disclosure: - WyJRZ19PNjR6cUF4ZTQxMmExMDhpcm9BIiwgInN0cmVldF9hZGRyZXNzIiwg - IkhlaWRlc3RyYVx1MDBkZmUgMTciXQ - * Contents: ["Qg_O64zqAxe412a108iroA", "street_address", - "Heidestra\u00dfe 17"] - - *Claim locality*: - - * SHA-256 Hash: f_FQYgvQWvyVqNnIXsARlNye7YGp8E77gRAjaq-wvnw - * Disclosure: - WyJBSngtMDk1VlBycFR0TjRRTU9xUk9BIiwgImxvY2FsaXR5IiwgIktcdTAw - ZjZsbiJd - * Contents: ["AJx-095VPrpTtN4QMOqROA", "locality", "K\u00f6ln"] - - *Claim postal_code*: - - * SHA-256 Hash: XFc7zXPm7zzVdMywm2EuBflka5HHqvf8Up_szNGqvig - * Disclosure: - WyJQYzMzSk0yTGNoY1VfbEhnZ3ZfdWZRIiwgInBvc3RhbF9jb2RlIiwgIjUx - MTQ3Il0 - * Contents: ["Pc33JM2LchcU_lHggv_ufQ", "postal_code", "51147"] - - *Claim country*: - - * SHA-256 Hash: v4kkb_pP1jlvUbSjtyc5bqcWyA-i8XLvhVYY7ZT0tb0 - * Disclosure: - WyJHMDJOU3JRZmpGWFE3SW8wOXN5YWpBIiwgImNvdW50cnkiLCAiREUiXQ - * Contents: ["G02NSrQfjFXQ7Io09syajA", "country", "DE"] - - *Claim address*: - - * SHA-256 Hash: zOeBXhxvIS4ZzmQcLlxKuEAOGGByjOqa1z2IoVx_YDQ - * Disclosure: - WyJsa2x4RjVqTVlsR1RQVW92TU5JdkNBIiwgImFkZHJlc3MiLCB7Il9zZCI6 - IFsiWEZjN3pYUG03enpWZE15d20yRXVCZmxrYTVISHF2ZjhVcF9zek5HcXZp - ZyIsICJiZDFFVnpnTm9wVWs0RVczX2VRMm4zX05VNGl1WE9IdjlYYkdITjNn - MVRFIiwgImZfRlFZZ3ZRV3Z5VnFObklYc0FSbE55ZTdZR3A4RTc3Z1JBamFx - LXd2bnciLCAidjRra2JfcFAxamx2VWJTanR5YzVicWNXeUEtaThYTHZoVllZ - 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* Disclosure: - WyJlSzVvNXBIZmd1cFBwbHRqMXFoQUp3IiwgIjY1IiwgZmFsc2Vd - * Contents: ["eK5o5pHfgupPpltj1qhAJw", "65", false] - - The following shows a presentation of the SD-JWT with a Key Binding - JWT that discloses only nationality and the fact that the person is - over 18 years old: - - eyJhbGciOiAiRVMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogInZjK3NkLWp3dCJ9.eyJfc2QiOiBbIjBIWm1 - uU0lQejMzN2tTV2U3QzM0bC0tODhnekppLWVCSjJWel9ISndBVGciLCAiOVpicGxDN1R - kRVc3cWFsNkJCWmxNdHFKZG1lRU9pWGV2ZEpsb1hWSmRSUSIsICJJMDBmY0ZVb0RYQ3V - jcDV5eTJ1anFQc3NEVkdhV05pVWxpTnpfYXdEMGdjIiwgIklFQllTSkdOaFhJbHJRbzU - 4eWtYbTJaeDN5bGw5WmxUdFRvUG8xN1FRaVkiLCAiTGFpNklVNmQ3R1FhZ1hSN0F2R1R - yblhnU2xkM3o4RUlnX2Z2M2ZPWjFXZyIsICJodkRYaHdtR2NKUXNCQ0EyT3RqdUxBY3d - BTXBEc2FVMG5rb3ZjS09xV05FIiwgImlrdXVyOFE0azhxM1ZjeUE3ZEMtbU5qWkJrUmV - EVFUtQ0c0bmlURTdPVFUiLCAicXZ6TkxqMnZoOW80U0VYT2ZNaVlEdXZUeWtkc1dDTmc - wd1RkbHIwQUVJTSIsICJ3elcxNWJoQ2t2a3N4VnZ1SjhSRjN4aThpNjRsbjFqb183NkJ - DMm9hMXVnIiwgInpPZUJYaHh2SVM0WnptUWNMbHhLdUVBT0dHQnlqT3FhMXoySW9WeF9 - ZRFEiXSwgImlzcyI6ICJodHRwczovL2V4YW1wbGUuY29tL2lzc3VlciIsICJpYXQiOiA - xNjgzMDAwMDAwLCAiZXhwIjogMTg4MzAwMDAwMCwgInZjdCI6ICJodHRwczovL2JtaS5 - idW5kLmV4YW1wbGUvY3JlZGVudGlhbC9waWQvMS4wIiwgImFnZV9lcXVhbF9vcl9vdmV - yIjogeyJfc2QiOiBbIkZjOElfMDdMT2NnUHdyREpLUXlJR085N3dWc09wbE1Makh2UkM - 0UjQtV2ciLCAiWEx0TGphZFVXYzl6Tl85aE1KUm9xeTQ2VXNDS2IxSXNoWnV1cVVGS1N - DQSIsICJhb0NDenNDN3A0cWhaSUFoX2lkUkNTQ2E2NDF1eWNuYzh6UGZOV3o4bngwIiw - gImYxLVAwQTJkS1dhdnYxdUZuTVgyQTctRVh4dmhveHY1YUhodUVJTi1XNjQiLCAiazV - oeTJyMDE4dnJzSmpvLVZqZDZnNnl0N0Fhb25Lb25uaXVKOXplbDNqbyIsICJxcDdaX0t - 5MVlpcDBzWWdETzN6VnVnMk1GdVBOakh4a3NCRG5KWjRhSS1jIl19LCAiX3NkX2FsZyI - 6ICJzaGEtMjU2IiwgImNuZiI6IHsiandrIjogeyJrdHkiOiAiRUMiLCAiY3J2IjogIlA - tMjU2IiwgIngiOiAiVENBRVIxOVp2dTNPSEY0ajRXNHZmU1ZvSElQMUlMaWxEbHM3dkN - lR2VtYyIsICJ5IjogIlp4amlXV2JaTVFHSFZXS1ZRNGhiU0lpcnNWZnVlY0NFNnQ0alQ - 5RjJIWlEifX19.xy06LIKZzuqfOmqd3y-LzHSxJm4O4lNcld68QT1Ap7pjR442kkvt39 - u5YwIulA2esCJciNqWpPj5UqCX6Mi2Ug~WyJuUHVvUW5rUkZxM0JJZUFtN0FuWEZBIiw - gIm5hdGlvbmFsaXRpZXMiLCBbIkRFIl1d~WyJNMEpiNTd0NDF1YnJrU3V5ckRUM3hBIi - wgIjE4IiwgdHJ1ZV0~eyJhbGciOiAiRVMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogImtiK2p3dCJ9.eyJub - 25jZSI6ICIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwgImF1ZCI6ICJodHRwczovL2V4YW1wbGUuY29tL3Zlc - mlmaWVyIiwgImlhdCI6IDE3MjQxNzg3NDgsICJzZF9oYXNoIjogInJUTllpc0RPQzRJV - 2N0eWpLUWVmbjVqaHNSdUJSNjBkUV9HbzladHAxWEkifQ.Xpfzgnu4dF8fUj1doML4kN - hjAmHR1CGuq89qaVQuMdyXNSoHTEhhQFe4pLtjK4c298eADYmU3WBZMSScDfsk4g - - The following is the payload of a corresponding Key Binding JWT: - - { - "nonce": "1234567890", - "aud": "https://example.com/verifier", - "iat": 1724178748, - "sd_hash": "rTNYisDOC4IWctyjKQefn5jhsRuBR60dQ_Go9Ztp1XI" - } - - After the validation, the Verifier will have the following data for - further processing: - - { - "iss": "https://example.com/issuer", - "iat": 1683000000, - "exp": 1883000000, - "vct": "https://bmi.bund.example/credential/pid/1.0", - "age_equal_or_over": { - "18": true - }, - "cnf": { - "jwk": { - "kty": "EC", - "crv": "P-256", - "x": "TCAER19Zvu3OHF4j4W4vfSVoHIP1ILilDls7vCeGemc", - "y": "ZxjiWWbZMQGHVWKVQ4hbSIirsVfuecCE6t4jT9F2HZQ" - } - }, - "nationalities": [ - "DE" - ] - } - -Appendix C. Acknowledgements - - We would like to thank Alen Horvat, Andres Uribe, Christian Bormann, - Giuseppe De Marco, Lukas J Han, Leif Johansson, Michael B. Jones, - Mike Prorock, Orie Steele, Paul Bastian, Torsten Lodderstedt, Tobias - Looker, and Kristina Yasuda for their contributions (some of which - substantial) to this draft and to the initial set of implementations. - -Appendix D. Document History - - -05 - - * Tightened the exposition of the Issuer-signed JWT Verification Key - Validation section - - -04 - - * update reference to IETF Status List - * Include Type Metadata - * Include schema Type Metadata - * Editorial changes - * Updated terminology to clarify digital signatures are one way to - secure VCs and presentations - * Rework key resolution/validation for x5c - - -03 - - * Include disclosure of age_equal_or_over/18 in the PID example - - -02 - - * Made specific rules for public verification key validation - conditional - * Finetuned rules for obtaining public verification key - * Editorial changes - * added Brian Campbell as co-author - * Renamed JWT Issuer Metadata to JWT VC Issuer Metadata - * 'iat' is now optional and allowed to be selectively disclosable - * Fix inconstancy in the .well-known path construction - * Added registration request to IANA for the well-known URI - * Fix some formatting and text in the media type and JWT claim - registration requests - * Clarify the optionality of the cnf claim - * Added relationships to other documents - * Added PID example - - -01 - - * Introduce rules for type identifiers (Collision-Resistant Name) - * Rename type to vct - * Removed duplicated and inconsistent requirements on KB-JWT - * Editorial changes - * Added issuer public verification key discovery section. - - -00 - - * Upload as draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc-00 - * Aligned terminology and descriptions with latest version of SD-JWT - - [[ pre Working Group Adoption: ]] - - -00 - - * Initial Version - * Removed W3C VCDM transformation algorithm - * Various editorial changes based on feedback - * Adjusted terminology based on feedback - * Added non-selectively disclosable JWT VC - * Added a note that this is not W3C VCDM - -Authors' Addresses - - Oliver Terbu - MATTR - Email: oliver.terbu@mattr.global - - - Daniel Fett - Authlete Inc. - Email: mail@danielfett.de - - - Brian Campbell - Ping Identity - Email: bcampbell@pingidentity.com diff --git a/tighten-key-validation-section/index.html b/tighten-key-validation-section/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index a101fb7..0000000 --- a/tighten-key-validation-section/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ - - - - oauth-wg/oauth-sd-jwt-vc tighten-key-validation-section preview - - - - -

Editor's drafts for tighten-key-validation-section branch of oauth-wg/oauth-sd-jwt-vc

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SD-JWT VCplain textsame as main
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