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392 lines (312 loc) · 12.9 KB

File metadata and controls

392 lines (312 loc) · 12.9 KB

API Endpoints

Authorization: All API calls require a hawk Authorization header with payload signature enabled. Example code can be found in the tools directory.



Request a signature on raw data. The data to sign is passed in the request body using the JSON format described below.

The request body is an array of signature requests, to allow for batching signatures into a single API request. The parameters are:

  • input: base64 encoded data to sign
  • keyid: allows the caller to specify a key to sign the data with. This parameter is optional, and Autograph will pick a key based on the caller's permission if omitted.
  • options: a JSON object used to pass signer-specific options in the request. Refer to the documentation of each signer to find out which options they accept.


POST /sign/data
Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Hawk id="dh37fgj492je", ts="1353832234", nonce="j4h3g2", ext="some-app-ext-data", mac="6R4rV5iE+NPoym+WwjeHzjAGXUtLNIxmo1vpMofpLAE="

      "input": "c29tZSB2ZXJ5IGxvbmcgaW5wdXQgdGhhdCBkb2VzIG5vdCBjb250YWluIGFueXRoaW5nIGludGVyZXN0aW5nIG90aGVyIHRoYW4gdGFraW5nIHNwYWNlCg=="
      "input": "U2lnbmF0dXJlLVZlcnNpb246IDEuMApNRDUtRGlnZXN0LU1hbmlmZXN0OiBoWmt4TjVhUW5PMTNhUGl3U3B4amlRPT0KU0hBMS1EaWdlc3QtTWFuaWZlc3Q6IGQxV09kTCsyUXVzeW1LYXBpTHB3bnhBd2Rjcz0KCg==",
      "keyid": "webextensions-rsa",
      "options": {
        "id": "[email protected]"


A successful request return a 201 Created with a response body containing signature elements encoded in JSON. The ordering of the response array is identical to the request array, such that signing request 0 maps to signing response 0, etc.

Below is an example signing response for a content-signature request:

    "ref": "1p21kj11od4no13o1xepn22mkc",
    "type": "contentsignature",
    "mode": "p384ecdsa",
    "signer_id": "appkey1",
    "public_key": "MHYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEACIDYgAE7oM/ewOhz6qtHyQhqJvT3SiefGPWqGwEUAZGVkuSIwvteVKrd8jnAjHYyCaYpIg9Vo10WnhXvm96L3KAbOE6Cyu3fMtKhZZIMf+Qqes9+66ae/NTeIWlDiGrjNeD+ClM",
    "signature": "Niffk674SNKzQaq23z2sv7xkU_IEgrPc8_tEFGw0bYXlNJDpAPe7hEaipyg-wY10_XUzkoRphtYVIAa70Hw22EkWfSGAdzosEYyxsDai52PG088KqasP_nd_byiiqIAz",
    "x5u": ""

Each signature response contains the following fields:

  • ref is a random string that acts as a reference number for logging and tracking.
  • type is the type of signer that issued the signature
  • signer_id is ID of the signer in configuration.
  • public_key is the DER encoded public key that maps to the signing key used to generate the signature. This value can be used by clients to verify signatures. The DER format is supported by OpenSSL and most libraries.
  • signature is the signature encoded in the proper format. Each signer uses a different format, so refer to their documentation for more information.



Request to sign multiple files. The files to sign are passed in the request body using the JSON format described below.

The request body is an array of signature requests, to allow for batching signatures into a single API request. The parameters are:

  • keyid: allows the caller to specify a key to sign the data with. This parameter is optional, and Autograph will pick a key based on the caller's permission if omitted.
  • options: a JSON object used to pass signer-specific options in the request. Refer to the documentation of each signer to find out which options they accept.
  • files: an array of dicts of file name and base64 encoded content to sign. For example:
        "name": "sphinx_1.7.2-1.dsc"
        "name": "sphinx_1.7.2-1.changes"

The number of files must be between 1 and 32 inclusive. All characters in a file name must be an alphanumeric character, dash, underscore or dot. The file name must start with an alphanumeric character and dots cannot occur next to each other in the file name.


POST /sign/files
Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Hawk id="alice", mac="756lSgQEYLoc6V0Uv2wS8pRg/h+4WFUVKWQynCFvY8Y=", ts="1524487134", nonce="MrpGL35q", hash="9m3WhtGQDuHermi5fDYBGJlOqNeK5B3nk0lKreZ+YSw=", ext="933126753"

             "name": "sphinx_1.7.2-1.dsc"
             "name": "sphinx_1.7.2-1.changes"
             "name": "sphinx_1.7.2-1.dsc"
             "name": "sphinx_1.7.2-1.changes"


A successful request returns 201 Created with a response body containing all signed files encoded in JSON. The ordering of the response array is identical to the request array, such that signing request 0 maps to signing response 0, etc.

The response format is the same as /sign/data except instead of the signature field autograph returns the field:

  • signed_files an array of dicts of file name and base64 encoded signed file content as described in the request section. Each signer uses a different format, so refer to their documentation for more information.



Request for a signature on signed files. This can be useful to add hash manifests to files and reduce the number of round trips for file formats requiring multiple signatures. The files to sign are passed in the request body using the JSON format described below.

The request body is an array of signature requests, to allow for batching signatures into a single API request. The parameters are:

  • input: a base64 encoded file to sign
  • keyid: allows the caller to specify a key to sign the data with. This parameter is optional, and Autograph will pick a key based on the caller's permission if omitted.
  • options: a JSON object used to pass signer-specific options in the request. Refer to the documentation of each signer to find out which options they accept.


POST /sign/file
Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Hawk id="alice", mac="756lSgQEYLoc6V0Uv2wS8pRg/h+4WFUVKWQynCFvY8Y=", ts="1524487134", nonce="MrpGL35q", hash="9m3WhtGQDuHermi5fDYBGJlOqNeK5B3nk0lKreZ+YSw=", ext="933126753"



A successful request return a 201 Created with a response body containing all signed files encoded in JSON. The ordering of the response array is identical to the request array, such that signing request 0 maps to signing response 0, etc.

The response format is the same as /sign/data except instead of the signature field autograph returns the field:

  • signed_file is the base64 encoded signed file data. Each signer uses a different format, so refer to their documentation for more information.



Request a signature on a hash. The hash is provided as a base64 encoded bytes array, and is not manipulated at all by autograph before signing. You must ensure that data is templated prior to hashing it and calling autograph.


POST /sign/hash
Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Hawk id="dh37fgj492je", ts="1353832234", nonce="j4h3g2", ext="some-app-ext-data", mac="6R4rV5iE+NPoym+WwjeHzjAGXUtLNIxmo1vpMofpLAE="

        "input": "y0hdfsN8tHlCG82JLywb4d2U+VGWWry8dzwIC3Hk6j32mryUHxUel9SWM5TWkk0d"
        "input": "Z4hdf5N8tHlwG82JLywb4X2U+VGWWry4dzwIC3vk6j32mryUHxUel9SWk5Trff8f",
        "keyid": "123456"

Body format: The request body is a json array where each entry of the array is an object to sign. The parameters are:

  • input: base64 encoded hash to sign
  • keyid: see /sign/data
  • options: see /sign/data


See /sign/data, the response format is identical.


A successful request return a 201 Created with a response body containing an S/MIME detached signature encoded with Base 64.


This is an endpoint used to fetch certificate chains which are generated and stored locally. If the signer is configured with an X5U using the file:// scheme, then the contents of that file location are served under this path.

This path is only intended to simplify local development and testing. Production signers should store their X5U certificate chains with a cloud storage provider such as Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage.


This is a special endpoint designed to monitor the status of all signers without granting signing privileges to a monitoring client. It requires a special user named monitor that can request a signature of the string AUTOGRAPH MONITORING by all active signers.


The endpoint accepts a GET request without query parameter or request body. The Hawk authorization of the user named monitor is required.

GET /__monitor__

Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Hawk id="dh37fgj492je", ts="1353832234", nonce="j4h3g2", ext="some-app-ext-data", mac="6R4rV5iE+NPoym+WwjeHzjAGXUtLNIxmo1vpMofpLAE="


One signing response per active signer is returned. The format follows the standard signing response format described in /sign/data.

The monitoring client should verify the signature returned with each response. If X5U values are provided, the monitoring client should verify that certificate chains are hosted at those locations, and that certificate are not too close to their expiration date.

/__heartbeat__ and /__lbheartbeat__

Heartbeating endpoints designed to answer load balancers with a 200 OK.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2016 20:19:54 GMT
Content-Length: 4
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8



Returns metadata about the autograph version.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2016 20:20:54 GMT
Content-Length: 209
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

"source": "",
"version": "20160512.0-19fbb91",
"commit": "19fbb910e2bd81cdd71fba2d1a297852a3ca17e8",
"build": ""



Get the keyids an auth HAWK ID can sign with. Example:

GET /auths/alice/keyids
Authorization: Hawk id="dh37fgj492je", ts="1353832234", nonce="j4h3g2", ext="some-app-ext-data", mac="6R4rV5iE+NPoym+WwjeHzjAGXUtLNIxmo1vpMofpLAE="


400 Bad Request when the request includes a non-empty body 401 Unauthorized when the Authorization header is missing or HAWK authorization fails 403 Forbidden when the auth ID does not match the HAWK ID from the authorization header. An authorization does not have permission to get keyids for other signers. 404 Not Found when the auth ID does not match the auth ID format 405 Method Not Allowed when the request method is not GET 200 OK when the authorization is valid and path and auth IDs match. Example response body with Content-Type application/json:
