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Nextjs App Router Boilerplate: ✨


Welcome to the App Router Boilerplate! This boilerplate is designed to kickstart your Nextjs project with a minimal configuration, allowing you to focus on building your application without worrying about setting up the basics.

Boilerplate Features 👀

  • Tailwind : Utilize the power of Tailwind CSS for efficient styling
  • TypeScript : Benefit from the type safety and enhanced tooling provided by TypeScript.
  • Docker : Docker configuration included for containerized deployment
  • Husky & conventional commits
  • TESTS : TESTS configuration & validation included
  • Plop generation
  • CI/CD github workflow
  • Minimal config sitemap generation

Getting Started

To get started with this boilerplate, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Install dependencies using yarn.

Linting and formating:

  1. Formatting/Linting is automatically processed on saving files. If linting errors remain unresolved, commit won't go through

  2. In fact, linting and formatting tasks are also installed as a pre-commit hook through Husky

    • format your code
yarn format:fix
  • fix your code
yarn lint:fix


  • Follows the Conventional Committing standard

  • Feature example: git commit -m "feat: Closes ISS-1. Ability to login with Apple"

  • Regular / casual example: git commit -m "chore: ISS-4 Installed dependencies"

  • Husky will prevent commits from going through if it's not compliant

Plop Component generation

  • plop allows you to generate conventional code templates to generate a component all you need is to tap this command inside your terminal route project
yarn generate
  • This will prompt you with a list of component types from which you can choose. Afterward, you can select a name for your component.

Project structure

├──                   Project documentation
├── LICENSE                    # Licensing information
├── public/                    # Public assets (favicon, etc.)
│   ├── favicon.ico
│   └── ...
├── src/                       # Application source code
│   ├── app/                    # Application core components
│   │   ├── globals.css          # Global CSS styles
│   │   ├── layout.tsx           # Main application layout
│   │   └── page.tsx            # Default application page
│   ├── components/             # Reusable UI components
│   │   ├── UI/                 # UI-specific components
│   │   └── containers/          # Container components for specific functionalities and managing application logic
│   ├── helpers/                 # Helper functions for logic and utilities
│   ├── hooks/                   # React hooks for state management
│   ├── lib/                    # Shared application libraries
│   ├── next-env.d.ts            # TypeScript declarations for environment variables
│   ├── next.config.mjs          # Next.js configuration file
│   ├── styles/                  # Project-wide styles (optional)
│   │   └── globals.css          # Global styles for the project
│   └── utils/                   # Utility functions
├── .dockerignore               # Files ignored during Docker image creation
├── .eslintrc.js                # ESLint configuration for code linting
├── .gitignore                 # Files ignored by Git version control
├── .husky/                    # Husky configuration for pre-commit hooks
├── .huskyrc                   # Husky configuration file
├── .jest/                      # Jest configuration for testing
│   └── test-utils.tsx           # Utility functions for testing
├── .lintstagedrc               # Configuration for staged file linting
├── .plop/                      # Plop configuration for code generation
│   ├── plopfile.js             # Plop configuration file
│   └── settings/               # Plop settings for component generation
│       ├── component/
│       │   └── index.js         # Plop component generation settings
│       └── templates/
│           ├── component/
│           │   ├── component.tsx.hbs  # Template for component generation
│           │   ├── layoutTemplate.tsx.hbs  # Template for layout generation
│           │   └── pageTemplate.tsx.hbs   # Template for page generation
│           │   └── test.tsx.hbs        # Template for test file generation
├── .prettierignore             # Files ignored by Prettier code formatter
├── .prettierrc                 # Prettier configuration file
├── .swc/                       # Configuration for SWC (optional)
│   └── plugins/                # SWC plugins (for compilation)
├── .vscode/                    # VS Code configuration (optional)
│   └── typescript-react.code-snippets  # VS Code code snippets for React development
├── Dockerfile                  # Dockerfile for containerized deployment
├── jest.config.js               # Jest configuration for unit testing
├── jest.setup.js                # Setup file for Jest testing
├── package.json                # Project dependencies and configuration
├── postcss.config.js            # PostCSS configuration for styling (optional)
└── tailwind.config.ts            # Tailwind CSS configuration file
└── tsconfig.json                # TypeScript compiler configuration
└── yarn.lock                   # Lock file for dependencies installed with Yarn

If you want to deploy your Next.js App on Vercel, you will not need a container in this case. Since Next.js is created and maintained by Vercel, you can do your deployment with ease. However, if you are looking into running your App through AWS, Google Cloud Run or other cloud providers, you will need a container.

In this boilerplate example a Dockerfile contains all the Instructions to deploy and run your nextjs app through another cloud providers