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Test Requirements

SAKURAI Hitohiro edited this page Apr 21, 2022 · 12 revisions

This Mata Elang Stable aims to have the same quality as industrial products.

Therefore, the project defines the following test requirements as a reference of the test specifications.

The developers are asked to complete Unit and Integration testing before pushing to the original repository.

Testing Level Explanation Person in Charge
Unit Testing​ (UT) Check the functionality of a specific section of code at the function level or at the class level. UT increases software quality and reduces the risks, time, and costs of software development before the following testing.​ Developer
Integration Testing (IT) Check the interfaces between components. IT works to expose defects in the interfaces and interaction between components and allows interface issues to be located more quickly and fixed. Developer
System Testing (ST) Check a completely integrated system to verify that the system meets its requirements. Committer
Testing Type Explanation
Functional Testing​ Check the system meets the functional requirement.​
Installation Testing​ Check if the specified installation procedures succeed.​
Compatibility Testing​ Assess the system behavior in different environment.​
Smoke Testing​ Preliminary testing to reveal simple failures before further testing.​
Regression Testing​ Check previously existing functions after major code changes.​
Stability Testing​ Assess the efficiency and ability of the system to run continuously over a long period of time.​
Destructive Testing​ Check the system works as expected even after a system failure.​
Performance Testing​ Assess the system performance in terms of responsiveness and stability under a particular workload.​
Usability Testing​ Assess if the user interface is easy to use and understand.​
Accessibility Testing​ Assess if the user interfaces are designed for people with aging and disabilities.​
Security Testing​ Uncover vulnerabilities, threats and risks in the system, and prevent malicious attacks from the outside.​
Concurrent Testing​ Assess the behavior and performance of the system during concurrency.​
Simulator Attack Testing Check the system behavior using simulator attack tools.​

The Mata Elang Stable mainly consists of the combination of OSS software. Therefore, the following test items are required to be done by each developer and committer.

NOTE: Developers are encouraged to cooperate with the committer's testing as much as possible.

1. Developer's Task

1-1. Unit Test

Test the individual components at the code level to ensure they work as designed.

  • White Box Test
  • Exception Handling Test

NOTE: The target value of test coverage should be about 90% or more

1-2. Connectivity Test

Test the connection with other modules.

2. Committer's Task

2-1. System Testing

Test the completed and integrated system to ensure it meets requirements before the product is pushed into production.

2-2. Stability Testing

To ensure that Mata Elang Stable runs for a long period at the expected load time to minimize administrative intervention.

2-3. Simulator Attack Testing

To confirm attack detection by using tcpreplay which regenerates a pcap containing attack scenarios.

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