You can try creating these in the CloudQuery portal.
- API Gateways
- CloudFront Distributions
- EC2 instances with Public IPs
- ElasticSearch
- ElastiCache
- ELB Classic
- ELBv2
- Redshift
The following resources are not supported today by CloudQuery, but are coming soon:
- Elastic IPS that are not attached to EC2 Instances
- ElastiCache
- Global Accelerator
- Lightsail
- NeptuneDB
select id, hostname, ip_addresses, account_id, region from aws_api_gateway where public_ipaddress is not null
select domain_name, account_id, arn from aws_cloudfront_distributions
select id, public_dns_name, public_ip_address, account_id, region from aws_ec2_instances where public_ip_address is not null
Note: this covers ECS, EKS, Beanstalk, Fargate, Batch, & NAT Instances.
select * from aws_elasticsearch_domains where endpoint is not null or endpoints->'vpc' is not null;
select id, hostname, ip_addresses, account_id, region from aws_elb where public_ip_address is not null
SELECT name, dns_name, account_id, region FROM aws_elbv2_load_balancers WHERE scheme = 'internet-facing';
select account_id, region, id, endpoint_address, endpoint_port from aws_redshift_clusters;
select id, hostname, ip_addresses, account_id, region from aws_rds_clusters where public_ip_address is not null
This resource is not supported yet. For more details on this resource, see the entry in Scott Piper's aws_exposable_resources.
This resource is not supported yet. For more details on this resource, see the entry in Scott Piper's aws_exposable_resources.
This resource is not supported yet. For more details on this resource, see the entry in Scott Piper's aws_exposable_resources.
This resource is not supported yet. For more details on this resource, see the entry in Scott Piper's aws_exposable_resources.
This resource is not supported yet. For more details on this resource, see the entry in Scott Piper's aws_exposable_resources.