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CircleCI experimental Say Thanks! MaintainabilityFOSSA Status All Contributors

Haven GRC is a modern risk & compliance dashboard

We help organizations avoid getting bogged down in rules that no longer make sense by integrating modern tools and practices without abandoning responsible oversight and administrative controls.

By prioritizing people and culture (beliefs and assumptions aka mental models) over prescriptive checklists, we build resilience and cut down on toil.

What does Haven GRC do?

  • Measures and reports on key security metrics. such as SCDS and FORCE.
  • Guided tool for performing scenario-based risk analysis as required by NIST CSF. Risk analysis modules based on FAIR topology for quantitative risk estimation.
  • Calibration exercises for subject matter experts. Subject matter experts provide estimates based on their expert judgement, calibration training improves accuracy of estimates.
  • Tamper proof evidence store for compliance artifacts. Examples include risk acceptance documents, attestations of management oversight task completion, and third-party security assessment reports. Make your audits much easier!
Future roadmap
  • Custom risk analysis models to support domains where subject matter experts have specific insights into the probability distribution of threats or losses
  • Guided tool for performing controls assessments
  • Features for Vendor Risk Management
Complementary tools Applications and frameworks that are complementary to Haven. We would prefer to integrate with rather than compete against these tools. They are great!
  • IT asset management with SnipeIT
  • FISMA, NIST 800-53, NIST RMF, DFARS 800-171 documentation preparation for Authority To Operate GovReady
  • SOC2 documentation and workflow assistance with Comply
  • Controls frameworks such as CIS Top 20 and NIST CSF

screenshot of app

Table of Contents

thank you to vendors that support the project

We use BrowserStack to efficiently check cross-browser compatibility while building Haven. We are using and for static scanning. Thank you for providing free services to open source projects!

setting up the dev environment

The db schema and migrations are managed using flyway. The PostgreSQL server, the PostgREST API server, and the flyway tool are all run from docker containers to reduce the need for local toolchain installation (java, haskell, postgresql)

To check and see if you have docker available and set up

docker -v
docker-compose -v
docker info

If you don't have docker running, use these instructions. At the time of writing, this is working fine with docker 1.12.


We have a tmux session defined with this may make it easier to monitor logs as you work. This is also handy if you want to do development on a remote VM.

pip install --user tmuxp
tmuxp load ~/go/src/

Windows users

Before you continue, you need to configure git to auto-correct line ending formats:

 git config --global core.autocrlf false

Docker versions prior to have a bug on windows. To work around the bug set this in your PowerShell before invoking docker


This workaround is described in the GitHub issue.

running the service

You will normally run all the services using:

docker-compose up
docker-compose run flyway # applies database migrations

From this point on, you just just be able to use docker-compose up/down normally. Move on to access the main webUI in the next section.

to access the main webUI

Open, click the login button. You can login with [email protected]/password or [email protected]/password. User2 will prompt you to configure 2Factor authentication.

If you cannot connect to, try getting the docker machine ip using the command docker-machine ip default and use that instead.

to access keycloak

Open localhost:2015/auth/, you can sign in with admin/admin

to access the GitBook documentation site


to see emails sent from Haven / keycloak

Open, you can use mailhog to see messages stored in memory

Background jobs

The background job worker system is Faktory. You can view the webui in development by opening http://localhost:7420

The credentials for the faktory webui in the dev environment are

faktory / fassword

You can monitor jobs as they are submitted and run. The workers run in separate containers.

Monitoring activity with Grafana

There is a grafana dashboard that you can view at localhost:3500. The username is admin and the password is foobar.

Security scanning with Zed Attack Proxy

You can run the ZAP baseline scan with

docker-compose run zap


We are experimenting with the bazel build tool. Get it from

To build the keycloak service providers jar

bazel build //keycloak-service-providers:spi_deploy.jar

Developer tips

look around inside the database

The psql client is installed in the flyway image, and can connect to the DB server running in the database container.

docker-compose run --entrypoint="psql -h db -U postgres mappamundi_dev" flyway
\l                          # list databases in this server
\dn                         # show the schemas
\dt mappa.*                 # show the tables in the mappa schema
SET ROLE member;            # assume the member role
SELECT * from foo LIMIT 1;  # run arbitrary queries
\q                          # disconnect

We also have pgadmin4 running on http://localhost:8081. You can sign in using [email protected]/password. Once inside pgadmin4, you will need to add a server, the server hostname is 'db' and the credentials are postgres/postgres.

Run Go Buffalo tasks

To see the grift tasks defined in havenapi, run this buffalo command

docker-compose run havenapi buffalo task list

To run a create_slide task and save it for a user run this command

docker-compose run havenapi buffalo task files:create_slide $SURVEYID $USEREMAIL

The above command will create a slide for the user email address provided.

to export keycloak realm data (to refresh the dev users)

After keycloak is running and you have made any desired config changes:

docker-compose exec keycloak /opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/ \
  -Dkeycloak.migration.action=export \
  -Dkeycloak.migration.provider=singleFile \
  -Dkeycloak.migration.file=/keycloak/havendev-realm.json \
  -Djboss.http.port=8888 \
  -Djboss.https.port=9999 \

To clear local storage in Chrome for your local site

Sometimes messing with logins and cookies you get stuff corrupted and need to invalidate a session/drop some cookies/tokens that were in localstorage. Visit chrome://settings/cookies#cont and search for localhost.

Testing on a real mobile device

It's often useful to test your dev code on a variety of real world phones and tablets so you can confirm UI behavior. The easiest way to do this is with a tool called ngrok. ngrok creates a public URL to a local webserver. If you use ngrok, it's worth signing up for the free plan at least. You will be able to inspect the traffic going over the tunnel, and use http auth credentials to protect access to your tunnel and those you share it with.

If you have a free ngrok plan, something like this should work

ngrok http -auth "user:password" 2015

If you have a paid ngrok plan, something like this should work

ngrok http -auth "user:password" -subdomain=$USER-haven 2015

add a database migration

Add a new sql file in flyway/sql, following the naming convention for versions.

docker-compose run flyway # applies migrations
docker-compose run flyway # reverts last migration
# repeat until satisfied
git add .
git commit -m "Adding foo table"

Authentication with JWT and Keycloak


We use Keycloak and OpenID for Authorization. Google, GitHub, and other identity providers such as LDAP/Active Directory may be configured as Keycloak identify providers. Here is the basic flow

roles and permissions

Keycloak has sophisticated support for realms, roles, client roles, and custom mappers. For now, we use a simple scheme of a custom user attribute called role. role must be set to "member" or "admin", and a custom mapper has been configured so that a role claim will be included in the JWT access token. PostgREST will check the role claim and switch to the member or admin role defined in PostgREST. Inside the database, fields can access other parts of the JWT to store user identity.


Multi-tenancy is still a work in progress. Initially we will use a single Keycloak ream, and enhance the signup flow to create an organization-per-user. Initially there will be no real organization support, but we will record organization_id along with user_id for all data stored. Later we will add support for creating organizations/teams, and will allow users to be a member of multiple organizations. They will only be able to have a single organization active at a time in a login session, and so we'll need an additional page in the login flow to allow the user to select which organization they are activating (once authentication completes).

Low level JWT interactions

In order to be able to get a token for a user, the user must have no pending actions in keycloak (like email verification or password change). To exchange a username and password for a Keycloak JWT token with curl:

TOKEN=`curl -s --data \
"grant_type=password&client_id=havendev&scope=openid&[email protected]&password=password"\
http://localhost:2015/auth/realms/havendev/protocol/openid-connect/token \
| jq -r '.access_token'`

We also have a shortcut helper script you can use

export TOKEN=`./get-token`

Then you can use that token by passing it in an Authorization header:

curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" http://localhost:3001/comment

To read a file from the database:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/octet-stream" \
 http://localhost:3001/file?select=file --output result.pdf

To upload a file to the database via havenapi:

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -F "name=filename.pdf" \
  -F "file=@apitest/features/minimal.pdf" \

To get the content-disposition header set with the filename prefilled:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"  http://localhost:3001/files?select=uuid,name

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/octet-stream" \
 http://localhost:3001/rpc/download_file?fileid=2a4eae80-9117-426d-a422-2be242757262 --output result2.pdf

You can decode the token to inspect the contents at You will need to get the public cert from the Keycloak Admin interface: Havendev->Realm Settings->Keys->Public Key and enter it into the page to decode the token.

Low level network debugging

To inspect network traffic received by Keycloak for debugging complex network proxy issues, you can exec a shell inside the keycloak container and run ngrep.

docker exec -u 0 -it keycloak bash
ngrep -q -W byline port 8080

Learning Elm

16 minute video by Richard Feldman that explains the framework architecture choices that Elm makes compared to jQuery and Flux. From jQuery to Flux to Elm.

Elm is also a language that compiles to javascript. Here are some resources for learning Elm. In particular, the DailyDrip course is quite good, and provides several wonderful example applications that are MIT licensed and have been used to help bootstrap this application. You should subscribe to DailyDrip and support their work.

Design framework and tooling

We are making use of the Material Design system as a base for our design. We are also using the implementation at Daemonite.

Within the app we are using SASS, and the guidance from Inverted Triangle CSS and Reasonable CSS to try and keep the CSS manageable.

WebUI testing with Cypress

We are starting to use Cypress for some web ui testing.

To run interactive gui with a local cypress install outside of docker

cd webui
npm install -g @percy/cypress
npm run cypress:open

To run cypress automated inside docker (with video recordings saved)

./dca run cypress

Working with RMarkdown templates

To test the Rmarkdown template, run

docker-compose run worker /home/havenuser/compilereport

Deploying with kubernetes / OpenShift

Branches merged to master will push new docker images to the OpenShift cluster.

Using OpenShift

Talk to your administrator about getting an OpenShift account set up. Once you have access to Kubernetes / OpenShift, you can use the oc command to interact with the platform and update Haven GRC deployments.

To get useful information to get oriented and find out what is happening:

oc whoami
oc project
oc status -v
oc get events

Here is an example of running migrations in production with oc .

oc project haven-production
# check to see if the migration job is there.
oc get jobs
oc delete job flyway-migrate
oc create -f k8s/flyway-migration-job.yaml
# check the logs of the job to see if the migration ran ok

OpenShift CLI versions vary depending on where you installed from. Installing via homebrew brew install openshift-cli on macOS is fresher than installing from the link in OpenShift web console. (We ran into a difference in command flags needed with different versions of oc).

Database resource

In your Kubernetes cluster there must be an ExternalName Service defined named db. If your administrator has already set this up, you can see the endpoint by running:

oc get services

There must also be secrets set up with the DB credentials.


You can provision certificates from Let's Encrypt in manual mode with certbot. The key material should be stored in a k8s secret which the havenweb pod loads as a volume so that Caddy can serve the certificate.

certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenge=dns

# to verify if the dns challenge record has been published,
dig -t txt

Once you complete the challenge and get the key material, edit the secret.

base64 -i /etc/letsencrypt/live/ | pbcopy
oc edit secrets/secretname

Replace the values for fullkey.pem and privkey.pem with base64 encoded versions of the new certificates. Save and exit.


Haven GRC is licensed under the Apache License 2.0

Please use it and enjoy!

FOSSA Status

Contributors โœจ

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Nikita Abraham
Nikita Abraham


Austin Romansky
Austin Romansky

Hiromi Matsumoto
Hiromi Matsumoto

Elliot Murphy
Elliot Murphy

Christopher Mundus
Christopher Mundus

Lauren Behan
Lauren Behan

David Streeter
David Streeter

Kevin N. Murphy
Kevin N. Murphy

Joel Clermont
Joel Clermont

Winston Hearn
Winston Hearn

Seth Klein
Seth Klein

๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿ’ป
John Stoltenborg
John Stoltenborg

๐Ÿ’ป ๐Ÿค”

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!