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Usage guide

This guide provides a whistle-stop tour of .NET CloudEvents SDK. It is not exhaustive by any means; please file an issue if you would like to suggest a specific area for further documentation.

NuGet packages

The CloudEvents SDK consists of a number of NuGet packages, to avoid unnecessary dependencies. These packages are:

NuGet package Description
CloudNative.CloudEvents Core SDK
CloudNative.CloudEvents.Amqp AMQP protocol binding using AMQPNetLite
CloudNative.CloudEvents.AspNetCore ASP.NET Core support for CloudEvents
CloudNative.CloudEvents.Avro Avro event formatter using Apache.Avro
CloudNative.CloudEvents.Kafka Kafka protocol binding using Confluent.Kafka
CloudNative.CloudEvents.Mqtt MQTT protocol binding using MQTTnet
CloudNative.CloudEvents.NewtonsoftJson JSON event formatter using Newtonsoft.Json
CloudNative.CloudEvents.System.Text.Json JSON event formatter using System.Text.Json

Note that protocol bindings for HTTP using HttpRequestMessage, HttpResponseMessage, HttpContent, HttpListenerRequest, HttpListenerResponse and HttpWebRequest are part of the core SDK.

In-memory CloudEvent representation

The most important type in the CloudEvents SDK is the CloudEvent type. This contains all the information about a CloudEvent, including its attributes and data.

Attributes are effectively metadata about the CloudEvent. Each attribute is represented by a CloudEventAttribute which is aware of the attribute name, its kind (see below), its data type (as a CloudEventAttributeType) and any constraints (such as whether it can be present but empty).

There are three kinds of attributes:

  • Required: these attributes are part of the CloudEvents specification, and are required on all valid CloudEvents.
  • Optional: these attributes are part of the CloudEvents specification, but are not required to be present in order for a CloudEvent to be considered valid.
  • Extension: these attributes are not formalized as part of the CloudEvents specification. The CloudEvents specification repository includes descriptions of some extension attributes that may become standardized over time, but they are not considered part of the specification.

One attribute is handled differently to all others within the .NET CloudEvents SDK: the specversion attribute. Once a CloudEvent object has been created, its specversion cannot be changed. Currently, only the 1.0 specification is supported anyway; when new versions arise, we expect to provide a method to create a new CloudEvent object from an existing one, but with a new version (and with modified properties where appropriate). The specification version can be specified explicitly in the CloudEvent constructor, but otherwise defaults to 1.0.

The optional and required attributes can be accessed in three ways:

  • Via specific properties, e.g. cloudEvent.Id or cloudEvent.Time
  • Via the string-based indexer, e.g. cloudEvent["id"]
  • Via the CloudEventAttribute-based indexer, e.g. cloudEvent[myAttribute]

Extension attributes do not have specific properties, so can only be accessed via one of the indexers.

The value returned by the indexer (or accepted when calling the setter) depends on the attribute type:

CloudEvent attribute type .NET type
String System.String
Integer System.Int32
Boolean System.Boolean
Binary System.Byte[]
URI System.Uri
URI-Reference System.Uri
Timestamp System.DateTimeOffset

When a value is set by the string-based indexer and the CloudEvent isn't already aware of the attribute, it is assumed to be a string-based extension attribute with no constraints.

The CloudEvent.Data property deserves special consideration, but is best understood after reading about protocol bindings and CloudEvent formatters. If you're already familiar with those topics, jump straight to data considerations.

Extension attributes

Extension attributes can be specified without any values when a CloudEvent is created. This is typically the case when using a protocol binding to parse a transport message: if you're aware of any extensions you might see in the CloudEvent, and want to use them later, pass those extensions into the relevant method and the CloudEvent will be created with them. This allows any extension attribute values to be validated while the CloudEvent is being parsed.

The CloudEvents SDK contains some predefined extension attributes in the CloudNative.CloudEvents.Extensions namespace. The SDK exposes these with the following pattern, which you are encouraged to follow if you write your own extensions:

  • Create a static class for all related extension attributes (e.g. the sequence and sequencetype extension attributes are both exposed via the CloudNative.CloudEvents.Extension.Sequence class)
  • Create a static read-only property of type CloudEventAttribute for each extension attribute
  • Create a static read-only property of type IEnumerable<CloudEventAttribute> called AllAttributes, typically implemented via a ReadOnlyCollection<T>. This makes it easy to pass "all the related extensions" into the CloudEvent constructor or protocol binding methods accepting IEnumerable<CloudEventAttribute>. It also makes it easy to combine multiple extension attributes using the LINQ Concat method
  • Create extension methods to interact with CloudEvents, such as the SetSequence(this CloudEvent cloudEvent, object value) method in Sequence.

When fetching extension attribute values from a CloudEvent, if the attribute type is not String, you may wish fetch the value by attribute name rather than by the attribute. This allows you to handle the case where the attribute value has been populated without prior knowledge of the attribute, and defaulted to a String type. If you know that the CloudEvent will always have been populated using the correct extension attribute, this is unnecessary complexity - but if you need to work with arbitrary CloudEvent instances, it can be more flexible.

Protocol bindings

Protocol bindings are used to transport CloudEvents on specific protocols (e.g. HTTP or Kafka). Each protocol binding has its own methods, typically extracting a CloudEvent from an existing transport message, or creating/populating a transport message with an existing CloudEvent.

Protocol bindings work with CloudEvent formatters to determine exactly how the CloudEvent is represented within any given transport message.

Due to differences between protocols, there's no abstract base class or interface for protocol bindings. However, protocol bindings are encouraged to follow certain conventions to provide a reasonably consistent experience across protocols. See the [](protocol bindings implementation guide) for more details of these conventions.

The following table summarizes the protocol bindings available:

Protocol binding Namespace Types
HTTP (built-in) CloudNative.CloudEvents.Http HttpClientExtensions, HttpListenerExtensions, HttpWebExtensions
HTTP (ASP.NET Core) CloudNative.CloudEvents.AspNetCore HttpRequestExtensions, CloudEventJsonInputFormatter
AMQP CloudNative.CloudEvents.Amqp AmqpExtensions
Kafka CloudNative.CloudEvents.Kafka KafkaExtensions
MQTT CloudNative.CloudEvents.Mqtt MqttExtensions

Content modes and batches

Most protocol bindings support two content modes:

  • In structured mode, all the CloudEvent information is placed in the protocol message body, with the exact format governed by the CloudEvent format in use. The content type of the message indicates that the message represents a CloudEvent.
  • In binary mode, the CloudEvent data is placed in the protocol message body, but the attributes of the CloudEvent are placed in the protocol metadata (e.g. HTTP headers). In this case, the content type of the message is the content type of the data of the CloudEvent.

Protocol bindings typically expose this option via a parameter of type ContentMode when serializing a CloudEvent into a protocol message. Deserialization is typically transparent, using the appropriate content mode based on the content type of the message being read.

Some protocol bindings (e.g. HTTP) also support a batch mode. This is like structured mode, in that all the CloudEvent information is placed in the message body, but the message body can contain any number of CloudEvents (including none). Where a protocol binding supports batch mode, batch-specific methods are typically provided.

CloudEvent formatters

For structured mode (and batch mode) messages, the way in which the CloudEvent (or batch of CloudEvents) is represented is determined by the CloudEvent format being used. In the .NET SDK, a CloudEvent format is represented by concrete types derived from the CloudEventFormatter abstract base class. Two formats are supported:

  • JSON, via the JsonEventFormatter types in the CloudNative.CloudEvents.SystemTextJson and CloudNative.CloudEvents.NewtonsoftJson packages
  • Avro, via the AvroEventFormatter type in the CloudNative.CloudEvents.Avro package

Note that a CloudEventFormatter in the .NET SDK has more responsibility than a CloudEvent format in the specification, in that it is also responsible for serializing the data of the event in both structured and binary modes. For example, the JsonEventFormatter implementations will serialize objects as JSON objects. See the Data considerations section for more details.

There are two different JSON implementations as they use different JSON APIs for implementation purposes. This can affect the serialized data, as each underlying JSON API has its own set of attributes and settings governing the serialization and deserialization. Both are provided separately from the core CloudNative.CloudEvents package to avoid unnecessary dependencies. We would recommend using a single JSON implementation across an application where possible, for simplicity and consistency.

Each JSON implementation provides a general-purpose event formatter (JsonEventFormatter) and a single-type event formatter (JsonEventFormatter<T>). The single-type event formatter will automatically deserialize to the type argument for T, using the underlying JSON API. These single-type event formatters are only suitable where the data is expected to be represented via JSON as well as the "envelope" of the structured mode message.

Sample code for protocol bindings and event formatters

Sample code for creating a CloudEvent and using it to populate an HttpRequestMessage (typically for sending with HttpClient):

CloudEvent cloudEvent = new CloudEvent
    Id = "event-id",
    Type = "event-type",
    Source = new Uri(""),
    Time = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
    DataContentType = "text/plain",
    Data = "This is CloudEvent data"

CloudEventFormatter formatter = new JsonEventFormatter();
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage
    Method = HttpMethod.Post,
    Content = cloudEvent.ToHttpContent(ContentMode.Structured, formatter)

ToHttpContent is an extension method requiring a using directive of

using CloudNative.CloudEvents.Http;

Sample code for consuming a CloudEvent within an ASP.NET Core HttpRequest:

CloudEventFormatter formatter = new JsonEventFormatter();
CloudEvent cloudEvent = await request.ToCloudEventAsync(formatter);

ToCloudEventAsync is an extension method requiring a using directive of

using CloudNative.CloudEvents.AspNetCore;

Data considerations

The CloudEvent.Data property is of type System.Object and can hold any value. However, outside unit testing, CloudEvents are almost always serialized using a protocol binding and event formatter, and then deserialized later. When creating a CloudEvent you need to consider the representation you want the CloudEvent data to take when "on the wire". Likewise when you parse a CloudEvent from a transport message, you need to be aware of the limitations of the protocol binding and event formatter you're using, in terms of how data is deserialized. Every event formatter should carefully document how it handles data, both for serialization and deserialization purposes.

As a concrete example, suppose you have a class GameResult representing the result of a single game, and you wish to create a CloudEvent for this result, using a JSON representation of the data in an HTTP request. The class might look like this:

public class GameResult
    public string PlayerId { get; set; }
    public string GameId { get; set; }
    public int Score { get; set; }

Using the JsonEventFormatter from the CloudNative.CloudEvents.NewtonsoftJson package, including an instance of GameResult as the data of a CloudEvent and then using that as the content of an HttpRequestMessage is simple:

var result = new GameResult
    PlayerId = "player1",
    GameId = "game1",
    Score = 200
var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent
    Id = "result-1",
    Type = "game.played.v1",
    Source = new Uri(""),
    Time = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
    DataContentType = "application/json",
    Data = result
var formatter = new JsonEventFormatter();
var request = new HttpRequestMessage
    Method = HttpMethod.Post,
    Content = cloudEvent.ToHttpContent(ContentMode.Binary, formatter)

The GameResult object is automatically serialized as JSON in the HTTP request.

When the CloudEvent is deserialized at the receiving side, however, it's a little more complex. A general purpose event formatter can use the content type of "application/json" to detect that this is JSON, but it doesn't know to deserialize it as a GameResult. Instead, it deserializes it as a JToken (in this case a JObject, as the content represents a JSON object). The calling code then has to use normal Json.NET deserialization to convert the JObject stored in CloudEvent.Data into a GameResult:

CloudEventFormatter formatter = new JsonEventFormatter();
CloudEvent cloudEvent = await request.ToCloudEventAsync(formatter);
JObject dataAsJObject = (JObject) cloudEvent.Data;
GameResult result = dataAsJObject.ToObject<GameResult>();

An alternative is to use a single-type event formatter, which has a built-in expectation of the data type to deserialize to. For example, instead of using the non-generic JsonEventFormatter above, we could use the generic equivalent:

CloudEventFormatter formatter = new JsonEventFormatter<GameResult>();
CloudEvent cloudEvent = await request.ToCloudEventAsync(formatter);
GameResult result = (GameResult) cloudEvent.Data;


The CloudEventFormatterAttribute attribute (which can be abbreviated to CloudEventFormatter when specifying it on a type) can be used to suggest a suitable CloudEventFormatter type to use for a particular type. This attribute is expected to be used by frameworks which parse CloudEvents and pass them on to user-provided handlers. Typically the formatter type specified in the attribute is a single-type formatter, using the type on which the attribute is placed as the type argument for a generic formatter type. For example, the GameResult class above could be modified to include the attribute:

public class GameResult

That would allow the class to be used in frameworks that use CloudEventFormatterAttribute, without the consumer needing to know the details of the CloudEventFormatter themselves. (The consumer is typically just interested in the CloudEvent, not how it's being serialized.)

The use of CloudEventFormatterAttribute is by no means mandatory, and it's entirely reasonable to ignore it even when it's present. It's an option to consider when writing classes representing the data within CloudEvents, if you're confident of the format in which the CloudEvent will typically be delivered.