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PIPCONF - The PIP configuration manager

Python Tests Publish PyPI - Version Sponsor

If you need to manage multiple configurations containing indexes and trusted hosts for PIP, this project was made for you.


The pipconf is based in pip.conf files in $HOME/.pip folder. But you won't create it with this name. So, you need to create your configuration files following the template config-file-name.conf.

For the first steps, create a new configuration.

$ pipconf new my-config.conf --open

The file will come with a configuration template. All you need to do is just replace with your necessities.

<!-- my-config.conf -->

index-url =
# extra-index-url = 
# trusted-host = 
# timeout = 15
# retries = 5
<!-- company-config.conf -->

index-url =
extra-index-url =
trusted-host =


The package is available at Then, you can install it using pip.

$ pip install pipconf


$ pipconf --help

The expected output should be something like the following content.

 Usage: pipconf [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...         
 ______ ___________  _____ _____ _   _ ______       
 | ___ \_   _| ___ \/  __ \  _  | \ | ||  ___|      
 | |_/ / | | | |_/ /| /  \/ | | |  \| || |          
 |  __/  | | |  __/ | |   | | | | . ` ||  _|        
 | |    _| |_| |    | \__/\ \_/ / |\  || |          
 \_|    \___/\_|     \____/\___/\_| \_/\_| v2.0.0   
 Under BSD-2-Clause License, by @jjpaulo2           
 Contribute at  
╭─ Display informations ───────────────────────────╮
│ current   Shows the currently active config file │
│ list      Lists all available configs            │
│ show      Shows a config file content            │
╭─ Change configurations ──────────────────────────╮
│ local   Select a config file in current workdir  │
│ new     Creates a new config file                │
│ set     Select a configuration                   │

List all available configurations

$ pipconf list
Available configurations at /home/user/.pip:

● company.conf (/home/user/.pip/company.conf)
○ my-config.conf (/home/user/.pip/my-config.conf)
○ project.conf (/home/user/.pip/project-config.conf)

Create a new configuration

$ pipconf new my-config
Config file my-config.conf created!

You can also pass a --open flag to create and open the file.

$ pipconf new my-config --open

Get current configuration

$ pipconf current
Current configuration is /home/user/.pip/my-conf.conf!

Show the configuration file content

$ pipconf show my-conf
╭─────────── /home/user/.pip/test.conf ────────────╮
│ [global]                                         │
│ index-url =              │
│ ...                                              │

If you don't pass any parameter, the command will show the content of the current configation file.

$ pipconf show

Set configuration file

$ pipconf set my-config
Configuration is now set to my-config.conf!

Set local file as the current config

If in the current workdir exists a file named pip.conf, you can set it as the current configuration.

$ pipconf local
Configuration is now set to /home/user/workspace/project/pip.conf!

Under BSD-2-Clause License, by @jjpaulo2.