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Selecting Browser

This test harness uses WebDriver to execute tests. The person who runs tests can select which browser to use by using the BROWSER environment variable. The following values are available:

  • firefox (default) (if set the binary at FIREFOX_BIN will be used to launch firefox)
  • chrome
  • safari
  • saucelabs
  • remote-webdriver-firefox (Requires REMOTE_WEBDRIVER_URL to be set to the url of the remote, for example when using something like selenium/standalone-firefox-debug)
  • remote-webdriver-chrome (Requires REMOTE_WEBDRIVER_URL to be set to the url of the remote, for example when using something like selenium/standalone-chrome-debug)
  • firefox-container and chrome-container Running the browser inside selenium provided per-test container.

For example, to run tests with Safari, you'd execute:

export BROWSER=safari
mvn install

# or more concisely
BROWSER=safari mvn install

See for how the browser is selected.

Please note selenium library is sensitive to versions of browser used so it is better to stick with recent stable versions of mainstream web browsers. For more information about Selenium supported platforms visit this page.

Advanced Browser Configuration

This test harness internally uses Guice to wire components, and that is how we control WebDriver. To further fine-tune how a browser is selected and configured, bind WebDriver to a specific factory of your choice.

Usually you'd bind WebDriver to the test scope so that each test gets a new browser instance. For example,

bind WebDriver toProvider {
    def d = new FirefoxDriver();
    return d;
} as Provider _in TestScope

See for details of where to put this.

Recording network interactions

Network interactions between the browser and the Jenkins instance are recorded by default and saved on failures.

This works by setting up a proxy recording everything that goes through it and then configure the browser to use it. Supported drivers are: firefox, chrome, and saucelabs-firefox

This feature can be disabled using


It can also be set to save results even on success using

RECORD_BROWSER_TRAFFIC=always mvn install

If the host running maven is different to the host running Selenium (e.g. remote-webdriver-selenium) then you may have to specify the network address to use for the proxy (by default it will bind to which would not be reachable for the browser). If this is the case you can specify the address to use using: mvn install Important: this could exposed the proxy wider beyond your machine and expose other internal services, so this should only be used on private or internal networks to prevent any information leak. The same issue will also impact any other containers started that the tests that the Browser (rather than Jenkins) needs to access. For Testcontainers you can additionally set

Avoid focus steal with Xvnc on Linux

If you select a real GUI browser, such as Firefox, a browser window will pop up left and right during tests, making it practically unusable for you to use your computer. There is a script to run VNC server and propagate the display number to the test suite using the dedicated variable BROWSER_DISPLAY.

$ eval "$(./"
$ mvn test

Example using remote web driver

Untested pseudo bash example

docker run --shm-size=256m -d -P selenium/standalone-firefox-debug > containerId.txt
export WEBDRIVER_CONTAINER_ID=$(cat containerId.txt)
export BROWSER=remote-webdriver-firefox
export REMOTE_WEBDRIVER_URL=http://$(docker port $WEBDRIVER_CONTAINER_ID 4444)/wd/hub
export JENKINS_LOCAL_HOSTNAME=$(ip -4 addr show docker0 | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+')
mvn test

It is important to use more that the default 64m of shared memory for firefox to avoid crashes like this and this