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Decomposing Hello World

Our first Iron server, and learning to understand it.

Hello World!

Without further ado, here is our "Hello World" server:

// src/
extern crate iron;

use iron::prelude::*;
use iron::status;

fn main() {
    Iron::new(|req: &mut Request| {
        Ok(Response::with((status::Ok, "Hello World")))

Don't forget to include iron as a dependency in your Cargo.toml.

Unpacking Our Code

There is a surprising amount to unpack in even such a short snippet. Iron is made of several modular components, and has a very extensible design. The resulting Iron code is often dense and quite flexible, providing a lot of semantic meaning for little syntax.

Let's break it down a bit:

extern crate iron;

use iron::prelude::*;
use iron::status;

Here we're just bringing in iron and useing the symbols we'll need, including all of the symbols in the prelude module of iron. The prelude module contains many of the most common things you'll need when using iron, including the Request, Response, and Iron types. It harbors some other stuff too, but we will come back to it later.

fn main() {

This part of the code is responsible for initializing then actually starting the server.

We are listening using the HTTP protocol on localhost, port 3000. The http method on Iron will accept anything which can be parsed into a std::net::SocketAddr, and start listening, returning any errors.

The more interesting part here is the call to Iron::new. Let's take a look at the signature of Iron::new:

impl<H> Iron<H> where H: Handler {
    pub fn new(handler: H) -> Iron<H>;


What is this Handler trait?

pub trait Handler: Send + Sync + Any {
    fn handle(&self, &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response>;

Handlers are the central component of Iron - they are responsible for receiving a Request and producing a Response. You can think of a Handler as sort of analogous to a "controller" from an MVC framework, but with less baggage and no real limitations on what you might use it for.

The instance of a type implementing Handler which we pass to Iron::new will be the main Handler used for our server. All incoming requests will be passed to that Handler and the responses it returns will be sent back to clients.

In this case, our Handler is a closure; closures (and fns) with the appropriate signature can be used as handlers, since there is an implementation of Handler for all F which implement Fn(&mut Request) -> IronResult<Response>.

Now let's dig into our Handler, the closure we pass to Iron::new:

|req: &mut Request| -> IronResult<Response> {
    Ok(Response::with((status::Ok, "Hello World")))

I've annotated the return type for clarity, but it's not necessary to do so.

IronResult is simply an alias for Result with a specific error type, so we wrap our Response value in Ok to make it an IronResult<Response> instead of just a plain Response.

The meat of the code here is the call to Response::with, which actually constructs the Response we will be writing back to the requesting client. Let's take a look at the source of Response::with:

pub fn with<M: Modifier<Response>>(modifier: M) -> Response {

There are a few things going on here, so again, we'll tackle them piece by piece. Let's focus on the signature first, specifically the M type parameter, which must implement Modifier<Response>.


Modifiers are one of the core extension kinds in Iron. They allow you to define new ways to make changes to other types. In Iron, the Request and Response types are the target of most Modifiers.

To understand how Modifiers work, which we'll need to do before we can understand Response::with, let's check out the Modifier trait:

pub trait Modifier<T> {
    fn modify(self, &mut T);

Pretty simple, right? All a Modifier can do is perform some action on another type. The modifier crate, where Modifier comes from, also defines another trait, Set, which can be used to apply modifiers.

Set looks like this:

pub trait Set {
    fn set<M: Modifier<Self>>(mut self, modifier: M) -> Self where Self: Sized {
        modifier.modify(&mut self);

    fn set_mut<M: Modifier<Self>>(&mut self, modifier: M) -> &mut Self {

In Iron, both Request and Response implement Set, which allows you to chain modifiers very easily, both through owned Requests and Responses and through mutable references to the same.

If we look back the implementation of Response::with, we see that all it does is create a new blank Response using Response::new, and then apply the passed-in modifier to it.

The last piece of the puzzle is figuring out how our tuple that we pass to Response::with actually implements Modifier. There are actually a few different impls that we need to be aware of to figure this out.

There are several impls for concrete types, including iron::status::Status and &str, the types we used, in the iron::modifiers module. Unfortunately, rustdoc is terrible at advertising these impls, so the best way to get familiar with them is to look at the source.

Additionally, there is an impl of Modifier for tuples of Modifiers in the modifier crate, so we can use (Status, &str) as a Modifier.

Putting it all back together

Now that we've decomposed this small example sufficiently, let's put it all back together - here is our server again for clarity:

extern crate iron;

use iron::prelude::*;
use iron::status;

fn main() {
    Iron::new(|req: &mut Request| {
        Ok(Response::with((status::Ok, "Hello World")))

We pull in iron and the things we'll need from it, create a new server using Iron::new, pass our Handler (a closure) to it, and start listening.

Our Handler will return a new Response which has had its status set to status::Ok (traditionally known as 200) and its body set to Hello World by applying a Modifier.

We now have a running Iron server, and an understanding of all the fundamental parts. That said, there is much more to explore in the upcoming chapters!