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This package is a plugin for the Emacs Dashboard which inserts a section containing a configurable number of top stories from Hacker News.




Manual Installation

M-x package-install RET dashboard-hackernews

Installation with use-package

(use-package dashboard-hackernews)

Since this version of the package is available on MELPA there’s no need to explicitly set the load-path, but if you’re interested in forking the repository and trying out your own local modifications you can do so like this:

(use-package dashboard-hackernews
  :load-path "path/to/files/emacs-dashboard-hackernews"
  (require 'json))

Installation with straight.el

Installation with straight.el is a breeze.

(straight-use-package 'dashboard-hackernews)

If you’d like to pull directly from GitHub or reference a fork of this repository, simply define a custom recipe.

   :type git
   :host github
   :repo "hyakt/emacs-dashboard-hackernews"))

When using both straight.el and use-package, the configuration looks like this:

(use-package dashboard-hackernews
  :straight t)


(use-package dashboard-hackernews
  :straight (:type git :host github :repo "hyakt/emacs-dashboard-hackernews")
  (require 'json))


This package provides a new section for the dashboard, simply include it in the dashboard-items list with an integer specifying how many links you’d like to show.

Below is a minimal, bare-bones, example. Assuming emacs-dashboard has already been loaded, the following would show a single section containing a Hacker News feed of 10 stories.

(require 'dashboard-hackernews)
(setq dashboard-items '((hackernews . 10)))

For those who require a little more context, the following is a more complicated example showing configuration with use-package and straight.el.

(use-package dashboard-hackernews
  :straight (:type git
             :host github
             :repo "hyakt/emacs-dashboard-hackernews"
             :branch "master")
  (require 'json))

(use-package dashboard
  :after dashboard-hackernews
  (setq dashboard-banner-logo-title      "My Dashboard"    ; set the title
        dashboard-startup-banner         'logo                   ; show the logo in the banner area
        dashboard-set-init-info          t                       ; show package load / init time
        dashboard-set-heading-icons      t
        dashboard-set-file-icons         t
        dashboard-items                  '((recents . 5)         ; this is where the magic happens
                                           (bookmarks . 5)
                                           (hackernews . 5)
                                           (agenda . 5))
        dashboard-center-content         t                       ; center the dashboard
        dashboard-week-agenda            t)                      ; set the agenda