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Query Interface Organization

The query interface is a Swift API that approximates the SQLite SELECT query grammar through a hierarchy of values and protocols.

This document exposes its inner organization, so that you can leverage the most of those types and protocols when you want it.

In the diagram below, protocols are pale blue and have rounded corners, and standard types are grey rectangles. Solid arrows read "inherits from", and dashed arrows read "produces". Generic types are marked as such, as well as "PATs" (protocols with associated types).

Diagram items are described below:


Association is the protocol for all associations. It is adopted by BelongsToAssociation, HasManyAssociation, etc. It conforms to DerivableRequest.

protocol Association: DerivableRequest {
    associatedtype OriginRowDecoder
    func forKey(_ key: String) -> Self

Association has two sub-protocols:

protocol AssociationToOne: Association { }
protocol AssociationToMany: Association { }

AssociationToMany, adopted by HasManyAssociation and HasManyThroughAssociation, leverages association aggregates.


Column is the type for database columns. It conforms to ColumnExpression.



ColumnExpression is the protocol for database columns. It is adopted by Column. It conforms to SQLSpecificExpressible.

protocol ColumnExpression: SQLSpecificExpressible {
    /// The name of a database column.
    var name: String { get }

Columns can be used, for example, to query database rows:

let row = try Row.fetchOne(db, sql: "SELECT 'Arthur' AS name")!
let name: String = row[Column("name")] // "Arthur"

Columns are special expressions that allow some optimizations and niceties:

  • Database observation: When a request is limited to a known list of rowids in a database table, changes applied to other rows do not trigger the observation. GRDB needs column expressions in order to apply this optimization:

    // Optimized Observations
    ValueObservation.tracking { db in
        try Player.fetchOne(db, id: 1)
        // or
        try Player.filter(Column("id") == 1).fetchOne(db)
    // Non-optimized observations
    ValueObservation.tracking { db in
        try SQLRequest<Player>("SELECT * FROM player WHERE id = 1").fetchOne(db)
        // or
        try Player.filter(sql: "id = 1").fetchOne(db)
  • SQL generation: when it generates SQL queries, GRDB appends LIMIT 1 or not, depending on the primary key and unique indexes used on the queried table. GRDB needs column expressions in order to improve its SQL generation:

    // Nicer SQL
    // SELECT * FROM player WHERE id = 1
    try Player.fetchOne(db, id: 1)
    try Player.filter(Column("id") == 1).fetchOne(db)
    // Less nice SQL
    // SELECT * FROM player WHERE id = 1 LIMIT 1
    try Player.filter(sql: "id = 1").fetchOne(db)


DatabaseRegionConvertible is the protocol for observable requests. It is adopted by FetchRequest.

protocol DatabaseRegionConvertible {
    func databaseRegion(_ db: Database) throws -> DatabaseRegion

DatabaseRegionConvertible feeds DatabaseRegionObservation, which tracks database transactions that impact a particular database region:

let request = Player.all()
let observation = DatabaseRegionObservation(tracking: request)
let observer = try observation.start(in: dbQueue) { (db: Database) in
    print("Players were changed")


DatabaseValue is the type for SQL values (integers, doubles, strings, blobs, and NULL). It conforms to SQLSpecificExpressible.

You generally build a DatabaseValue from a DatabaseValueConvertible type:


The query interface will sometimes not accept raw SQLExpressible values such as Int, String, Date, etc. In this case, turn those values into DatabaseValue so that you leverage APIs that need SQLSpecificExpressible. For example:

// SQL: firstName || ' ' || lastName
let fullname = [
    " ".databaseValue,
    ].joined(operator: .concat)


DatabaseValueConvertible is the protocol for types that can provide DatabaseValue: SQL integers, doubles, strings, blobs, and NULL. It is adopted by Int, String, Date, etc. It conforms to SQLExpressible because all SQL values are SQL expressions.

protocol DatabaseValueConvertible: SQLExpressible {
    /// Returns a value that can be stored in the database.
    var databaseValue: DatabaseValue { get }
    /// Returns a value initialized from `dbValue`, if possible.
    static func fromDatabaseValue(_ dbValue: DatabaseValue) -> Self?


DerivableRequest is the protocol for query interface requests and associations that can be refined. It is adopted by QueryInterfaceRequest and Association.

protocol DerivableRequest<RowDecoder>: AggregatingRequest, FilteredRequest,
                                       JoinableRequest, OrderedRequest,
                                       SelectionRequest, TableRequest
    func distinct() -> Self
    func with<RowDecoder>(_ cte: CommonTableExpression<RowDecoder>) -> Self
  • AggregatingRequest provides grouping methods such as groupByPrimaryKey()
  • FilteredRequest provides filtering methods such as filter(expression) or filter(id: value)
  • JoinableRequest provides association methods such as joining(required: association) or including(all: association)
  • OrderedRequest provides ordering methods such as order(ordering) or reversed()
  • SelectionRequest provides selection methods such as select(selection) or annotated(with: selection)
  • TableRequest provides table targeting methods such as aliased(tableAlias)

DerivableRequest makes it possible to build reusable code snippets that apply to both requests and associations. You'll read more about it in the Recommended Practices for Designing Record Types and Associations.


FetchRequest is the protocol for requests that can fetch. It is adopted by QueryInterfaceRequest and SQLRequest. It conforms to SQLSubqueryable and DatabaseRegionConvertible.

protocol FetchRequest<RowDecoder>: SQLSubqueryable, DatabaseRegionConvertible {
    /// The type that tells how fetched database rows should be interpreted.
    associatedtype RowDecoder
    /// Returns a PreparedRequest that is ready to be executed.
    func makePreparedRequest(_ db: Database, forSingleResult singleResult: Bool) throws -> PreparedRequest
    /// Returns the number of rows fetched by the request.
    func fetchCount(_ db: Database) throws -> Int

FetchRequest can fetch values from the database as long as its RowDecoder associated type is Row, a DatabaseValueConvertible type, or a FetchableRecord type.

let row: Row? = try SQLRequest<Row>("SELECT * FROM player").fetchOne(db)
let players: [Player] = try Player.all().fetchAll(db)

FetchRequest usually executes a single SQL query:

// SELECT * FROM player
let request = Player.all()
try request.fetchAll(db)

This single SQL query is exposed through makePreparedRequest(_:forSingleResult:):

let request = Player.all()
let preparedRequest = try request.makePreparedRequest(db)
print(preparedRequest.statement.sql) // SELECT * FROM player

But not all fetch requests execute a single SQL query. A QueryInterfaceRequest that involves associations can execute several:

// SELECT * FROM player
// SELECT * FROM award WHERE playerId IN (...)
struct PlayerInfo: Decodable, FetchableRecord {
    var player: Player
    var awards: [Award]
let playerInfos = try Player
    .including(all: Player.awards)
    .asRequest(of: PlayerInfo.self)

Those supplementary SQL queries are an implementation detail of PreparedRequest, and are not currently exposed.

Int, String, Date…

The basic value types conform to DatabaseValueConvertible so that they can feed database queries with DatabaseValue:

// SELECT * FROM player WHERE name = 'O''Brien'
//                                   ~~~~~~~~~~
Player.filter(Column("name") == "O'Brien")


QueryInterfaceRequest is the type of fetch requests built by the GRDB query builder. It conforms to FetchRequest and DerivableRequest.

It is generic on the type of fetched values:

struct PlayerInfo: Decodable, FetchableRecord {
    var player: Player
    var awards: [Award]

// QueryInterfaceRequest<Player>
let playerRequest = Player.all()

// QueryInterfaceRequest<String>
let nameRequest ="name"), as: String.self)

// QueryInterfaceRequest<PlayerInfo>
let playerInfoRequest = Player
    .including(all: Player.awards)
    .asRequest(of: PlayerInfo.self)

try playerRequest.fetchAll(db)     // [Player]
try nameRequest.fetchAll(db)       // [String]
try playerInfoRequest.fetchAll(db) // [PlayerInfo]

For more information on QueryInterfaceRequest, see Requests and Associations.


SQL is the type for SQL literals that support SQL Interpolation. It can feed all GRDB APIs that have a literal argument:

let literal: SQL = "SELECT * FROM player"
let request = SQLRequest<Player>(literal: literal)
let players: [Player] = try request.fetchAll(db)

SQL conforms to SQLSpecificExpressible, and thus behaves as an SQLite expression by default:

let literal: SQL = "name = \("O'Brien")"
let request = Player.filter(literal)
let players: [Player] = try request.fetchAll(db)

⚠️ Warning: Not all SQL snippets are expressions. It is not recommended to pass SQL literals around, or you may end up forgetting their content, and eventually generate invalid SQL. When possible, prefer building an explicit SQLExpression, SQLOrdering, SQLSelection, SQLRequest, or SQLSubquery, depending on what you want to express:

// SQLExpression
SQL("name = \("O'Brien")").sqlExpression

// SQLOrdering
SQL("name DESC)").sqlOrdering

// SQLSelection
SQL("score + bonus AS total)").sqlSelection

// SQLRequest
SQLRequest<Player>(literal: "SELECT * FROM player")

// SQLSubquery
SQLRequest(literal: "SELECT * FROM player").sqlSubquery


SQLExpression is the opaque type for all SQLite expressions. It adopts SQLSpecificExpressible, and is built from SQLExpressible.

struct SQLExpression: SQLSpecificExpressible {
    // opaque implementation

Functions and methods that build an SQL expression should return an SQLExpression value:

// SELECT * FROM player WHERE LENGTH(name) > 0
let expression = length(Column("name")) > 0 // SQLExpression

When it looks like GRDB APIs are unable to build a particular expression, use SQL:

func date(_ value: SQLSpecificExpressible) -> SQLExpression {

// SELECT * FROM player WHERE DATE(createdAt) = '2020-01-23'
let request = Player.filter(date(Column("createdAt")) == "2020-01-23")

This technique, based on SQL Interpolation, is composable and works well even when several tables are involved. See how the createdAt column below is correctly attributed to the player table:

// SELECT player.*, team.* FROM player
// JOIN team ON = player.teamId
// WHERE DATE(player.createdAt) = '2020-01-23'
let request = Player
    .filter(date(Column("createdAt")) == "2020-01-23")


SQLExpressible is the protocol for all SQLite expressions. It is adopted by Column, SQL, SQLExpression, and also Int, String, Date, etc. It has an sqlExpression property which returns an SQLExpression.

protocol SQLExpressible {
    var sqlExpression: SQLExpression { get }

SQLExpressible-conforming types include types which are not directly related to SQL, such as Int, String, Date, etc. Because of this, SQLExpressible has limited powers that prevent misuses and API pollution. For full-fledged SQL expressions, see SQLSpecificExpressible. For example, compare:

Player.filter(1)     // Compiler warning (will become an error in the next major release)     // Compiler error
Player.order("name") // Compiler error
length("name")       // Compiler error
"name".desc          // Compiler error
Player.filter(id: 1)           // OK
Player.filter(1.databaseValue) // Odd, but OK // Odd, but OK
Player.order(Column("name"))   // OK
length(Column("name"))         // OK
Column("name").desc            // OK


SQLOrderingTerm is the protocol for all SQLite ordering terms. It is adopted by SQLSpecificExpressible. It has an sqlOrdering property which returns an SQLOrdering.

protocol SQLOrderingTerm {
    var sqlOrdering: SQLOrdering { get }

SQLOrderingTerm feeds the order() method of the query interface:

// SELECT * FROM player
// ORDER BY score DESC, name COLLATE ...

All SQLSpecificExpressible values are ordering terms. SQLExpressible values are not: Player.order("name") does not compile. Instead, use:

// SELECT * FROM player ORDER BY name   -- Order according to a column

// SELECT * FROM player ORDER BY 'name' -- Order according to a constant string (why not)


SQLOrdering is the opaque type for all SQLite ordering terms. An SQLOrdering adopts and is built from SQLOrderingTerm.

struct SQLOrdering: SQLOrderingTerm {
    // opaque implementation

Functions and methods that build ordering terms should return an SQLOrdering value:

// SELECT * FROM player ORDER BY score DESC
let ordering = Column("score").desc // SQLOrdering

To build an SQLOrdering without applying any DESC or ASC qualifier, use sqlOrdering (from SQLOrderingTerm, inherited by SQLSpecificExpressible, ColumnExpression...):

let ordering = Column("score").sqlOrdering // SQLOrdering


SQLRequest is the type of fetch requests expressed with raw SQL. It conforms to FetchRequest.

It is generic on the type of fetched values (which defaults to Row):

let rowRequest = SQLRequest(sql: "SELECT * FROM player")             // SQLRequest<Row>
let playerRequest = SQLRequest<Player>(sql: "SELECT * FROM player")  // SQLRequest<Player>
let nameRequest = SQLRequest<String>(sql: "SELECT name FROM player") // SQLRequest<String>

try rowRequest.fetchAll(db)    // [Row]
try playerRequest.fetchAll(db) // [Player]
try nameRequest.fetchAll(db)   // [String]

try rowRequest.fetchOne(db)    // Row?
try playerRequest.fetchOne(db) // Player?
try nameRequest.fetchOne(db)   // String?

SQLRequest supports SQL Interpolation:

// SELECT * FROM player WHERE name = 'O''Brien'
let playerRequest: SQLRequest<Player> = """
    SELECT * FROM player WHERE name = \("O'Brien")


SQLSelectable is the protocol for all SQLite result columns. It is adopted by SQLSpecificExpressible. It has an sqlSelection property which returns an SQLSelection.

protocol SQLSelectable {
    var sqlSelection: SQLSelection { get }

SQLSelectable feeds the select() method of the query interface:"name"), Column("score"))

All SQLSpecificExpressible values are selectable. Other selectable values are:

// SELECT * FROM player

// SELECT MAX(score) AS maxScore FROM player"score")).forKey("maxScore"))

SQLExpressible values are not selectable:"name") does not compile. Instead, use:

// SELECT name FROM player   -- Selects a column"name"))

// SELECT 'name' FROM player -- Selects a constant string (why not)"name".databaseValue)


SQLSelection is the opaque type for all SQLite result columns. An SQLSelection adopts and is built from SQLSelectable.

struct SQLSelection: SQLSelectable {
    // opaque implementation

Functions and methods that build result columns should return an SQLSelection value:

// SELECT (score + bonus) AS total
let selection = (Column("score") + Column("bonus")).forKey("total") // SQLSelection


SQLSpecificExpressible is the protocol for all SQL expressions, except values such as Int, String, Date, etc. It conforms to SQLExpressible, SQLSelectable, and SQLOrderingTerm. It is adopted by Column, SQL, and SQLExpression. It is also adopted through SQLSubqueryable by QueryInterfaceRequest and SQLRequest.

protocol SQLSpecificExpressible: SQLExpressible, SQLSelectable, SQLOrderingTerm { }

Use SQLSpecificExpressible when you want to operate on expressions, except Int, String, Date and other types which are not directly related to SQL. For example, the built-in length(_:) GRDB function accepts SQLSpecificExpressible:

/// The LENGTH SQL function
func length(_ value: SQLSpecificExpressible) -> SQLExpression { ... }

length(Column("name")) // OK
length("name")         // Compiler error


SQLSubquery is the opaque type for all SQLite SELECT queries. An SQLSubquery adopts and is built from SQLSubqueryable.

struct SQLSubquery: SQLSubqueryable {
    // opaque implementation


SQLSubqueryable is the protocol for all SQLite SELECT queries. It conforms to SQLSpecificExpressible, and is adopted by FetchRequest, QueryInterfaceRequest, SQLRequest. It has an sqlSubquery property which returns an SQLSubquery.

protocol SQLSubqueryable: SQLSpecificExpressible {
    var sqlSubquery: SQLSubquery { get }

SQLSubqueryable provides the GRDB support for subqueries. Its SQLSpecificExpressible facet lets you use any request as an expression:

// SELECT * FROM player
// WHERE score >= (SELECT AVG(score) FROM player)
let averageScore ="score")))
Player.filter(Column("score") >= averageScore)

SQLSubqueryable has the contains(_:) and exists() methods that support the value IN (subquery) and EXISTS (subquery) expressions.

Use SQLSubqueryable in order to define a function that requires a subquery argument:

func myRequest(_ nameSubquery: SQLSubqueryable) -> SQLRequest<Player> {
    SELECT * FROM player
    WHERE name IN (\(nameSubquery) UNION ...)

myRequest(SQLRequest("SELECT ..."))