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File metadata and controls

506 lines (318 loc) · 25.8 KB

G3W-CLIENT: the cartographic client

Generic aspects

The application has a responsive interface consisting of expandable and reducible sessions.

The color of the interface depends on the type of user logged in.

The header contains the following elements:

  • Logo, title and subtitle, deriving from:
    • main title (set at General Data level) or MacroGroup name, according to the settings
    • Cartographic Group name
    • WebGis service title
  • Change map: which allows you to switch from one WebGis service to another (located within the same Cartographic Group) while maintaining extension and display scale
  • User ID: if you have logged in to the system
  • Credits
  • Home: to access the FrontEnd
  • Language: the choice of language is reflected in the individual menus of the map client and on the contents of the access portal. The languages available are those activated by the Administration.

The Tools panel is located on the left and containing the following objects:

  • Metadata: any content defined in the GetCapabilities of the QGIS Project

  • Charts: visualization of the plots created on QGIS with the DataPlotly plugin

  • Spatial Bookmarks: tool for using the Spatial Bookmarks associated with the QGIS project and allowing the user to create new ones for his exclusive use.

  • Print: printing tool based on the layouts defined on the QGIS project

  • Search: with the search tools defined in the Administration session, as well as a free Query Builder like the one present in QGIS

  • Editing layers: open editing session

  • Add WMS: session to add custom WMS services to the map

The lower section containing:

  • Data: structured list of layers, defined on the QGIS project
  • Base: choice of the base map from those defined at the creation level of the Thematic Group
  • Legend: graphic legend of the various layers

In the event that Themes (Views) are defined in the QGIS project, a specific choice menu will be available in the Layers session of the TOC.

The choice of a Theme will determine the automatic activation of the layers and related styles, defined in the Theme itself.

Navigation and interaction with the map

Map area

At the base of the map area there is an information bar showing:

  • display scale
  • mouse coordinates: coordinates can be shown in project projection system and in WGS84 LatLong (ESPG: 4326)
  • project projection system
  • icon to copy the URL with the references to the extension currently displayed

Map controls

The icons and description of the functions of the various MapControls activated at the thematic group level are shown below.

  •  zoomtoextent: zoom to the initial extension
  •  zoom: zoom in and zoom out
  •  zoombox: zoom tool based on drawing a rectangle
  •  Zoom last/next: undo/redo tools to navigate previous and post visualization areas (icons in the down-left corner)
  •  query: puntual query of geographical layers
  •  querybbox: query via bounding box - N.B. for the layers to be queried according to this method it is necessary that they are published as WFS services on the QGIS project
  •  querybypolygon: it will be possible to automatically query the features of one or more layers that fall within a polygonal element of a guide layer. (Eg what's inside a cadastral parcel?). - N.B. the questionable layers must be published as WFS services on the QGIS project
  •  querybydraw:: query based on an irregularly shaped polygon drawn by the user - N.B. for the layers to be queried according to this method it is necessary that they are published as WFS services on the QGIS project
  •  geolocation: geolocation tool (useful for consultation from tablet)
  •  geocoding: search tools for addresses and toponyms based on OSM or Bing, based on the providers activated at the administration level
  •  streetview: Google StreetView on your map
    • in the presence of GoogleMaps API Key, StreetView it is integrated on the client and synchronized with the position and direction of the icon on the map
    • in the absence of GoogleMaps API Key, StreetView it will open on a new browse tab without the aspects of synchronization with the map
  •  length: linear measuring instrument
  •  area: tool for measuring surfaces
  •  addlayers: tool for temporarily uploading GML, GeoJson, KML, GPX, SHP (zipped) and CSV with coordinate to WebGis. These layers will remain until the end of the work session
  •  snapshot: tool for taking snapshots of the map area
  •  GeoSnapshot: tool to export a GeoTIFF of the map area

Query type

It should be noted that the query function acts, by default, with the coring method, providing information relating to all the layers underlying the point where you click with the mouse or draw a box.

To query a single layer, it must be previously selected at the TOC level.

Remember that query modes based on querybbox, querybypolygon and querybydraw require the publication of all the layers involved as WFS services at the QGIS project level.

The result of these three types of queries can be based on the geometric operations intersection and containment.

The choice made via the drop-down menu allows you to move from one result to another dynamically.

The querybypoligon tupe works also on the polygon layers added using the AddLayer tool

NB: it will be possible to zoom on the feature associated with the individual results only if the option Add geometry to object response has been activated at the QGIS project level (Project → Properties, QGIS Server session).

Map query

In the QGIS project (Vector properties → Attributes Form), you can create custom attribute forms (tabs, groups ...)

Upon querying a geometry, the form structure will be replicated at the client level.

Any links to photos will determine the display of a clickable preview, any links to links or other multimedia content will determine the display of the Open button that will allow consultation of the link.

For further information on this point, see the dedicated paragraph.

Single result

In case the query provides one single result, the attributes will be displayed according to the form defined in the QGIS project or as a column list

The bar above the query results shows the following icons:

  • Zoom to feature: if the function is activated on the Properties of the QGIS project
  • Show relations (1: N): if present on the QGIS project
  • Show relation charts: display of plots related to 1: N related data. Only if 1: N relationships are associated with the interrogated layer and plots have been activated on the referencing tables.
  • Print Atlas: prints the reports (atlas) (if set on QGIS project) related to the queried feature
  • Download single results (Shapefile, GPK, GPX, CSV, XLS): if activated in the administration session
  • Remove feature from result: remove the feature to the current list of results (useful to choose manually the list of objects to select/download)
  • Add/Remove selection: add/remove the features to the current selection
  • Copy map URL pointing to the geometry : to create a parameterized URL that points to this features
  • Editing: to start editing directly on this feature

Multiple result

In case the query provides more results these will be listed as a list with the possibility to expand the detailed information.

A series of icons, relating to the list of resulting features, will allow you to:

  • Zoom to features result extent: if the function is activated on the Properties of the QGIS project
  • Print Atlas: prints the reports (atlas) (if set on QGIS project) related to all the features result
  • Download all the features results (Shapefile, GPK, GPX, CSV, XLS): if activated in the administration session
  • Add feature on result: add features (clicking on the map) to the current list of results (useful to choose manually the list of objects to select/download)
  • Add/Remove selection: add/remove the list of features result to the current selection

Display of 1:n relation data

In the event that, at the QGIS project level, one or more type 1:n relations have been associated with a layer, the icon View Relationships will be shown in the attribute form.

By clicking on the icon you will access the list of 1:N relations present and, from these, the list of child records associated with the individual relationships.

In the case of a simple 1:1 or N:1 joins, the joined records will be displayed directly in the main form.

In the new frame, a filter, applied generically to the contents of all fields, will allow you to filter the list of child records.

The icon to the left of each record allows you to switch from the classic table view to the one based on any form defined on the QGIS project

In the case of links to multimedia contents, the previews of the images and/or the Open button will be displayed for consultation of different types of content.

In case of active plots on the related table, these will be displayed through Show charts at the top right.

Parameterized URLs

It is possible to create parameterized URLs for direct zooming to: geographical extension single feature by FID single/list features by value of a field

Here the URL parameters available:

  • map_extent (Zoom to map extent)
    • Ex: <url_project>?map_extent=Xmin, Ymin,Xmax,Ymax
  • zoom_to_fid (Zoom to a specific feature by FID)
    • Ex: <url_project>?zoom_to_fid=<layer_id>|<fid value>
  • ztf (Zoom to features defined on the basis of attribute values)
    • Ex: <url_project>?ztf=<layer_id or layer name>:<field name>=<field value>

If Views (Themes) are set up in the QGIS project, it will also be possible to parameterize them in the webgis URL:

  • Ex: <url>?map_theme=<theme_name>

Tools panel


The metadata reported in this session derive from those set at the QGIS project level.

This content is divided into three sessions: General, Space Info and Layers.

  • General: reports the metadata defined on the QGIS project in the item: Project → Properties (QGIS Server session, Service Capabilities) In case of login as anonymous user the URL of the WMS service is shown.
  • Spatial: reports the EPSG code of the projection system associated with the QGIS project and the BoundingBox relating to the initial publication extension, defined in the item: Project → Properties (QGIS Server session, WMS Capabilities, Advertised extent)
  • Layers: reports simple metadata associated with the individual layers.

Spatial Bookmarks

This tool will display the spatial bookmarks defined and associated with the QGIS project.

The user, even if not logged in, will be able to create new bookmarks by simply positioning them in an area of ​​the map and then clicking on the + button to define the Name to associate with the bookmark.

These bookmarks will be saved in the browser cache and therefore always available until deleted.


View graphs created using QGIS DataPlotly and activated at the admin session level.

Check the plots in the list and consult them on the rigth panel.

The graphs are filterable based on the:

  • features visible on the map
  • filter based on the selected features

These filters are also reflected on the plots associated to the related data (in 1:N mode) based on the visible and/or selected parent features.

The filter based on the map content can be activated globally on all plots (icon at the top of the panel dedicated to charts) or on only some specific plots (icon placed at the level of the individual plots).

The plots will automatically update after pan and zoom operations on the map

If activated, the filter based on the selected features is automatically activated on all related plots (associated with the same layer and with the 1:N relationed tables)

Appropriate messages at the single plots level will indicate the activation of these filters.

Charts based on 1:N data relation (child layer)

If the chart is linked to a child layer in a 1:N relation, it can also be displayed at the information level of the individual parent features


Printing tool based on layouts defined on QGIS project.

The tool allows you to choose:

  • Template: print layout among those associated with the published QGIS project
  • Scale: print scale, with delfault values ​​list, but also manually customizable
  • DPI: print resolution, with delfault values ​​list, but also manually customizable
  • Rotation: rotation angle
  • Format: print to PNG, JPG, SVG, PDF or GeoPDF
  • Custom title: using the ItemIDs at the print layout level of the QGIS project it is possible to insert one or more labels with customized content in the print from WebGis

On the map, a light rectangular area will allow you to define the print area.

If an Atlas type print layout is associated in the QGIS project, the layout reference will be available. The cards to be printed are defined by referring to the atlas identifier defined in the print layout.


Through this tool the user can add custom WMS layers to the WebGis service.

The user can add one or more WMS service by defining:

  • custom title

After that, using the + key it is possible to view the list of maps associated with the service, choose which one to load by defining:

  • the position (top or buttom) with respect to the other layers of the project
  • the layer to load
  • the projection system to be associated
  • a custom name

When the first custom WMS is added, a new tab (WMS) appears in the TOC; here you can switch on/off or delete the individual added WMS layers.

The added WMS layer cannot not be queried.

The list of WMS services and the specific WMS layers added will remain available to the user until the browser cache is cleared.

Search and Query Builder

A classic Query Builder is present at the Search menu level. Through this tool it is possible to:

  • carry out alphanumeric searches on geometric layers
  • save the query to reuse it until the end of the work session
  • edit a previously saved query

The saved query will be available until the browser cache is cleared

NB: fields not exposed as QGIS project-level WMS are not available for query building.

The Search menu contains the list of search tools defined through the Administration panel and custom searches created with the Query Builder.

You choose the search you are interested in, fill in the required fields and click on the Search button.

Additional information is displayed if you log in as Administrator

The panel with the list of results will open on the right side of the client, for each result the first three fields of the associated table will be displayed.

By positioning on the individual results, the corresponding features will be highlighted on the map; clicking on the individual results you can consult all the attributes.

Zoom to features and download icons are available for results (single or cumulative)


This session has three tabs:

  • Data: structured list of layers, defined on the QGIS project
  • Base: choice of the base map from those defined at the Cartographic Group creation level
  • Legend: graphic legend

Choose Themes

In the event that Themes (Views) are defined in the QGIS project, a specific choice menu will be available in the Layers session of the TOC.

The choice of a Theme will determine the automatic activation of the layers and related styles, defined in the Theme itself.

User themes

The logged in user can create customized themes in the same way as he prepares them in QGIS, i.e. by defining the on/off layers and associating any specific styles with the individual layers.

By clicking on the + button it will be possible to define a name to associate and create the Theme.

The created themes will always be available to the user who defined them. Once created, the User Themes will be selectable, overwritable and editable using the icons shown next to each of them.


This tab shows the layers prepared on QGIS projects with the same organization the groups and subgroups.

If the Show features count function is activated in the project, the layer will show the number of total features and based on the subdivision linked to the symbology.

In case of multi-style associated with the layer, the number of geometries reported will vary following the passage from one style to another.

In the list of layers, right click on the name of the single layer shows the following items:

  • Name and kind of geometry of the layer
  • Metadata: descriptive information inherited from what has been defined, at QGIS project level, in the 'Abstract' form of the 'QGIS Server' session of the 'Layer Properties'
  • Styles: to choose the style to be applied to the layer, in the case of multi-style layers
  • Zoom to layer: to zoom in on the extension of the layer
  • Open attribute table: to consult the associated attribute table
  • Download Shapefile: to download the layer as a shapefile; function activatable from the administration panel
  • Download GEOTIFF: to download a raster in GeoTiff format, full layer or clipped to the extent of the canvas; function activatable from the administration panel
  • Download GeoPackage: to download the layer as a GeoPackage; function activatable from the administration panel
  • Download CSV: to download the layer as a CSV; function activatable from the administration panel
  • Download XLS: to download the layer as a XLS; function activatable from the administration panel
  • Filters: management, based on the logged in user, of the filters associated with the layer
  • WMS/WFS/WFS3/WCS URL: URL of the WMS/WFS service relative to the project or URL of the external WMS

Double clicking on the layer or Layer Group zooms to the extent of the layer or Group content.

It is possible to hide, automatically, layers from the TOC when they have no records.

Useful when using filters on layers or geographic views.

Attribute table

The attribute table (resizable) is equipped with paging function, highlight function and zooming to the associated features.

In the case of links to multimedia content, the previews of the images and/or the Open button will be displayed for consultation of different types of content.

To the left of each record in the table there are two/three tools:

  • checkbox to select the records/feature
  • the 'Form view' icon to open the feature attributes form
  • in the case of a layer editable by the user, the attributes table will show, for each record, an editing icon to allow direct modification of the feature

A generic filter, positioned at the top right, is applied generically to the contents of all the fields, and it will allow you to filter the list of displayed records.

Filters based on the contents of the individual fields are available at the top of each column.

The Update results when map moves icon , located in the bottom left corner, allows you to filter the records of the table according to the features visible in the map.

It is possible to select the features of the individual layers and apply filters that will affect:

  • on the map content
  • on the attribute table content
  • on the contents of the plots
  • on print contents
  • on the editable geometries

The selection of features can be made:

  • at the attribute table level (through the checkboxes on the left of each records)
  • on the results of a query (add / remove from current selection)
  • on the results of a query (add / remove from current selection)

At the same time, additional icons appear:

  • on the layer attribute table, in the bottom left corner
  • to the right of the layer on the TOC
  • at the level of the relevant plots

The icons, palced in the left buttom corner of the attribute, table allow you to:

  • Clear selection
  • Invert selection
  • Add/Remove filter

The icons to the right of the layer on the TOC allow you to:

  • Clear selection
  • Add/Remove filter

When one or more features are selected, they appear highlighted in red on the map. Activation of the filter is reflected:

  • on the map content
  • on the attribute table content
  • on the data displayed by plots
  • on the print contents

Filter users based

On the client you can select (highlight) and filter a subset of vector layer geometries.

It is possible to activate a filter on a layer starting from:

  • query results
  • search results
  • attribute table management

To be filtered, the geometries object of the filter must first be selected.

Following activation of the filter, a logged in user (not AnonymosUser) will be able to save this filter to be recalled in subsequent work sessions.

Saving the filter occurs via the dedicated icon present at layer level in the legend and in the results form.

The saved filters can be recovered via the dedicated menu that can be viewed by right-clicking on the name of the layer

The presence of an active filter on the layer is highlighted by the red icon next to the layer name.

To deactivate an active filter, simply click on the icon itself.

We remind you that activating a filter affects:

  • geometries visible on the map
  • records visible on attribute table
  • editable geometries
  • features underlying the graphs
  • print contenent

Base layer

The list shows the active base layers at the cartographic group level.

If the user has created base layers starting from cached layers, these may also be present.


If at the publication level of the QGIS project, the Legend position option i setted as TOC, this panel will be not present and the legend will be rendered inside layers TOC.

If the option is activated on the QGIS project, the legend is filtered on the map content.

Time series

NB: the Time Series function is only available with a QGIS Server version >= 3.26

This version of G3W-SUITE manages the temporal aspects for both vector and raster layers but with limitations:

  • vector layers: limited to the Single field with Date/Time configuration
  • raster layers: Mesh layer
  • WMS-T

It is possible to create animations based on multiple temporal layers both raster and vector.

If in the QGIS project a temporal vector/raster layer on which the Dynamic temporal control property has been activated is present, the client will show an additional panel called Time series.

This panel will allow you to:

  • define the start/end date of the time series
  • define the step of the animation
  • start and manage the temporal animation

The modification of the start date of the series will determine the updating of the map with the visualization of the layer in coherence with the chosen date.

Pay attention: to use the Time series function for raster data, it must also be activated at the level of the G3W-ADMIN layer properties.