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File metadata and controls

158 lines (123 loc) · 5.4 KB


Kasper Welbers, Wouter van Atteveldt & Philipp Masur 2021-10

Joining data

In many cases, you need to combine data from multiple data sources. For example, you can combine a sentiment analysis of tweets with metadata about the tweets; or data on election results with data about the candidates ideological positions or details on the races.

This tutorial will teach you the inner_join and other _join commands used to combine two data sets on shared columns. See R4DS Chapter 13: Relational Data for more information and examples.


For this tutorial, we will look at data describing the US presidential primaries. These data can be downloaded from the Houston Data Visualisation github page, who in turn got it from Kaggle.

In the CSV folder on the github, you can find (among others)

  • primary_results.csv Number of votes in the primary per county per candidate
  • primary_schedule.csv Dates of each primary per state and per party
  • county_facts.csv Information about the counties and states, including population, ethnicity, age, etc.

For many research questions, we need to be able to combine the data from these files. For example, we might want to know if Clinton did better in counties or states with more women (needing results and facts), or how Trump’s performance evolved over time (requiring results and calendar).

Downloading and preparing the data

Before we start, let’s download the three data files:

csv_folder_url <- ""
results <- read_csv(paste(csv_folder_url, "primary_results.csv", sep = "/"))
facts <- read_csv(paste(csv_folder_url, "county_facts.csv", sep = "/"))
schedule  <- read_csv(paste(csv_folder_url, "primary_schedule.csv", sep = "/"))

Note: I use paste to join the base url with the filenames, using a / as a separator.

Have a look at all three data sets. Before we proceed, there are some things we want to do. First, the facts data frame is really large, with 54 columns. Let’s select a couple interesting ones to work with:

facts_subset <- facts %>% 
         population = Pop_2014_count, 
         pop_change = Pop_change_pct, 
         over65 = Age_over_65_pct, 
         female = Sex_female_pct, 
         white = Race_white_pct, 
         college = Pop_college_grad_pct, 
         income = Income_per_capita)

Next, the schedule dates are now a character (textual) field rather than date, so let’s fix that using the as.Date function, specifying the dates to be formatted as month/day/year:

schedule <- schedule %>% 
  mutate(date = as.Date(date, format="%m/%d/%y"))

Last, let’s create a data set with per-state (rather than per-country) election results using group_by and summarize:

results_state <- results %>% 
  group_by(state, party, candidate) %>% 
  summarize(votes = sum(votes))

Note: see R-tidy-5-transformations if you are unsure about the transformations above!

Simplest case: inner_join

The basic command for joining data in R is the inner join. It takes two data frames and joins it on any variable that occurs in both. It results in a new data frame with the information in both frames joined together. For example, this adds the dates to all primary results (per state)

inner_join(results_state, schedule)

Specifying columns

By default, joining is performed with all shared columns as joining keys. If this is not correct, you can specify the joining key with the by= option. A common use case is if the variable names are not the same, for example the state in the facts data is coded as area_name:

inner_join(results_state, facts_subset, by = c("state" = "area_name"))

Left and right joins

As seen above, inner_join keeps only rows that occur in both data sets: the county-level facts are (silently) dropped because their names don’t occur in the state results.

Sometimes this is undesirable. For example, suppose we have data on candidate age, but not on all candidates:

age <- tibble(candidate = c("Hillary Clinton", "Bernie Sanders", "Donald Trump"), 
              age = c(70, 77, 72))

Now, if we would do an inner_join with the election results it would drop all other candidates (since they do not occur in the age dataset):

inner_join(results_state, age)

You can prevent this from occurring by using left_join, which always keeps all rows in the first dataset:

left_join(results_state, age)

As you can see, Ben Carson and others are still in the data, with missing values (NA) in their age column. Left join keeps all rows in the first data sets, but drops rows in the second data set that don’t occur in the first. Right join does the opposite, keeping all rows in the second data set but potentially dropping rows in the first. Finally, full_join keeps all rows that occur in either data set.