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358 lines (282 loc) · 16.8 KB

File metadata and controls

358 lines (282 loc) · 16.8 KB


Create a Nix expression that represents Node.js dependencies defined in package.json and yarn.lock files by creating a ./package.nix file with the following content:

with import <nixpkgs> { };

  js2nix = callPackage (builtins.fetchGit {
    url = "ssh://[email protected]/Canva/js2nix.git";
    ref = "main";
  }) { };
  env = js2nix.buildEnv {
    package-json = ./package.json;
    yarn-lock = ./yarn.lock;
in env.nodeModules

This Nix expression does the following:

  1. Import nixpkgs if not given and expose its content into the global scope.
  2. Import the js2nix project from the Github repo.
  3. Build environment dependency closure as a Nix expression out of the package.json and yarn.lock files (see more about buildEnv function below).
  4. Return a Nix derivation that builds all top-level dependencies. That is, all the dependencies from the dependencies and devDependencies sections in the ./package.json file.

The approach above is Import From Derivation (IFD). While it's easy to use, it has some limitations that we may wish to avoid for advanced use cases.

To avoid IFD, you can generate Nix expressions by using the js2nix executable (available from js2nix.bin):

λ js2nix --lock ./yarn.lock --out ./yarn.lock.nix

Then, import this expression by changing the file above with the following:

-    yarn-lock = ./yarn.lock;
+    yarn-lock-nix = ./yarn.lock.nix;

buildEnv function

This js2nix.buildEnv (or simply js2nix) is the main functionality js2nix provides as its API, however, there are a couple more function that are also exposed for more granular advanced use-cases (see the ../lib.nix for more information).

This function accepts the following arguments:

  • package-json - a path to a package.json file.
  • yarn-lock - a path to a yarn.lock file, or
  • yarn-lock-nix - a path to a file that was generated by the js2nix executable directly from yarn.lock file. Used to avoid IFD situation, where needed.
  • overlays - a list of overlay functions to override the dependency tree, see overiding section below for more details.

Note, yarn-lock and yarn-lock-nix arguments are mutually exclusive.

The function returns an environment object that consists of the following:

  • nodeModules - a Nix derivation that represents a folder that holds top-level packages (declared in package.json file)

  • - same as above but for production use, i.e. no dependencies from devDependencies section included, similarly as would yarn install --prod give.

  • pkgs - an attribute set of all the packages that are present in the yarn.lock file with the overlays applied to it (see the overiding section below for more details). The structure of the attrset is similar to:

    self: super: {
      # represents a package derivation by direct name with a version
      "[email protected]" = self.buildNodeModule { 
        # ... a package build logic, internal js2nix implementation
      "yargs@^16.0.3" = self."[email protected]";
      "yargs" = self."[email protected]";

    This is an overlay function and can look unfamiliar, but don't be stressed, this basically means that there is a package at the property of "[email protected]" and two references to that package from the "yargs@^16.0.3" and "yargs" aliases. This means, if the package implementation has been changed, you will be getting the new version of the package via the aliases as well.

    The short alias, with no version in it ("yargs" for example) is not guaranteed to work for every package in the closure because there could be a clash of short names. But if you will be trying to access a package whose names clash, you will see an error instead, with an explanation of which versions are clashing so you can choose a more appropriate one for your use case.

Using nix-build

You can create a symlink to a resulting derivation using the following command:

λ nix-build --max-jobs auto --out-link ./node_modules ./package.nix
λ realpath ./node_modules

Using nix-shell

Manually import using nix-shell with the following example:

with import <nixpkgs> { };
let nodeModules = import ./package.nix;
in mkShell {
  shellHook = ''
    ln -sT ${nodeModules} ./node_modules || true

The symlink node_modules folder appears in the current directory:

λ nix-shell --run 'realpath node_modules'

You can also use the nodejs's setup hook, which hooks any provided buildInputs into the NODE_PATH environment variable if the derivation contains the lib/node_modules path. The makeNodeModules function does not do this by default, but an override can be used to set the prefix. nodejs should also be provided in buildInputs to make the hook work. For example, in ./shell.nix:

with import <nixpkgs> { };
let nodeModules = import ./package.nix;
in mkShell {
  buildInputs = [
    (nodeModules.override { prefix = "/lib/node_modules"; })

Then, it appears in the $NODE_PATH:

λ nix-shell -j auto --run 'echo $NODE_PATH | tr \: \\n | grep example'

You can also set the NODE_PATH environment variable directly into the shell derivation:

with import <nixpkgs> { };
  nodeModules = import ./package.nix;
in mkShell {
  NODE_PATH = nodeModules;

Then, it appears in the $NODE_PATH:

λ nix-shell --run 'echo $NODE_PATH | tr \: \\n | grep example'


You can override a node package input, as well as the resulting derivation using the following as an example:

with import <nixpkgs> { };

  overlays = [
    (self: super: {
      "[email protected]" = super."[email protected]".override
        # Add peer dependency
        (x: { modules = x.modules ++ [ (self."@babel/[email protected]") ]; });
      "[email protected]" = super."[email protected]".overrideAttrs
        # Make jest run in Node.js@16
        (x: { buildInputs = [ nodejs-16_x ]; });
  env = js2nix.buildEnv {
    package-json = ./package.json;
    yarn-lock = ./yarn.lock;
    inherit overlays;
in env

Due to yarn not providing information about peer dependencies within the yarn.lock file, it's only possible to make packages with peer dependencies work by overriding their dependencies and providing them as in the example above. Note that defining those dependencies on the top-level (in the package.json file) won't address this peer dependencies due to the nested node_modules structure that js2nix provides.

Basic overrides in package.json file

Writing Nix expressions for non-Nix folks can be overwhelming and probably is not necessary so there is another simpler mechanism of overriding that can make the dependency tree work without dealing with Nix expressions at all. For example, developers from product teams can bump and update Node.js packages and deal with a JSON file only, while an infrastructure team will be handling the whole setup. This is inconvenient to reach out to the infrastructure team each time they need to update the dependency tree so this mechanism addresses this inconvenience. And it's very similar to additional sections that different package managers support. For example, Yarn supports the resolutions section, PNPM supports pnpm.overrides (and more), and so on.

For example, instead of creating an overlay function as a Nix expression like this:

self: super: {
  "@jest/[email protected]" = super."@jest/[email protected]".override {
    doChecks = false; };
  "[email protected]" = super."[email protected]".override
    # Add peer dependency
    (x: { modules = x.modules ++ [ (self."@babel/[email protected]") ]; });
  "[email protected]" = super."[email protected]".override {
    patches = [
    ]; };
  "[email protected]" = super."[email protected]".override {
    src = ./vendor/left-pad; };
  "yo@*" = super."yo@*".override (x: {
    # Disable life-cycle scripts
    lifeCycleScripts = [ ];

the same can be done in package.json file:

  "js2nix": {
    "overlay": {
      "@jest/globals": {
        "doCheck": false
      "babel-jest": {
        "addDependencies": [
      "yargs": {
        "patches": [
      "left-pad": {
        "src": "./vendor/left-pad"
      "yo": {
        "lifeCycleScripts": []
Supported overlay directives:
  • js2nix.overlay.<package>.addDependencies - list of strings. Can be an alias or a direct name with version, for example can be "@babel/core" or "@babel/core@^7.1.0" or "@babel/[email protected]".
  • js2nix.overlay.<package>.src - string or an object. Overrides a package source. It can be a local folder path, relative to the package.json file or an absolute path. Also can be an object that overrides the fetchurl function attributes.
  • js2nix.overlay.<package>.doCheck - boolean. Overrides the doCheck argument for the package builder. It's true by default.
  • js2nix.overlay.<package>.patches - a list of strings. Overrides patches with the given list. Items in the list can be strings that represent a path to a patch file, an absolute or relative the package.json file.
  • js2nix.overlay.<package>.lifeCycleScripts - a list of strings. Overrides lifeCycleScripts, can contains scripts' names, declared in the package.json of the package. TIP: you can use patch feature to add some scripts you need there.

Life-cycle scripts

js2nix supports life-cycle scripts, but this is limited to install and postinstall by default. Change these using the lifeCycleScripts attribute. This attribute affects the resulting postInstall attribute on the final derivation, which is a bash script generated according to the lifeCycleScripts attribute's content.

The install script is treated as special. This means if there is no install section in the package.json#scripts file, but the bindings.gyp file is present in the package folder, the install script will be generated as node-gyp rebuild if the install is presented in the lifeCycleScripts attribute. Disabling automatic bindings.gyp file detection will cut off the install from the lifeCycleScripts attribute.

Life-cycle scripts downloaded from the internet (for example, precompiled binaries) probably won't work. This is because it might be executed in the Nix sandbox (enabled by default on Linux only), so no networking is not allowed. Or, if the package has downloaded on an environment with no sandbox enabled (for example, macOS) it won't work in pure mode due to requiring system dependencies.

Consider overriding life-cycle scripts and providing the resources that the package is trying to fetch and use manually, as shown in the following example:

with import <nixpkgs> { };

  tree = js2nix.load ./yarn.lock {
    overlays = [
      (self: super: {
        "[email protected]" = super."[email protected]".override (x: {
          # disable life-cycle scripts
          lifeCycleScripts = [ ];
        "[email protected]" = super."[email protected]".overrideAttrs (x: {
          nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
          postInstall = ''
            # Execute the postInstall script, generated according to the 
            # lifeCycleScripts attribute value
            # Additionally, wrap the binary with a particular chromium executable
            wrapProgram $out/bin/fast \
              --set PUPPETEER_EXECUTABLE_PATH ${chromium.outPath}/bin/chromium
in tree

In the previous example, life-cycle scripts for hosted packages are not being invoked. To do this, you can override the postInstall script of the host's derivation.

Local packages

NPM allows defining dependencies to packages that are present on the local machine, as shown in the following example:

  "dependencies": {
    "local-package": "../../local-package"

js2nix handles such cases as well, but makes no assumption about where the package is located and shifts the responsibility by allowing the user to provide a location via the override mechanism.

There are two reasons for that:

  • The generated Nix expression is located in the Nix store, so relative paths would be inconvenient and not reproducible, and absolute paths would break the setup on another machine where the main project is located on a different path.
  • Local dependencies can depend on other local dependencies that are defined relative to the local package that depends on them. So, it would require a sophisticated module resolution algorithm, which is out of the scope of this project and wouldn't resolve the problem.

So js2nix makes the package locations the user's responsibility, hence, the locations won't affect the reproducibility. js2nix will however provide a comprehensive message with a code snippet about how to provide this missing piece of information to make the whole dependency closure work.

For example:

(self: super: {
  "@canva/[email protected]" = super."@canva/[email protected]".override
    (x: { src = ../canva/tools/eslint/eslint-rules; });

Note: The Nix path builtin can be used to filter sources from a project directory containing non-source files, for example a node_modules folder used during development:

builtins.path {
  name = "canva-eslint-rules";
  path = ../canva/tools/eslint/eslint-rules;
  # A filter function that can be used to limit the source that will be used.
  # Filter out node_modules folders from the package's source
  filter = p: t:
    !(t == "directory" && lib.hasSuffix "node_modules" p);

The same can be done for a ./dist/ folder (a commonly used name for a folder with compiled artifacts in it). See for more details.

Packages from unknown registries

js2nix relies on the tarball URLs in the yarn.lock file being able to contain a SHA1 sum of the tarball content in the URL fragment. That is the case for and hosts, but not for other registries. In an average yarn.lock file, the majority of the URLs will point to those first two registries. However, for example, if a dependency is defined as a direct Github one:

  "dependencies": {
    "chimp": "hacker/chimp#dfa9125b498297f848e6a5f9eabbf55bf3eb1318"

yarn won't provide a SHA1 sum for that URL, which makes it impossible to construct a Nix expression for that package since Nix requires SHA sums because of reproducibility. Similar to the local packages approach, js2nix doesn't make assumptions here and doesn't fetch these packages internally and infer such SHAs somehow. Rather, it relies on the user to provide such SHAs.

This is because if a package content has changed, a new SHA could be inferred implicitly. So, there's no precise control over such package's change. Also, such missing SHAs will be generated every time when new NIx expression are built, which means all the content of such packages will be fetched, causing a high load to networking and slowing down Nix generations and breaking purity.

Proxy mode for Yarn CLI

WARNING! The proxy mode is subject to change or deletion. Use at your own risk.

You can proxy Yarn invocations to hijack regular workflow commands and provide a seamless developer experience of Node.js module installation using js2nix with Nix. This is done using the js2nix.proxy derivation in your buildInputs section, which provides a yarn executable that does that proxying feature.

By convention, this proxy tool looks for a package.nix file, relative to the package.json file, that returns a result of the makeNodeModules function. This is a derivation that links Node.js modules inside and executes the nix-build command and symlinks the output of the build result as node_modules, next to the package.nix file.

To do this, replace Yarn with the proxied executable:

with import <nixpkgs> { };
mkShell {
  buildInputs = [
    # your build inputs

The previous expression provides you with a yarn executable which is actually this proxy. The executable is self-descriptive and was designed to not introduce any new workflows for Yarn users. So, the workflow process remains the same, and instead of getting node_modules created by Yarn you will be getting such folder symlinked to the Nix store artefact.