Problem: You have several general variables that are shared to between different tests. In case one of them changes, we don't wanna go over all tests and update the value.
Solution: params
object can be used exactly for that. Set user login and password for authentication,
// protractor-conf.js
params = {
username: 'Sergey'
and from the test you can use them via browser.params.username
Problem: How to set a new value in select tag
function chooseOption(val) {
return element(by.css('option[value="' + val + '"]')).click()
You can also select an <option>
with by.cssContainingText
function chooseOption(label) {
return element(by.cssContainingText('option', label)).click()
Problem: Classical click is simple, but how to do right button click?
The actions()
method can be used to chain the several actions and schedule them when perform()
is called.
browser.touchActions(). tap(element1). doubleTap(element2). perform();
Problem: Still can't find a protractor method that fits your purpose?
Solution: browser.executeAsyncScript('console.log("hello world")');
Problem: Protractor was built with Angular in mind (additional locators, addMockModule, etc.) so it wait till Angular will finish its work (finished rendering and has no outstanding $http or $timeout calls before continuing). However, how to test your angular app that might open an iframe with non-angular app, authorization form, for instance.
Solution: The solution is quite simple. We can instruct Protractor not to wait for angular by browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;
browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;
browser.wait(picasaAuthPage.waitForEnabledApproveButton()).then(function () {
browser.ignoreSynchronization = false;
Problem: Test is fine, works in all browsers but IE due to its problems with web driver (e.g. hover)
Solution: Wrap your test with runIfNotIE
// define utility function
runIfNotIE = function (callback) {
return browser.getCapabilities().then(function (capabilities) {
if (capabilities.caps_.browserName !== 'internet explorer') {
// test
it('should check something', function () {
runIfNotIE(function () {
// test goes here