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88 lines (69 loc) · 2.61 KB

File metadata and controls

88 lines (69 loc) · 2.61 KB


Params Object

Problem: You have several general variables that are shared to between different tests. In case one of them changes, we don't wanna go over all tests and update the value.

Solution: params object can be used exactly for that. Set user login and password for authentication,

// protractor-conf.js

params = {
  username: 'Sergey'

and from the test you can use them via browser.params.username.

Choose option

Problem: How to set a new value in select tag


function chooseOption(val) {
  return element(by.css('option[value="' + val + '"]')).click()

You can also select an <option> with by.cssContainingText:

function chooseOption(label) {
  return element(by.cssContainingText('option', label)).click()

Right button click

Problem: Classical click is simple, but how to do right button click?

Solution: The actions() method can be used to chain the several actions and schedule them when perform() is called.

browser.touchActions(). tap(element1). doubleTap(element2). perform();

Run javascript code

Problem: Still can't find a protractor method that fits your purpose?

Solution: browser.executeAsyncScript('console.log("hello world")');

Test non-angular apps

Problem: Protractor was built with Angular in mind (additional locators, addMockModule, etc.) so it wait till Angular will finish its work (finished rendering and has no outstanding $http or $timeout calls before continuing). However, how to test your angular app that might open an iframe with non-angular app, authorization form, for instance.

Solution: The solution is quite simple. We can instruct Protractor not to wait for angular by browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;.

browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;

browser.wait(picasaAuthPage.waitForEnabledApproveButton()).then(function () {
  browser.ignoreSynchronization = false;

Ignore IE

Problem: Test is fine, works in all browsers but IE due to its problems with web driver (e.g. hover)

Solution: Wrap your test with runIfNotIE method

// define utility function
runIfNotIE = function (callback) {
  return browser.getCapabilities().then(function (capabilities) {
    if (capabilities.caps_.browserName !== 'internet explorer') {
// test
it('should check something', function () {
	runIfNotIE(function () {
		// test goes here