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Programming Model for Analysis

This page describes the programming model that SageMaker Debugger provides for your analysis, and introduces you to the constructs of Trial, Tensor and Rule.

Table of Contents


Trial is an object which lets you query for tensors for a given training job, specified by the path where smdebug's artifacts are saved. Trial is capable of loading new tensors as and when they become available at the given path, allowing you to do both offline as well as realtime analysis.

Path of trial

SageMaker training job

When running a SageMaker job this path is on S3. SageMaker saves data from your training job locally on the training instance first and uploads them to an S3 location in your account. When you start a SageMaker training job with the python SDK, you can control this path using the parameter s3_output_path in the DebuggerHookConfig object. This is an optional parameter, if you do not pass this the python SDK will populate a default location for you. If you do pass this, make sure the bucket is in the same region as where the training job is running. If you're not using the python SDK, set this path for the parameter S3OutputPath in the DebugHookConfig section of CreateTrainingJob API. SageMaker takes this path and appends training_job_name and "debug-output" to it to ensure we have a unique path for each training job.

Non SageMaker training jobs

If you are not running a SageMaker training job, this is the path you pass as out_dir when you create a smdebug Hook. Just like when creating the hook, you can pass either a local path or an S3 path (as s3://bucket/prefix).

Creating a trial object

There are two types of trials you can create: LocalTrial or S3Trial depending on the path. We provide a wrapper method to create the appropriate trial.

The parameters you have to provide are:

  • path: path can be a local path or an S3 path of the form s3://bucket/prefix. You should see directories such as collections, events and index at this path once the training job starts.
  • name: name can be any string. It is to help you manage different trials. This is an optional parameter, which defaults to the basename of the path if not passed. Please make sure to give it a unique name to prevent confusion.

Creating S3 trial

from smdebug.trials import create_trial
trial = create_trial(path='s3://smdebug-testing-bucket/outputs/resnet', name='resnet_training_run')

Creating local trial

from smdebug.trials import create_trial
trial = create_trial(path='/home/ubuntu/smdebug_outputs/resnet', name='resnet_training_run')

Restricting analysis to a range of steps

You can optionally pass range_steps to restrict your analysis to a certain range of steps. Note that if you do so, Trial will not load data from other steps.


  • range_steps=(100, None): This will load all steps after 100
  • range_steps=(None, 100): This will load all steps before 100
  • range_steps=(100, 200) : This will load steps between 100 and 200
  • range_steps=None: This will load all steps
from smdebug.trials import create_trial
tr = create_trial(path='s3://smdebug-testing-bucket/outputs/resnet', name='resnet_training',
                  range_steps=(100, 200))

Trial API

Here's a list of methods that the Trial API provides which helps you load data for analysis. Please click on the method to see all the parameters it takes and a detailed description. If you are not familiar with smdebug constructs, you might want to review this doc before going through this page.

Method Description
trial.tensor_names() See names of all tensors available
trial.tensor(name) Retrieve smdebug Tensor object
trial.has_tensor(name) Query for whether tensor was saved
trial.steps() Query steps for which data was saved
trial.modes() Query modes for which data was saved
trial.mode(step) Query the mode for a given global step
trial.global_step(mode, step) Query global step for a given step and mode
trial.mode_step(step) Query the mode step for a given global step
trial.workers() Query list of workers from the data saved
trial.collections() Query list of collections saved from the training job
trial.collection(name) Retrieve a single collection saved from the training job
trial.wait_for_steps(steps) Wait till the requested steps are available
trial.has_passed_step(step) Query whether the requested step is available


Retrieves names of tensors saved

trial.tensor_names(step= None,

All arguments to this method are optional. You are not required to pass any of these arguments as keyword arguments.

  • step (int) If you want to retrieve the list of tensors saved at a particular step, pass the step number as an integer. This step number will be treated as step number corresponding to the mode passed below. By default it is treated as global step.
  • mode (smdebug.modes enum value) If you want to retrieve the list of tensors saved for a particular mode, pass the mode here as smd.modes.TRAIN, smd.modes.EVAL, smd.modes.PREDICT, or smd.modes.GLOBAL.
  • regex (str or list[str]) You can filter tensors matching regex expressions by passing a regex expressions as a string or list of strings. You can only pass one of regex or collection parameters.
  • collection (Collection or str) You can filter tensors belonging to a collection by either passing a collection object or the name of collection as a string. You can only pass one of regex or collection parameters.

list[str]: List of strings representing names of tensors matching the given arguments. Arguments are processed as follows: get the list of tensor names for given step and mode, saved for given step matching all the given arguments, i.e. intersection of tensors matching each of the parameters.

  • trial.tensor_names() Returns all tensors saved for any step or mode.
  • trial.tensor_names(step=10, mode=modes.TRAIN) Returns tensors saved for training step 10
  • trial.tensor_names(regex='relu') Returns all tensors matching the regex pattern relu saved for any step or mode.
  • trial.tensor_names(collection='gradients') Returns tensors from collection "gradients"
  • trial.tensor_names(step=10, mode=modes.TRAIN, regex='softmax') Returns tensor saved for 10th training step which matches the regex softmax


Retrieve the smdebug.core.tensor.Tensor object by the given name tname. You can review all the methods that this Tensor object provides here.

  • tname (str) Takes the name of tensor

smdebug.core.tensor.Tensor object which has this API


Query whether the trial has a tensor by the given name

  • tname (str) Takes the name of tensor

bool: True if the tensor is seen by the trial so far, else False.


Retrieve a list of steps seen by the trial

  • mode (smdebug.modes enum value) Passing a mode here allows you want to retrieve the list of steps seen by a trial for that mode If this is not passed, returns steps for all modes.

list[int] List of integers representing step numbers. If a mode was passed, this returns steps within that mode, i.e. mode steps. Each of these mode steps has a global step number associated with it. The global step represents the sequence of steps across all modes executed by the job.


Retrieve a list of modes seen by the trial


list[smdebug.modes enum value] List of modes for which data was saved from the training job across all steps seen.


Given a global step number you can identify the mode for that step using this method.

  • global_step (int) Takes the global step as an integer

smdebug.modes enum value of the given global step


Given a global step number you can identify the mode_step for that step using this method.

  • global_step (int) Takes the global step as an integer

int: An integer representing mode_step of the given global step. Typically used in conjunction with mode method.


Given a mode and a mode_step number you can retrieve its global step using this method.

trial.global_step(mode=modes.GLOBAL, mode_step=100)
  • mode (smdebug.modes enum value) Takes the mode as enum value
  • mode_step (int) Takes the mode step as an integer

int An integer representing global_step of the given mode and mode_step.


Query for all the worker processes from which data was saved by smdebug during multi worker training.


list[str] A sorted list of names of worker processes from which data was saved. If using TensorFlow Mirrored Strategy for multi worker training, these represent names of different devices in the process. For Horovod, torch.distributed and similar distributed training approaches, these represent names of the form worker_0 where 0 is the rank of the process.


List the collections from the trial. Note that tensors part of these collections may not necessarily have been saved from the training job. Whether a collection was saved or not depends on the configuration of the Hook during training.


dict[str -> Collection] A dictionary indexed by the name of the collection, with the Collection object as the value. Please refer Collection API for more details.


Get a specific collection from the trial. Note that tensors which are part of this collection may not necessarily have been saved from the training job. Whether this collection was saved or not depends on the configuration of the Hook during training.

  • coll_name (str) Name of the collection

Collection The requested Collection object. Please refer Collection API for more details.


This method allows you to wait for steps before proceeding. You might want to use this method if you want to wait for smdebug to see the required steps so you can then query and analyze the tensors saved by that step. This method blocks till all data from the steps are seen by smdebug.

trial.wait_for_steps(required_steps, mode=modes.GLOBAL)
  • required_steps (list[int]) Step numbers to wait for
  • mode (smdebug.modes enum value) The mode to which given step numbers correspond to. This defaults to modes.GLOBAL.

None, but it only returns after we know definitely whether we have seen the steps.

Exceptions raised

StepUnavailable and NoMoreData. See Exceptions section for more details.


trial.has_passed_step(step, mode=modes.GLOBAL)
  • step (int) The step number to check if the trial has passed it
  • mode (smdebug.modes enum value) The mode to which given step number corresponds to. This defaults to modes.GLOBAL.

smdebug.core.tensor.StepState enum value which can take one of three values UNAVAILABLE, AVAILABLE and NOT_YET_AVAILABLE.

TODO@Nihal describe these in detail


An smdebug Tensor object can be retrieved through the trial.tensor(name) API. It is uniquely identified by the string representing name. It provides the following methods.

Method Description
steps() Query steps for which tensor was saved
value(step) Get the value of the tensor at a given step as a numpy array
reduction_value(step) Get the reduction value of the chosen tensor at a particular step
reduction_values(step) Get all reduction values saved for the chosen tensor at a particular step
values(mode) Get the values of the tensor for all steps of a given mode
workers(step) Get all the workers for which this tensor was saved at a given step
prev_steps(step, n) Get the last n step numbers of a given mode from a given step

Tensor API


Query for the steps at which the given tensor was saved

trial.tensor(name).steps(mode=ModeKeys.GLOBAL, show_incomplete_steps=False)
  • mode (smdebug.modes enum value) The mode whose steps to return for the given tensor. Defaults to modes.GLOBAL
  • show_incomplete_steps (bool) This parameter is relevant only for distributed training. By default this method only returns the steps which have been received from all workers. But if this parameter is set to True, this method will return steps received from at least one worker.

list[int] A list of steps at which the given tensor was saved


Get the value of the tensor at a given step as a numpy array

trial.tensor(name).value(step_num, mode=ModeKeys.GLOBAL, worker=None)
  • step_num (int) The step number whose value is to be returned for the mode passed through the next parameter.
  • mode (smdebug.modes enum value) The mode applicable for the step number passed above. Defaults to modes.GLOBAL
  • worker (str) This parameter is only applicable for distributed training. You can retrieve the value of the tensor from a specific worker by passing the worker name. You can query all the workers seen by the trial with the trial.workers() method. You might also be interested in querying the workers which saved a value for the tensor at a specific step, this is possible with the method: trial.tensor(name).workers(step, mode)

numpy.ndarray The value of tensor at the given step and worker (if the training job saved data from multiple workers)


Get the reduction value of the chosen tensor at a particular step. A reduction value is a tensor reduced to a single value through reduction or aggregation operations. The different reductions you can query for are the same as what are allowed in ReductionConfig when saving tensors. This API thus allows you to access the reduction you might have saved instead of the full tensor. If you had saved the full tensor, it will calculate the requested reduction at the time of this call.

Reduction names allowed are min, max, mean, prod, std, sum, variance and l1, l2 representing the norms.

Each of these can be retrieved for the absolute value of the tensor or the original tensor. Above was an example to get the mean of the absolute value of the tensor. abs can be set to False if you want to see the mean of the actual tensor.

If you had saved the tensor without any reduction, then you can retrieve the actual tensor as a numpy array and compute any reduction you might be interested in. In such a case you do not need this method.

trial.tensor(name).reduction_value(step_num, reduction_name,
                                    mode=modes.GLOBAL, worker=None, abs=False)
  • step_num (int) The step number whose value is to be returned for the mode passed through the next parameter.
  • reduction_name (str) The name of the reduction to query for. This can be one of min, max, mean, std, variance, sum, prod and the norms l1, l2.
  • mode (smdebug.modes enum value) The mode applicable for the step number passed above. Defaults to modes.GLOBAL
  • worker (str) This parameter is only applicable for distributed training. You can retrieve the value of the tensor from a specific worker by passing the worker name. You can query all the workers seen by the trial with the trial.workers() method. You might also be interested in querying the workers which saved a value for the tensor at a specific step, this is possible with the method: trial.tensor(name).workers(step, mode)
  • abs (bool) If abs is True, this method tries to return the reduction passed through reduction_name after taking the absolute value of the tensor. It defaults to False.

numpy.ndarray The reduction value of tensor at the given step and worker (if the training job saved data from multiple workers) as a 1x1 numpy array. If this reduction was saved for the tensor during training as part of specification through reduction config, it will be loaded and returned. If the given reduction was not saved then, but the full tensor was saved, the reduction will be computed on the fly and returned. If both the chosen reduction and full tensor are not available, this method raises TensorUnavailableForStep exception.


Get the shape of the chosen tensor at a particular step.

trial.tensor(name).shape(step_num, mode=modes.GLOBAL, worker=None)
  • step_num (int) The step number whose value is to be returned for the mode passed through the next parameter.
  • mode (smdebug.modes enum value) The mode applicable for the step number passed above. Defaults to modes.GLOBAL
  • worker (str) This parameter is only applicable for distributed training. You can retrieve the value of the tensor from a specific worker by passing the worker name. You can query all the workers seen by the trial with the trial.workers() method. You might also be interested in querying the workers which saved a value for the tensor at a specific step, this is possible with the method: trial.tensor(name).workers(step, mode)

tuple(int) If only the shape of this tensor was saved through save_shape configuration in ReductionConfig, it will be returned. If the full tensor was saved, then shape will be computed and returned today. If both the shape and full tensor are not available, this method raises TensorUnavailableForStep exception.


Get the values of the tensor for all steps of a given mode.

trial.tensor(name).values(mode=modes.GLOBAL, worker=None)
  • mode (smdebug.modes enum value) The mode applicable for the step number passed above. Defaults to modes.GLOBAL
  • worker (str) This parameter is only applicable for distributed training. You can retrieve the value of the tensor from a specific worker by passing the worker name. You can query all the workers seen by the trial with the trial.workers() method. You might also be interested in querying the workers which saved a value for the tensor at a specific step, this is possible with the method: trial.tensor(name).workers(step, mode)

dict[int -> numpy.ndarray] A dictionary with step numbers as keys and numpy arrays representing the value of the tensor as values.


Get all reduction values saved for the chosen tensor at a particular step. A reduction value is a tensor reduced to a single value through reduction or aggregation operations. Please go through the description of the method reduction_value for more details.

trial.tensor(name).reduction_values(step_num, mode=modes.GLOBAL, worker=None)
  • step_num (int) The step number whose value is to be returned for the mode passed through the next parameter.
  • mode (smdebug.modes enum value) The mode applicable for the step number passed above. Defaults to modes.GLOBAL
  • worker (str) This parameter is only applicable for distributed training. You can retrieve the value of the tensor from a specific worker by passing the worker name. You can query all the workers seen by the trial with the trial.workers() method. You might also be interested in querying the workers which saved a value for the tensor at a specific step, this is possible with the method: trial.tensor(name).workers(step, mode)

dict[(str, bool) -> numpy.ndarray] A dictionary with keys being tuples of the form (reduction_name, abs) to a 1x1 numpy ndarray value. abs here is a boolean that denotes whether the reduction was performed on the absolute value of the tensor or not. Note that this method only returns the reductions which were saved from the training job. It does not compute all known reductions and return them if only the raw tensor was saved.


Get the shapes of the tensor for all steps of a given mode.

trial.tensor(name).shapes(mode=modes.GLOBAL, worker=None)
  • mode (smdebug.modes enum value) The mode applicable for the step number passed above. Defaults to modes.GLOBAL
  • worker (str) This parameter is only applicable for distributed training. You can retrieve the value of the tensor from a specific worker by passing the worker name. You can query all the workers seen by the trial with the trial.workers() method. You might also be interested in querying the workers which saved a value for the tensor at a specific step, this is possible with the method: trial.tensor(name).workers(step, mode)

dict[int -> tuple(int)] A dictionary with step numbers as keys and tuples of ints representing the shapes of the tensor as values.


Get all the workers for which this tensor was saved at a given step

trial.tensor(name).workers(step_num, mode=modes.GLOBAL)
  • step_num (int) The step number whose value is to be returned for the mode passed through the next parameter.
  • mode (smdebug.modes enum value) The mode applicable for the step number passed above. Defaults to modes.GLOBAL

list[str] A list of worker names for which the tensor was saved at the given step.


Get the last n step numbers of a given mode from a given step.

trial.tensor(name).prev_steps(step, n, mode=modes.GLOBAL)
  • step (int) The step number whose value is to be returned for the mode passed.
  • n (int) Number of previous steps to return
  • mode (smdebug.modes enum value) The mode applicable for the step number passed above. Defaults to modes.GLOBAL

list[int] A list of size at most n representing the previous steps for the given step and mode. Note that this list can be of size less than n if there were only less than n steps saved before the given step in this trial.


Rules are the medium by which SageMaker Debugger executes a certain piece of code regularly on different steps of a training job. A rule is assigned to a trial and can be invoked at each new step of the trial. It can also access other trials for its evaluation. You can evaluate a rule using tensors from the current step or any step before the current step. Please ensure your logic respects these semantics, else you will get a TensorUnavailableForStep exception as the data would not yet be available for future steps.

Built In Rules

Please refer to the built-in rules that SageMaker provides here.

Writing a custom rule

Writing a rule involves implementing the Rule interface. Below, let us look at a simplified version of a VanishingGradient rule.


Creating a rule involves first inheriting from the base Rule class provided by smdebug. For this example rule here, we do not need to look at any other trials, so we set other_trials to None.

from smdebug.rules import Rule

class VanishingGradientRule(Rule):
    def __init__(self, base_trial, threshold=0.0000001):
        super().__init__(base_trial, other_trials=None)
        self.threshold = float(threshold)

Please note that apart from base_trial and other_trials (if required), we require all arguments of the rule constructor to take a string as value. You can parse them to the type that you want from the string. This means if you want to pass a list of strings, you might want to pass them as a comma separated string. This restriction is being enforced so as to let you create and invoke rules from json using Sagemaker's APIs.

Function to invoke at a given step

In this function you can implement the core logic of what you want to do with these tensors. It should return a boolean value True or False, where True means the rule evaluation condition has been met. When you invoke these rules through SageMaker, the rule evaluation ends when the rule evaluation condition is met. SageMaker creates a Cloudwatch event for every rule evaluation job, which can be used to define actions that you might want to take based on the state of the rule.

A simplified version of the actual invoke function for VanishingGradientRule is below:

    def invoke_at_step(self, step):
        for tensorname in self.base_trial.tensors(collection='gradients'):
            tensor = self.base_trial.tensor(tensorname)
            abs_mean = tensor.reduction_value(step, 'mean', abs=True)
            if abs_mean < self.threshold:
                return True
                return False

That's it, writing a rule is as simple as that.

Invoking a rule through SageMaker

After you've written your rule, you can ask SageMaker to evaluate the rule against your training job by either using SageMaker Python SDK as

estimator = Estimator(
    rules = Rules.custom(
    	instance_type='ml.t3.medium', # instance type to run the rule evaluation on
    	source='rules/', # path to the rule source file
    	rule_to_invoke='VanishingGradientRule', # name of the class to invoke in the rule source file
    	volume_size_in_gb=30, # EBS volume size required to be attached to the rule evaluation instance
    	collections_to_save=[CollectionConfig("gradients")], # collections to be analyzed by the rule
      		"threshold": "20.0" # this will be used to initialize 'threshold' param in your rule constructor

If you're using the SageMaker API directly to evaluate the rule, then you can specify the rule configuration DebugRuleConfigurations in the CreateTrainingJob API request as:

"DebugRuleConfigurations": [
		"RuleConfigurationName": "VGRule",
		"InstanceType": "ml.t3.medium",
		"VolumeSizeInGB": 30,
		"RuleEvaluatorImage": "",
		"RuleParameters": {
			"source_s3_uri": "s3://path/to/",
			"rule_to_invoke": "VanishingGradient",
			"threshold": "20.0"

Invoking a rule outside of SageMaker through invoke_rule

You might want to invoke the rule locally during development. We provide a function to invoke rules easily. Refer smdebug/rules/ The invoke function has the following syntax. It takes a instance of a Rule and invokes it for a series of steps one after the other.

from smdebug.rules import invoke_rule
from smdebug.trials import create_trial

trial = create_trial('s3://smdebug-dev-test/mnist-job/')
rule_obj = VanishingGradientRule(trial, threshold=0.0001)
invoke_rule(rule_obj, start_step=0, end_step=None)
  • rule_obj (Rule) An instance of a subclass of smdebug.rules.Rule that you want to invoke.
  • start_step (int) Global step number to start invoking the rule from. Note that this refers to a global step. This defaults to 0.
  • end_step (int or None): Global step number to end the invocation of rule before. To clarify, end_step is an exclusive bound. The rule is invoked at end_step. This defaults to None which means run till the end of the job.
  • raise_eval_cond (bool) This parameter controls whether to raise the exception RuleEvaluationConditionMet when raised by the rule, or to catch it and log the message and move to the next step. Defaults to False, which implies that the it catches the exception, logs that the evaluation condition was met for a step and moves on to evaluate the next step.


smdebug is designed to be aware that tensors required to evaluate a rule may not be available at every step. Hence, it raises a few exceptions which allow us to control what happens when a tensor is missing. These are available in the smdebug.exceptions module. You can import them as follows:

from smdebug.exceptions import *

Here are the exceptions (along with others) and their meaning:

  • TensorUnavailableForStep : This means that the tensor requested is not available for the step. It may have been or will be saved for a different step number. You can check which steps tensor is saved for by trial.tensor('tname').steps() api. Note that this exception implies that the requested tensor will never become available for this step in the future.

  • TensorUnavailable : This means that this tensor has not been saved from the training job. Note that if you have a SaveConfig which saves a certain tensor only after the time you queried for the tensor, you might get a TensorUnavailable exception even if the tensor may become available later for some step.

  • StepUnavailable: This means that the step was not saved from the training job. No tensor will be available for this step.

  • StepNotYetAvailable: This means that the step has not yet been seen from the training job. It may be available in the future if the training is still going on. We automatically load new data as and when it becomes available. This step may either become available in the future, or the exception might change to StepUnavailable.

  • NoMoreData : This will be raised when the training ends. Once you see this, you will know that there will be no more steps and no more tensors saved.

  • RuleEvaluationConditionMet: This is raised when the rule invocation returns True for some step.

  • MissingCollectionFiles: This is raised when no data was saved by the training job. Check that the Hook was configured correctly before starting the training job.


Enable or disable refresh of tensors in a trial

By default smdebug refreshes tensors each time you try to query the tensor. It looks for whether this tensor is saved for new steps and if so fetches them. If you know the saved data will not change (stopped the machine learning job), or are not interested in the latest data, you can stop the refreshing of tensors as follows:

no_refresh takes a trial or a list of trials, which should not be refreshed. Anything executed inside the with no_refresh block will not be refreshed.

from smdebug.analysis.utils import no_refresh
with no_refresh(trials):

Similarly if you want to refresh tensors only within a block, you can do:

from smdebug.analysis.utils import refresh
with refresh(trials):

During rule invocation smdebug waits till the current step is available and then turns off refresh to ensure that you do not get different results for methods like trial.tensor(name).steps() and run into subtle issues.