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Releases: aws/mynah-ui


19 Jun 12:53
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This version includes a hot fix for file items don't show actions or trigger onFileClick events if their path starts with ./


  • When the given path for a file starts with ./ it doesn't show the file actions and not triggering the file click. Now it uses the original file path check
  • When there is a long text inside a followup, it should fit until the line ends instead of cropping at fixed 40 chars. Now it keeps it growing until the end of the line. If it has an ellipsis even after the available line space, it shows the tooltip.

Demo app

  • File list example updated
  • Z-Index fixed for letting the Overlay items show properly


17 Jun 09:43
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This version includes the code-diff view enabler. Now, when you add a code block with a language specification which starts with diff- (or just diff for plain text without syntax highlighting) and contains + and - signs for diff indications like below, it will be shown like in the result picture:

const a = 1;
- a = "5";
+ a = 5;


It can be used in any markdown accepted element in mynah-ui.


  • SyntaxHighlighter component to support diff view
  • Example app to show file component tooltip with a code diff view


  • Tooltip to FileItem component


  • Tooltip edge bleeding issue is fixed. Sometimes tooltip was out of the edge of the screen.


13 Jun 09:49
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This version includes a statement check for clipboard access during code block copy button actions.


  • Try/Finally statement check for clipboard access. Even if we cannot access to the clipboard, we're still passing the MynahUI event to let the consumer handle the situation. For example in VisualStudio.


03 Jun 13:32
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This version includes an addition to the addToUserPrompt with a new argument type which is based on PromptAttachmentType type ('code' or 'markdown').
added option to attachment component to support code only or markdown


  • code snippet component names to prompt input attachment or relevant similar one
  • addToUserPrompt function to have one more argument to get the type ('code' or 'markdown', default: 'markdown' for backwards compatibility.)
  • escape-html dependency binding
  • peer dependencies
  • documentation
  • example app for code attachment
  • version


30 May 09:45
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This version includes lastStreaminChatAnswer checks


  • Check for lastStreamingChatItem to update it when the type is also changed with the update object. For example from ANSWER_STREAM to ANSWER.


24 May 09:46
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This release includes a fix for updateLastChatItem and updateChatItemWithMessageId methods not working properly all the time.


  • updateLastChatItem and updateChatItemWithMessageId methods. The checks for adding a card render to the rendered items list was insufficient. Any card (if they are rendered) should be added to the rendered items list to allow them to be updated. Previously the UX decision was to not update the cards after they finish the streaming. However for cases like WeaverBird's file rejection and reverting rejects, previous cards should also allow updating.

Demo app

  • Updated file list example to check the update functions properly working just with messageId.


16 May 14:01
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This version includes several fixes, autofocus to prompt input, unexpected <br/> tags inside code blocks, JetBrains link middle click navigation problem and a new ChatItem property: snapToTop.


  • Inside chat body, if there is a code block inside a list item it shows <br/> tags
  • Prompt input field in Q Chat tabs doesn't stop after it reaches to the given maxUserInput
  • Links in JetBrains inside Q Panel opens in Q panel's own window with middle mouse click.


  • New option for the ChatItem which is called snapToTop to snap the card to the top of the scrolling container when the value is true (initially or during a stream)

Demo App

  • Updated with a more complex markdown list example and snapToTop option showcase.


13 May 14:42
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This version includes a fix for autofocus to input field.
When window gets focus, even though the autoFocus property is set to true, input field doesn't get focus.


  • Autofocus on initialization, window focus and tab add/change events.


02 May 13:23
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This version includes several updates on the markdown parser and typewriter animations.


Inside list items, code blocks show up typewriter animation wrappers.


  • To improve markdown parser stability and performance, marked dependency is updated to its latest major version.
    • New marked update has two return types, string | Promise<string>. We're not using asyn parser structure, because of that we had to cast all marked usages to string.
  • To avoid unwanted typewriter animations, typewriter animator wrapper extension of marked is moved to render process of card-body component instead of setting it globally with marked.use. Now, we're only adding typewriter animations to card bodies only during parsing the message body.
  • In addition to those, for list items inside markdown, a check is added to skip typewriter animation wrapper addition if the text part (word) is at the start, in the middle or at the end of a code field.
    • Unfortunately, the fix added for listitems renderer doesn't render code items (block or inline) in the same order with the main parser. It parses the code fields after the text items unlike the main parser. Which means that when we're parsing listitems, text parts can still contain ` (back ticks). We're avoiding it by checking if the word is inside a code field or not. If the ` check mathes with an escaped one, it is not a problem since it will still show up but without animating.

Demo app

  • Updated markdown list examples


30 Apr 17:58
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This version includes the fix for onCopyToClipboard not working.


  • Copy to clipboard for code blocks are not working.