InternalFailure when calling the CreateCustomDbEngineVersion (RDS Custom SQL) #9059
This issue is a bug.
This is a standard priority issue
This issue is due to a problem in a service API, not the SDK implementation.
Describe the bug
Error using AWS CLI (and console) when creating a CEV for RDS Custom for SQL Server. Liscense: SQL Server Developer (BYOM)
Regression Issue
Expected Behavior
Create a new CEV
Current Behavior
Failure: An error occurred (InternalFailure) when calling the CreateCustomDBEngineVersion operation (reached max retries: 2): An internal error has occurred. Please try your query again at a later time.
Sanitized Debug Log:
2024-11-07 11:27:33,070 - MainThread - awscli.clidriver - DEBUG - CLI version: aws-cli/2.17.2 Python/3.11.8 Windows/10 exe/AMD64
2024-11-07 11:27:33,070 - MainThread - awscli.clidriver - DEBUG - Arguments entered to CLI: ['rds', 'create-custom-db-engine-version', '--engine', 'custom-sqlserver-ee', '--engine-version', '15.00.4365.2.dev_cev', '--image-id', '<ami_id>, '--description', 'Custom SQL Server EE 15.00.4365.2 CEV Developer', '--profile', 'SLDEV_SSO', '--debug']
2024-11-07 11:27:33,386 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler <function add_s3 at 0x0000016B99B787C0>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,387 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler <function add_ddb at 0x0000016B999B0040>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,387 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler <bound method BasicCommand.add_command of <class 'awscli.customizations.configure.configure.ConfigureCommand'>>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,387 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler <function change_name at 0x0000016B99921C60>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,388 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler <function change_name at 0x0000016B999232E0>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,388 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler <function alias_opsworks_cm at 0x0000016B99B7B1A0>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,389 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler <function add_history_commands at 0x0000016B999EEA20>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,389 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler <bound method BasicCommand.add_command of <class 'awscli.customizations.devcommands.CLIDevCommand'>>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,389 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler <function add_waiters at 0x0000016B99B7B060>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,389 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler <bound method AliasSubCommandInjector.on_building_command_table of <awscli.alias.AliasSubCommandInjector object at 0x0000016B99C67990>>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,390 - MainThread - botocore.loaders - DEBUG - Loading JSON file: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\data\cli.json
2024-11-07 11:27:33,395 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event top-level-args-parsed: calling handler <function resolve_types at 0x0000016B99AC4540>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,395 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event top-level-args-parsed: calling handler <function no_sign_request at 0x0000016B99AC4860>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,395 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event top-level-args-parsed: calling handler <function resolve_verify_ssl at 0x0000016B99AC47C0>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,397 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event top-level-args-parsed: calling handler <function resolve_cli_read_timeout at 0x0000016B99AC49A0>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,397 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event top-level-args-parsed: calling handler <function resolve_cli_connect_timeout at 0x0000016B99AC4900>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,397 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event top-level-args-parsed: calling handler <built-in method update of dict object at 0x0000016B99C64D40>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,397 - MainThread - botocore.session - DEBUG - Setting config variable for profile to 'SLDEV_SSO'
2024-11-07 11:27:33,400 - MainThread - awscli.clidriver - DEBUG - CLI version: aws-cli/2.17.2 Python/3.11.8 Windows/10 exe/AMD64
2024-11-07 11:27:33,400 - MainThread - awscli.clidriver - DEBUG - Arguments entered to CLI: ['rds', 'create-custom-db-engine-version', '--engine', 'custom-sqlserver-ee', '--engine-version', '15.00.4365.2.dev_cev', '--image-id', '<ami_id>, '--description', 'Custom SQL Server EE 15.00.4365.2 CEV Developer', '--profile', 'SLDEV_SSO', '--debug']
2024-11-07 11:27:33,401 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event session-initialized: calling handler <function add_timestamp_parser at 0x0000016B99B79080>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,401 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event session-initialized: calling handler <function register_uri_param_handler at 0x0000016B99774720>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,401 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event session-initialized: calling handler <function add_binary_formatter at 0x0000016B99C1BC40>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,401 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event session-initialized: calling handler <function no_pager_handler at 0x0000016B9962C720>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,401 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event session-initialized: calling handler <function inject_assume_role_provider_cache at 0x0000016B99794040>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,404 - MainThread - botocore.utils - DEBUG - IMDS ENDPOINT:
2024-11-07 11:27:33,406 - MainThread - botocore.credentials - DEBUG - Skipping environment variable credential check because profile name was explicitly set.
2024-11-07 11:27:33,406 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event session-initialized: calling handler <function attach_history_handler at 0x0000016B999DB2E0>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,408 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event session-initialized: calling handler <function inject_json_file_cache at 0x0000016B999A02C0>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,673 - MainThread - botocore.loaders - DEBUG - Loading JSON file: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\data\rds\2014-10-31\service-2.json
2024-11-07 11:27:33,695 - MainThread - botocore.loaders - DEBUG - Loading JSON file: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\data\rds\2014-10-31\service-2.sdk-extras.json
2024-11-07 11:27:33,706 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.rds: calling handler <function _building_command_table at 0x0000016B99AC7920>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,706 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.rds: calling handler <function _add_generate_db_auth_token at 0x0000016B99AC7740>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,706 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.rds: calling handler <function add_waiters at 0x0000016B99B7B060>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,913 - MainThread - botocore.loaders - DEBUG - Loading JSON file: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\data\rds\2014-10-31\waiters-2.json
2024-11-07 11:27:33,914 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.rds: calling handler <bound method AliasSubCommandInjector.on_building_command_table of <awscli.alias.AliasSubCommandInjector object at 0x0000016B99C67990>>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,916 - MainThread - awscli.clidriver - DEBUG - OrderedDict([('engine', <awscli.arguments.CLIArgument object at 0x0000016B9A22ED10>), ('engine-version', <awscli.arguments.CLIArgument object at 0x0000016B9A22EE50>), ('database-installation-files-s3-bucket-name', <awscli.arguments.CLIArgument object at 0x0000016B9A22EF10>), ('database-installation-files-s3-prefix', <awscli.arguments.CLIArgument object at 0x0000016B9A22EF90>), ('image-id', <awscli.arguments.CLIArgument object at 0x0000016B9A22F1D0>), ('kms-key-id', <awscli.arguments.CLIArgument object at 0x0000016B9A22F310>), ('description', <awscli.arguments.CLIArgument object at 0x0000016B9A22F490>), ('manifest', <awscli.arguments.CLIArgument object at 0x0000016B9A22F5D0>), ('tags', <awscli.arguments.ListArgument object at 0x0000016B9A22F710>), ('source-custom-db-engine-version-identifier', <awscli.arguments.CLIArgument object at 0x0000016B9A22F7D0>), ('use-aws-provided-latest-image', <awscli.arguments.BooleanArgument object at 0x0000016B9A22F850>), ('no-use-aws-provided-latest-image', <awscli.arguments.BooleanArgument object at 0x0000016B98EF45D0>)])
2024-11-07 11:27:33,916 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-argument-table.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version: calling handler <function add_streaming_output_arg at 0x0000016B99B79580>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,917 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-argument-table.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version: calling handler <function add_cli_input_json at 0x0000016B997949A0>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,917 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-argument-table.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version: calling handler <function add_cli_input_yaml at 0x0000016B99794A40>
2024-11-07 11:27:33,917 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-argument-table.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version: calling handler <function unify_paging_params at 0x0000016B999B0680>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,277 - MainThread - botocore.loaders - DEBUG - Loading JSON file: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\data\rds\2014-10-31\paginators-1.json
2024-11-07 11:27:34,282 - MainThread - botocore.loaders - DEBUG - Loading JSON file: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\data\rds\2014-10-31\paginators-1.sdk-extras.json
2024-11-07 11:27:34,283 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-argument-table.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version: calling handler <function add_generate_skeleton at 0x0000016B99AA2D40>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,283 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event before-building-argument-table-parser.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version: calling handler <bound method OverrideRequiredArgsArgument.override_required_args of <awscli.customizations.cliinput.CliInputJSONArgument object at 0x0000016B9A22FB10>>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,284 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event before-building-argument-table-parser.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version: calling handler <bound method OverrideRequiredArgsArgument.override_required_args of <awscli.customizations.cliinput.CliInputYAMLArgument object at 0x0000016B9A219DD0>>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,284 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event before-building-argument-table-parser.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version: calling handler <bound method GenerateCliSkeletonArgument.override_required_args of <awscli.customizations.generatecliskeleton.GenerateCliSkeletonArgument object at 0x0000016B9A23FAD0>>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,284 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.rds_create-custom-db-engine-version: calling handler <function add_waiters at 0x0000016B99B7B060>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,284 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.rds_create-custom-db-engine-version: calling handler <bound method AliasSubCommandInjector.on_building_command_table of <awscli.alias.AliasSubCommandInjector object at 0x0000016B99C67990>>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,287 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version.engine: calling handler <awscli.paramfile.URIArgumentHandler object at 0x0000016B99C9FA50>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,288 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event process-cli-arg.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version: calling handler <awscli.argprocess.ParamShorthandParser object at 0x0000016B996D0550>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,288 - MainThread - awscli.arguments - DEBUG - Unpacked value of 'custom-sqlserver-ee' for parameter "engine": 'custom-sqlserver-ee'
2024-11-07 11:27:34,288 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version.engine-version: calling handler <awscli.paramfile.URIArgumentHandler object at 0x0000016B99C9FA50>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,290 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event process-cli-arg.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version: calling handler <awscli.argprocess.ParamShorthandParser object at 0x0000016B996D0550>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,290 - MainThread - awscli.arguments - DEBUG - Unpacked value of '15.00.4365.2.dev_cev' for parameter "engine_version": '15.00.4365.2.dev_cev'
2024-11-07 11:27:34,290 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version.database-installation-files-s3-bucket-name: calling handler <awscli.paramfile.URIArgumentHandler object at 0x0000016B99C9FA50>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,291 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version.database-installation-files-s3-prefix: calling handler <awscli.paramfile.URIArgumentHandler object at 0x0000016B99C9FA50>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,291 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version.image-id: calling handler <awscli.paramfile.URIArgumentHandler object at 0x0000016B99C9FA50>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,291 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event process-cli-arg.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version: calling handler <awscli.argprocess.ParamShorthandParser object at 0x0000016B996D0550>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,291 - MainThread - awscli.arguments - DEBUG - Unpacked value of '<ami_id> for parameter "image_id": '<ami_id>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,291 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version.kms-key-id: calling handler <awscli.paramfile.URIArgumentHandler object at 0x0000016B99C9FA50>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,291 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version.description: calling handler <awscli.paramfile.URIArgumentHandler object at 0x0000016B99C9FA50>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,292 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event process-cli-arg.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version: calling handler <awscli.argprocess.ParamShorthandParser object at 0x0000016B996D0550>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,292 - MainThread - awscli.arguments - DEBUG - Unpacked value of 'Custom SQL Server EE 15.00.4365.2 CEV Developer' for parameter "description": 'Custom SQL Server EE 15.00.4365.2 CEV Developer'
2024-11-07 11:27:34,292 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version.manifest: calling handler <awscli.paramfile.URIArgumentHandler object at 0x0000016B99C9FA50>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,292 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version.tags: calling handler <awscli.paramfile.URIArgumentHandler object at 0x0000016B99C9FA50>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,292 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version.source-custom-db-engine-version-identifier: calling handler <awscli.paramfile.URIArgumentHandler object at 0x0000016B99C9FA50>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,294 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version.use-aws-provided-latest-image: calling handler <awscli.paramfile.URIArgumentHandler object at 0x0000016B99C9FA50>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,294 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version.cli-input-json: calling handler <awscli.paramfile.URIArgumentHandler object at 0x0000016B99C9FA50>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,294 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version.cli-input-yaml: calling handler <awscli.paramfile.URIArgumentHandler object at 0x0000016B99C9FA50>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,294 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version.generate-cli-skeleton: calling handler <awscli.paramfile.URIArgumentHandler object at 0x0000016B99C9FA50>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,295 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event calling-command.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version: calling handler <bound method CliInputArgument.add_to_call_parameters of <awscli.customizations.cliinput.CliInputJSONArgument object at 0x0000016B9A22FB10>>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,295 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event calling-command.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version: calling handler <bound method CliInputArgument.add_to_call_parameters of <awscli.customizations.cliinput.CliInputYAMLArgument object at 0x0000016B9A219DD0>>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,295 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event calling-command.rds.create-custom-db-engine-version: calling handler <bound method GenerateCliSkeletonArgument.generate_skeleton of <awscli.customizations.generatecliskeleton.GenerateCliSkeletonArgument object at 0x0000016B9A23FAD0>>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,296 - MainThread - botocore.credentials - DEBUG - Looking for credentials via: assume-role
2024-11-07 11:27:34,296 - MainThread - botocore.credentials - DEBUG - Looking for credentials via: assume-role-with-web-identity
2024-11-07 11:27:34,297 - MainThread - botocore.credentials - DEBUG - Looking for credentials via: sso
2024-11-07 11:27:34,302 - MainThread - botocore.loaders - DEBUG - Loading JSON file: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\data\endpoints.json
2024-11-07 11:27:34,322 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event choose-service-name: calling handler <function handle_service_name_alias at 0x0000016B984F09A0>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,543 - MainThread - botocore.loaders - DEBUG - Loading JSON file: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\data\rds\2014-10-31\endpoint-rule-set-1.json
2024-11-07 11:27:34,548 - MainThread - botocore.loaders - DEBUG - Loading JSON file: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\data\partitions.json
2024-11-07 11:27:34,552 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event creating-client-class.rds: calling handler <function add_generate_db_auth_token at 0x0000016B98349260>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,553 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event creating-client-class.rds: calling handler <function add_generate_presigned_url at 0x0000016B98439620>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,553 - MainThread - botocore.configprovider - DEBUG - Looking for endpoint for rds via: environment_service
2024-11-07 11:27:34,554 - MainThread - botocore.configprovider - DEBUG - Looking for endpoint for rds via: environment_global
2024-11-07 11:27:34,554 - MainThread - botocore.configprovider - DEBUG - Looking for endpoint for rds via: config_service
2024-11-07 11:27:34,555 - MainThread - botocore.configprovider - DEBUG - Looking for endpoint for rds via: config_global
2024-11-07 11:27:34,555 - MainThread - botocore.configprovider - DEBUG - No configured endpoint found.
2024-11-07 11:27:34,560 - MainThread - botocore.endpoint - DEBUG - Setting rds timeout as (60, 60)
2024-11-07 11:27:34,563 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event provide-client-params.rds.CreateCustomDBEngineVersion: calling handler <function base64_decode_input_blobs at 0x0000016B99C1BCE0>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,564 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event before-parameter-build.rds.CreateCustomDBEngineVersion: calling handler <function generate_idempotent_uuid at 0x0000016B984F2D40>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,564 - MainThread - botocore.regions - DEBUG - Calling endpoint provider with parameters: {'Region': 'us-east-1', 'UseDualStack': False, 'UseFIPS': False}
2024-11-07 11:27:34,565 - MainThread - botocore.regions - DEBUG - Endpoint provider result:
2024-11-07 11:27:34,565 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event before-call.rds.CreateCustomDBEngineVersion: calling handler <function inject_api_version_header_if_needed at 0x0000016B98510860>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,565 - MainThread - botocore.endpoint - DEBUG - Making request for OperationModel(name=CreateCustomDBEngineVersion) with params: {'url_path': '/', 'query_string': '', 'method': 'POST', 'headers': {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8', 'User-Agent': 'aws-cli/2.17.2 md/awscrt#0.20.11 ua/2.0 os/windows#10 md/arch#amd64 lang/python#3.11.8 md/pyimpl#CPython cfg/retry-mode#standard md/installer#exe md/prompt#off md/command#rds.create-custom-db-engine-version'}, 'body': {'Action': 'CreateCustomDBEngineVersion', 'Version': '2014-10-31', 'Engine': 'custom-sqlserver-ee', 'EngineVersion': '15.00.4365.2.dev_cev', 'ImageId': '<ami_id>, 'Description': 'Custom SQL Server EE 15.00.4365.2 CEV Developer'}, 'url': '', 'context': {'client_region': 'us-east-1', 'client_config': <botocore.config.Config object at 0x0000016B9A21EF10>, 'has_streaming_input': False, 'auth_type': None}}
2024-11-07 11:27:34,567 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event request-created.rds.CreateCustomDBEngineVersion: calling handler <bound method RequestSigner.handler of <botocore.signers.RequestSigner object at 0x0000016B9B524D50>>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,567 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event choose-signer.rds.CreateCustomDBEngineVersion: calling handler <function set_operation_specific_signer at 0x0000016B984F2C00>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,569 - MainThread - botocore.credentials - DEBUG - Credentials for role retrieved from cache.
2024-11-07 11:27:34,569 - MainThread - botocore.credentials - DEBUG - Retrieved credentials will expire at: 2024-11-08 06:25:34+00:00
2024-11-07 11:27:34,570 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - Calculating signature using v4 auth.
2024-11-07 11:27:34,570 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - CanonicalRequest:
content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
2024-11-07 11:27:34,570 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - StringToSign:
2024-11-07 11:27:34,571 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - Signature:
2024-11-07 11:27:34,571 - MainThread - botocore.endpoint - DEBUG - Sending http request: <AWSPreparedRequest stream_output=False, method=POST, url=, headers={'Content-Type': b'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8', 'User-Agent': b'aws-cli/2.17.2 md/awscrt#0.20.11 ua/2.0 os/windows#10 md/arch#amd64 lang/python#3.11.8 md/pyimpl#CPython cfg/retry-mode#standard md/installer#exe md/prompt#off md/command#rds.create-custom-db-engine-version', 'X-Amz-Date': b'20241107T182734Z', 'X-Amz-Security-Token': b'', 'Authorization': b'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=/20241107/us-east-1/rds/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token, Signature=', 'Content-Length': '205'}>
2024-11-07 11:27:34,573 - MainThread - botocore.httpsession - DEBUG - Certificate path: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\cacert.pem
2024-11-07 11:27:34,574 - MainThread - urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
2024-11-07 11:27:36,018 - MainThread - urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "POST / HTTP/1.1" 500 298
2024-11-07 11:27:36,020 - MainThread - botocore.parsers - DEBUG - Response headers: {'x-amzn-RequestId': '3dd75dc7-1b7e-4298-a11d-b4b1b19fd989', 'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=31536000', 'Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'Content-Length': '298', 'Date': 'Thu, 07 Nov 2024 18:27:37 GMT', 'Connection': 'close'}
2024-11-07 11:27:36,021 - MainThread - botocore.parsers - DEBUG - Response body:
An internal error has occurred. Please try your query again at a later time.3dd75dc7-1b7e-4298-a11d-b4b1b19fd989'2024-11-07 11:27:36,025 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event needs-retry.rds.CreateCustomDBEngineVersion: calling handler <bound method RetryHandler.needs_retry of <botocore.retries.standard.RetryHandler object at 0x0000016B9B576B10>>
2024-11-07 11:27:36,025 - MainThread - botocore.retries.standard - DEBUG - Retry needed, retrying request after delay of: 0.10785788939158802
2024-11-07 11:27:36,026 - MainThread - botocore.endpoint - DEBUG - Response received to retry, sleeping for 0.10785788939158802 seconds
2024-11-07 11:27:36,134 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event request-created.rds.CreateCustomDBEngineVersion: calling handler <bound method RequestSigner.handler of <botocore.signers.RequestSigner object at 0x0000016B9B524D50>>
2024-11-07 11:27:36,135 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event choose-signer.rds.CreateCustomDBEngineVersion: calling handler <function set_operation_specific_signer at 0x0000016B984F2C00>
2024-11-07 11:27:36,135 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - Calculating signature using v4 auth.
2024-11-07 11:27:36,136 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - CanonicalRequest:
content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
2024-11-07 11:27:36,136 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - StringToSign:
2024-11-07 11:27:36,137 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - Signature:
2024-11-07 11:27:36,138 - MainThread - botocore.endpoint - DEBUG - Sending http request: <AWSPreparedRequest stream_output=False, method=POST, url=, headers={'Content-Type': b'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8', 'User-Agent': b'aws-cli/2.17.2 md/awscrt#0.20.11 ua/2.0 os/windows#10 md/arch#amd64 lang/python#3.11.8 md/pyimpl#CPython cfg/retry-mode#standard md/installer#exe md/prompt#off md/command#rds.create-custom-db-engine-version', 'X-Amz-Date': b'20241107T182736Z', 'X-Amz-Security-Token': b'', 'Authorization': b'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=/20241107/us-east-1/rds/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token, Signature=', 'Content-Length': '205'}>
2024-11-07 11:27:36,138 - MainThread - botocore.httpsession - DEBUG - Certificate path: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\cacert.pem
2024-11-07 11:27:36,139 - MainThread - urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Resetting dropped connection:
2024-11-07 11:27:37,581 - MainThread - urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "POST / HTTP/1.1" 500 298
2024-11-07 11:27:37,583 - MainThread - botocore.parsers - DEBUG - Response headers: {'x-amzn-RequestId': '', 'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=31536000', 'Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'Content-Length': '298', 'Date': 'Thu, 07 Nov 2024 18:27:38 GMT', 'Connection': 'close'}
2024-11-07 11:27:37,583 - MainThread - botocore.parsers - DEBUG - Response body:
An internal error has occurred. Please try your query again at a later time.'2024-11-07 11:27:37,584 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event needs-retry.rds.CreateCustomDBEngineVersion: calling handler <bound method RetryHandler.needs_retry of <botocore.retries.standard.RetryHandler object at 0x0000016B9B576B10>>
2024-11-07 11:27:37,585 - MainThread - botocore.retries.standard - DEBUG - Retry needed, retrying request after delay of: 1.5713100888085954
2024-11-07 11:27:37,585 - MainThread - botocore.endpoint - DEBUG - Response received to retry, sleeping for 1.5713100888085954 seconds
2024-11-07 11:27:39,158 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event request-created.rds.CreateCustomDBEngineVersion: calling handler <bound method RequestSigner.handler of <botocore.signers.RequestSigner object at 0x0000016B9B524D50>>
2024-11-07 11:27:39,158 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event choose-signer.rds.CreateCustomDBEngineVersion: calling handler <function set_operation_specific_signer at 0x0000016B984F2C00>
2024-11-07 11:27:39,159 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - Calculating signature using v4 auth.
2024-11-07 11:27:39,160 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - CanonicalRequest:
content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
2024-11-07 11:27:39,160 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - StringToSign:
2024-11-07 11:27:39,161 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - Signature:
2024-11-07 11:27:39,162 - MainThread - botocore.endpoint - DEBUG - Sending http request: <AWSPreparedRequest stream_output=False, method=POST, url=, headers={'Content-Type': b'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8', 'User-Agent': b'aws-cli/2.17.2 md/awscrt#0.20.11 ua/2.0 os/windows#10 md/arch#amd64 lang/python#3.11.8 md/pyimpl#CPython cfg/retry-mode#standard md/installer#exe md/prompt#off md/command#rds.create-custom-db-engine-version', 'X-Amz-Date': b'20241107T182739Z', 'X-Amz-Security-Token': b'', 'Authorization': b'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=/20241107/us-east-1/rds/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token, Signature=', 'Content-Length': '205'}>
2024-11-07 11:27:39,162 - MainThread - botocore.httpsession - DEBUG - Certificate path: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\cacert.pem
2024-11-07 11:27:39,163 - MainThread - urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Resetting dropped connection:
2024-11-07 11:27:40,437 - MainThread - urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "POST / HTTP/1.1" 500 298
2024-11-07 11:27:40,439 - MainThread - botocore.parsers - DEBUG - Response headers: {'x-amzn-RequestId': '', 'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=31536000', 'Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'Content-Length': '298', 'Date': 'Thu, 07 Nov 2024 18:27:41 GMT', 'Connection': 'close'}
2024-11-07 11:27:40,439 - MainThread - botocore.parsers - DEBUG - Response body:
An internal error has occurred. Please try your query again at a later time.'2024-11-07 11:27:40,440 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event needs-retry.rds.CreateCustomDBEngineVersion: calling handler <bound method RetryHandler.needs_retry of <botocore.retries.standard.RetryHandler object at 0x0000016B9B576B10>>
2024-11-07 11:27:40,441 - MainThread - botocore.retries.standard - DEBUG - Max attempts of 3 reached.
2024-11-07 11:27:40,442 - MainThread - botocore.retries.standard - DEBUG - Not retrying request.
2024-11-07 11:27:40,442 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event after-call.rds.CreateCustomDBEngineVersion: calling handler <bound method RetryQuotaChecker.release_retry_quota of <botocore.retries.standard.RetryQuotaChecker object at 0x0000016B9B5026D0>>
2024-11-07 11:27:40,445 - MainThread - awscli.clidriver - DEBUG - Exception caught in main()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "awscli\", line 499, in main
File "awscli\", line 634, in call
File "awscli\", line 837, in call
File "awscli\", line 963, in invoke
File "awscli\", line 975, in _make_client_call
File "awscli\botocore\", line 360, in _api_call
File "awscli\botocore\", line 739, in _make_api_call
botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (InternalFailure) when calling the CreateCustomDBEngineVersion operation (reached max retries: 2): An internal error has occurred. Please try your query again at a later time.
Reproduction Steps
aws rds create-custom-db-engine-version --engine custom-sqlserver-ee --engine-version 15.00.4365.2.dev_cev --image-id --description "Custom SQL Server EE 15.00.4365.2 CEV Developer"
Possible Solution
No response
Additional Information/Context
No response
CLI version used
Environment details (OS name and version, etc.)
Windows 10
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: