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Language Support Changes

DennisKehrig edited this page Apr 10, 2013 · 26 revisions

For the current state of language support, see page [Language Support](Language Support). This page documents what additional capabilities extensions would need in order to add language support on par with the current level of support for HTML, JavaScript and CSS.

Our goal is to base all language-related features like code hinting, text manipulation commands, quick edit, live preview, etc. on these capabilities. Support for non-web programming languages will be moved moved to dedicated extensions (see issue #2969).

Providing code semantics

Allow adding electric strings to language definitions. Some languages have block boundaries that are not just one char long, for instance Ruby's begin ... end.

Starting Live Preview

In general the possibility of live development for a given file depends on its format, the formats we can turn it into and the formats a client supports.

New concept: client

Consequently we need ways to define clients and the formats they support. Right now the only supported client is Chrome. We want to extend this to other browsers, and may eventually want to extend this to different types of clients, like Node.js, or a PDF viewer to preview LaTeX files.

Also, we need ways to define what formats the project's files are available in. In principle, we could use the language concept for this, but since browsers usually declare support for formats via a list of MIME types (e.g. "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8") and since web servers use MIME types in the response's header ("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"), we should allow adding MIME types to languages and use those instead.

MIME type for HTML in languages.json:

    "html": {
        "name": "HTML",
        "mimeTypes": ["text/html"],
        "fileExtensions": ["html"]

MIME types supported by Chrome in clients.json:

    "chrome": {
        "mimeTypes": ["text/html", "application/xhtml+xml", "application/xml"]

If the user opens "index.html" and clicks the live preview button, Brackets would know that Chrome supports this file and allow the live preview.

If the user provides a base URL, opens "index.php" and clicks the live preview button, Brackets could send a HEAD request for index.php to the server. If the returned MIME type is "text/html", Brackets would know that Chrome supports this PHP file's output and could allow the live preview. Otherwise, the live preview would not be enabled. The same is true for other server-side file extensions.

This way, we would not need to maintain a list of file extensions that may or may not generate content in a format supported by Chrome.

Extending clients

Extensions should be able to add new file extensions to languages and clients:

var ClientManager = brackets.getModule("LiveDevelopment/ClientManager"),
    chrome = ClientManager->getClient("chrome");

var LanguageManager = brackets.getModule("language/LanguageManager"),
    svg = LanguageManager.getLanguage("svg");

If the user opens "index.svg" and clicks the live preview button, Brackets would know that Chrome supports this file and allow the live preview. This would also work if index.php generated SVG code, assuming if provides the proper MIME type in the Content-Type header.

SVG is an interesting use case since Brackets would right now provide live development with SVG if only its extension were listed in the _staticHtmlFileExts array. Brackets would show XML code, the browser would show the rendered image, Brackets would reload the browser when saving the file, and even refresh styles as they are changed if the SVG file links to external stylesheets (<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="style.css" ?> before the opening <svg> tag).

Supporting derivatives (compilers)

Currently we only support the format a file comes in, but we could extend live development to files that could be converted to a format supported by the client.

Registering an HTML compiler for Markdown:

var LanguageManager = brackets.getModule("language/LanguageManager"),
    md = LanguageManager.getLanguage("markdown");
md.addCompiler("html", function (doc) {
    return htmlCode;

If the user opens "" and clicks the live preview button, Brackets would know that it could compile this code to HTML. It would look up HTML's MIME type and see that Chrome could open the compiled file. It would then use the first file extension defined for the HTML language and create a temporary file (real or virtual through Node) - say "" - with the return value of the compiler function as its contents. Finally, Brackets would start a live preview on the compiled file. On a related note, card 565 introduces the idea of HTML rewriting.

Adding new clients

Clients do not necessarily have to be external applications, a Brackets extension could just add a DIV to Brackets UI and render a file into it. Through the ClientManager, it could define a client in a structured manner.

Embedded HTML Live Development client:

var ClientManager   = brackets.getModule("LiveDevelopment/ClientManager"),
    LanguageManager = brackets.getModule("language/LanguageManager"),
    $preview        = ...,

var client = ClientManager.addClient("preview", {
    open: function (doc) {
        sync = function () {
            var compile = doc.getLanguage().getDefaultCompilerToLanguage("html");

        $(doc).on("change", sync);
        // Add preview frame to Brackets
    close: function () {
        // Close preview frame
        $(doc).off("change", sync);
        sync = null;

// Mark this client as compatible with every language that has an HTML compiler
function considerLanguage(language) {
    if (language.getDefaultCompilerToLanguage("html")) {
        // Indirectly define MIME types via a language to make synchronization unnecessary
        // when adding MIME types to the language 

// Consider new or modified languages
$(LanguageManager).on("languageAdded languageModified", function (e, language) {

// Consider existing languages
Array.forEach(LanguageManager.getLanguages(), considerLanguage);

In this example, the client would handle updating the document itself. Behavior like this should however be triggered by Brackets in a central place to be extensible and possibly adjustable by the user. This requires the client definition to declare support for such operations in a structured manner.

Updating Live Preview

For live development on save, the client needs to allow reloading the document. It also needs to reveal that the saved file was requested by the document. This allows Brackets to reload the document if an included file is saved. For Chrome, the network agent handles this task by listening to the "Network.requestWillBeSent" event. We may however want to augment this with offline detection routines to detect server-side file inclusions (to reload index.php if shared.php is modified). Since those mechanisms can use arbitrary amounts of magic (i.e. autoloading or auto_prepend_file), supporting all or even most scenarios is unrealistic. Instead, we could introduce a standard for server-side scripts to announce a list of included files in the response header. The community could provide the necessary plugins for server-side languages. For PHP, the function get_included_files would provide an easy starting point.

For live development on change, the client needs to provide ways to directly inject the new content into the document. In Brackets, we need to be aware of such methods and use them instead of reloading the whole document. Extensions therefore need a way to register an updater. We currently provide this in a hard-coded way for CSS, and for HTML and JavaScript files if LiveDevelopment.config.experimental is true.

The following scenarios showcase what needs to change, using LESS as an example.

External Precompilation

In this scenario, the LESS file is converted to a static CSS file by an external tool. This tool might monitor the LESS file for changes, or the user could run it manually. The resulting static CSS file is delivered to the browser in the usual way. Therefore, it can also be updated like normal CSS files.

To support this, we would need to detect external changes to included CSS files even if the corresponding CSS file is not open in Brackets. Such an external change would then need to be treated like the user saving the file.

Updating on change is not possible in this scenario since the external tool only has access to the contents of the file through the file system.

Internal Precompilation

In this scenario, the LESS file is converted to a static CSS file by Brackets. The resulting static CSS file is delivered to the browser in the usual way. Therefore, it can also be updated like normal CSS files.

To support this, the user would need to be able to turn this behavior on, possibly for individual files only since LESS files can include other LESS files, and typically only the master file should be converted.

However, the BracketsLESS extension adds a menu entry to turn compilation on for all LESS files. Compilation occurs when the file is saved. Sadly, Brackets currently doesn't detect that the CSS file was changed, not even when switching to it from within Brackets after saving the LESS file. Switching to another application and back to Brackets will update the CSS file in the browser if at one point a Document object has been created for the CSS file (for instance by opening the CSS file within Brackets). There also is no straightforward way to create the file via the Document API in the first place. Even if the file already exists (and the Document object can therefore be created), there is no method to call since all writing is apparently done via editors (presumed to be user visible, which may be incorrect). Clearly, programmatic changes to documents need to be made easier. For now, saving the file manually and calling $(window).triggerHandler("focus"); is the most convenient way to make Brackets aware of the changed file so the preview is updated accordingly.

Ideally, this extension could simply open a Document object with the target path and replicate all changes of the LESS file to the CSS file. If the LESS file is changed, cssDoc.setText(cssCode) is called, and the live preview is updated as if the user had typed these changes into the CSS file manually. If the LESS file is saved, so is the CSS file, similarly with deleting the LESS file.

Client-side compilation

In this scenario, the browser includes less.js and references the LESS stylesheets in <link> tags with the MIME type "stylesheet/less". LESS finds these references and downloads the files with XMLHttpRequests. Consequently, the network agent regards the LESS files as requested, causing the HTML document to reload when the LESS document is saved.

For better live development support, Brackets would need to compile the LESS code to CSS and update the corresponding CSS code in the browser.

There are three critical components to this:

  • The compiler to convert LESS code into CSS code (could be requested via doc.getLanguage().getDefaultCompilerToLanguage("css"))
  • The updater to find the <link> tag that referenced the LESS file, determine the ID of the corresponding <style> tag, generate the CSS code (using the compiler), and change the contents of the <style> tag
  • The live development module to allow registering the updater, trigger it at the right time and avoid reloading the page if the updater was successful

Server-side compilation

In this scenario, the server compiles LESS code to CSS on the fly. There are various conceivable ways to implement this. The URLs for the file might look like this:

  • style.less - same file name, but transparently returns the CSS version
  • style.less?compile=true returns the CSS version while style.less will return the file as-is
  • style.less.css returns the CSS version
  • style.css returns the CSS version
  • compiled/style.less returns the CSS version
  • compiled/style.css returns the CSS version
  • compile.php?file=style.css returns the CSS version
  • all_styles.css - returns various styles combined into one file

If the file name is not modified (and even if a query string is appended to its URL), the network agent will already declare the file as requested. The network agent could detect usage of the two conventions that only modify the file extension by checking whether the file exists on the server. If not, it could conclude that the server generates derivatives of the current file for these URLs.

If the network agent also listens to the "responseReceived" event, it will be able to report the MIME type as well. We can then check whether there is a compiler for the current document's language (LESS) to a language that has the same MIME type as returned by the server. If so, we can update the file ourselves whenever it is changed in the same way normal CSS files are updated.

However, this might fail if the server compiler uses special settings, like a search path to use when including other LESS files in a LESS file. A safe compromise would be to only update the stylesheet after it has been saved: in this case, the compiled document can simply be requested by the server and we would only inject the result into the running page.

An alternative with other risks would be to transparently move the saved version to a backup location, silently save the changed version in the editor, request the compiled version from the server and restore the saved version from the backup. If either Brackets or the whole computer crash in the middle of that process, or a cloud storage service watches the directory, this approach could result in data loss.

Showing the context in Live Preview

Todo: describe what is necessary to make this extendable


Features we think should be able to be built as plug-ins

From the Extensibility Proposal (internal)

  • Access to code model
  • Quick open / go to symbol
  • Index files/code (background process)
  • Better code hinting for "supported" languages (e.g. for a particular framework)
  • JSLint tools
  • Inline editor providers (e.g. CSS gradient editor)
  • Language-specific search and replace (e.g. HTML tag search and replace)
  • Code cleanup / refactoring tools

LiveDevelopment considerations

  • What hooks would need to be added where to allow extension-based language support?
  • What behavior would need to be configurable by extensions?
    turning off auto-reload for LESS files, configuring CodeMirror
  • What deployment scenarios do we want to support?
    Dynamic client-side, dynamic server-side, static server-side?
  • Do we need to integrate with 3rd-party build tools?
    I.e. run ant/cake/... when changing a LESS file to initiate compliation to CSS
  • Do we need a specification to delegate compilation to an existing server?
    The server might use a compiler written in a language other than JS, or might use a JS compiler with specific options that can't be easily extracted
  • What can we support without impacting performance too much?
    Running a build tool for every character entered will not work
  • How should the user configure Brackets to support server-side compilation?
    What file needs to be compiled how when changed - setting for the entire project or a subdirectory? Exceptions for single files?
  • How do we deal with distributed files?
    LESS supports including other LESS files, so changes to these should trigger compilation of the master file
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